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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6833639 No.6833639 [Reply] [Original]

Let's be honest, deep down in our hearts most of us are hoping for shit to hit the fan even worse than 2008. Why? Because you my friends on /biz/ are ahead of the game. You're all here make profits and play the game and benefit from any crash, more importantly THE crash. My predictions for 2018/2019?

- Stock market will crash much like 2000 & 2008 however worse as P/E ratio is higher than 2007 peak.
- Realestate will once again collapse. Canada & Australia will be worse effected. interest rates will rise slowly and complacent normfags can't afford their mortgage
-Historic bond market bull run will turn bear, and hyperinflation will occur
- China will devalue their currency setting of chain reaction throughout the world, will become overtake USA as worlds largest economy.

So far on my list to increase and improve on within 6 months includes the following:

1. I've put my superannuation into 100% cash. 2. Im now buying physical silver (having a gamble on $100/oz), 3. Buying physical gold (considering the amount of gold each country has in bullion, it will be used to hedge against recessions) gambling to $3500/oz. 4. Invest in cryptocurrencies backed by physical gold (i.e Darico.io > (not a shill, also backed by BTC & ETH, good ICO, 1$ / DRC. 5. Sell ALL my shit coins that literally have no use except to be shilled by pajeets, probably will buy physical gold with a %. 6. Go balls deep in XMR 7. Fix all interest rates on my debts.

I ask you /biz/ whats your plan when shit hits the fan? How do you plan to diversify yourself in preparation and protect yourself and family? More importantly, will you hold onto your BTC/ETH? Sell immediately and wait for the bear market to come and wait for the bull?

Pic related: It's the Down Jones 100 year Historic chart, with grey indicating every recession since.

>> No.6833655


>> No.6833740

There don't seem to be any tell tale signs of a gfc like damage to certain industries and unemployment. I think we still have time but iunno.

>> No.6833785
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I wish but I think it's unlikely. Nothing would make me happier than the Australian property market crashing. I also think Australia needs a shakeout to get people out of their wageslave anti-entrepreneur mentality.

>> No.6833811
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>> No.6833849

>he thinks just because the price is high we should have a recession soon

We havent even entered consolidation year yet kid. A bear market is years away

Short bonds, keep buying gold and xmr, and youll be fine

>> No.6834003

>thinks markets rise exponentially
>fails to recognise perfect storm

>> No.6834505

We are safe until the next winter, m8. Get your ass on the coming crypto bull run, then cash out into gold and BTC and wait it out until next spring. If it doesn't pop, we have another year.

>> No.6834510

feels good to be in a industry that won't be affected by a downturn

>> No.6834589

Agreed, I'm in healthcare, legitamely will not lose my job with my profession.
Still up 45k, sadly ATH 75k fuckin bleeding markets.

>> No.6834619

im in healthcare/pharma it will be smooth sailing and i might be able to pick up some cheap property

>> No.6834715

This is my plan. I hope land prices take a dive.

>> No.6834780

good thing about the housing market crashing is that rich people can just buy even more property

all the poor faggots cant afford repayments, us /biztards/ can pick them up real cheap

>> No.6835255

Why 2018/19, OP?
My biggest problem is that with all money printed by CB's, I don't see why prices can't stay inflated for a very long time.
You know the equity premium puzzle? Why would all this excess cash not have pushed us to asset price levels where the equity premium puzzle disappeared, while we potentially stay here forever.
cheers from Sydney

>> No.6835595

>equity premium puzzle
>the market prefers a guaranteed $1,300 over 50/50 chance of $50,000
Holy shit

>> No.6835801

>Stock market will crash much like 2000 & 2008 however worse as P/E ratio is higher than 2007 peak.

This is actually correct.

>> No.6835829

There never is.

>> No.6835872

dumb Australian property hodlr thinks the laws of economic have changed to fit his confirmation bias. All I hear in your post is the same 'the paradigm has changed' shit from 1999. Gues what. You are wrong.

>> No.6835893

>Im now buying physical silver (having a gamble on $100/oz),

Exiting from that is expensive, annoying and difficult.