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6869559 No.6869559 [Reply] [Original]

You know the drill. Post tips, your crypto bride's qualities, country where you intend procure your bride.

Also post pitfalls and what to to watch out for, etc.

>> No.6869578

you can really smell the grease in these threads

>> No.6869579

>tfw you realize privacy coins are going to make prostitution so much easier than it was

>> No.6869585

I just want one indication of interest first

>> No.6869635
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Until sexbots are common and practical, these overseas brides are the next best thing. Living breathing self-cleaning cock sleeves and sandwich makers.

>> No.6869641


>> No.6869666

you will never be loved

>> No.6869669

So you're one of those trash-tier whites that ends up generating the next generation of Elliot Rodgers.

>> No.6869683
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OP dies alone. Satan confirms.

>> No.6869707

I find that girls chest kind of disgusting.

>> No.6869712
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i havent given up on finding an asian girlfriend on campus yet. i was told i need to act more happy in my free time, so i seem more confident around people

>> No.6869714

Polish and eastern EU brides ok too.

Avoid brown or dark skin chicks are you're golden.

Unless you want to be embarrassed when you walk into a fancy place, avoid these: Indians, Malays, Filipinos, Viets, and of course niggers. S Koreans are also undesirable.

>> No.6869737

ya basically that. be happy, smile, even if somebody says/does something retarded try to keep the positive energy up. mood is infectious. if you're happy the people around you will be happier, and they'll start to enjoy being around you. it actually makes a huge difference.

>> No.6869858

Y South Koreans?
>genuine interest

>> No.6869955
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The last one of these was legitimately one of the funniest threads I've read in well over a decade of lurking.

Reply to this post with a brief description of your ideal gf or your coins will drop hard in your sleep tonight.

Remember that we are on /biz/ and you should be able to justify your choices with solid references to investment and return calculations.

>> No.6870017

They're super high maintenance and quite nasty. Unless you're a billionaire and giving them $100k monthly allowances, she will despise you.

Plus all those k pop girls? Fake plastics. Also, Korean families and people are soulless and arrogant, bad combo.

>> No.6870019

Hnng I love those veins.

>> No.6870035
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>> No.6870049

Silly, a bit naive, funny and cute face.

>> No.6870078
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>Falling for the women meme

>> No.6870080

>asian or asian looking
>good mix of eastern and western values
>not raised in the west (because to risk of potential sjw hive mind infection)
>can formulate coherent thoughts
>can hold a conversation
>freak in the sheets

>> No.6870104

No one is falling for nobody. Looking for companionship and live in maid/exclusive prostitute.

>> No.6870250
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>> No.6870284

How do I get this? Just live in Thailand?

>> No.6870310

Didn't you read my tips above on what to avoid?

Avoid jungle Asians you dweeb.

>> No.6870837

>Unless you want to be embarrassed when you walk into a fancy place

Why the fuck would you care?

>> No.6870866

Social capital is far more potent than economic capital. That's why Old Money has all the power and New Money disappears after a single generation.

>> No.6870943

Old money can eat a dick.

I'm going to donate my sperm to dozens of clinics around the country to ensure evolutionary success, then peace out to my vast tracts of land in the middle of nowhere to raise a huge family with my scandinavian waifu.

>> No.6871009

Lol good luck faggot. Sperm donor candidates are very highly selectively chosen. If you're posting here odds are you're definitely not going to fit all the genetic ubermensch requirements to get paid to fap.

>> No.6871017

Same reason some of us want a new German car instead of a used civic.

Same reason I want a nice house instead of renting im a condo filled with niggers and spics.

You move up in society, your arm candy is proof you made it.

Brown arm candy: you're stupid or not making it.


>> No.6871151

Ya ok psycho. You are low social capital.

>> No.6871232

>The last one of these was legitimately one of the funniest threads I've read in well over a decade of lurking.
Decade of lurking, and you've never seen NEETs discuss brides? Threads are always the same shit

>> No.6871257

opinion on thai and russian?

>> No.6871317

If you're white you better not get an asian crypto bride.

No matter how well you do everyone will be laughing behind your back. Just look at zuckerberg

dont be a meme

>> No.6871350
File: 366 KB, 624x383, Don-Iveson-and-Sarah-Chan-Edmonton-Mayor-Election-624x383[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My town's mayor and his wife...

>> No.6871388
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I just don't get it.

>> No.6871414

I like Thais. Studied abroad with some in Bangkok they were very high class

>> No.6871444

You can just tell she gives insanely sloppy gobbies

>> No.6871461

Russians are great. Thais I'd avoid, simply because many thai chicks are part time prostitutes, kinda like Brazilians.

>> No.6871471

Guy has a horse fetish. Don't judge

>> No.6871489

how does this happen guys tall, reasonably attractive successful white man, why is he married to an ugly midget filipino woman with the body of an 11 year old boy? this makes zero sense in any reality

>> No.6871491

good example

just dont do it.

even if she is hot. your tastes are probably too bad that she'll only look hot to you and this is what everyone else sees instead

>> No.6871524

what a fucking waste

and these ugly gooks think they're hot shit too

>> No.6871616

Many Caucasians are Asian-blind.

Don't be one of them.

>> No.6871808


>Don't be one of them.
Nah, I'm nigg.

