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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6842593 No.6842593 [Reply] [Original]

Okay gays, heres the basics

LiveEdu Ico - easy money

BitDegree is the same shit, had an ico in december with hardcap of $22mil, it’s now worth 100mil, thats a x5

LiveEdu is $10mil and at 100mil would be x10

Easypeasy japaneasy, normies will love this shit and they’ve got working products

>> No.6842638

got 8k stacked already

>> No.6842760

They fucking keep reversing the progress bar everytime eth price drops

>> No.6842766

When is this nigerian scam going to hit exchange? Can't ask these faggots ban for absolutely no reason

>> No.6842787

it’s a fucking scam idiot

>> No.6842803

Check this thread


For the admins reply to this constant FUD against liveEdu

>> No.6842925

Faggot, I just stated why the progress bar goes back, its in line with Eths price

>> No.6843126

yes, because they're raising in $, now ether or btc, retard

>> No.6843155

12k eddie, i got on 20% bonus, enjoy your 14% faggots

>> No.6843591

Most raise $ but sell every day so they don’t get left holding dropping coins and having to increase the number of tokens distributed which makes all of ours worth less

>> No.6843794

Bought 15k jus due to the amount of shilling on this board, I’m just hoping these faggots carry on doing it after they get their tokens

>> No.6844090

my prediction is that when it finally breaks 8m the last 2m will come very quickly.

>> No.6844124

scam shit kek

>> No.6844360

Check their telegram annoucement about the FUD.

>> No.6844613

This is the stupidest fucking coin head I’ve ever seen

>> No.6844675

This. A fucking coin and blockchain to watch edu videos? What’s next? A browser plugin coin?

>> No.6844702

I’m blocked, share it here?

>> No.6844709

Same ol' pajeet fudder.

>> No.6844725

This is the dumbest shit I've ever seen and I invested about $8,000 USD into it. Fuck it. This shit IS normie bait, and it will go 5-10x min., esp. if we hit a bullrun.

>> No.6844742



>> No.6844954

If anything like BitDegree you would have hit $80k in a month

>> No.6845018

What you mean?

>> No.6845157

reading about this makes me have to poop
stupid pajeets

>> No.6845330

Lets not get too carried away

>> No.6845380

Literal shitcoin. I'm gonna learn how to write a book ON THE BLOCKCHAIN

>> No.6845558

Scam Ico been 98% sold out for two months

>> No.6845589

>STILL not sold out
are you guys serious?
just give up the shilling guys, you got pajeeted, accept it and move on

>> No.6845642

It’s never hit 98% and it hasn’t been out for 2 months

>> No.6845740

This is my first big experience with pajeets and mentally disabled people in crypto and I am astounded. Now I know where these people are coming from on /biz/. This fucking telegram already has almost 4x as many people as chainlinks telegram does and they are all educationally subnormal and legitimately think this a fantastic ICO and company. I'm not worried about the 1 eth I threw in at all anymore, and I'm looking forward to my shirt.

>> No.6846051

Thats exactly what gives it mainstream appeal, you think if everyone did research and understood the technology that Bitcoin would still be number 1?

>> No.6846114

This 101% fucking precent. The pajeets fuds are just good comedy to me.

>> No.6846163

Only thing fucking me off is by them setting back the counter, they are still selling the tokens for 10c each but are continuing to sell more which means our tokens will be worth like 7c by the time they’re released

>> No.6846198

Yeah, I threw in 1.2 ETH and I'm positive I'll make money on this.
Their telegram has 11k retarded normies.
It just shows me this has enough normie appeal to make some short term gains on this.

>> No.6846394

I'm not gonna lie I threw an eth into it not doing any research then got worried when I found out about the livecoding thing and how legitimately dumb the ceo is from the rebbit ama. But just the number of people in that telegram plus how active that chat is tells me they are onto something and this is going to appeal to people who aren't aware of the ICO right now. I have a strong feeling this nigerian scammer is gonna try and pump this shit with articles and tweets very soon after the ICO.

>> No.6846559

YC backed, Black CEO, New Alchemy advising the token mechanics and ICO..

ALL in

>> No.6846590

>LiveEdu Ico - easy money
Not now that plebbit is fucking it up. STOP RUINING OUR SCAMS YOU CUNTS

>> No.6846600

So if eth goes back to 1400 soon they reach the goal correct?

