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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6866693 No.6866693 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that /biz/ doesn't deserve this.


>> No.6866923

Just watched an interview on Electrify Asia where they talked about OMG

@26:45 "I dare say this - everyone is going to be seriously surprised at what OMG is going to be capable of. We were gobsmacked"


>> No.6866944

>tfw only 1000 OMG

>> No.6867080

Staking pool is it then

>> No.6867185

250 :(

>> No.6867206

0 :(

>> No.6867542

am i gonna stake it with 4000 omg?

>> No.6867897

Can someone tells me what this coin does? I have asked so many times and no one will explain it and I don't understand when I try to read about it.

I'm holding 500 of them and I literally have no idea other than some big Asian company is making it so that means a lot of people are gonna use it (for what idk)

>> No.6869007


Its our time bros

>> No.6869086

Checking in.

>> No.6869103

I want to be a Validator. How much do you think I'll need?

>> No.6869110
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>> No.6869135

Fuck you're going to be fuck you rich.

>> No.6869149

Jesus Christ. Only got a hundred, I will make it.

>> No.6869153

W-Wanna pool?

>> No.6869192
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I have 450, and I am not going to make it.
But we can pool them so we can scrap some change

>> No.6869260


I tried to figure it out also. Its some sort of fintech platform afaik. Nobody can fucking explain it.

>> No.6869282

nice, why all in?

>> No.6869284


1200 OMG's would make you a top 1% holder, tha'ts gotta be fucking enough.

>> No.6869347

Above 100 is enough, you'll see.

>> No.6869373

I bought some a few months ago and could only afford 3. Wish I couldve gotten in sooner, but any gains I make I'll be super stoked with. Researched the shit out of the top 100 coins and decided this was the best place to put my $100 for my long term hold.

>> No.6869383

But don't forget /biz/doesn't deserve OMG.

>> No.6869406


Stop posting please. Nobody gives a fuck about your lunch money.

>> No.6869438

The fundamentals of this thing couldn't be better so I bought 120 like a month ago.

It still hasn't done anything since then but I'm hopeful.

>> No.6869470
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he might have less money than you, but at least he's smart enough to do his own research and figure out how to know where to put it.

>> No.6869473

jesus christ this coin is going to make me fucking disgustingly rich.

>> No.6869629

I have ~1400 OMG and I plan to join a pool.

How will this work? Will I have to transfer my tokens to the pool operator, or will I be able to keep control of my tokens?

>> No.6869709

I'd have to go all in to get 1200. Not sure if my balls are big enough.

>> No.6869732

I'm also curious about this. Seems like pools are a great way to get ripped off.

>> No.6869749


Im pretty sure youre not going to need a pool.

1400 is within the 1%.

>> No.6869759

1% isn't confirmed is it?

>> No.6869763

thanks anon.. i wasnt asking for a handout or trying to antagonize anyone..

anyway, is vitalik okay? he needs to eat something..

>> No.6869775

Last chance /biz/ get your OMG and get comfy or die in the cold. You faggots were warned so many times but all you care about is shitty skateboard memes.

>> No.6869791


No, but 1% is less than 5600 adresses at the moment.

Eth has 30k nodes or so, BTC about 10k.

It should be closer to ETH because of the total amount of coins is closer to ETH.

>> No.6869795

I'm still hoping for sub-$10 to triple my stack.

>> No.6869816


>> No.6869835

But for the initial staking of whatever they are calling their shit before Plasma probably will be just a limited network, no?

>> No.6869910


Yeah I guess so, the validator node amount could be bigger once Plasma comes out.

But, the price of OMG token should also be much higher at that time, so 1k omgs might be worth over 100 000k and not too many people can afford that at that time.

>> No.6869918

What kind of returns are you guys expecting from staking? Will just selling tokens once they are in demand be a simpler way to make it?

>> No.6869932

Good point.

>> No.6869935


100 000 usd*

>> No.6870177

>What kind of returns are you guys expecting from staking?
Enough to live off of.

>> No.6870264

realistically, what will 33omg get me at the eoy and what will get me if I staked it the next 10 years?

>> No.6870367

Fuck me it's mooning. I'm never going to be able to triple my stack.

>> No.6870430

Nobody realistically knows, you can only dream.

