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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6854549 No.6854549 [Reply] [Original]

Honestly if I manage to get 10 million dollars then I am absolutely buying the shit out of 4chan.

And I'd abso-positively buy Tumblr just so I can put it on FBI+CIA watch and eventually shut it down.

>> No.6854623
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>He thinks he can buy tumblr with 10 mil.

>> No.6854639
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And of course suicide watch for Tumblr.

>> No.6854702

I don't think you need 10mil to buy 4chan

>> No.6854775

In 2016 the entirety of Yahoo! was sold to Oath Inc. for 4.8B. I'd estimate you'd need like 800M right now to buy tumblr off of Oath.

>> No.6854802

4chan seems more like a liability with no source of income

>> No.6854950

The domain name alone is worth millions just due to the traffic and name recognition.

>> No.6855047 [DELETED] 

You're next, Hasbro. I can get very creative my money when I want to, unlike most pretend-entrepreneurs.

>> No.6855142

/b/ /pol/ /v/ alone are worth the entirety of 4chan for the traffic. Take those giants out and 4chan's worth crawls to far below 250k

>> No.6855227

People still browse /b/ in 2018?

>> No.6855273

>Take those giants out
I wish.

>> No.6855886 [DELETED] 
