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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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688133 No.688133 [Reply] [Original]

No offence, but is biz filled with lower class people? How could anyone think that manual labour in an oil field / nursing / trades are worthwhile or a path to riches?

Also there's too much respect given to menial stuff on here. I don't have an opinion either way, but I do think its harmful to tell younger people that people will look on them admiringly when they see a CV with menial work / part time work during term time. I have it on my CV and my interviewers barely give a shit. They never bring it up.

Also it never ceases to amaze me when I see people on here say thy do business studies at podunk state. I only speak for myself but if I had two equal candidates but one did philosophy / history of art / psychology, and the other did business, I'd take the first. Although obviously majors don't mean much so I don't judge very much

Also this boards obsession with wall street quants is awful. They make less money than the business studies graduates who went in to investment banking division or sales and trading.

>> No.688141

>being surprised that the children that hang out on a persian handkerchief wiki are retards

>> No.688144

We're actually all billionaire CEOs, but it's fun to pretend.

>> No.688147

The majority of 4chan users are 15-24 years old. For this reason, you'll notice the same trend on every 4chan board.

Go to any hobby board, /fit/biz/k/o/diy/sci/fa/mu/toy/tg/v/g/adv/r9k/adv/asp/ck/, and you'll notice that everyone is young, uninformed, usually lonely. and don't have a lot of money or options with their lives.

People that post regularly on 4chan do so because they didn't have the "normie" childhood that allowed to them to spend money on hobbies and socialize.

This isn't even an insult, it's just how it is.

Calling people poorfags and retards is the exact opposite of what the hobby boards should be doing, but I guess it's more fun to be edgy and create ebin maymays than to educate the majority younger demographic.

>This board is shit because we have no wiki sticky and the posters treat the board like /b/ with money instead of helping teach.

>> No.688150

>This board is shit because we have no wiki sticky and the posters treat the board like /b/ with money instead of helping teach.
Agree with this. I would like to add that what makes it worse is that most of the ones that are actually "teaching" are not much more educated on the subject than the posters asking for help. They are either regurgitating something they heard thier econ professor say, or they think googling a topic for 5 minutes makes them a subject expert.

>> No.688152

>or they think googling a topic for 5 minutes makes them a subject expert
>implying it doesn't

>> No.688164

>not much more educated on the subject than the posters asking for help.

That's the nature of the beast with forums and imageboards

You're just not going to be seeing 25 year old self made millionaires and Wall Street financial gurus posting on macaroni glitter art forum.

The idea is that we help each other in a way that everyone helps make it, but most would rather just post dank memes

>> No.688170

The attention span of youths today is so limited that all you have to do is take a few buzzwords from thier post to find out which online article they plagiarized it from (hint: its going to be on the first page of a google search). While this doesn't necessarily negate thier opinion, it really wasn't really thier opinion or argument to begin with. News articles, blogs and business advertisements are mostly biased and misleading so you just pieced together an opinion from an already fragmented source.

>> No.688171


Holy shit OP you have verbalised the one thing I couldnt put my finger on since this board opened, I was so excited when I heard 4chan was opening a /biz/ board but its just so...plebian and small minded, its where you realise that most of the people on this website lived incredibly middle class lives and have an incredibly middle class outlook on life

>> No.688174


>actually successful business people aren't as entertaining as the guy in Wolf of Wall Street booohooo

What are you 12 years old?

>> No.688178

Literally no one here thinks those are the path to riches.

>> No.688193

How to get rich:
Work hard
Get lucky

>> No.688281

>confirmed for yuropoor Slav who got his investing education from a VHS copy of Trading Places

>> No.688285

>Also this boards obsession with wall street quants is awful. They make less money than the business studies graduates who went in to investment banking division or sales and trading.
Let's be real though: the average 4chan user's skill set is much more geared towards the former.

>> No.688303


what ? how is that even related to what I said ?

>> No.688308

>double confirmed

>> No.688309

nah. you earn coin with service or sales. either master a service you genuenly enjoy or build up a large inventory for selling products at a decent margin. i do the latter, which took years of working for nearly free, building up the business. i still at this point leave over half my income in the business to grow it.

the other part of how to get rich is only spend what you have. something no one in america can seem to do.

>> No.688354

This is the hardest shit right here. I just paid off my student loans just before turning 26, time to finally save up so I can invest and finally get shit rolling at 30...assuming I never get married, have a major accident, contract a major health issue, or, much worse, have kids.

