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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6836693 No.6836693 [Reply] [Original]

Alright you autistic pajeets i want to go and wage cuck and make a shit ton of money. I have no problem with school, right now studying business and going to start something stem related next semester in order to get double majors. What economics bachelor is the most chad, and what stem Master is the best to combine it with. I already know programming since im a virgin internet lord so computer science seems like a waste. Dont tell me to invest it all in crypto because im already balls deep in this shit and education is free, however the NEET life is not for me.

>> No.6836724
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Go back to r*ddit
Suck tour cuck professors dick
And math PhD for 300k starting salady

>> No.6837016

Bruh do you really think im that fucking autistic what you faggot wannabe neets here have to understand is getting rich is more than making a mill of Crypto then not working and living like a hobo for the rest of your life. Do you think that's how the wallstreet chads fucking your wife thinks, crypto is a golden opportunity to make even more money in the future. Get a good education and you will never be poor even if crypto is banned across the globe, crypto is a great stepping stone for riches but not the absolute way.

>> No.6837234

Business is stupid, go into electrical engineering if you want money.

>> No.6837287

Master of Financial Engineering, Quantitative Development, Quantitative Finance. But i would advise it to you only if you are smart enough to handle this shit, it's really some highly conceptual math and statistics. Also people are geeky as fuck and you can literaly feel that the rat race is starting already on the uni. But if you are smarter than dumb normies taht need to stay in their fucking books all day to get proper grades and therefore they don't know any shit about the world around them, and you just don't give any single fuck and still passing you probably will make much more money than them, because you will be the guy who can improvise and actually cooperate with managemnet without being said as retarded.

>> No.6837673

Thats the thing im going for double major a bachelor in economics possibly finance and then engineering i get two diplomas one from business school and one from the technical school. However i want the best combination.

>> No.6837960

300k doge you mean right?

>> No.6838044
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how many people did you scam so far by posting ethereum wallet as trading bot on satoshibox?