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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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6859671 No.6859671 [Reply] [Original]

I've been researching the Tether/Bitfinex shadiness since December and the week they printed 100M day after day, I decided to exit the market with around $10k in profit.

Until now, I thought it might take at least a few months before shit hits the fan but I think it's going to happen faster. I was watching the market the whole night yesterday and today and I saw bitcoin dropping to $10,000, another 100M USD-T issued, and an immediate hike in price.

I want to know what your thoughts are for re-entry. I want to be prepared to buy back in once the market crashes. Do you guys think coinbase would still be operational amidst all the panic? Should I deposit fiat onto GDAX and keep it or might they put their services offline? What are the chances they're going to pull some shady shit to buy cheap coins for themselves?

>> No.6859744

>muh tether conspirancy

>> No.6859773

>I've been researching since December
Since December? Really?

Fuck off newcoiner and stay out of the market

>> No.6859801

This this man right here seems like a very honest and rational person tether is completely legitimate everyone make sure to go get a 2nd mortgage on your house and take it to bitmex and go 100x margin long at market value

>> No.6859804


You are a newfag and you dont know what you are talking about.

So Tether has the power to "instantly" increase BTC price after printing, despite it takin up to 10 hours to actually go into circulation divided among each exchange?

fucking moron.

all you faggots need a reason why you wont make it, thats your problem

>> No.6859848

We're in for one more bull corrective wave before the final push down.

>> No.6859862

This you're all being incredibly irrational conspiracy theorists! How dare you think tether is propping up the market, do you know how CRAZY that makes you sound??

>> No.6859904

USDT is single handedly propping the market.It was also responsible for the BTC run to 20k and the subsequent alt bull market. Anyone who wishes it's collapse is a blind self hating retard. We as a community should turn a blind eye to the desert people's shenanigans.

>> No.6859916

BitFinex is also manipulating order books so that BTC sell price can't go below a certain threshold. So the number of sell orders appears to be lower than it is. Demand > supply so BTC has been pushed up.

Tether/BitFinex is artificially manipulating the price from falling below $10k USD in the hopes of a bank run when/if BTC falls too low. They are also printing tether out of thin air, and then getting btc for free to sheep.

So by pumping BTC price they are able to flip the coins they got for free, as well as maintain their fraud.

Remember that the owners of BitFinex are sketchy people. One is a convicted criminal who was involved in the 90s of selling pirated software (not saying it's the worst thing but shows you the type of scumbags they are).

Bitfinex is likely insolvent from the hacks that have occurred.

They refuse to allow 3rd party audits as well.

And yeah, I'm out in fiat too if the crash happens. But Bitfinex is trying hard to prevent that from happening.

Watch: twitter.com/tetherprinter to follow whenever they print tether. It happens whenever BTC prices dips at $10k or so and they're hoping that they can jump start another bull run for February/stir FOMO/avoid a bank run on tether.

They might succeed, or they might, but if they fail at holding this support the market, I can see tether/bitfinex imploding and causing a prolonged bear market. Everyone can see that bitcoin has been on a downward trend/correction for the last month or so. We also know that they pumped the price of BTC a lot in November/December by creating more tether to pump into the market.

I would not be in alts right now. Stick with USD or go 50/50 on BTC/USD to weather a fall.

>> No.6859966


Been in bitcoin for 4 years. Seen the Mt. Gox crash. Sorry bud.

>> No.6859970

Tether is used for arbritage and for consolidation.

It used to create buy pressure back when BTC was around 1,500 dollars. these days its funny to think it create buy pressure.

i remember going though this bull shit in september when people actually had a point. Now its just silly newfags who are crying over something to blame their losses on or give themselves a reason to take profits and get out.

>> No.6859992

All exchanges do this. Even boomer ones. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flash_Boys

>> No.6860000

Will JNT replace tether and revolutionize the market?

>> No.6860007


think you are the only one? I lost 12.7 BTC in mt Gox. that was more than half of what i owned.

The market today does not resemble the market back then what so ever, and anyone that insinuates that is a fucking larper who wasn't around back then.

>> No.6860025
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You are actually correct OP.

I pray to the crypto gods that the crash won't happen but I am getting nervous

>> No.6860026

I bought the dip.
Why does no one listen to /biz/?

>> No.6860028

>a 500b global crypto market surely cant gather 1.5b in USD to support tether

>> No.6860058

>Catching falling knives
Hasn't your lizard brain not realised we have lower lows and lower highs. Zoom out retard.

