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File: 72 KB, 604x613, monkas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6846168 No.6846168 [Reply] [Original]

Got beaten up by 2 Swedes yesterday and they stole my ledger nano's with $182600 worth of mostly XLM and ETH.
I know they were swedes because they spoke with a swedish accent and they were not sandniggers.
They knew exactly where to look and they were big guys so I had no chance.
I fucking told you I was being followed.

How do I disable my ledgers? I don't think they can access it without my passcode right?

I'm probably going to move to italy next week because I can't live here any more.
I am stressed out so sorry if bad text. AMA.

What to do? I have friends in Bandidos HBG.

>> No.6846215

Post pics of wounds or stop larping

>> No.6846239

if they need your passcode for the ledger nano, you better run now.

>> No.6846269

Hope you have a backup retard

>> No.6846274

I have no wounds wtf, they held me down retard.

is it possible to bruteforce it though?

>> No.6846292

You wrote dowen your seed, so np. They need the pin. Unless it was an old ledger that easily can be hacked.


>> No.6846313


If I ever wanted to avoid paying taxes on my gains, this is how I'd do it.

>> No.6846314
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>they were big guys

>> No.6846321

It's the version that supports XLM and ETH. I bought it a while back.

>> No.6846331

I hope you learnt the lesson and never again cross to Malmörgul.

I read somewhere that the situation with Copenhagen - Malmö is where Tolkien got the inspiration for Minas Tirith and Minas Morgul.

>> No.6846332

They gonna come back tonight to beat the shit out of you again until you tell them your pincode and give them you 24 words pass phrase

>> No.6846341

If they can guess the password, but i doubt they can bruteforce it if your password is good. would probably take way too long.
The most obvious thing to do is come back and beat the crap out of you for the password

>> No.6846344

Tell your underground friends there is a 50k reward for their heads. They will be found. Make sure to pay up and GTFO after.

>> No.6846363

You kept your private address and passpharse right?

>> No.6846364

Buy new ledgers, use the keys you saved...drama over.

>> No.6846373

I'm gonna move my stuff to a storage room tomorrow or the next day and prepare to go to italy because my uncle has a summer house there.

>> No.6846374


They can do this:


Use your seed and move the money, go to a hotel.

>> No.6846379


>got beaten up by 2 Swedes


>> No.6846388

move out to a friends house or whatever, if they really want the password they will torture you for it if they are sick enough.

>> No.6846391

Buy a weapon, have a shiv kill those fuckers or call the police.

>> No.6846409

>got beaten up by 2 Swedes
did they hit you with their purses?

>> No.6846415

Get your coins back with your passphrase and hire hitmen. Either that or buy a weapon to kill them with.

>> No.6846428
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keep me posted!

>> No.6846433
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>> No.6846439

Idk man, they weren't even wearing gloves or anything.
All they had was a hoodie pulled thight so I could only see their eyes. They were taller than 196cm at least because they were taller than me.

they both wore peak performance jackets tho

>> No.6846440

Wish you the best, if true.

>> No.6846477
File: 484 KB, 275x210, tumblr_ljh0puClWT1qfkt17.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remembered your story.

Keep going, I want next chapter

>> No.6846479

swede here

anyone know how to unlock some ledger nanos, dumbass before me locked in all his btcs at 10k?

>> No.6846482


Also grow some balls, buy a pepperspray its OP, and fucking move out already stupid niggef

>> No.6846495

>moving to italy
..welp OP, if you really want to downgrade why not Portugal?

>> No.6846525

I've bribed officers before so i don't trust the police. Some of them are corrupt even in Denmark.

I'm movin to italy in the next few days and I'm posting from my car right now.

>> No.6846550

Then they're gonna beat the shit out of you until you tell them where that storage room is. You have to find a better plan anon

>> No.6846572

fuck man what do i do. furniture and all other shit alone is like $15k

>> No.6846576

>pepperspray is OP

>> No.6846581

bro if you got cash, move out of town get a hotel room, get your crypto back and then go to italy

>> No.6846597

kys larper

>> No.6846608
File: 18 KB, 213x236, 42453BD9-B67F-471D-B094-02F1CE794B53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be amerifat
>carry glock 19 and switch blade on me at all times
>live in a castle doctrine/stand your ground state

God it must suck to be a europoor

>> No.6846610

I'm American, so I would have shot them with my guns, and then buried them in my government-subsidized corn field.

>> No.6846624

and move fast

>> No.6846627

If you tell last nights happnigs to the police they for sure gonna protect you for a while. And yeah, I guess you really have to move somewhere else

>> No.6846637


I take it you've never been peppersprayed, shit burns for hours.

