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6858971 No.6858971 [Reply] [Original]

Guys, what you do to be happy?

I feel like nothing is working on me... Am I just doomed to be sad faggot?

>> No.6859047

Have achievable goals that you find worthy of achieving.

>> No.6859082


>> No.6859183

I tried that, but when I achieve something, I feel happy just for a moment, and all the time I am coming for that achievement is just pure sadness. I was wondering about dropping everything and just start of traveling around the world, working in a place I stay... But it also seems pointless.
To be honest I never did drugs, so I was thinking about it, but I am now in new town and I don't know anyone who would sell me this.

>> No.6859244

and still it is just a cheap replacement and I doubt it making me really happy especially after that.

>> No.6859266

why would you even buy from the street? Get from the Dark Net, best price and best quality
if you choose the right one it will be a life changing experience

>> No.6859315

You might have depression OP. I can't help you there.

>> No.6859336

Which one you suggest?

>> No.6859352

Friendship ended with depression, now Prozac is my best friend.

>> No.6859353
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>Guys, what you do to be happy?

1. Get money
2. Fuck bitches

>> No.6859376

I can guarantee falling for the drug meme at least won't make you happy. If you only feel happy for shortwhile after achieving something, maybe try do just that. Try different things short term, if it doesn't work then just kys I guess, this world isn't that great anyways.

>> No.6859394

psychedelics, especially acid
Stuff like weed is more for chilling and so idk never really got that
Anyways for experiences psychedelics are they way but be sure to have a strong mind

>> No.6859438

get a job you actually enjoy, spend your money on investments and drugs. On vacation right now cant wait to go back to work

>> No.6859466

Get off 4chan
Get a new hobby
Try to meet friends or get a girlfriend
Change the things in your life you aren't happy about

Anon, you aren't doomed. Your best years are still ahead of you. Its hard, but you just have to surround yourself with people and things that you enjoy. That's how I try to stay happy at least.

>> No.6859495

What is your job?

>> No.6859532

Basically this OP. You're searching for perfection in an imperfect world. Gotta find joy in the little things like music, movies, food, laughing at those that bought into the BCC scam, etc.

>> No.6859534

this. i don't even take vacations because i'm involved in so much stuff at work. in the summers i take every friday off though, and turn usually a couple of weeks in december when everything is slow.

>> No.6859589


Start working out brah. It will help immensely to deal with depression and low self esteem. Things will get better. You're going to make it!

>> No.6859601

I work in film. IATSE member.

On vacation not by choice just in between shows atm

>> No.6859652

be good looking
be smart
have a hot gf
make good money
do drugs

>> No.6859678

You should have given up on that already.

>> No.6859711

I hang out with my kid. I love my daughter and just being around her makes me so happy.

>> No.6859728

Okay, sounds like a cool job... good for you!

>> No.6859873

Money and material things don't make me really happy, but it would be nice to have financial freedom and don't have to be a slave of a $. And I would pass on fucking bitches and drugs also.
I think that maybe the problem is that I can't find the true meaning in my life, like a life goal that I have to accomplish. I don't want to have empty existence without any positive effect on the world (and I don't talk about Greenpeace shit, but more about technology and innovation)
Thank you for trying to help but I don't think drugs are for me
Easy to say, but how do you tell which job is for you
I have a girlfriend, and it makes me happy but I think it makes more of a pain/sadness
But how do you meet friends when you don't like parties/clubs/bars so people you could meet there have already different interests.
I was thinking a lot about relocating because the shithole country I am now it is kind of like slavery (forced healthcare/retiring structure/thieving taxes/not allowed to have any gun and even to attack someone who is robbing your fucking house).

>Anon, you aren't doomed. Your best years are still ahead of you. Its hard, but you just have to surround yourself with people and things that you enjoy. That's how I try to stay happy at least.

Yea but how you find these people and things.
now I am a revenue manager at this hotel company, but I will probably change it for programming.
Yea but I feel like these things are just pointless.
Thanks for the advice, I will try it.

>> No.6859953

why not?

>> No.6860024

believe me, you will know. Ive had just about every shit wagecuck job you can think of. Doing shit things you dont like will help you realized what you do like. There is no happiness without suffering

>> No.6860039

>I think that maybe the problem is that I can't find the true meaning in my life, like a life goal that I have to accomplish. I don't want to have empty existence without any positive effect on the world (and I don't talk about Greenpeace shit, but more about technology and innovation)
May learn to program or EE, however as a techology guy myself, I can say that technology and innovation isn't really that great either and the process for it isn't usually roses and dreams. I think everyone suffers your problem for some degree, (even I do). But I still try out different things until I hopefully find the thing I love to do. Not having financial freedom isn't making finding that thing easier.

