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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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685164 No.685164 [Reply] [Original]

ITT Shit poorfags say or do

>pays credit
>always hungry
>having a checking account with under $15,000

>> No.685178

>Having $15k in your checking account

What are you so afraid of faggot? That's like $7-8k that could be in your investment account

>> No.685187


>having a checking account with over $15,000

>> No.685244

>making this thread every day
>using car loans as leverage

>> No.685247

"I think it's out but I'm gonna hit it just in case"

>> No.685266

Owning shares that don't pay a dividend.
Having kids.
Not pirating shit.

>> No.685324

>I have no money
>I am poor
>My income is low


>> No.685334


>im going to buy rims with my tax refund
>not paying taxes

>> No.685343

>Even if I had my car, I couldn't afford gas.
>$9 for a gallon of milk is too expensive (Hawaii fags know what's up)

Lets do some easier ones tho. Some real fish in a barrel.
>Use of the word "Nigga"
>Anyone who participates in a riot
>Anyone stupid enough to have gone to college
>Anyone who participates or organizes a march, rather than making a "donation" to a politician.

>> No.685346

>Anyone stupid enough to have gone to college
dat bait

>> No.685347

I knew my rent was gon be late about a week ago

I worked my tail off, but I still cant pay it tho

>living paycheck to paycheck

>> No.685351

I know this is a "things poor people say thread", but have you tried developing a budget with a 10% savings plan?

>> No.685352


I was watching a documentary on the riots in Ferguson recently and about half way into the documentary, I realized I was watching Planet of the Apes.

>> No.685353


>implying im a poorfag

yes I have and my saving rate is actually more than 10%

>> No.685355

>Owning shares that don't pay a dividend
>what are growth stocks

These threads are hilarious. Y'all poorfags don't even know why yur poorfags.

>> No.685356
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you probly think investing into Tesla is a good idea

>> No.685365

>poorfag stumbles into thread making fun of poorfags
>thinks its an advice thread

>> No.685367

He's the OP. He makes these threads every day despite being a poorfag himself.

>> No.685370



>> No.685373

>He's the OP
Oh shit, that's even more sad. So fucking pathetic. Now I feel sorta bad.

>Not really.

>> No.685379


>implying everything I've posted isn't true.

>> No.685388

So you aren't the same guy who makes these threads every day?

>> No.685425
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"Did you hear what happened on *insert favorite TV show here*?"

>> No.685448

Me: "OP, you're a faggot."
OP: "Stop implying I'm a faggot."
Me: "I'm stating that you're a faggot."
OP: >implying
Me: "I'm declaring as an affirmative fact that are a faggot."
OP: implying_meme.jpg

>> No.685459

because poorfags watch tv?

>> No.685492

here is the one thing all poorfags do and they need to stop if they really want to access wealth and prosperity. It really saddens me that poor people do this mistake and in that way stop themselves from attaining the American dream, there is just one thing that they have to stop doing
>not being rich

>> No.685513

>i can't wait for my tax refund

>> No.685601

>I got a good car payment

>> No.685612

>has less than 1K bitcoins

>> No.685616

>holds bitcoins

>> No.685790

Im still a poorfag college student and i heard some fucked up shit
>"I dont trust direct deposit. They might scam you. Id rather cash my check at western union"
>"Investing is gambling"
>buys cigerettes, beer, weird car accessories, and eats out all the time
> "im poor because God is testing me, and he has a plan"
All from one women

>> No.685864
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"I need help with being fed profit money while buying shit on chinese websites"

fucking poorfags like you disgust me

everyone on this board is just jealous that im more superior and honestly probably the most wealthiest on this board

>> No.685868

Wealthier than iHaz?

>> No.685875

It's just some guy that's mad at a namefag and is currently pretending to be him and acting like an asshole.

>> No.685886

>$15,000 in checking account
you richfags really are fucking retarded

somebody I work with pays for everything by putting the money from their paycheck into the H&R Block card that they give out tax refunds on. They refused to get direct deposit when they found out they needed an employee from their financial institution to acknowledge the account was real on the sign-up form.
This same person also admitted to me that they stole their oldest daughter's identity to open up checking account, and then over-drafted said account (said daughter is now 17 and has no idea about the account).

>> No.685890

>>$15,000 in checking account
>you richfags really are fucking retarded

I don't think you realize how little money that is...

10,000,000 in the stock market, 5% gainz = $500,000

10,015,000 in the stock market, 5% gainz = $500,750

OMG these richfags are leaving 750 bucks on the table by keeping 15k in their checking accounts!!!!


I accidentally found out I have 38k sitting in a bank of america checking account a couple weeks back. I had no idea... I just left it there.. but at least I know about it now!

>> No.685892

$750 is an electricity bill, and internet bill. why the fuck would you not want that? it's the same as saying
>Hurr it's only $1 a day
that's fucking $30 a month on average. that's fucking 15 large god damn coffee's. THREE BUSINESS WEEKS OF FUCKING COFFEE. every cent adds up in the long run

>> No.685899


It's not that the money isn't worth anything.. of course it is.

And properly managed financials would dictate that as much of the wealth you have should be invested properly.

But 15k in a checking account is just enough to cover the average monthly liquidity needs of someone that is living off 180k a year.

>rich people are stupid for keeping enough cash on hand to pay their bills

You guys just don't get it at all.

If you make 250k a year, then you get a direct deposit of about 14k a month after tax...

>how dare anyone have money in their checking accounts.

you guys have no idea how little money that is.

>> No.685905

>This same person also admitted to me that they stole their oldest daughter's identity to open up checking account, and then over-drafted said account
Puerto rican here and ive seen this shit happen way too fucking often in my community. These sleazeball parents open up joint accounts with their kids names and ruin their credibility. Its disgusting.

>> No.685910

I highly doubt all of your monthly expenses happen in such quick succession to one another that you actually need to have at least $15,000 in your checking account on a consistent long-term basis.

And if you actually did somehow forget about $38,000 being in one of your checking accounts, then you proved my point about richfags really being retarded.

>> No.686342


Why is there anything wrong with keeping 15k in a savings account? You shouldn't be investing about 3-6 months of expenses anyways.

Not to mention growth stocks > dividend stocks unless you're over 60 and need the income.

>> No.686699

>goes to bars every Thursday - saturday

>> No.686701

>im just going to marry someone rich

>> No.686711

>if I work hard, ill be rich one day.

>> No.686717
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>send lottery tickets on a weekly basis
>winning the lottery is their only plan to get rich
>working a min wage job instead of putting this time into developing useful skills

>mfw I know few people who do this

>> No.686946

>non-dividend stocks
>dat tax inefficiency

It's like you don't even want gains.

>> No.686962

>buy lottery ticket for 2$
>win 20$
>buy 3 more tickets
>get 500$

I don't see where the problem is with it.

>> No.687060

>use le Jew mene unironically

>> No.687063

>if I become that job I will make X$ per year

>> No.687067

>being a butthurt kike

>> No.687513

>I have more than the minimum insurance

>> No.687517

>My disability check came through.

>> No.687523

Please tell me more about your billionaire lifestyle :-)
Does being an antisemite help?

>> No.687557

>Should I do the job that my heart loves or the one that will pay the bills?

Then a cavalcade of retards proceed to say, FOLLOW UR <3