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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 24 KB, 400x400, K94Cb2NT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6874019 No.6874019 [Reply] [Original]

Guys you think this Weiss rating that will occur 3 hours from now will impact the market significally ?

I´m tempted to convert some smaller positions I have in shitcoins to ETH, NEO or XLM, which are less likely to receive shitty ratings. Also would dump my LTC for those since there is no reason for it to be higher rated than ETH per example.

>> No.6874049

XLM will get A-, thats why it pre-pumps

>> No.6874074

yeah, it will probably pump it some. I'm doing that exact thing right now, moving some of my fucking potential moon bags for this pump rn. going in on XLM/NEO/XRP which i'm sure will get high ratings

>> No.6874143

Tfw in bed and don't have any buy/sell orders open

>> No.6874170

tfw in bed but cant sleep because must watch weiss ratings

>> No.6874174

>NEO gets one of the highest ratings
not happening lol

>> No.6874267

so its priced in ?

>> No.6874295

LMAO at people thinking any crypto will get above a C

ratings are for long term safe holdings of instruments with VALUE and FUNDAMENTALS

crypto has neither

XLM, ETH and XRP will get a D at best

the rest F

>> No.6874302

Rumor has already been bought, now watch them sell the news.

>> No.6874313

It amazes me that you are copypastaing my post from yesterday. Good job anon, keep up the good work

>> No.6874335

>XLM, ETH and XRP will get a D at best
>the rest F

Good enough for me. I have 80 ETH.

>> No.6874357

LMAO at you thinking any crypto will get above a C

ratings are for long term safe holdings of instruments with VALUE and FUNDAMENTALS

crypto has neither

XLM, ETH and XRP will get a D at best

the rest F

>> No.6874360
File: 37 KB, 184x184, file_295188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well than thank god XRP is not crypto, will score an A+ and normies will swarm the market buying this shit, right?

>> No.6874376 [DELETED] 
File: 989 KB, 250x138, fuck.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SHIT SHIT SHIT, my shitcoins are gonna be exposed for what they truly are, fuuuuccck!!!

>> No.6874381

I don't even want them to rate it. Only boomers care about this.

>> No.6874405

Looks like the Weiss rating leak for XLM at least is true, wall street and jews are pumping it right now because they already know.

>> No.6874408

It amazes me that you are copypastaing my post from yesterday. Good job anon, keep up the good work

>> No.6874409

This is the exact sentiment wall street already has.
From their perspective the black swan event is anything higher than that. If there is anything higher than that, we going skyward.

>> No.6874420

That and the roadmap which is supposed to be released tomorrow. I guess XLM goes +50-60% today.

>> No.6874436


This, crypto will probably be evaluated with the same metrics they use for traditional assets (stocks, gold, oil, houses, ...).

Due to the volatility of crypto, lack of implemented use cases, lack of maturity, lack of financial supervision/insurance, etc, crypto will probably get bad ratings.

Remember, this is not a ranking, noone says anything has to get A or B ratings. This is a financial review, probably using oldschool metrics.

>> No.6874468

Who here has several positions in shitcoins making up less than 5% of their portfolio and can't be bothered to sell them?

It just doesn't seem worth it to sell of this eng, req, MCO, bat, and sky.

>> No.6874521


>thinking that my post is a completely original thought that couldnt possibly come from anyone other than you

>thinking that this is not common knowledge

>accusing people of stealing shitposts

how bad is your life lmao

>> No.6874566

>Not recognizing copypasta when you see it
How new are you?
I bet you still think Millhouse is a meme.

>> No.6874619
File: 18 KB, 300x250, flat,1000x1000,075,f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Accepting the actual ratings from a company that rated AAA mortgages which caused the 2008 housing market collapse

>> No.6874624

It astounds me that you have copied my post from earlier today. Great job anon, keep up the good work!