>> No.6870440
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bumping this shit

>> No.6870468

about $300 per share

>> No.6870470
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I’ve been all in since July(?), when /biz/ originally got into the coin. The OMG hype here died after the huge crash (it dropped from 310k sats all the way down to 50k~), but the team has been making real progress and the community is growing. No way it doesn’t explode in 2018; very comfy hold (although boring at times.)

>> No.6870494

Holding 75 currently. slowly increasing my stack through some pretty reliable dips.

How many do i need to make it, /Biz/?

Realistic Q4 2018 predictions?

>> No.6870545

Ive been balls deep since august. Considering going even more balls deep, have a feeling we'll never see these levels again

>> No.6870600

Yeah I think the cat is out of the bag now. Next mini dip I'm selling my shit coins for more.

>> No.6870603


>> No.6870620

200-300 $

>> No.6870704


/biz/ was the one that got me into OMG. Just need all of our old friends that dumped during the crash to come back (if they didn’t lose everything investing in random shit, that is.)

>> No.6870706

Imagine being able to instantaneously buy a coffee with your frequent flyer miles.

Imagine purchasing a car with shopping rewards points.

Picture instantaneously, at no extra charge, exchanging your currency into any kind of asset (usd to euro, euro to bitcoin, bitcoin to frequent flyer miles) and sending it internationally in an instant.

That's the gist of what OMG will do.

>> No.6870792

so... $5K eoy

>> No.6870805

lol regulators would never allow that. No one would ever pay taxes again.

>> No.6870822
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100 k eoy

>> No.6870895

they can't stop it. that's the whole point of blockchains. if you didn't know that, you haven't been paying attention.

>> No.6871050

Theyve had discussions with thai central bank about omisego. They also received an award from thai government.

>No one would ever pay taxes again
Government will just put a gst on everything

>> No.6871054

The best part is that they're building it as an open-source SDK, which means other developers can do cool shit with it.

Hypothetically, a company like Stripe could easily reduce their transaction fees by opting to use the Omise-Go blockchain through the SDK.

>> No.6871089

which is exactly why req needs privacy. then GST can fuck off, and we'll finally be free.

>> No.6871113

350 OMG here, will i make it ? ;( should have gone all in on this earlier

>> No.6871142


And it's white label, so even though you're using Stripe no one knows it goes through OMG's network. That's one great part of it.

>> No.6871152

i've been thinking of going all in on omg for so long now.. it's got so much room to grow and i love the team etc... what are we thinking EOY? i could throw 20k into this right now

>> No.6871161

0 :)

>> No.6871171

So it makes currencies obsolete?

>> No.6871215

Exactly. If OMG pulls this off, it's probably going to be the first "killer app" built on blockchain imo

>> No.6871508

+ a DEX

>> No.6871643

its the only killer app built on blockchain, sleep on this coin at your own peril.

>> No.6871815

Hey guys. I am thinking about putting a serious amount of money in omg. I am already holding a huge amount since last year. thing is. the money I would put in now, I would seriously miss it... it's not a loan or anything... but it's my personal life goes to ashes insurance money... should I put in OMG. I've done my research and I have never been as convinced about an investement as I am about Omg, it's more a psychological question. I am just to afraid.

>> No.6871878


bra i'm considering dumping 20k into it right now.. i'm in the same boat as you in terms of believing in this shit.. i just know it's going to explode but i'm such a pussy

>> No.6871893

Trust your gut, this is the one.

>> No.6871920

If you're OK for a 2 years min hold go for it. Otherwise don't.

>> No.6871928

I feel you, as Im debating going more balls deep myself. Im as sure as one can be in this ecosystem. But I know there would be sleepless nights and worry if I owned too much. Constant thinking «should I sell or hodl» for years? So perhaps my 516 OMG is enough for me. Id never go in with more than I could afford to lose. At the same time, its a once in a lifetime opportunity - if theres any time one could do it its now imo

>> No.6871945


i'm just trying to wrap my head around whether holding 20 ETH is going to be worth more than holding 1500 OMG.. it's obviously OMG right?

>> No.6871949

OmiseGO mentioned. The ball is starting to roll

>> No.6871967

Well imo yes. Eth is still great to hold though

>> No.6871997


yeah i suppose i should hold both.. my dream is for FUN to hit a dollar and I can dump my 25k profit into OMG on that day

>> No.6872031

OMG is ramping up PR - when the rocket begins it wont be stopped

>> No.6872051


why should OMG be here if XLM already is?