>> No.688356

>Persian handkerchief wiki
Best I've seen so far.

>> No.688358

>assuming I never get married, have a major accident, contract a major health issue, or, much worse, have kids.

Hate to break it to you, but there's a high probability that all of those will happen at someone point

>> No.688363

I disagree. I get on here to give advice and occasionally I even learn something. It's a good place to have educated conversations with educated people who, for the most part, have similar interests.

Besides being slightly successful I'm totally unqualified to give anyone advice, but I've been told I'm good at it so I try to help as many people as I can. If something I say can help at least one person who wants to better themselves then I've done a good job. There may be a lot of poor people on here but that doesn't mean they want to stay that way. Posts like this may be representative of 4chan culture as a whole, but not /biz/.

You're a cunt.

>> No.688365


>> No.688372

It makes them more informed than the person asking the question.

Whether they can give super-detailed information on a topic or not, at least they're trying to contribute until someone more knowledgable comes along.

I'm no expert in anything, but I do know broad information about a number of topics. I know more than the average person would. What's wrong with sharing the knowledge you have?

Besides, one of the best ways to learn something is to teach it to someone else. If you spent more time helping others and less time complaining you could actual better yourself in the process.

>> No.688399
File: 48 KB, 590x318, 14fb263ceb63b77f9aae43383dc40ad4abf1bb7b752380360ccdfc6054d8a0d0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>path to riches

Most people here are realistic enough to realize they'll never be rich and just want a comfortable life, you sound like one of those "wealthcore" fags

Also people recommend trades because university has been a worthless dead end for millions of people

>> No.688407


Well, getting married and having kids is a major accident and you are getting parasites, so yes, depending on how you look at it, they all do happen on the same day.

>> No.688410

>How could anyone think that manual labour in an oil field / nursing / trades are worthwhile or a path to riches?
i waxed floors to pay for my bachelors in economics

>> No.688411
File: 12 KB, 316x202, tumblr_inline_nf6pt3fFhd1rv3s52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly this.

I could have had a positive net worth at 18 and spent 8 years in the business getting up to a decent salary, instead of spending 4 years spending tens of thousands to be allowed to do labor, 2 years at shit jobs, and 2 years finally getting decent money that paid off my debt.

>> No.688418
File: 7 KB, 251x201, ritf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.688422


Disagree with what?

Did you even read my post, or did you did you just want to shitpost dank memes?

You're the exact kind of person I was talking about.

>> No.688453

>People that post regularly on 4chan do so because they didn't have the "normie" childhood that allowed to them to spend money on hobbies and socialize.

This fukken stung. It described my past 8 years on imageboards to a T. I got a computer at 13-14 can't even remember, ran off of dialup, lived in what was probably THE poorest neighborhood(at least to me) in Houston next the the cemetery and a major tollway

Seeing all the different hobbies one could have as I browsed the internet blew my fucking mind. I was poor as shit, never went out to places, parents were working, neighbors were drug dealers, never had friends, wasn't allowed to go out. fuck was it so much to ask for just a friend i could talk to? once i found imageboards there was no going back and i lived through you fuckers.

then my parents have the balls to ask why i'm so antisocial years later. fuck. it's like >>688399 says. i'm pragmatic enough to realize i won't be rich. the odds are stacked but that doesn't mean i can't pull myself out of the misery that was my childhood. at least i'm doing world's better now.

>> No.688456

I nurse 3 days a week and have fulltime income and 4 days to work on my side business. Pretty low barrier to entry , guaranteed work and lower (to normal) middle class income.

also other than accounting what normal degrees these days have viable opportunity? I hear the markets glutted with lawyers

>> No.688464
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go fuck yourself. "slightly successful" "I've been told I'm good at it". get a load of this guy.

if you know the answer to a question, your qualified to answer it, otherwise don't. we don't need your resume for this dude.

>> No.688466

University is great if you have a passion you want to follow. I learned a lot in school.

Some people with good intentions have the idea that a degree somehow entitles them to a good job in the field of their choosing. IMO, if you get rid of that mentality and are realistic about careers, school is great.

>> No.688484

I think you confuse what shitposting is. He is entitled to have a differing opinion. In fact, I am sure that's going to happen a lot on this lithuanian polka-lover forum. I don't see anywhere that he posted "dank memes". Relax a little. You'll live longer.