>> No.6874643
File: 454 KB, 640x615, 1515517147643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It amazes me that you are copypastaing my post from yesterday. Good job anon, keep up the good work

>> No.6874657

Milhouse is not a meme it's a meme on itself desu

>> No.6874744

>Taking the bait
>He doesn't believe Millhouse is a meme
You're never going to make it in the meme economy, kiddo. Maybe you should move back in with your mother.

>> No.6874776

this dude gets it

>> No.6874795
File: 44 KB, 675x450, wolfditzer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Weiss Rating
Based out of Florida, SCAM!

>> No.6874862
File: 10 KB, 77x87, ba3b540120c7ce6f9b31c717487754dc_1_15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It amazes me that you are copypastaing my post from yesterday. Good job anon, keep up the good work

>> No.6874874


>> No.6874880

it doesn't matter
traders see this as a pump and dump opportunity, nothing more

>> No.6874896

they actually said they had a couple of As ro so in an interview

>> No.6874970


link the interview


>> No.6875006

Dump good alts like ENG and ICX for ETH and NEO?

>> No.6875025

its literally not hard to google it for 5 minutes you fucking retard jesus christ its funny how people like you try and act intelligent but really you're just a pool of literal dribble, you literally say your argument without knowing there's 100% factual evidence against it a 20 second google away. fucktard hang yourself

>> No.6875029

go find it yourself faggot

>> No.6875031

Normies got burned on xrp start of january, stellar could become the new normie coin.

>> No.6875046

it's true, gonna sell some of my stack and rebuy after the dump

>> No.6875097


you crypto fags are all the same.

claim: X coin is partnered with the Korean Government!!

"link pls"

retard: google it lmao. fine i'll get it for you...

"hello wheres that source?"

retard: here u go (some guy on reddit's blog post)


>> No.6875132

ETH will get best rating of them all
screencap this

>> No.6875158
File: 298 KB, 438x471, interesting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you nigger fags are all the same. you beg for people to do the work for you. stay poor nigger hold my bags. i showed your comment to my dog and we both had a nice chuckle at your low iq

>> No.6875211

To get burned with ripple you have to be a complete retard, and there is no salvation for such people.
2 months ago it was 0.25 USD, so, even after the massive fuckfest than had place in the past two weeks, you will still be 6x the initial investment.

>> No.6875239

Hell, even if you bought exactly one month ago when it was already over 1 USD you will still be in positive by a solid 30%.

>> No.6875244

No, dump all those shit coins for xlm. Duh.

>> No.6875253

pro tip: if they say "Google it yourself" and you literally can't find it because it doesn't exist, they can just reply with "ur too dumb to find it"

>> No.6875486



>> No.6875523

>btc B-

>> No.6875533


>> No.6875554

Big if tru

>> No.6875567

Neo is already pumping.

>> No.6875579

true if right

>> No.6875583

Stellar fanboy rating lmao hahahaha

>> No.6875597

Just no. This is 100% false. Everyone can make a list and put it on steemit. There was already confirmation that multiple cryptos got an A. This has only 2 cryptos getting an A-

>> No.6875615

dumping now

>> No.6875644

wew ok

>> No.6875657

These ratings are meaningless. /biz/ knows more about these coins than some institutional dullards. All this is is an attempt to get people buying into this bullshit and all these threads are paid shills to create hype over it. Fuck off!

OMG, it got leaked, maybe? What got leaked? Some retards opinion? Exactly. It is pathetic.

>> No.6875670

someone posts a fake list on steemit and certain coins pump 10%. That's the absolute state of the market.

>> No.6875686

just because they are meaningless, doesnt mean normies will think its the word of god. Just look at the bible or tulmud.

>> No.6875708

Well if it is false, then these pumps will turn into dumps.

>> No.6875711

Get on the XLM train before Thursday, you've been warned.

>> No.6875720


>> No.6875724

>/biz/ knows more about these coins than some institutional dullards.


90% of the people on this board holding crypto can't tell you what a Private Ledger is

>> No.6875727

Judging from the pumps XLM and NEO will get great ratings kek

>> No.6875756

you can even tell that it's fake, because the list doesn't contain TRON, but Weiss announced that they'll rate TRON.