>> No.6872052


Thanks a lot. helped me making up my mind. I'll start to accumulate in small chunks and if I am too late at a certain point it's bad luck, but at least I didn't loose everything. Thanks!

>> No.6872056

Have these marketing cunts hired any devs yet?

>> No.6872267


>> No.6872742

Cant believe one can get OMG at these low prices still.

>> No.6873378

That Palm Beach faggot said this can go between 300$-700$.
Others say this won't reach 100$.
Which one is it /biz/? Will be hitting 100$ EOY?

>> No.6873543

Nah....not gonna invest in OMG now, too high MC. Also, REQ is gonna do the same pump once mainnet launches.

>> No.6873582

It's hitting $1000+

Stay poor

>> No.6873598

This shitcoin has never done anything but lose me money. Why should I buy it.

>> No.6873644


don't buy at the top you moron..

>> No.6873649

You shouldn't.

Because we don't need fucking brainlets on the internet of money

>> No.6873661

just bought another 100 of these bad boys.. i can smell the profits

>> No.6873680

Lol butthurt faggot
The name of this shitcoin is so fucking stupid. It’s like something a 13 year old girl would come up with. Just kys.

>> No.6873725

had 450 and sold at a loss last year
now frantically trying to get back in
just shoot me please

>> No.6873731


judging coin on a name and not the vast amounts of evidence it's likely to change the fucking world are we? god ur dense

>> No.6873773

>vast amounts of evidence

>> No.6873800


It’s the name of the parent company coupled with the China’s oldest board game you uneducated swine

>> No.6873832
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Is Jun taking us to the X-Games?


I just found this, he's fucking dope on the board.

>> No.6873842


shill me your coin then faggot

>> No.6873847

10k is the usual.

>> No.6873856

>516 OMG
That’s about what I’ve got anon. We’ll make it together.

>> No.6873916


fuckin' all in

>> No.6873934


There are 3 options, you are

a) a pajeet
b) a 12-year old
or c) a nigger

Just shoo, go inves't in highschoolprojects like REQ, grownup caucasians are talking here.

>> No.6873958

Yeah ok faggot. I’m whiter than you and older than you.

Here’s a tip kiddo, invest in projects with actual working products instead of bullshit with flowery promises.

>> No.6873965



>> No.6873982
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>> No.6874004
File: 176 KB, 1200x900, Wormhole_travel_as_envisioned_by_Jun_Hasegawa_for_OmiseGo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's taking us to the new frontier.

>> No.6874008


>> No.6874027

>actual working products
I love this meme.

Enjoy your "working product" that is literal vaporware pushed through production just to pump a shitcoin to idiots like you

You COULD HAVE studied the technology in general, the people in the space, and the future applications of blockchain

But you didn't. You followed memes for temporary gains and refused to listen when actually impactful projects came to your attention.

I will enjoy laughing at people like you

It won't be long now.

>> No.6874088


Nope, scandinavian masterrace here. And you don't have to give me investing advice, i've been in crypto since 2013 and unlike you, I can spot a good project.

Back to REQ.

>> No.6874157

Like anything on the ETH network

>> No.6874191

Here’s the thing, it may be a great project, but right now it’s nothing but a dream and a wish. Just like you ever losing your virginity.

>> No.6874212

>I refuse to invest before it's too late
>I'm actually retarded enough to doubt Vitalik Buterin
Whatever man, stay poor. Nobody cares.

>> No.6874223


basically talking about all of crypto

>> No.6874225

All fucking in

>> No.6874237

BAT, FUN, ETH these all have real world use and functional or near functional products.

>> No.6874270

Fuck off

Have you so much as taken a look at OMG's advisors?

You're so fucking retarded it hurts.

>> No.6874275


I have 25k FUN.. once it hits a dollar i'm putting it in omg

>> No.6874310
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How can you guys ignore simple facts about Computer Science and network latency.

>> No.6874324


Im a father of two, and I already make six figures a year (not too hard when you're scandi)

I can see the insecurity from your argumentation. I know im going to be even fucking richer because of omg, enjoy your bags.

>> No.6874332

He is a con man and that's why he was kicked out of Ethereum.

