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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6878298 No.6878298 [Reply] [Original]

Steem is going bananas.

It’s the main beneficiary of the ratings report, and you can see why, it has active user base. Very undervalued.

>> No.6878345

What it has is a very active trading bot base

>> No.6878360

Steem is the lowest market cap B by far, if you didn't buy some of this shit I don't know what to tell you. It's literally going to be top 10 within a week.

Well deserved too, Steem is actually used unlike the majority of shitcoins.

>> No.6878447


>> No.6878531

Its trash kek. Why the fuck do you even need a blockchain for this lmao

>> No.6878535

Nice response brainlet.

>> No.6878706

Holy fuck you guys are dumb. Decentralized publishing is one of the very few legitimate use cases that currently exist for the blockchain, and steem are the first movers in this area.

>> No.6879052

Shut up faggot steem is an amazing platform full of informative blogs written by enlightened gentlemen and women

>> No.6879313

the entire project is a STEEMing pile of shit

>> No.6879344

Honestly the fact that the whole catalog isn't plastered in STEEM threads right now shows just how fucking useless the average /biz/ poster is. They can FOMO in at $15 like they always do.

>> No.6879414

I know. Everyone is underestimating how big this news really is. Steem is going to take off in a big way

>> No.6879426

yeah sure. First time I was on the website there was an girl who just talked about making money with steem because she is a girl.
I don't support the end of society.

>> No.6879466

Nice just bought 100k

>> No.6879495

I keep thinking you guys can't get any fucking dumber and I'm repeatedly proven wrong.

>> No.6879658


steem is like a worse version of reddit where you get paid to try to act as normie as possible. it's the worst fucking idea ever

>> No.6879777

Don't buy it then. You'll be missing out on the biggest gainer this month,and all because you let your girly little emotions trump common sense.

>> No.6879800

Nice just sold 100k

>> No.6879824


cool enjoy getting dumped on after the weiss hype wears off tomorrow

>> No.6879941

lmao it hasn't even started. We won't even see the "What is Steem?" articles start popping up until tomorrow. Steem is the only coin outside the top 10 that got a B, this is a publicly available fact and isn't going to "wear off" anytime soon.

>> No.6879977

>Weiss (((ratings))) come out
>buy STEEM goyim

>> No.6880250


damn I better log onto my steem account and beg for attention before those articles come out tomorrow

>> No.6880312