>> No.6875761


there, close to ending he says there are some A's

>> No.6875772

Fuck's sake crypto community has the most gullible pieces of shit

>> No.6875802

protip: search it up yourself you lazy fuck, I do not want to waste my time to convince you of X. Because ya know, people don't give a fuck about you

>> No.6875848
File: 69 KB, 501x585, happy merchant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who waiting for the pump here?

>> No.6875919

in b4 VEN and ETH are the only As on the list.

>> No.6876203


to be fair im a chad you guys are the virgins. flip my burgers and google shit for me ty

anyway I found the interview you guys were talking about - He doesn't confirm A's at all you sub 100 iq rats. He says there could possibly be As however due to makret volatility they may be downgraded. You'll have to see on jan 24th if there are A's

so you're talking shit, you're dumb as fuck and you watch japanese virgin cartoons.

enjoy the ratings.
So yes you do talk a load of shit.

>> No.6876289

It amazes me that you are copypastaing my post from yesterday. Good job anon, keep up the good work

>> No.6876314

T-minus 30min, get those buys ready boys.

>> No.6876335

you're not a chad, you're a loser wasting his life on 4chan like everyone else

>> No.6876352

>Not buying before the pump
Stay poor my friends

>> No.6876362

the site is being ddosed

>> No.6876367


>crypto fanboys crashed the Weiss website

>> No.6876382

>to be fair im a chad you guys are the virgins. flip my burgers and google shit for me ty
Chad is not on 4chan kek, you're some looser larping neet at best.

>> No.6876414

Fucking kek waiting this entire time just to get cucked by cryptonerds spamming F5

>> No.6876421

The site fucking crashed.
Are we supposed to trust these people's opinion on a high tech market?

>> No.6876438

In before you pick the wrong coin and get just'ed in seconds.

>> No.6876455

of course not

>> No.6876476

> wants to give out rating of hightech cryptocurrencies
> can't even handle traffic

kek, why should I trust them

>> No.6876489


Because "prestige"

>> No.6876490

Insider here, buy BTC ETH VEN XRB NEO XLM ENG

>> No.6876526



>> No.6876547

thank you i all in

>> No.6876623

>Not being smart enough to know which coins are good
Yeah, you'll never make it.

>> No.6876642

>Basically my portfolio except for Neo because VEN has more growth potential.


>> No.6876714

>diversifying that much
It's like you only want a portfolio that manage 8% gains.

>> No.6876799

Most likely a DDOS attack to shill random coins. Don'y buy shit until the OFFICIAL website is back up again or get JUST'd.

>> No.6876899

You can add your email to the mailing list here

>> No.6877006

Site getting hammered. WTF. Stayed up for this?

>> No.6877040

Definitely just crashed

>> No.6877076

Weiss Ratings Issues First-Ever Rating Agency Grades on 74 Cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin Gets C+ (“Fair”). Ethereum Is B (“Good”).
PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL — Weiss Ratings, the nation’s leading independent rating agency of financial institutions, releases today the nation’s first-ever grades on cryptocurrencies by a financial rating agency. Weiss gives Bitcoin a C+ (meaning “fair”) and Ethereum a B (“good”). None of the cryptocurrencies covered currently get a grade of A (“excellent”). In total Weiss currently covers 74 cryptocurrencies.

A grade of A or B can also be interpreted as the investment rating equivalent of “buy.” At the same time, investors should not be overly alarmed by a C rating. It is a passing grade, and for investors, implies the equivalent of “hold.” Grades of D” and E” are the equivalent of “sell.” However, investment decisions should not be made solely based on ratings. They are meant as a tool in the context of a broader risk management strategy.

>> No.6877142

Anyone have full list?

>> No.6877145


>> No.6877162


>> No.6877182

Not buying your bullshit.