>> No.6874358


hahahah, saying ETH and dissing OMG.

Holy shit you have no idea whats going on, kek.

>> No.6874362


how many you got? should i go all in?

>> No.6874371

Me too dumbass I’m trying to keep prices down until then

>> No.6874383

Nice larp idiot

>> No.6874440


Im in the top 1% of OMG holders

Im 75% in OMG. Many have said don't put all eggs in one basket, but omg is just a nobrainer.

I bought ANS at 4 dollars, and ARK at 20 cents because i had a feeling i would atleast 10x.

Now im feeling OMG will atleast 100x within 2 years.

>> No.6874496


christ all i need is 1500 of these fuckers to become a millionaire at that rate.. at 200 right now with 20k in ETH ready to go

>> No.6874549

Dude just do it. Trust your gut, this might be our chance. If the price is still 16 when im home from work ill do it as well

>> No.6874557
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I just want to live of the tokens ROI.

It's my ticket to being NEET for the rest of my life.

>> No.6874579

How many OMG for validator/masternode/etc?

>> No.6874628
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Says the guy propping up a platform thats 90% scams. 90% of everything is shit, but boy does ethereum fucking smell.

>> No.6874686

>Ethereum regulates the quality of coin projects
>Microsoft approves of all software "on Windows"
This is why you're retarded enough to support Cardano

>> No.6874712

Kek that's Daewon Song

>> No.6874721

Thats what you get from smoking meth: You can code for like 72 hrs straight, but you wont eat nor sleep and will look like that.

>> No.6874739
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>Ethereum foundation never steps in when things go horribly wrong.
>>unless it involves their own funds.

>> No.6874786

It's almost like people have different opinions regarding blockchain governance. Crazy.

What should they have done differently? Go on I'd like to hear examples.

You don't actually have any, that's why I'm asking. You're literally just regurgitating talking points from your con man Charles.

>> No.6874815
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THE KING OF ALTS IS BEING AWAKEN. Newfags do not remember the summer. Winter is coming late for OMG. The time has come. Simple as that.

>> No.6874898
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Well anon they coulda started by not doing a hardfork and accepting that they fucked up by not patching the issue when it was brought up to them on github weeks before it happened.

Not that you voiced any opinions other then "but mah scam coin" while I'm making obvious bait to out your own selling points for your shitcoin.

>> No.6874937

Another guy
>I-i w-was just pretending to be retarded

I don't answer you for your sake. I respond to your bullshit for the lurkers who actually care.

As few as there may be.

>> No.6874945

I thought 4000 tokens were required for staking?

>> No.6875033
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>still responding still failing to defend his shitcoin
You really don't understand scaling solutions do you? You really think every validator on the OMG protocol will be able to keep up with the others and not cause ANY slowdown once they take it out of the lab and into the field.

>he thinks POS wont effect Ethereum like it effects DASH

>> No.6875043

its 1000

>> No.6875057

Its a meme only. Read latest blog post, 1000+ might be enough (at least top 1% then)

>> No.6875133

ElectrifyAsia on OmiseGO: "Everyone is gonna be seriously surprised of what OMG is capable of. We were seriously GOBSMACKED!"


>> No.6875152

>not "acceptable levels"
Keep on making up issues and convincing uneducated people to invest in a scam.

How many boomer PhDs from unknown universities do you have? That's the hallmark of blockchain experience

>> No.6875179

>could only afford 3
> $100

>> No.6875332



>> No.6875414


reddit omisego

>> No.6875473

There is not a minimum amount for staking set. In the first pre-plasma release there will be limited number of validators - only those with big chunk of OMG will qualify. Rumor: Some say 1% of all OMG holders could qualify, which means you most likely need 3500+ of OMG to get involved in staking.

>> No.6875481
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>"acceptable levels"
Change of tone from your previous shilling, getting nervous anon? Latency you stupid motherfucker OMG is a voting consensus the blockchain isn't needed for reference on transactions it only needs a vote from some of the validating nodes.

thats the problem, other nodes will slow down, become latent and cause slow downs because they are not keeping up.

None, Ethereum is not a good platform for settlements. It'll always be lugged down because settlements were more or less a second thought the focus was contracts and cutting that out leaves you with an unimpressive PoS protocol.
>Not to mention the problems with liquidy once PoS is implemented.