>> No.6846654

I don’t think they push it forward

>> No.6846657

>New Alchemy
Do they have a track record of actually getting tokens onto good exchanges? I can't really find much about them online searching briefly. I know rebbit eats up Ycombinator but it seems like the ceo fucked himself over there between the ama and the scam thread.

>> No.6846663

Hopefully not. I want that nigger CEO to see he can make more $ and then start acting like justin. Pump it

>> No.6846778

How is that even fair? Wtf

>> No.6846866

It’s not, they are fucking faggots

>> No.6846905

Here is their etherscan for receiving

>> No.6846950


>> No.6847010

Read their annoucement, pajeet.

>> No.6847222

Share then faggot, most of us banned from telegram

>> No.6847642

Normie coin

>> No.6847852

14% bonus over the next day or so, they release coins after ico ends

>> No.6848162

They are now shilling on reddit lmao

>> No.6848317

Look at the comments they are mass downvoting, they are fucking jokes

>> No.6848477

That nigger has a frail ego

>> No.6848480


Tron, ripple, and verge are jokes on reddit too except for their respective subreddit boards. LiveEDU has a different demographic than the r/cryptocurrency people you dumb pajeet.

>> No.6848643

It’s the LiveEdu team posting the threads and getting their Telegram to downvote naysayers u spastic

>> No.6848736

Sorry, there's no helping you. You hate money and must have felt like you were too good to buy tron at 200 sats.

>> No.6848783 [DELETED] 

Comfy gains with this awesome pump group.,,-

https://discord dot gg/SAvYRKM

>> No.6848911

Go ahead and help the nigger scam millions just so you can make a few $k, you are a fucking cuck

>> No.6848946
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>> No.6849003

One of his achievements is a quiz app and he also sells his book on an IcO trying to raise $10mil, this is the type of nigger to call himself a ‘hustler’

>> No.6849136
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>> No.6849154

Hope no one falls for the muh bitdegree shilling. No one else remember how blackmoon tried muh iconomi and then tanked?

>> No.6849482


>> No.6849660

What happened there, explain?

>> No.6850363


For best bonus atm

>> No.6850380

Fuck off pajeet

>> No.6850415

Blackmoon got shilled here and everyone thought “oh well if Iconomi is X market cap then this should be Y marketcap” (because they’re similar)

Blackmoon proceeded to tank so hard after release, and this will be even worse

>> No.6850988

So its only up 10c from ICO price? Thags fucking ridiculous

>> No.6851207

This, enjoy your heavy edu bags bois.

>> No.6851671


>> No.6852313

Wonder if it’ll ever go above $7.9mil or get reset again

>> No.6852633

Chucked 10eth in because of bitdegree, easy 100 eth by end of March boys

>> No.6852653


>> No.6852894

Who cares about niggers and whitepapers, normiecoins are in

>> No.6852895

It's never been reset, it just valuates in $, but the funding is done in ETH and BTC, so if ETH/BTC drops in value like in the last days, the total funded value drops, too. So the fact that it has stayed at 7,9M$ for some days besides the heavy drop of BTC/ETH just says that there must have been funding to equalize the drop in value.

I'm glad to have put some of my ETH dust into it. Just wait.

>> No.6853180

What happens when eth price goes up

>> No.6853354

It hit $8mil for the first time ever! Get in boys

>> No.6853390
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>what will happen?

>> No.6853479

Cool so we should shill it and counter the Redditards?

>> No.6853500

Well logically you’d think progress bar would go up but no, if Eth shot to $1,200 they wouldn’t end the tokensale but they’d let it carry on so they actually end up collecting 14-15mil.

>> No.6853634

Do you have proof of this happening?

>> No.6853644

Can confirm the Blackmoon thing and can confirm this live edu shit token has no use case and will tank after release

>> No.6853785

Dev team has awful PR with the bans from telegram. They also do a lot of shilling on reddit and advertising on youtube. On the positive side I am pretty sure they will be pumping this hard all over once it hits the exchanges, and judging from the amount of people on their telegram it will not have a problem growing. People are telling me that ICOs are not going to work in this market, it is not December. And yet the CV ICO is skyrocketing today as soon as it hit the exchanges. If a freaking carfax coin goes up 3x the second it hits the exchange there is no reason this one should not.

