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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6834267 No.6834267 [Reply] [Original]

I've slowly been dumping my positions this last month. I know as fact that tomorrows ama will intentionally be a let down and the following rebrand will be delayed another month. Higher ups have already cashed out and now the only thing left to do is let this thing bleed out until something else takes the hype.
I suggest biz does the same.

>> No.6834282

salty waltie

>> No.6834298

$20 tomorrow screencap this just bought 100k extra in dip thx

>> No.6834302

Sold my 20btc stack at 80-81k sat. The shills and delusion are rampant. I’ll buy my bags later.

>> No.6834322

Salty waltie

>> No.6834350 [DELETED] 


Who fucking cares. Everyone knows the best way to get shitton of money in this shithole of a "market" is manipulation. Join this pump group and get in on the profits too.

discord gg/YQqTCqt

>> No.6834366

Lol wtf? They just partnered up with the biggest bank In China, why would You think it’s gonna Go Down?

>> No.6834393

Lol anything but ‘VEN’s going to $100 this week1!1!!’ gets this response. Screams insecurity and fear. What do I care though, I made my money and will continue making money because I’m not a fanboy scared to take profit.

>> No.6834400

pajeet alert

>> No.6834408


i think i'll prepare to buy some, but i'm having doubts as well ...

will check the market ... willing to buy it for up to 10$ guessing i'll have time to do that

>> No.6834411

how low is this dip going to be?

>> No.6834412

>rebrand will be delayed another month

Give source or this is just spreading FUD.

>> No.6834426

No fucking shit it isnt going to 100$

>> No.6834428

i suggest those to trade your ven for xrb now. i have both, but i have a majority in xrb. much comfier desu. Vechain is going to pull a Tron with all the hype and no product

>> No.6834444

Former 40 man team member here. Warning you that this is a scam coin. A female team member asked sunny when he would have a working wallet ready. He pulled his pants down and said, "below me bitch." Made everyone in the room watch. As he was finishing he yelled THOR POWER. Then pulled his pants up and acted like nothing happened. I watched him call jim breyer and offer him a million coins to "advise" this project. All these "partnerships" were just paid vechain tokens to act as partners to make people think the project was legit. All the paid shilling on here and reddit. All leading up to the hype of the rebrand. That is when vechain and the "partners" dump the bags on you and exit scam. You think they are gonna let you and all the normies make it? Lmao don't say i didn't warn you biz.

>> No.6834471

Don't believe the people who say VEN has a product. Here's the facts:
>Jim Bayer already dumped his bags at $9.
>No white paper.
>Huge sell walls are people who bought in at 30 cents dumping there bags on you.
>Even once Thor comes out they won't be more then $1 each.
AND THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE: All of biz has bought this coin and biz never makes it.
My advice to you: Sell VEN and buy something else you guys are worse then linkies now.

>> No.6834501

Yep. And they fucking hate Walton because they’re scared of it. The sleeping giant.

>> No.6834507

Aahh didn't you get to buy sub 5$?

>> No.6834516



>> No.6834555

Multiple coordinated FUD threads on /biz/ at the same time despite having no substance.

A sell order book on Binance comprised of dozens of tiny unmoving orders punctuated by the odd big one to step the price down and give the appearance of depth.

A buy order book with big buys trying to fill at the price the sell book is pushing to.

About as clear as possible a signal to buy. Once the big buy orders fill expect a pump of 12-20%.

>> No.6834563

quads of truth

>> No.6834567

You know something is good when the FUD moons harder than the actual coin.

>> No.6834581

oh look it's verge, tron, raiblocks again

>> No.6834622

>/biz never makes it
>bitcoin in 2014, ethereum in 2015 and 2016, antshares this summer, Walton under 35 cents, req at 4 cents, xlm under a cent. spectre bug on IBM 3 days before msm giving me puts that paid for my house.
What fucking /biz do you go on you fucking idiot? Or do you just get fooled by pajeet threads every time?

>> No.6834624
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>comparing ven to verge, tron and raiblocks

>> No.6834668

the buy walls where not a fake or screen they got eaten.
This coin is going to go up

>> No.6834749
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>this time is different

>> No.6834785
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Yes. This time it is different.

