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File: 703 KB, 2500x1406, bitmain_941-e1502991601767[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6888491 No.6888491 [Reply] [Original]

Is anyone else in here concerned about "Bitmain"?

>Admits that Bitcoin is dead and should be replaced with Bitcoin cash
>Are the ones who created 95%+ of the hardware that actually currently mines bitcoin
> No accountability for their hardware because they sell it for Bitcoin Cash

Nobody has ever saw source code of the machines that are mining the Bitcoin and basically keeps up the whole network alive. And the source code is written by a chinese company who hates bitcoin and wants it dead.

It's not hard to connect the dots, is it?

For all we know, they can flip a switch at any moment and change the miners mining currency. Or perform any kind of attack on the whol network, because they actually control more than 50% of the network resources.

Explain it to me, where I'm wrong here? Because it looks to me that soon we might see some bad things happening.

>> No.6888797


Anyone else realise that most of the bitcoin miners are bought by people who do not know notthing about computer hardware or software what so ever?

>> No.6889285

China's not stupid, they would be pretty mad at Bitmain for pulling the rug out from Americans when they weren't fully on it yet. They're probably already under orders on pain of death to do something like what you're talking about. But not until the right time. When pensions are invested in bitcoin, when America trusts it, is the right time. I'd feel comfortable right up until everyone else is.

>> No.6889553

But why nobody else is talking about this? I've havent found a single article on this anywhere.

>> No.6889608


concerned, why?

bch is the way to go

>> No.6889758

what would happen?
western incels would put some nice riggs and earn their own money again.

fake chinese communits can go fuck themselves and shoulnd have no place in crypto anyway anymore.

>> No.6889921
File: 5 KB, 261x114, 19959477_471650213186015_7776893026736879860_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do understand, that you speak complete nonsense?

>> No.6890259


>> No.6890353

this, fighting fleets of mega whales with your poorboy bags is the stupidest thing ever

>> No.6890372

since that majority can be used for 51 attacks

>> No.6890550

fuck you

and thank you

>> No.6891036

Oh gosh, you haven't read any (((articles))) on it? What a surprise.

>> No.6891163

You tell it what to mine you fucking nutcase. You decide what code to run on it...

>> No.6891262

Yeah, that where you are wrong nigga.

You have the illusion that you can mine whatever you want, but in reality they can override that thing if they want to.

Related article:


>> No.6891299

you forgot Greg Maxwell finding a remote backdoor function

dragonmint and GMO miners cant come quick enough

>> No.6891476
File: 343 KB, 1280x720, 20171031_142829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmaoing at your life

>> No.6891563

Well OP if Bitmain really switches remotely to mine BTC cash everyone that uses them will be:

>What the fuck try to fix them and if they can't turn them off.

As for what will happen with BTC:

>BTC will auto change difficulty because a lot less hashes are mining it now. People will buy other companies miners or just go back to GPU mining as it will be possible to profit with it.

As for Bitamain:

>He will lose his business no one is gonna buy his miners. I guess he can continue to mine Bitcoin Cash with his personal miners.

If he switches back to BTC with his miners the whole network will see this because of insane difficulty increase, which could come only from him. This will discredit his BtC cash....

Over all its loss all around for him if he pulls this.

>> No.6891597
File: 53 KB, 1442x427, dumbass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's where you're wrong nigga