>> No.6860070

>deposited 3k into coinbase 10 days ago
>still not available
>removed from bank account 10 days ago

I hate this site. Still says pending.

>> No.6860096
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>price of bitcoin drops
>large institutions start fomoing at the mouth
>no easy entry to market for large sums of money
>ring up tether
>ask for your account to be credited tens of millions of tether and you will wire over money the next day
Why is this so hard to believe? If you sell out now you are going to regret it for the rest of your fucking life.

>> No.6860098

Yeah, I'm done FUDing it. I know it will crash the market eventually, but there's enough other shit to worry about. I've cashed out plenty, hedged in gold and silver, got some guns, games and a new laptop. The money I have in now I'm fine with crashing to zero. I will go down with this ship, but hopefully I can pay off my house first. In fact, I'm going to start a narrative about how Tether is legit, they have just been moving dirty mob money into crypto. Even the mob wants some BTCs, lol

>> No.6860100

>I decided to exit the market with around $10k in profit.

What's even the point in taking peanuts off the table?

You we're 1/200th of the way to making it.

>> No.6860106
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This is false, you don't need a lot of money to pump BTC price. At any given moment all you need is to inject a few dozen BTC to prop up the price since bitcoin markets are nowhere near as liquid as others like stock/gold/futurese/etc.


False. It actually does. Wiley bot pumped BTC from $100 to $1,000. Bitfinex is manipulating price again to prevent selling at certain prices, and maintaining the support at $10k.

There's a lot of FUD in this thread by people who want or need a bull run to happen. I'm not saying it won't happen, but the $750 million that was injected the last 3-4 weeks has only stalled the downward trend (they are hoping to create conditions for a bullish reversal), but the buy pressure/demand is not there.

>> No.6860128

No. Dai will. https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/dai/

>> No.6860136

Maybe it'll dip again a big more, but it's actually stabilizing, we haven't hit the first low since the initial crash happened.

>> No.6860172
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>price of bitcoin drops
>people want to buy btc
>they print more tether

>> No.6860204

>Maybe it'll dip again a big more, but it's actually stabilizing, we haven't hit the first low since the initial crash happened.

Because bitfinex is propping it up every time it hits $10,000 and momentum slows down.

The stabilizing is artificial. They may succeed at doing it if they can hold it until late January/February, and if they succeed the crash will just be harder.

>> No.6860221

Anyone denying the tether scam has a LOT of money involved. Keep that in mind.

>> No.6860238

Where's the proof of that?

>> No.6860264


> shit, i want to buy BTC, i have millions to invest, but none of the fiat exchanges are good for transferring that much, and i dont really trust them. its not efficient as a business either for me to do it like that. Damn BTC is so cheap right now as CME futures has shorted it too.

> Oh wait, theres that USDT thing. let me phone them. "oh, you will credit my account with 20m USDT tomorrow if i send you the funds today?"

not fucking hard faggot. thats why its being printed every day lately.

>> No.6860333



>> No.6860335


Has none, just what he reads on reddit.

>> No.6860491

Mtgox was 80% of global volume
Bitfinex is like less than 10% if you take into account the fee less and Korean exchanges

Youre an idiot
Shut up

>> No.6860570

Bitcoin is clearly being used as a tool by globalists to weaken America's influence on the world. It's run by the same people who are anti-Trump. Basically, they're idiots who always fail at whatever they do. It's quite sad.

>> No.6860615


Ad hominems. How deep are you in your BTC position?

There are many exchanges, and virtually non covers the whole world (Japan, US and EU for licensing, China for local banking). Korea has no major exchange, yet the (fake) news of a bitcoin ban caused quite an effect on BTC price.

So yes, Bitfinex having 10% or even 5% of daily volume is more than enough to shake BTC price significantly. Markets are a lot more irrational than autists give credit.

>> No.6860622

Its a self fulfilling prophecy
People see tether being printed -> omg this must mean price pump -> they buy because of this -> this then leads to an actual price increase

>> No.6860628

The salty TA fags who sold early (they didn't factor in Finex pumps to their meme lines) and sheep who blatantly repeat popular statements are the ones wasting their energy on it. And these doomsday scenario these fucks fantasize about is years if not decades away
Who the fuck said I'm selling out. Learn to use the quote system newfag.
>Being this deluded
If you can read an order book and volume you'll notice. There is nothing holding BTC up at its current price except Finex. I said this once and I always tell you fools. BTCs real price is about 6k. Anything else is artificial. I told the folks buying at 14k, 13k, 12k, 11k, 10k not to and that it'll dip further , but they called me a faggot larper. Look up my trip.