>> No.6834814

No one's getting my bags. Iam not selling till eoy..

>> No.6834821

>spectre bug
wait did biz leak that?

>> No.6834851

This image is literally TRON faggots have, you idiots are throwing your money in the trash because of some random fucking jpg hahaha

>> No.6834854

>No one's getting my bags. Iam not selling till eoy..
I also am not selling

>> No.6834862

raiblocks is one of the most promising projects with great community behind it
it will succeed

>> No.6834868

It honestly confuses me how people can still FUD this shit after Jim Breyer. Jim on top of DNV making an announcement???? HOW FUCKING BLIND DO YOU HAVE TO BE?

>> No.6834877
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>no whitepaper
>huge premine
>closed source
>muh partnerships
yeah 200$ EOY

>> No.6834901

>Buy signals

>> No.6834928


>> No.6834975

why does VCHINK wan't to rebrand themselves into VCHINK WUZ NORDIC GODS AND SHIEET


>> No.6834977
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>erc20 token

>> No.6834991

why are RFID chips cool again? what a joke

>> No.6834996

because when you invest in them theyre taking you to valhalla

>> No.6835071

Dude got paid off, or is trying to protect a hefty investment.

>> No.6835083

Holy shit your deluded nobody is acquiring, werd just rubbing it in that your shitcoin is tanking. Deluded vencucks

>> No.6835092

jesus christ

>> No.6835112

I've seen no actual proof he is, somebody's blog saying he is proves nothing.

>> No.6835149
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>> No.6835154


>> No.6835167

What ? The chinks paid Breyer for an advisory roll?

>> No.6835171

because "partnershiiiiips"

>> No.6835204





>> No.6835291
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It's 100% Fud, no source, no co-ordinated shills. Just made up pajeet bullshit that most of biz takes to heart. Fuck this board is easy. DYOR STOP BELIEVING BULLSHIT POSTERS LIKE ME

>> No.6835324

I'm just laughing at the tards who bought at ATH yesterday

>> No.6835336
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>> No.6835345

fuck outta my board you retarded 15 year old reddit scum.

>> No.6835360

actually you know what, please fud harder

I have another 20 eth arriving tomorrow, so if the market could please crash further I'd love to buy a little bit more VEN

keep it up guys :)

>> No.6835393

what do you think is a good time to buy the dip? you think it'll dump after the ama?

>> No.6835403

i honestly fucking hate all of you
ven threads use to be awesome til all you stupid fucks showed
unironically kys

>> No.6835453

and where is it arriving from? emptying mommy's bank account for eth?
anyways, good luck supporting TRX 2.0

>> No.6835482

You can't possibly care this much ahahah. The only reasonable conclusion is that you're FUDing.

Also the main difference between VEN and TRX is that the partnerships VEN have are actually confirmed.

>> No.6835486

that would be me.
im really unlucky with this shit.

>> No.6835529

>Holy shit your deluded nobody is acquiring

Yeah, those big buys orders aren't really there and Binance is just glitching by showing them.

>> No.6835548

Do not fomo. first tenet

>> No.6835596

>tfw nerds got super mad and told me I was retarded for selling VEN at its ATH to buy REQ at 60% below its ATH
Guess it's true what they Say, do the opposite of what /biz/ says

>> No.6835620

I'm amazed, back to back to back Vechain FUD threads?

Someone explain the faggotry please, is it just trolling us to make us feel uneasy about our investments? I could totally understand that part.

But any other reason, i cannot understand. The bags meme needs to die, poorfags here dumping will NOT affect price. WILL.NOT. AFFECT. PRICE.

So stop the stupid comment of you're not getting my bags cheap you mongs

>> No.6835661

Quad 4s speaks truth. You've been warned

>> No.6835699

Well, you just agreed VEN=TRX apart from "partnerships"

>> No.6835747


>Someone explain the faggotry please, is it just trolling us to make us feel uneasy about our investments? I could totally understand that part.