>> No.6846643

Maybe, but I still have my main pc and all that shit in my apartment. I still don't know if they are able to access my coins.
My private key is stored in my apartment as well.

>forgetting that everyone else in americuck has a gun

>> No.6846648

being held down with enough force to actually hold someone causes bruising

show the bruises or gtfo

>> No.6846665

Basebollträ en polare och ring polisen om de seriöst tror att dina coins är sparade på ledgern är de alldelles för dumma oavsett. Göm nyckeln nånstans som inte är i hemmet och gör en anmälan, eftersom det inte va babbar kommer antagligen polisen bry sig och göra nåt, om det inte är påhitt så att säga.

>> No.6846691

>shit burns for hours.

They can still beat him up and torture him

>> No.6846696

mate call your family or whatever, get people to come with you, get your shit organized in your home, and move.
I wouldn't trust your friends, since you spurged out your waelth to them right?

>> No.6846700


You just blind them and gtfo

>> No.6846717

Just today a kid got shot at school in Kentucky. Be happy living in this massive cauldron of shit

>> No.6846728

Just fuck off somewhere and start fresh

Never tell anyone about your gains

>> No.6846735

and most probably it's your "best mate" that came out with the plan, don't trust anyone that was there with you or freinds of friends

>> No.6846752
File: 8 KB, 246x205, PFFFFT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Announcing wealth EVER

>> No.6846756

Two big guys would still catch him even if they have to close their eyes for a little bit

>> No.6846771

>got held down while someone else took his bitwaifu
>calls other cucks
No wonder Euro is being conquered by idiots that don't even have to fire a shot. You refuse to even have a fighting chance because it includes the word "fighting"

>> No.6846776

thats why you pepperspray and then smash their nuts

>> No.6846782

Yeah if you get properly sprayed you are 100% fucked.

Fucking kids.

>> No.6846785
File: 329 KB, 1404x1155, american-pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be yuropoor
>can legally collect rainwater, visit prostitutes and walk across the road anywhere
>live in a house not made of wood an no negros to break into my non wooden house
>not get shot

Praise allah it must suck to be a amerifat

>> No.6846811

And there are guys being more or less immune to a load of pepper, especially in the football scene

>> No.6846816

RIP Scandinaviabro

>> No.6846822

Maybe they're part of some secret society or some deep web criminals who want to kidnap you, sell your organs and use your body for drugs. This is where all people who ''disappeared'' and police never finds them go. Your crypto is just a bonus.

>> No.6846825


Jeg tror ikke de er så dumme. De vidste hvor min ledger var: /

>> No.6846831

I told you to hire a big fat blacl body guard like Floyd Mayweather has. Now look at you!

>> No.6846836

They couldn't chase him, though. A big point of pepper spray is getting that shit in their airway so they can't chase you without coughing up 30% of their lung tissue.

>> No.6846888
File: 285 KB, 1000x800, 8AFEC45D-BCD5-461D-9401-26FCCAF75C58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ban most guns and don’t allow people to carry
>law abiding citizens now have no protection
>criminals still carry guns

Great logic there.

Even more of a reason to own a gun. Better to be prepared for shit situation like that then to be in gun fight with your hands.

>> No.6846894
File: 70 KB, 661x496, active-shooter-takedown-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Looks real painful lmao

OP, get a knife.

>> No.6846896
File: 107 KB, 880x660, Uberti Colt Cattleman 1873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf dude, you *knew* you were followed, you apparently have criminal connections and you didn't even get a gun? You know you can buy working replicas of XIX century guns replicas any permit in eu?

It's either a gun (and a willingness to actually kill) or police, there's no reliable third alternative.

>> No.6846898

>One person died, so it's ok for me to be a coward.

>> No.6846903

The Chads got you, op. Betas can't be happy. Didn't you learn anything in high school?

>> No.6846920

Man i've been involved with that shit for too long and I haven't done anything illegal since 2015.

>> No.6846926

How does anyone get beaten up by Swedes?
They are the most limp-wristed and emasculated of all men in europe

>> No.6846939

I sprayed my eyes with bear spray once, would not recommend using on yourself.

>> No.6846961

Svensker eller pakkiser?

>> No.6846966

nobody cares

>> No.6846970

>You know you can buy working replicas of XIX century guns replicas any permit in eu?
What the fuck?
First of all learn grammar this sentence doesnt make ANY sense.
If you're trying to say you can buy a gun in eu NO YOU CANT

>> No.6846972

>burger logic

Then again burger education is what it is

>> No.6846973

One person just today. I hope american education still allows to read statistics properly.

