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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6840987 No.6840987 [Reply] [Original]

Sun is rising in Merrica and so are the markets.

>> No.6841082
File: 684 KB, 720x803, serveimage-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you based ameribros for saving us from this bear

>> No.6841107

>proud to be part of a corporative entity ran by israel and the vatican which was built by everything but caucasians using the persian-iranian law and liberty format created thousands of years ago to keep slaves in check.

>actually gets chemical pleasure and rewarding feeling from being associated to a non-physical social construct

why aliumz won't talk to us.

>> No.6841124
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>Amerigods saving the market from yurocuck weak hands


>> No.6841139
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That is because burgers are buying crashing buttcoins.

>> No.6841145
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>> No.6841341

This hole Market is kept u by only one..


>> No.6841374


>> No.6841401

We sold you new Amsterdam give it back amerifag

>> No.6841415

>cuckwhites in europe funding anything

lol how naive, the crypto market is funded by south american and asian drug lords not the chumpchange of bankrupt western shitholes

>> No.6841421
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>> No.6841438


Like fucking clockwork. I buy after the Euros sell at the bottom and by middle of the day in America everything is at high I sell. Is there any reason why this has been a pattern for the past week? It's almost too easy to make money at this point.

>> No.6841496

Americans talking like Europe is poor google your state debt lol whahahahaahahagaha. Get some free health insurance and education Ameritards wahahahahah

>> No.6841533
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>> No.6841701

yeah lemme see that tax bill of yours bro oh wait you paid 99% of your wages to the state and got kicked out of your house so achmed could move in and rape your sister to death? Wow being a Europeon is soooo cool.

>> No.6841857

i swear if you shoot us in the foot and use us for bear bait again...

>> No.6841988

HahahHhahhh you get gold for this