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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6859103 No.6859103 [Reply] [Original]

>Day before major strategic partnership that was being hyped by DNV-GL and streamed on their facebook page where they reveal a 7/11 or Family Mart partnership among other things
>FUD is in turbo overdrive
Really gets me thinking.

>> No.6859149
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>> No.6859225

i have two theories
1. People are gonna go nuts over the news tomorrow and fomo buy
2. People are gonna be disappointed by the news and dump

>> No.6859243


Problem is that with these chinese companies 99.9% of their "partnerships" are pure bullshit.

>> No.6859255

Man, I never thought of that. What should we do?

>> No.6859271


buy the rumor sell the news

>> No.6859289


carefull wuith this coin sir

>> No.6859291

kind of like your IQ?

>> No.6859328

>It could be a success
>Or it could be a failure

>> No.6859337

ya that fucking tron chink has ruined the credibility of the whole country with his faggotry

>> No.6859340

well i have a stack of 35k, so I freed up 2 bitcoin in the event that it dumps so i can buy more.
if it moons, i'm still rich

>> No.6859373

Ven is the only thing keeping my port afloat lately, I'll hang on to these niggers until 1000+ per token

>> No.6859385
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i'm saying its going to make a large move in one direction or the other. it's not going to continue its linear direction.

>> No.6859391

i mean considering that they are literally doing the presentation alongside a multibillion dollar company i think we are fine here

>> No.6859440

Holy shit mindbelowing stuff anon

>> No.6859478


>> No.6859482
File: 69 KB, 574x863, 150235727673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno m8 this market is so pic related lately. Massive news for many different tokens results in a big spike and then immediate whale suppression. We might get 10% out.

>> No.6859504

Thanks. Just sold 100k

>> No.6859556

Price will be $9 usd tomorrow. Screencap this.

>> No.6859563

>Price isn't going to stay about the same after big news

>> No.6859581

it gon go up, then dip hard when news go out, as always.
den we'll see.

>> No.6859620

do it faggot, sell the news. I dare you

>> No.6859629

>big news
that's where you're stumbling brainlet

>> No.6859682

Current hodlr here from <$6($5.99 to be exact. huehue). Anyways, I'm not selling to buy back lower because if I sell, the goddamn thing will rocket to $20 in 2 minutes.

On the other hand, since I'm holding, it'll fall. See you guys at $5 tomorrow most likely.

>> No.6859688

You already made quite a shit show of yourself, don't make it worse now

>> No.6859698

sold 1/4 of my stack. dont care what happens. fucking comfy

>> No.6859731

the more i hear about this coin, the more i realize how sketchy the whole project is.. careful treading with this one m8s

>> No.6859791

>The more I hear about this coin from biz

lol. Just sell and don't come back. Thnx

>> No.6859797

how do you get paid? per post? what currencies do you accept?

>> No.6859807

wow when you put it that way... so you’re saying the price may go up or may go down correct

>> No.6859815

>careful sirs

>> No.6859893

>brainlet can't parse out the meaning of my post
wow shocking

>> No.6859926

yes, or stay the same

>> No.6859946

Gook snitching will moon to $11 then crash to $4

This is TRX with an extra zero before the decimal.

Niggerbait coin. This is the Jew tutorial level.

>> No.6860101

I can’t believe people with this low of iq can even find biz in the first place

>> No.6860123


sir pls

>> No.6860180

that guy a real dummy

>> No.6860197

They come from /b/

>> No.6860266
File: 36 KB, 655x527, 1492063353718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's some mighty fine spacing there bucko

>> No.6860286

I have been in coins I felt the urge to shill. This one is mmmmm nonono.

Just sell, weak handed faggots. Sell everything. And if you are not in and is afraid of buying, just don't... stay away from this pajeet coin.

I don't really care, the moon is inevitable.

>> No.6860453

Listen folk im 33% ven 33% wtc 33% eth. Regardless of the news next week, regardless of the news next month, regardless of seeing red this week and next week. You have to be sutpid to dump this coin. B-But my white paper...Listen they dont want to show you their shit because they dont have to, you dumb fucking pajeet. You think industry leaders and top investors didn't turn to their tech specialists and say hey take a look at this code are these mother fuckers legit? Of course not; Guys like Breyer they just listen to pajeet discords look for the greenest fucking coinmarket cap token just like you. So go ahead sell your VEN, and you can FUD me again at the 20 mark and FUD me again at the 30 mark and in 2020, I'll give you a nice a whole shiny 300 VET right after I shit on your chest and smear it in a nice V. That is why you will be a poor nigger, you have no fucking foresight.

>> No.6860548

We're way past this meme at this point. You need to shotgun buy everything, then sell the rumor, and laugh at those getting dumped by insiders the day before the news drops

>> No.6860550

Damn nigga you an inspirational mother fucker

>> No.6860661

this. Fuck the pajeet elmer fuds

>> No.6860779

Buy. High.

>> No.6860951

In a sea of red this coin pulls a solid. This coin has partnerships, this coin has legitimate purpose that can help make companies billions. This coin is being looked at from all corners, Europe, Asia, all sectors, all interested. Still not good enough for Pajeets. This coin has a steady rise with sell walls to prevent a PnD effect. Nope, still not good enough for Pajeets. Pajeets want to FUD VEN and then they want me to buy FUN bags? and BAT bags? Really? Listen. The only time I will hold BAT is if I am swinging a a Pajeet fudders head. I don't need the money that bad. I actually wished VEN flew under the radar longer some Reddit folk got too excited. So be it.

>> No.6860996

Sell ___?

>> No.6861031

would you consider Ven a "bluechip"?

>> No.6861068

m8 you did a funny bait then you ruined it

>> No.6861139
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>> No.6861140


>> No.6861222

AKA another corporate shillcoin