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File: 40 KB, 900x1213, Bitcoin-Cash-Green-Logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6858905 No.6858905 [Reply] [Original]

I t-tried to make Bitcoin better. Why does everyone hate me anon?

>> No.6858933


>> No.6858957

Because it's obviously a (Bitcoin) cashgrab that isn't even better than other cryptos. Even fucking Litecoin is better than Bcash in transactions. And when atomic swaps become the norm, Bcash will finally die.

>> No.6858981

>give everyone with a bitcoin THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS FOR FUCKING FREE
>reee, we hate you, stop giving us the fee monies!! dis hurts da ecosystem durrr

>> No.6859031

inherently untrustworthy fork from day one. no analysts will ever recommend it to big 'legit' money such as banks.

>> No.6859039

I sold 7 of you for $350 each fucker that's why !

>> No.6859071

Splitting stock is fucking contemptible.
However, cryptocurrency is one part CIA money laundering and one part Pump and Dump, so there you go.

>> No.6859088

even doge beats bcash in tx volume some days lmfao

>> No.6859098

Roger Ver kinda comes off as a scam artist in his interviews, not just because he's a felon, but also because he vouched for mtgox. He needs to get less angry in his interviews, it's bad publicity and plebbit normies attack him for it. I like him because he's libertarian but I'm cool off investing.

>> No.6859218

I've seen you say this in 3 threads in the last few hours. How much do they pay you?

>> No.6859257

How do I get that free BCH for my bitcoin? I don't have to lose my original real btc right?

>> No.6859325
File: 56 KB, 403x448, 1515752822850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you honestly believe that you are past of the 21st pair club.

>> No.6859358

kek i read it in another thread and checked
the hilarious thing is its true
does it make you mad or something?

>> No.6859422
File: 56 KB, 621x702, 1516415868538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doge has shills

>> No.6859429

>kek i read it in another thread and checked
Sure you did shill.

>> No.6859509
File: 135 KB, 645x729, 1509536994442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurrrrrrrrrrrr im i see this in every thread where im shilling bch how much are you getting paid to post this hilarious fact

>> No.6859670

Bitcoin cash will replace bitcoin

>> No.6859700
File: 150 KB, 589x515, 1516745506418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the hate for BCH is political and unfounded. The propaganda isn't even good, its just that everyone blindly trusted Core. I thought BCH was a joke at the time of the fork and thought Segwit was going to fix things. It wasn't until later I discovered all the problems with Segwit (removing digital signatures from transactions) and its inability to scale. Once I started paying $30 transactions and waiting stupid long lead times I began to see a future in BCH. I was pushed farther into the BCH camp as the arguments from Core supporters were all Shareblue tier character assassinations and literally no technical arguments at all, while BCH supporters do argument technicals, but find themselves talking to walls that only retort "muh Ver" "muh Bcash" or literally arguing to just use fiat...

I don't like this split anymore than anyone else. It sucks that this had to happen, but I'm glad because after the dust has settled the lesson will be not to just defer all to developers as they can have motives not inline with the community. Segwit was the contentious fork, it can't be removed and forever changed the protocol. Just accept it.

>> No.6859735

Why would I be saying that you brainlet

I have equal btc and bch at moment. You're clearly deep in btc and terrified of bch if you feel the need to post this obvious FUD in every thread you see or you've been paid to FUD.

Why do you think doge coin has more transactions per day? I'll give you a minute.

>> No.6859934
File: 45 KB, 586x523, 1504578392243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 0 bch and 0 btc brainlet. I'm all in on bitbean now baby its satoshis true vision