>> No.6860692

Who said only Finex will fall? Why are you calling others idiots yet you are mostly uninformed. Any exchange which has USDT pairings will exit scam.
Anything that touches USDT is doomed.

>> No.6860698

I know of a secret bitcoin exchange that isn't even listed on google

>> No.6860709


There are people from WhalePool in here who have a vested interest in keeping BTC price above $10k. Don't worry, your reasoning is sound. Smart money exited a while ago. Hell, even BitConnect exited before it entirely collapsed because they see the correction happening shortly.

>> No.6860717
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>Been in bitcoin for 4 years
>I decided to exit the market with around $10k in profit.

>> No.6860725


W-What's ETH's real price? Don't care about BTC.

>> No.6860830

You talking about the kraken darkpool? I know it too
For ETHs vision and what it's supposed to achieve, massively overvalued and expensive to run. But for speculation, what it is currently used for, largely undervalued. So choose according to your game plan.

>> No.6860908

And he's only been "researching tether" since December..
Another newcoiner psued who thinks they know the market inside out

>> No.6860920


I think it will overtake BTC this year, as more and more realize it has a better use of a currency than BTC and about the same number of pairings. We'll see.

>> No.6860948

ETH will NEVER overtake BTC. BTC will never be overtaken. What kind of comment is that?

>> No.6860977

Haha. I loled too and stopped reading.

Whales spend 10k on transaction fees.

>> No.6861012


Change is a law of the world, anon.

>> No.6861048

Have any proof that bitfinex has 2billion usd somewhere?

>> No.6861051

Some things don't change. Bitcoin will always stay at the top. That's the way of the crypto world, anon.

>> No.6861079

I agree, Bitcoin cash cannot be stopped

>> No.6861090
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>> No.6861093

i dunno about the others. But huobi is in china, wont they get executed for this?

also bittrex is in america, so everyone will just end up in rape me in the ass prison if they tried to steal from their customers.

>> No.6861104


You can nitpick on little details. I've been in crypto for 4 years. I mainly mine. Sorry, long.


That's from an original amount of $700 since late November that became $10,000. I mainly mine. My net worth from crypto, and other holdings are far higher than that. Not that it means anything. Ideas matter more than stupidly gaining and then losing funds. Your loss though.


Bitfinex refuses to do a 3rd party audit. It's not rocket science why.

>> No.6861108

No, how would I have that?
I'm not trying to prove anything, the conspiracyposter was.
So please fuck off having me try to prove a negative.

>> No.6861123

I prepared for crash but don't think it must be tether crash. Just natural decline to 6k or so.

Since I dont think I will be able to time the bottom Im DCA buying for the next 100 days.

t. sold at 17k

>> No.6861165

>I've been researching the Tether/Bitfinex shadiness since December
>researching since December
>since December
wew lad

>> No.6861168

Oh and yes I think the big actual regulated exchanges will be somewhat safe to park fiat waiting to buy. Even if tether collapses.

>> No.6861178

so how can you be so sure is not a scam?
Its weird how bitfinex have to send their shills to defend them instead of defending themselves.

>> No.6861180

Are you retarded? Bitcoin can easily be replaced, it has already lost most of the market share.

>> No.6861199

>Bitcoin can easily be replaced

>Has never been replaced

>> No.6861208


If they have nothing to hide, why do they refuse to do 3rd party audit?

>> No.6861210

how long do you think they can keep it up?

>> No.6861214


>> No.6861220

Nobody even knows the fuckin physical address of a tether based exchange. They all ride on reputation from the old days. And being the smart risk takers the folks who run these exchanges are, they'll disapear first thing they sniff out trouble. This is why I always refer newbie relatives to kraken only.
How new are you? A November fag you are?

>> No.6861246


its meant to be S M H .com.au

>> No.6861261

Bitfinex refuses to do a 3rd party audit? Why would any private company let random autists on reddit dig through all their information?

>> No.6861268

>in the couple of years that Bitcoin exists it has not been replaced

Are you like 12?

>> No.6861275

I didn't claim anything, >>6860204 was.
Do they have to?