>> No.6860065

I am glad that you are happy.
Yea but I would like to have meaning for my life..
>be good looking
Well I never complained about how I look, I am more this type that some girls find attractive and some not, maybe a matter of taste, but I don't care about how I look
>have a hot gf
I don't really care about that "hot" I prefer someone to truly love me, and don't really feel big need for gf as It has a lot of cons
>make good money
Everything depends on what is "good money"
>do drugs
I think I don't gain a true happiness from just selfish making me happy for a moment.

>> No.6860236

I think that the main problem is that I see how meaningless is my life and that it is not important at all (if we speak globally).
And I feel the need to participate in something that is changing/developing world.
I am kind of introvert that don't really feel the need connections with other people (at least for now) and when close people to me died I never felt any sadness. I feel kind of weird with this but I don't attach to anyone. Even people like my parents. I hope I don't sound like a sociopath.

>> No.6860285

sorry for mistakes in writing but it is really late here where I live

>> No.6860379
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Im in the same boat man. I dont know how old you are but im 20, quit uni once (psychology) and about to quit again (business) because I just figure uni isnt for me.

I am a sad lad, have commitment issues, and cant find meaning in anything right now. I have looked at biz and charts for the last 2 weeks doing fucking nothing because I have no motivation in my current situation.

However, 6 months ago I was working a shit wagecuck job and going to the gym for 90 minutes every morning. That was probably the happiest and self-assured I have ever felt. Probably to do with the testosterone increase and solid routine.

My plan now is to live with a few friends in this student city and start a small business with my crypto gains. If that dont work i'll be joining the police. If that don't work i'll sell drugs or kms.

What's your current plans?

>> No.6860391

Its bacic stuff that people tend to forget that will lift most people from depression. sleep in a very dark and slightly cold room. wake up and sleep at the same time every day and let the sun see you often.Exercise. eat healthy food and cut out most carbs from your diet. And ofc watch jordan peterson.

>> No.6860470

at least you see meaning in improving the world.
most that feel how you do now eventually stop caring about being a benefit to the world, me included, and that mindset is hard to come back from.

I feel no emotions in relationships either, you're not as weird as you think, many people are putting up a facade

>> No.6860480

Oh shit m8, it sounds like copied and changed a little my story. And same age here.

>> No.6860518

sounds like good advice.

>> No.6860544

Where are you from?

>> No.6860556

I would get over the fact that you feel like you need to help change the world. No one wants your help, instead be the change you want to see.
Dont like what music you hear? make some you do.
Dont like what art you see? make some you do.
Dont like what movies you see? make some you do.
there is enough people on this planet that eventually you will get a following. I know i personally am more geared towards the arts but you can apply this to anything. and no you dont sound like a sociopath

>> No.6860680

My actual plan is to gain financial freedom and move to the more free country than mine. I think I will be programming and hoping for my crypto gains to make me a financial free man in the meantime.
But I don't want to change it upside down, I want to push it further.
Well that is a good advice, and thanks for that no sociopath haha.

>> No.6860688

>I think that maybe the problem is that I can't find the true meaning in my life, like a life goal that I have to accomplish.
I think this is it, but I have no idea how you got there.
I'm happy. I don't think there is any way for me to relate to you at all, and help you. I feel that there's this impassable barrier between the happy and the unhappy, and only a few have crossed it, at least in this place. The happy cannot relate to you, and the unhappy do not know how to be happy themselves, so you're not likely to get good advice here.

>> No.6860806

That is some truth told.
I am not stupid, but I am also not Tesla or Leonardo da Vinci, to be able to push world further by myself. And being a scientist that works in the research lab I think is possible but I don't have an idea of how it looks like, so if it would be not that I would lose almost all my life trying to get somewhere I don't want to be.

>> No.6860844

England, a good place to fuck up. there's lots of social services here.

what about you?

>> No.6860989

Poland, gov is shit.

>> No.6861070

Yea and I am against social services forced by govs.

>> No.6861225

Thank you all for advices, I am going to sleep now. Thank you very much once more.

>> No.6861334

all the best mate

>> No.6861431

Drugs will only mask the problem; you'll come out on the other side even more fucked up and depressed. I don't have the answer for you, but be very careful getting into drugs for that reason.

That being said, if you've never smoked pot, that's a good place to start.

>> No.6861589

Exercise, eat well, sleep, get outside/socialize.