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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6857587 No.6857587 [Reply] [Original]

hallo /biz/

>be poor faggot and retard
>get drunk
>"diversify" portfolio

here's the coins I'm holding and total number of coins. thoughts? not really into day trading, more interested in HODL.

FUN - 479
LINK - 291
POE - 243
XLM - 191
REQ - 138
CND - 80
XRP - 30
NAV - 29.26
BAT - 18
IOTA - 16
VEN - 8
ICX - 7.21
OMG - 2
NEO - 0.41

am i fucked?

>> No.6857635

Move some out of FUN and LINK into XLM.

>> No.6857636

Where do you buy in small amounts without dumb shit fees making it pointless?

>> No.6857730

like I said, I'm a retard. I was holding 100% eth, and then started drinking and bought all this shit. so I've obviously hurt my gains from so many small transactions. not trying to flip, more interested in longer term HODL.

crypto newfags, transactions cost money, don't retard like me

>> No.6857881

NEO is not dividable

>> No.6857992

sell everything except LINK VEN OMG XLM for the love of god

>> No.6858027


yes it apparently is

>> No.6858157

on exchanges it is, noobcuck

>> No.6858877


>> No.6858965

you are too diversified. Still be diversified but not that much. and hold some btc, eth to be safe

>> No.6859063

Keep REQ too.

>> No.6859124

>holding NEO on an exchange
>not collecting that GAS

>> No.6859128
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awful, you're a retard.

>> No.6859175

How to make it as a poor fag!

Go all in on two heavily shilled cryptopia gems, ride the pump but get out early.

Do this several times

Buy rumours, sell the news.

>> No.6859480

I know. lol