>> No.6861291
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>people buy into tether
>tether tokens increase over a dollar
>tether prints more to meet demand to stay 1 dollar
Ok you genuinely intelligent specimen of a man

>> No.6861295

I bought my first Bitcoins in 2013 you fucking retard

>> No.6861303

because that wouldn't be good for business and a waste of time you dimwit

>> No.6861315

How much does bitfinexed pay you? I'm amazed he still has any money left after selling all of his bitcoin at $1000

>> No.6861328

bitfinex shills have invaded biz.

>> No.6861337

full audits of businesses with a few hundred people take under a month with like 4 people.

>> No.6861340

>S&P 500 has been dictating the NYSE for the past 60 years
>When will Tesla replace this shit stock?

This is how stupid you sound

>> No.6861351

What? Bitcoin has always been #1 in market cap. What the fuck are you going on about?


>> No.6861353

Bitfinexed paid pajeets have been invading the board since around the time of China fud crash and it always ramps up when the entire market is red
Go figure

>> No.6861372

they probably do have something to hide just not what this tinfoil hat wearer thinks

>> No.6861380


If they succeed in maintaining the $10k level support a while/much longer. Weeks/months/or more. As more people FOMO in, lightning implemented, bitcoin can be become "too big to fail."

The hope would be that no one notices what they are doing on the rise up to $15-20k+.

If BTC falls below to lower levels, Bitfinex's fear is that more people will try to deposit their tether for USD.

It is only beneficial to Bitfinex if they prop up the price for multiple reasons:
1) They print valueless tether to scoop up BTC valued at about $10,500. They then flip it at higher prices for easy/ profit.
2) Less people will deposit tether if they see BTC rising, & hoping to capture profit.
3) Hoping they can regain solvency in tether in a bull market.

All frauds/ponzis work in a bull market. All of them collapse in bear markets.

There's a reason why BitConnect exited when they saw the signs of the bear market a week ago. They are not stupid. Crooks, but not stupid.

>> No.6861384

Well pajeet, im still waiting for proof that bitfinex has 2 billion sitting in richard basement.

>> No.6861400
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You are being paid to post here.

>> No.6861423

It's market share dominance is crumbling from over 85% to 36% in a year. Prep your butthole bb

>> No.6861432

The crypto market is young and Bitcoin has been losing more and more share. How fucking young are you that you think just because something has been that way it can never change?

>> No.6861466

>create hundreds and hundreds of shit coins with a billion supply
>shit coins have daily volume of $10,000 but marketcap of 100m+ plus
Holy fuck so many dumb cunts

>> No.6861470


Gemini, Coinbase are regularly audited.

Your argument that auditing is neither needed, or required of an exchange in this day and age shows your position. Everyone knows that an audit is necessary for a multibillion dollar exchange. You are fooling no one.






The Bitfinex shills are now making the argument that audits are neither needed or necessary. You underestimate the intelligence of the average /biztard on here. Try harder.

>> No.6861471

Oh sweetie. If BTC goes everything goes. Even [insert altcoin you alled in here] goes along with it. Except maybe XMR. Degenerates love it.
How dense you are then

>> No.6861475

You implied in your last response that bitcoin has been replaced, yet it hasn't. So now you're avoiding all of that by saying its been losing market share...

Obviously it has been, but it will never be overtaken. That isn't how this works. Remember this post.

>> No.6861527

>Going to place camera on every corner of your home. Going to anally probe you when I please in the case you are hiding illegal substances. You bank accounts audited and all transactions you do I will report to the IRS.

>Nothing to hide.

>> No.6861542

You have so many holes in your story OP, you have zero credibility

>> No.6861558

I'm considering cashing out at least a fraction of my crypto in the next couple of weeks because I do think BTC will continue its downward trend, though there may be anothert bull run left in it. The thing the market is waiting for is for the alts to decouple themselves from BTC, which is going extinct, and for ETH to take over. My question to you OP is do you think alts that have pairings with ETH will have a better chance of surviving than those that are only paired with BTC? And at what point will BTC stop bringing everything else down (namely ETH) with it?

>> No.6861566

AtlasRand1 my man

>> No.6861573

This. It will happen.

>> No.6861588

jesus that's weak

>> No.6861636

>You implied in your last response that bitcoin has been replaced,

No I didn't you fucking imbecile, I emphasized how your logic doesn't make sense because it exists for only a couple of years. You should just get out you absolute brainlet, you are gonna lose everything.

>> No.6861646

Stop using this argument it's retarded. You're saying that the tether is unbacked this way.

>> No.6861647

Increasingly nervous man

>> No.6861663

>How dense you are then

Holy shit you are retarded. You think just because something didn't happen in the past it cannot happen?