>> No.6877212

lmfao what a joke

>> No.6877219



>> No.6877228

Is that a joke? Wtf i expected a 30 list

>> No.6877231


>> No.6877263


>> No.6877270

read the site you fuckstain


>> No.6877278

Somebody needs to get the other ratings, this is just the PR

>> No.6877299

This just goes to show that we're still in the "early adopters" phase of crypto, so it's good news for us autists. We have more time until the true normies flood the market.

>> No.6877301

>Outperforms Bitcoin. Investors buying only Weiss’ top-rated coins in 2017 could have seen significantly greater gains than investors buying Bitcoin alone.
ahahhahahahahhahaha lol
Even Confido outperformed Bitcoin during December

>> No.6877304


>> No.6877305

go to the website

>> No.6877306

Nice of those kikes to mention just now that the full list is not free but pay to view...
Anyone have it yet?

>> No.6877330

Do you know when the full list come out?

>> No.6877334
File: 197 KB, 1000x1000, e7a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>please buy our exclusive ratings
Can someone take a hit and be a good goy for us?

>> No.6877338

can i pay in bitcoin to get the list ?

>> No.6877357

>pay for the list
I'll drop 20 dogecoins.

>> No.6877361

>To purchase the full list
do it

>> No.6877375

lol weiss ratings has ZERO effect on the crypto market

>> No.6877377

it's out bro, you just have to pay them for it. shits farked

>> No.6877386

List is meaningless seeing as normies aren't going to ever pay for it or see it.

>> No.6877400

>The regular cost of a one-year subscription to Weiss Cryptocurrency Ratings is $936. However, as an early visitor to our just launched website, you are entitled to a 50% discount, bringing your cost down to $468 per year.
Im not spending a dime on these jews.

>> No.6877415

Fuck, now biz Will be flooded with fake lists

>> No.6877417


>> No.6877421

>The regular cost of a one-year subscription to Weiss Cryptocurrency Ratings is $936. However, as an early visitor to our just launched website, you are entitled to a 50% discount, bringing your cost down to $468 per year
Nah, fuck that shit

>> No.6877427


>> No.6877433

They will see it because somebody will dump it here or on reddit`

>> No.6877445

These guys trying to be the 0 effort, abc grading palm beach confidential

>> No.6877451
File: 50 KB, 1255x629, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>th-the list is meaningless I didn't want it anyway

Then what the fuck is this, you dumb nigger?

>> No.6877472
File: 103 KB, 1200x750, crypto_bags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6877491
File: 247 KB, 500x591, 18b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> tfw you hold A+++ LINK
Commencing countdown, engines on...

>> No.6877501

2% rise on low volume wow

>> No.6877529

Eth wasnt behind a $1000 paywall you spastic.

>> No.6877543

I know, and the way they've formatted it already looks scammy/homejob

pajeets gonna be pooing for days

>> No.6877630
File: 30 KB, 500x336, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6877662



>> No.6877695
File: 33 KB, 598x565, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck you mean you piece of shit the site is still fucking down

>> No.6877783

Chinks, Gooks and pretty much the whole non-American world won't care about this shitty list

They just buy whatever they want. they don't even care about the coins themselves

>> No.6877787

On mobile. Can I have link pls

>> No.6877803


>> No.6877811


>> No.6877914

I thought steem shill was only on fake shit?

>> No.6877915

>grading a high-tech market
>can't keep their website running
>can't lock a pdf behind a paywall

>> No.6877917

Good old "leaks" claiming A+ kek

>> No.6877999

Where the fuck is iota

>> No.6878012

So old looking, half of these are pure shit

>> No.6878028


>> No.6878400

we should make our list. this guys are fuking retardeds. with all the respect to retarded people. but this guys are retarded because they want, not because they born that way.

>> No.6878469

why is IOST not in the list

>> No.6878536

Lol. Weiss raters confirmed retarded asspullers with no clue that just wants to sell more subscriptions.

>> No.6879347

Upvoted, let’s make our list reddit

>> No.6879454

>to purchase the full list