Long term, fuck this project. I don't need a damn coin for learning. No one does. It is worthless in my opinion. In for those fast gains boyos, mark my words.

>> No.6853852

Progress bar was at $7.9mil almost 2 days ago when eth was 1040, eth dropped to 930 so they set the bar back to $7.1mil and it has slowly made its way to $8mil now and once Eth increased to $1k the progress bar hasn’t shot back forward, you can follow their etherscan link higher up in this thread and it doesn’t line up

>> No.6854472

Any good exchanges promised?

>> No.6854899

They’ve been banned from ycombinator forums for shilling too

>> No.6855505

Theres more than enough red flags but I don’t give a fuck, 10mil hardcap is too good to pass up for a working product

>> No.6855853

Same, I’ll let normiefags hold my bags

>> No.6856282

You didn’t mention they’ll be on much better exchanges than BitDegree, Bancor Exchange already confirmed, EtherDelta is ready and Huobi and Cryptopia soon

>> No.6856698

ED and Cryptopia confirmed?

>> No.6857079

By live edu team yeah

>> No.6857288

This and coinmetro are the icos that are gonna blast me past 100k this quarter

>> No.6857417
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Shitcoin by shitskins, have fun losing your money, not like you deserve otherwise if you actually threw money at these niggers

>> No.6857462

Lmao you fucking tard those were pajeets impersonating admins to get them to send over eth. If you believe that you are a fucking spastic

>> No.6857548

Im aware you spastic. Hope you actually threw money in so you lose it.

>> No.6857632

>Still hasn't broke 8 mill after being 7.5+ for a week
>ETH has been fluctuating around the same prices for days
>Bar keeps being reset
>I-i-i-its because the prices are shifting

>> No.6857690

We only make money here

Telegram is fucking massive full of pajeets that will shill the coin everywhere, easy fucking money

>> No.6857926

Yeah, what bullshit.

>> No.6858083

>Literally Dr. Garbage
>We wuz quiz appz n shiet nigga
This is without taking into account the core question

Why would you need blockchain technology to host videos on the internet? if you really wanna invest into niggatech at least go for Stratis, they have a real product

>> No.6858149

Their marketcap is 1.2bil, thats 120x EDU

>> No.6858526

I’ve missed too many icos, no way I’m missing this one, putting just the one ether in, if it profits it’s going into my ico fund where i gamble it to 1mil

>> No.6858747

Would this make me enough money to have my own Cuban trophy wife?

>> No.6859013

Meh looks like no one gives a fuck anymore, hardly any new purchases in etherscan

>> No.6859359

Where the fuck did all the enthusiasm for this project go

>> No.6859606

The ICO should have been done by now

>> No.6860178

How is it false ?

>> No.6860385

this has been shilled super hard since WEEKS and it still hasn't hit hardcap. its like everyone just blindly dropped money into it thinking low cap ICO hurr durr it must make 3x at least. then they do a bit of research and see that its an absolute pajeet tier scamcoin which will go nowhere but they cannot get their money back anymore so they spend all their time desperately shilling it on /biz/. this thing will dump hard once it hits exchanges, it has literally zero use and anyone with an IQ of over 20 can see that.

>> No.6860652

Yet coins without uses moon all the time, its got the normie factor

>> No.6860822

maybe that would have held true a month ago. but not anymore, we are in a bear market even really good ICOs are struggling to 5x at this point. this thing is not going anywhere screencap this

>> No.6860848

How can a 10mil marketcap go nowhere? The bear market won’t last very long

>> No.6860924


That nigger already shilling this shit at chinese TV

>> No.6861161

ok nig nog currently about 2/3 of all coins are below 10 mil marketcap. you really think most of those will be going somewhere from now on? literally the only positive thing people have to say bout this ICO is >low marketcap. that doesnt mean anything if no one will value this when it goes on exchanges. if this really did have potential it would have completed the ICO sell phase after so many weeks of hardcore shilling. anyway im done trying to talk sense into you pajeet, lose your money if you want. i wouldnt be surprised if all these threads about this scam have been coordinated to lure /biz/ users to lose their money

>> No.6861215

Its at 8mil right now, in any case I threw 2 eth at it. Just a tiny amount of my stack