>> No.6861681

Obviously you dumb faggot, ideally btc trades sideways forever and we all prosper. BTC is litterally cancer, it tanks it drags the whole market down. it pumps the rest of the market dumps and it is functionally USELESS.

>> No.6861686

You can go ahead and remember this, too. You're completely wrong you fucking brainlet. Since you started using name-calling.

>> No.6861700

Remember what? You have literally brought forward zero logic.

>> No.6861701
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Here's another chart from December/November with dates when Tether was pumped. You can see activity spiking in January.

I am apathetic either way, nor do you need need to believe me. You are free to make your own interpretations. I just provide the data including the pic in original comment, and this one. You can confirm it on your own. Or don't - not my problem, or concern.


No idea.

>> No.6861715

ETH still depends on bitcorn

>> No.6861753

>zero logic

>bitcoin has never been taken down.
>everything goes down with it.

>you insist it will be taken over because muh market dominance

Kys you fucking brainlet.

>> No.6861883

Right now yes, that's why my question to OP was when does he think ETH will decouple from BTC

>> No.6861924

decoupling will never happen because eth rides on btc pumps. Its just as overvalued as btc cause of the tethers

>> No.6861950

An edgy 14 year old. Calling people names doesn't win arguments. If you were in crypto long enough as you hinted you would know it's irreplaceable without a major market overhaul. Architectures are designed around it. OTC whales, the only folks who influence pricing, only touch BTC. Prophesying doom while still having your assets in crypto is the most retarded thing one could do. Like shooting yourself in the foot. People have been saying for years how a flippening will occur. Remember fucking DGB and BCH. Your greed won't make something happen.

>> No.6861960

That is not logic you fucking idiot. You think just because something has not happened it can never happen?

Do you also think that because you have never been mugged in your life you can never get mugged?

>everything goes down with it.

The ratio of BTC to something else has changed and can change rapidly.

I'm done talking to a 12 year old like you.

>> No.6861965


Have you considered that when BTC crashes, the market crashes which means people flock to tether to try to save their profits. Thus more tether needs to be printed to keep it at ~$1

Correlation does not imply causation

>> No.6861974

Did good this shit is going back to 500$ for good.

>> No.6862000

No newfags or BTC maximalists please. The time *will* come where ETH and certain alts will decouple from BTC.

>> No.6862048

>If you were in crypto long enough as you hinted you would know it's irreplaceable without a major market overhaul. Architectures are designed around it.

That change is already happening with exchanges having ETH, LTC or BCH trading pairs. BTC is almost completely worthless as a trading pair because it's so expensive and slow, BTC will not stay on the 1# spot I can guarantee you that.

I'm not saying it will happen immediately but it is in the process of happening.

>> No.6862066


If so, why did they pump $750 million in the last 3-4 weeks when in previous periods it was only $25 million here or there over weeks?

Your argument is that Tether is pre-emptively printing almost a billion dollars in case of a crash. In which case don't you think the sentiment is bearish?

>> No.6862088

If this was the case you would see a large burn when everyone go back into crypto. This has never happened.

>> No.6862128

Trading is done off chain. Your argument doesn't hold.
>BTC is currently worthless for trading
Pull up the quote volume charts and compare BTC and ETH. I'm telling you this from experience, anybody who has significant volume only moves in BTC

>> No.6862198

You'll think back to this and realize how big of a fucking retard you are for even thinking that bitcoin can be overtaken.

>> No.6862253

Vast majority of /biz/ holds under $20k and trades shitcoins with order books so thin that a single person with $0.5M in capital could easily manipulate the price.
They don't understand why people who hold real capital use BTC and ETH because they have not yet grasped the concept of liquidity.

>> No.6862353

>Trading is done off chain. Your argument doesn't hold.

Partly but you think people don't move between exchanges? Also a lot of the addresses that Coinbase and other exchanges have are no longer usable because the amounts are too small.

People that think this is not a problem are just blind and if this problem will not get fixed BTC will lose more and more market share.

> I'm telling you this from experience, anybody who has significant volume only moves in BTC

No, that used to be the case but it is changing. The last big amounts I sent were in ETH and it worked perfectly fine.

>> No.6862392

You're so arrogant ugh. I'm done arguing with you. See

>> No.6862444


Tether is backed by Bitcoin.

Why would you need to print more Tethers if the value of Bitcoin is going down?

>> No.6862728


Tether is backed by nothing except any limited money they have in their bank account. They do not have $3 billion in their bank account, so they don't allow a 3rd party audit, because it will show this. They are running a fractional reserve much like how banks in the US do.

