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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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68780 No.68780[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So over the past 2 years I've saved up around 17 grand

I've never had any motivations or aspirations in life. I have no idea what to do with this money.

It just sits in my bank.

Any ideas on what I could use it for? I'm open to anything.

>> No.68798

Give it to charity

>> No.68833

You can travel around the world for one year

>> No.68839

really man?

sounds like you need to take out a third of it and travel the world. then you'll have some aspirations.

>> No.68962

Give it to me.

>> No.68987

I hear that a lot.

Idk though...How long would you suggest I travel?

I work two shit jobs with no vacation time, so I prob cant take more than a couple weeks off without risking termination.

Plus I just don't know what I'd do with myself, travelling alone like that.

Meet people? I can't even do that at home.

My original image is very related.

>> No.69196

Don't be ridiculous. A small portion of my paycheck already goes to charity each week
What do I get in return?

>> No.69221

>Give it to me.
>What do I get in return?
I'm with this guy. Only I wouldn't say give it to me. I'd ask what you're willing to trade some of it for?

>> No.69263

Share portions of it with some of your needy fellow /biz/antines

Myself included

>> No.69338

90% of you are probably on welfare or make more money than me.

I'm just a loser who has nothing to spend his money on so I unintentionally hoard it.

I pretty much just pay my bills and buy food

and occasionally buy games on steam sales (that I never finish)

>> No.69348


lots of coke and psychedelics.

>> No.69352

The question becomes then, what do you want/need that you don't have now?

>> No.69358


but fuck 17k isnt even that much

>> No.69373

Drop one of the jobs and live a little.

>> No.69382
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Guess again, they won't let me have welfare, I can't get a job and I'm in debt.

No idea how I'm going to survive after I run out of money in 6 weeks.

>> No.69387
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buy dolls.

that's what i'd do, anyway.

>> No.69393
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Bump cause I'm in the exact same boat as op.

>> No.69391

start investing bro. Just go with low risk low reward stuff for now.

or bet the lot on futures. Pharmaceuticals or something like that.

>> No.69397

go to vegas and bet it all on black. Better odds than anything else. 50/50 chance of doubling your money in 10 seconds.

>> No.69431

I'd say keep saving it then. Perhaps get enough so that you get education/training and stop working two shit jobs.

>> No.69426
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Build a tiny house on a trailer and find a way to generate passive income. Go full NEET mode after that.

>> No.69447
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whoops high on ambien

>> No.69483


You must have something you enjoy doing? Find a way to make a living from it. For example, love video games? Become a writer or animator or programmer.

>> No.69979

>can't get a job
are you able bodied?

If so, yes you can.

If not, yes you can.

>> No.70582
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I'll pick up where others left off.

Travel is a good way to learn to meet people. You'll probably never stay in contact with 99% of them anyways.

Trust me-- you NEED to know how to meet people in your life, unless you intend on never leaving the same shitty place

Go to the city you're most interested in visiting (or the nearest one if you really don't care), stay in the local hostel for around $20/night, and do whatever the fuck you want. If that's going out with drinking or exploration-groups, or if that's spending 90% of your time still on 4chan and vidya, either is fine.

Experience life from a different perspective is the goal.

I kinda guarantee that even if you HATE the experience as it's happening (or when you get back to having to work again), you'll look back on it sometime and appreciate it.

Oh, one last thought-- don't blow it all on one trip (I recommend budgeting a few hundred bucks total, 1k max). Save the rest for investing, school, or future trips.

You'll thank me later (and maybe wish you'd done it sooner).

It's a big world, anon.

>> No.70626

Set up some kind of business to get even more money so you can always feel comfortable about money.

Additionally, Pay for sex with a 10/10 girl, a crossdressing trap, 2 underaged kids, a dog and a male and female horse and a transexual MTF pre-op orgy.

If you don't do this then the height of degeneracy has not been reached on this planet and there is still hope.

After this, embark on a world quest for a legit /d/ tier herm that is attractive.

>> No.70645

Put it into a 401k fund.

>> No.70691

>muh free market fixes everything

>> No.70790

That's quite the leap, son

>> No.70826
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>tfw 42k banked and want to put it towards school, but investments seem so tempting