>Boomer PhDs
Bn Distributed Systems

>I myself have been baited into giving information.

>> No.6875494


top 1% is actually 1200+ OMG

>> No.6875506

Give me milkies

>> No.6875574

People will FOMO hard on this, so I expect the current need to become a validator to minimally triple. But yeah, you are right. Today you are right.

>> No.6875598

>tfw only 1130 omg

>> No.6875605
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>be me
>kept buying the dips since 2017
>went even more all in at $5
>Know that Omisego is like holding Ethereum in december 2016
>dream about meeting Jun from omisego and thanking him for making me financial independent from everything
>Clif high talks about Omisego being the first one to run to the moon late feb / begin march
>Knowing i can fulfill my dream thanks to an asian man.
>Feeling surreal
>Love asia
>Love hot asian girls
>Omisego $300-2k this year
>Q1 SDK + staking release
>more to come in Q2-Q4
>Not a single brainlet can fud me out of this one
>comfy as fuck
>The end

>> No.6875625


Also at this very moment only 5700 adresses have more than 1200+ tokens

Even though we are still not on PLASMA, less than 10k validators would seem like not that much.

>> No.6875628



>> No.6875634

Can I get a source on the top 1% wallets having 1000+ OMG?

>> No.6875664

I know the feel, heard about it on biz when it was .75 cents, bought all the way up. Poor, but bought the rumor at the right time

>> No.6875688



>> No.6875696

They have to respect the meme and at least allow 4k as a minimum

>> No.6875698

On etherscan.io, the top 2% of holders is like >600

>> No.6875718



>> No.6875743

yes can someone please answer this

>> No.6875790



they cant

>> No.6875801

Because Vitalik year 2 CS drop out says "anything you can do I can do better" then his collective Core development team sucks his cock while avoiding talking over him.

>> No.6875804


>> No.6875856
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>> No.6875869

Guys should I sell my WTC and ICX to get more OMG?

Or should I just keep holding the three?

>> No.6875890


literally just went all in. fuck it.

>> No.6875930
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All these retarded fags doesn't have a single clue how good Omisego will become, i pity you fools. I make sure to say goodbye before we fly to the moon and beyond

>> No.6875946

Lol almost no scandis make 6 figs a year

>> No.6876039

Congrats! Now place them somewhere hidden with Ledger etc to prevent panic selling, and hold at least one year <3

>> No.6876073


pls respond, I am literally shaking.

>> No.6876099

Id hold some of them all, but mostly omg.

>> No.6876136

Been holding 380 since July. Who else /ironhands/?

>> No.6876140


ledger's at the post office, picking up tomorrow :) proud owner of 1400 OMG!

>> No.6876677


>> No.6876768

>Have to run a full ethereum node
Have lightning fast, non-spotty internet, but what kind of computer are we talking about here

>> No.6876785

I plan to get into this after XLM pump, hopefully it's not too late by friday!

>> No.6877736

So you assholes are just shilling to try and pump right now

>> No.6878737

/biz/ finally realized the OMG potential, this is a huge day for biz

>> No.6878818

went balls deep back in august, held through the altcoin shitshow of october-december, been accumulating ever since.

21 years old w 3000 omg to my name and $800 in my bank account. no larp, imma make it biz

>> No.6878881

this is how i know that you're new here.
biz has been shilling and accumulating OMG since the summer of 2017. What you're seeing now is the new wave of normies that discovered OMG.

>> No.6878948

Youll be rewarded greatly. Just hodl and stake

>> No.6878995

Sorry anon to break your dreams, but I'm actually not new in here. E.g. I hodl OMG since Aug 2017. What you are seeing now is the biz realization that the stickers and skateboards were their own FUD against being rich. Biz never shilled OMG in the past 6 months besides some cry in the dark posts. Now biz realized the potential of OMG. Now biz knows.

>> No.6879580

I'd like to thank the anon that pointed out you only need 1200 to be top 1%. Topping up my stack tonight.

>> No.6879894

Remember we dont know if 1% is the cut off. And it might change when more people want to stake in the future

>> No.6880041

I'll still enjoying it psychologically but fair point.

>> No.6880108

Im all in 3 coins, Wanchain OMG and Kyber. All the others can fuck off. 1300 OMG and holding through all the fud. Biggest thing of 2018/2019.