If BTC value goes down, they print more tether to spike the price of BTC. $100 million tether printed, with $1-10 million of that will easily jump the price up on BitFinex.

The goal of Bitfinex/Tether isnt to buy up all the sell orders to jack up the price. Their goal is to spark bullish momentum so that sheep buy. In other words like a catalyst to a reaction.

That's what this morning was about.

>> No.6862827

The fact that tether and bitfinex are owned by the same company is, in a way, positive because if one collapses so does the other

USD is probably not backing every tether but rather they're probably accounting for the holdings by bitfinex as part of their balance sheet

Their lack of transparency is unsettling but I expect tether alternatives to come along and fix this

>> No.6862863

>Tether is backed by Bitcoin
>people convert to Tether when Bitcoin price goes down

>> No.6862881

Actually it's to onboard more people into the bitcoin economy which, you're right, is jacking the price up but that's natural

If normies could buy in with fiat, they would but that would put exchanges under a lot more regulation

>> No.6862933

This is only a problem if there's a catastrophic dump and the price of all bitfinex crypto earnings can no longer cover the difference between cash reserves at tether and the number printed

>> No.6862965

They print more only when there is a demand for It. Or to dilute it to keep the price at $1. When you get out of tether, who gets that “money” you traded for alts? THE EXCHANGES. It’s out of circulation entirely. They aren’t just keeping billions in circulation forever you fucking dumbass nigger.

>They print more when bitcoin goes down
No, they print more when there is demand for more. It has NOTHING to do with bitcoin and propping the price up.

>> No.6862967

another day, another thinly veiled attempt to spread FUD.

BTC could go back to a thousand bucks and i'd still be in the black. go back to writing press releases for Goldman or whatever your job normally is.

>> No.6862985


this makes sense to me

>> No.6863155

>o shit bitcoin is going down
>buy tether to stop loosing and buy lower

>> No.6863235
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Praise KEK

>> No.6863330

>be US government
>print billions of dollars every day
>no one cars
>be tether
>sell a few tethers to normies

>> No.6863445

>$10k profit
>Researching since December

You newfag conspiracy nuts crack me the fuck up.

>> No.6863463


Newfag? As I've mentioned before - I mainly mine. I've likely traded crypto longer than you even knew what they were. Try again.

>> No.6863508

then you are an extreme embarrassment

>> No.6863831

US government will provide service back if you
pay with USD. Tether will tell you to fuck off if you want to redeem your USDT.

>> No.6864115



You must be speaking from personal experience. Do tell.

>> No.6864201

>told you it would take 11 days
>still complains

i hate faggots.

>> No.6864284

How much profit from mining? What's your mining setup?

>> No.6864517

wtf? why you so stupid?
1 tether = 1 dollar
people run from this corretion to tether
what will happening when a lot of people buy shitcoin? tell me retard what will happenin next? Yes. Price of this shitcoin will grow. But we still need 1tether = 1 dollar. What should they do next to keep price stable? Print more shitcoin retard.

>> No.6864672

Why the fuck wouldn't large institutions not just go into coinbase and instead trust a company based in the virgin island with no contact information and no visible leadership on their website with hundreds of billions of dollars?

>> No.6865127

Why would your complete and utter failure to brag well having nothing for gains be my failure... Brainlet detected

>> No.6865238

>bitcoin crashes hard like literally everyone said it would
>"N-N-Nuh uh! This can't be happening!"

You're all fucking retarded.

>> No.6865401

I literally think it would be impossible for you to have been trading crypto for 4 years and only have 10k profit even if your initial investment was like $5.

At this point I hope you're larping .. it would be less pathetic desu

>> No.6865576

why were you still using mt gox at the time of the fall when it was known to be absolute garbage tier 2011?

>> No.6865601

Market cap is meaningless, since it's the price x total coins. However, a significant number of most coins aren't in circulation because of hodlers, lost keys, hacks, etc.

A much more meaningful figure is the total volume of crypto, which is $27 billion the last 24 hours, of which $3 billion is tether. If tether collapse, it'll easily cause a chain reaction in the markets.

>> No.6865828

hi im new but how can i mine thether? i have two 1060 gtx is it enough?

>> No.6865882

The market grows.
During crashes, more people tether up.

>> No.6865917

Great thread. TY OP

>> No.6866110

Damn you're right OP. I've been hodling a lot of tether. How do I turn this into USD?