Yes, it's exactly that. Look on Binance and you'll see the timing is coordinated with a concerted attempt to push the price down so demi-whales can fill their bags before the announcement tomorrow. This is standard /biz/ procedure with any good coin. You can make a killing just timing your buys to bring them into line with FUD campaigns like this.

>> No.6835796


This. Always do the opposite of what /biz/ says. They shill VEN? Dump your VEN to buy back later. FUD VEN? Buy the fuck out of it.

>> No.6835827

Your deluded theres no whale campaign, im jusy fuding for shits and gigs. Get over your shitcoin your seeing patterbs where they dont exist. Now apply this to PBOC and see where that leads. 2$ ven eoy screencap

>> No.6835889

I bought this at 20 cents back in September. I tried shilling it here but all you cucks were too busy sucking Walton cock to listen.

I've sold my position at 79k sats.

Will buy back in a few weeks when it goes to 25k ish

>> No.6835929

25k sats
fucking lol
You’ll be stuck waiting a long time mate

>> No.6835940

Please dont I put my life savings into this coin.

>> No.6835960

we need a major dip independent of bitcoin to clear the faggots from here and redit away from this coin

>> No.6835982

>theres no whale campaign

Sure, just six FUD threads in the catalogue, dozens of non-English speaking posters, and a weird coincidental timing with an attempt to push the price down using what are entirely standard and predictable tactics on Binance.

>> No.6836083

Point and laugh guys

It aint goin to 25k you jeet, unless you are trollin on purpose.

I'm buying the dip too, but dip will end tomorrow before another mission

RIP your position

>> No.6836102

you're a paranoid pal

>> No.6836136

>you're a paranoid pal

sir pls

>> No.6836228

sorry, you're not getting any change pajeet

>> No.6836255

I told people about how ARK and ETP looked unpaired with BTC during their pumps and BTC's crashes. All they could do was say "IT'S STILL GOING UP!" "WE ARE GOING TO BE $15 BY THE END OF THE DAY!" "JIM BREYER WOULDN'T RISK HIS NAME BEING TARNISHED!" "PWC!" "PBOC!"

>> No.6836750

Sir I have a family I need you to buy the coins I shill.

>> No.6836773



>mfw I actually lost 300 euro on this coin because I bought high

>> No.6836788
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Cashed out last night at the ATH

>holding VEN aka Tron 2.0

>> No.6836810

>AND THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE: All of biz has bought this coin and biz never makes it.

massively overshilled

you're being tricked

>> No.6836841

I can tell a lot of you are newfags who weren't around when ETH was being constantly shilled at this price.

>> No.6836844

Ah scam coin
Yes u sell now, save you money

>> No.6836859

Yep. Walton will prevail

>> No.6836871

God it just feels so FUCKING GOOD

>> No.6836995

yeah the one nice thing was they clued me into a coin with an actual white paper AND actual physical RFID chips

plus they have the patents that VEN or anyone else would need to suceed :)

>> No.6837065
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>because when you invest in them theyre taking you to valhalla
do people who commit suicide get to go to valhalla?

>> No.6837101

stop fucking supporting coins like it is your national team or something, the time to leave VEN was yesterday, just look at the graphs, this coin will go down HARD, much further down then its now.... learn the when to leave the ship, you can always buy back later

>> No.6837124

>VeChain is backed by the Chinese Government because there governance model fits whet China wants
>China takes the technology and patents from WTC and gives them to VeChain because it's a communist shithole and VeChain is the state sponsored solution
Good Luck Waltie.

>> No.6837126

If ven is legit, how come their site is in Chinese and specifically say "the white devil must bleed for China!"?? Thought so. Enjoy your scam!

>> No.6837224
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>VeChain is backed by the Chinese Government

>> No.6837333

Jim Breyer is a Chinese insider and it was shilled live on CCTV the voice of the party. How many times has WTC been shilled on CCTV?

WTC has superior technology and it won't matter in the slightest when China comes knocking.

>> No.6837351

>If ven is legit, how come their site is in Chinese and specifically say "the white devil must bleed for China!"??
Err what's wrong with that?

>> No.6837498
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>Jim Breyer is the chinese government