>> No.6871910

Stick with your own race.

>> No.6872418


They are qt together, where the fuck is the problem?

>> No.6872467
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Irritates those with aesthetic sensibilities.

>> No.6872480
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Gee, I wonder why this dude doesn't get laid.

>> No.6872505

I got fuck buddies in Shanghai Tokyo HK Singapore no Larping

>> No.6872601

S koreans - expensive on the way in, more expensive on the way out.

Don’t let the great sex and amazing loving attitude distract you anon, she is just being polite.

>> No.6872684

My second gf is a new immigrant S Korean, my best friend's wife is from Seoul.

I'm so fucking glad I saw through those implants, dodged a billet.

My best friend however, he's stuck. She now smokes, drink soju with her gang and demands new car every year. Plus visiting Seoul for 3-6 months a year, she also refuses to work.

You want k-pop? You pay.

>> No.6872759

your town's mayor is a pedo, what's there not to get? He's just not dumb enough to actually pull an anthony wiener

>> No.6872863


Elliot Rodger's father was a Jew. The cornerstone of all your beliefs about WMAF was a JMAF.

Consider that you have developed your entire world view based on how edgy the memes are that deliver the view to you. Facts never enter the equation. You never stopped to consider whether all your faulty beliefs about WMAF were feverishly pushed by literally only one anon called EurasianTiger, and his persistence over the years created the illusion of popular belief which you fell for because you're a mouthbreathing retard.

These are the facts: White people will go extinct, and all that will remain are the genius true hapa master race (legitimate WMAF) vs the Jew's useful idiot army of brown people. These are the ONLY two options for your descendants' bloodline. Pick a side.

>> No.6872865


I have better taste in literally anything than anyone on this board. I AM the tastemaker

>> No.6872900

Post some examples then.

>> No.6872953

most insecure wojak in the room everyone

most niggas here wanna have fuck-you money when they make it this guy still gonna run around fussing about others when he doesnt need to anymore lol

>> No.6872975

so jews are not white? Im confused

>> No.6873034

Jews are middle eastern origin.

>> No.6873115

i'm not sure, i think he might be right

>> No.6873236

please lurk for 2 years before posting again.

>> No.6873247

semites and europeans are not the same, so no jews aren't "white", even if they do have pale skin, a lot of jews do have a lot of white genes since they were all over europe for thousands of years and naturally have mixed at least a little, that's why you have jews with blond hair and blue eyes and so on

>> No.6873271
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>buying a wife

>> No.6873428

Try not paying mortgage home expenses and buying your wife gifts for a few years and see what happens.

>> No.6873459

whats wong with north vietnamese women?

>> No.6873504

one of the few times i've honestly felt sad reading someones posts on 4chan. hope you get better anon

>> No.6873545

Their language and their perpetual smell of rotting fish.

Go sit with a group of Vietnamese and hear them yap for a few minutes. And imagine hearing that every Christmas or major family gatherings.

>> No.6873588

These threads are /r9k/ tier. You'll never make it so you make up a world where YOU can choose any girl you want and tell yourselves that next year it's gonna happen. Yeah... next year..

>> No.6873760
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Anyway I don't intend to marry just fuck around

>> No.6873778

Are you suggesting that ¡JEB! is stupid or not making it?

>> No.6873827
File: 906 KB, 1200x630, !.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you talking shit buddy?

>> No.6873852

>wanting asain grills
lmao they are even more annoying than white women

>> No.6873875

Lol, in all seriousness I think Jeb is a real life man child. The fucker probably was a virgin and he's most likely never fuck another woman other than his wife. All the money power status and even physical advantage in the world, he squandered it all, it's painful to think about.

>> No.6874080

Disgusting chinks, you can clearly see the inminent fall of the western society with all these yellow fever faggots. Remember biz, fucking chinks is bestiality.

>> No.6874685

White people generally don't notice subtle differences, that's why many of them think all asians look the same.

Ugly Asian chicks take advantage of that.

>> No.6874836

got a qtgook gf a few months ago, how bad did I fuck up? its been fine so far, she keeps things clean, cooks with me, won't get off my dick and reads korean cryptonews for me
>inb4 sharing cryptogains with a woman
I told her I lost a lot, and she just told me to be careful next time and then made me breakfast
>tfw actually up 10k

>> No.6875123

>Old Money
HAHAHA like anybody here gives 0.00000002 shits about their approval. Do you even crypto, bro?

>> No.6875360

yeah marriage really is for cucks, glad i backed out of my engagement and dumped my entitled ex fiance

>> No.6875459

Old money is much more likely to respect a person who isn't afraid of his wants and needs than a pathetic suck-up.

They have those in spades.

>> No.6876401

Cute but in a kinda ugly way, buff, high energy/enthusiastic about everything, a little clingy, not a complete idiot, tits like watermelons.

>> No.6876558

>not understanding the humour and irony of these threads

You faggots should really go back to Plebbit.

>> No.6876613

I'm going for a Russian myself. A girl that looks like galina dubeneko or viki odintcova.

>> No.6876702
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>procure your bride
No, you dumbass stupid virgin. They're free. You just need to have half a brain to get one.

>> No.6877238

Is it ok that my ideal gf is a Jewish interpretive dancer?