>> No.688489


>How could anyone think that manual labour in an oil field / nursing / trades are worthwhile or a path to riches?

Its good return for little investment. If you're good at what you do and remotely intelligent there are hundreds of niche areas in trades to make really good money.

>Also there's too much respect given to menial stuff on here[...]I have it on my CV and my interviewers barely give a shit. They never bring it up.

No shit. It's the menial stuff that helped get you an interview. What? You thought by simply submitting a CV you get an interview by default? There's a screening and short-list process and that "menial stuff" was a small part of separating you from the other 200 applicants.

>> No.688540

Except the gen ed requirements make it kind of scammy to begin with

>> No.688705

When the majority of kids have been told a degree is a golden ticket to a good job for 20 years, you really wonder why so many people feel entitled?

>> No.688725

>No shit. It's the menial stuff that helped get you an interview. What? You thought by simply submitting a CV you get an interview by default? There's a screening and short-list process and that "menial stuff" was a small part of separating you from the other 200 applicants.

>imblying all good jobs aren't staffed via nepotism

>> No.688747

The board is filled with H.S. and college students who can't fathom having more bills or asperations in life than living in a dilapidated hole in the wall for 30 years and then living off of $20k per year in 2015 dollars for early retirement. They also can't fathom the effect of aging on the human body.

So when you view life through that lens, a career capping out at $40-50k/year in a physically demanding job looks damn good next to their buddies who are using their communications degrees to work for $10/hour at Starbucks.

>> No.688858

Why do you think the rich aren't handing out advice left and right, most ways to make money are niches that won't work if everyone did them.

>> No.688863

youths = black kids

people are better informed and more wary than they ever have been in human history, the opportunities to get in are what has run short. The economy is partially sewn up thanks to old people keeping everyone out and because of major globalistic changes.

I say this as someone who has made it but I realize I am very lucky.

>> No.688867

School is a worse deal now than it ever has been in the past. That's a fact.

>> No.688897
File: 86 KB, 450x310, 0023ae5d7fce0e750e5834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>work hard
>get lucky


>> No.688917

I've seen the resume threads.. the average user's skill set may lend him to a job that utilizes a shovel or other landscaping tool.

>> No.688925

Stating "that's a fact" on 4chan doesn't make your opinion a fact. University was a great investment for the money, for me and anybody else in my professional social circle. I got a degree in the E of STEM, a decent job, and most importantly of all - the skills to build whatever I can imagine. The imagination was always there, but I wasn't a 200 IQ genius to figure out the theory, protocols and algorithms entirely by myself. Uni gave me that little boost.

>> No.688948

>bring CV personally to apply to small startup
>startup has good bsns, lot's of people actually being busy
>boss thanks me for showing up (had no appointment, though), offers me to sit down while he checks my CV
>admires my 2 years abroad
>admires some shitty work practice at Bosch
>doesn't comment on my 1st place in a university wide robotics competition

I was quite surprised. Sometimes I think different people value different things.

Don't know how HR people think, though. As they are specifically trained for checking resumes and people, they probably follow a more predicable methodology.

>> No.688950

+ he didn't care at all for my GPA

Startups, man :^)

>> No.688990

I like /trv/, the average age there seems to be around 20-30 and as a a result, there's minimal shitposting and actually good information (+ it's very small)

>> No.689045

Because you could easily be lying about your academics on your CV, while it's a lot harder to make up a genuine story about working somewhere or spending two years abroad.

>> No.689995

It aint just black kids being fucked over. Buddy of mine decided he would let the va find him employment.

Hyped him up for a position in csx. Made him wait 4 months, then called him and said they couldnt hire him.

Because 4 retirees refused to quit. Fuckin good ole boys clubs fuck everyone over

>> No.690008


How are you doing better now? Do you have that rarest of 4chan achievements, an actual social life? (not that I have one myself)

>> No.690010


Exactly... all the generations after the baby boomers were fed that shit about 'get a college degree and you'll be fine' and now they're getting angry because the jobs simply aren't there like they were for their parents...

>> No.690015

I hardly ever see people giving out good advice on here. Granted there are a lot of "How do I get rich quick" threads. When I see threads that have to do with the market all I see are people shitting on other peoples returns and not wanting to give real advice mostly telling people they can't make a living off the market and to give up