>> No.6846997
File: 3.35 MB, 3264x2448, slambang3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6847000

>bear spray
No bears in Denmark, no one sells it there.

>> No.6847004

>ik en sandneger

>> No.6847006


>> No.6847023

>replicas any permit in eu?
That should be 'without any permit'

Well at least get a gun now. Or at least one of these tasers that look like flashlights. Not very effective against two guys at the same time though.

>> No.6847031

calm down m8

>> No.6847048

Are tasers illegal in Sweden too? You couldn't store that shit in a safety deposit box like 1 hour away from were you live?

>> No.6847050

>ban most guns
you mean ban ALL guns in 99% of eu countries

>> No.6847057

>be yuropoor
>shoot guy in self defense
>have to pay reparations worth 2x your bitcoin stash to his family

>> No.6847083

>you mean ban ALL guns in 99% of eu countries
>ameriblob education

>> No.6847094

Call a few friends, move your shit, and fucking run across the EU. Do not stop in Denmark.

>> No.6847095

This dudes right you know. Ive left terrible marks on girls pinning their arms down (not rape, just kink). If you were anything but limp, you have marks and shit on your arm. I had a girl who looked like I tore her bicep terrible bruising

>> No.6847104

>posts complete shit burger vid
>recommends knife vs 2 big guys, it will not stop them and after 2 cuts they will smash your skull in

I guess i could tell you I worked in the army for 4 years (EU thank god) and tou arr PRIME EXAMPLE of how fucking stupid burgers are. JUST LOOK AT THIS STUPID FUCK VIDEO LMAO

Only people like you could select trump for president, i almost feel sad for you.

>> No.6847113

Yes you fucking can, I own an AR-15 and P320, both bought legally.

>> No.6847119

That should be 'without any permit' I don't know how that word got repeated lol

And yes you can buy working replicas of pre XX century guns legally.

>> No.6847129

OP is about to get his knees bashed in and his feet cutoff and you want me to calm down? Our comrade is in serious danger.

>> No.6847140
File: 50 KB, 470x706, Bane_TDKR3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>big guys
For you?

>> No.6847143


literally snorted

so, op, you the one who was being followed?

>> No.6847150

If this isnt a larp and you re actually too much of a bitch to just grab a kitchen knife when you know theyre coming for you... man you deserve this loss, fucking turbocuck

>> No.6847184

Im a proud scandinavian with plenty of legally owned firearms for hunting. Im giving danebro here his best bet at protecting himself since he fucked up by not getting guns earlier.

>> No.6847186

You have obviously never been among criminals. These people will kill you for some stupid shit.

>> No.6847188
File: 50 KB, 547x471, pepecheeky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be yuropoor
>think rainwater is banned in US
>Need to visit prostitutes because US fuck our best women, rest goes to islam
>Live quality of live below American poverty line
>Get raped by somalis


>> No.6847246

Dont get pepperspray m8.


>> No.6847248

stop being a wanker:


>> No.6847255
File: 308 KB, 1600x1067, Average american.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Live quality of live below American poverty line

Anon, yes!

>> No.6847297

why do you carry around 200k $ WTF
i hope you get beaten up again

>> No.6847305

Dude, get the police involved. In all other scenarios you lose

>> No.6847306
File: 2.31 MB, 1898x911, american-prosperity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Under a new Colorado law, House Bill 1005 (2016), residential homeowners are now able to use two rain barrels, with a combined capacity of 110 gallons
>Rainwater harvesting is allowed in Oregon, but may only be done from roof surfaces


>> No.6847323

Værste fucking LARP jeg nogensinde har set. Skyd dig selv OP

>> No.6847420

Damn, mate...

PLAN A: If this is real, call the cops, try to move the money (if you still have your private keys, and you can do it (I don't really understand Ledger)) to another account, and move to another place.

Plan B: Do you recognise the guys that attacked you? If you're into that underground world, I'll ask to "that" people that know a bit of everything. As soon as you locate the thieves, send your own guys and recover your Ledger.

>> No.6847431

You re saying you let some fuckboys walk into your house and rob you for $180000. Not only that but you are too afraid to do something about it. I believe the american negroes have invented a fitting word for such a person: bitch ass nigga

>> No.6847433

>keeping your ledger nano on yourself
weak larp

>> No.6847449

This is why you should store on exchange

>> No.6847465

OP here.
Fuck this, I'm gonna wait in my apartment.
If I don't post in 24hrs im either dead or in jail.
I WILL post in exactly 24hrs.

/dane signing off

>> No.6847487

Tell me you have the seed

>> No.6847494


>> No.6847594

Only shitty liberal states ban it, those dont even count.

>> No.6847617

Fucking dumbasses believing larp posts.