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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6832056 No.6832056 [Reply] [Original]

Just wanna remind everyone that there is a totally different kind of wealth: health.

When you're older you honestly wont give that much of a fuck how much money you have, you'll value your physical well being more than anything else. If you're feeling inadequate because of your financial situation, or maybe you just got into crypto too late. Don't worry anon, just improve your physical health, posture and diet. These things are important if you're also feeling emotional conflicts within yourself. People often neglect their minds and bodies, and then wonder why their minds/bodies aren't performing well.

Better health = better drive = better patience = better focus = more energy = more money. This is true whether or not you want to focus on crypto. Just remember that all the money in the world is useless if you dont have the health to go with it, good luck to all. You have absolutely nothing to lose focusing on health, its the ultimate personal investment.

>> No.6832175

Yeah desu if I make enough off of crypto to retire early or at least live easy the most important focus will be on health followed by pursuing knowledge and my passions

>> No.6832968

>tfw 19
>parents poor as shit my whole life, started working the day I turned 15 and could legally do so
>had open heart surgery when I was a year old
>haven't been to any sort of doctor or any sort of checkup literally as far as I remember
>have a sizeable bone tumor in my arm, haven't had it so much as looked at in the several years I've been aware of it
>wisdom teeth coming in impacted, I can't afford to do anything about it
>got a lot of sun growing up in Crimea, never used sunscreen and got burned often, 2 dime-sized black spots on my back
>$9.5k portfolio at ATH, now 5k, started with 500 wagebucks

I'm probably going to die very young, I probably have cancer or some shit already,
feelsbadman, I hope I make it and at least get to buy my dream car and live happy for a while without being a miserable wagecuck supporting his aged mother

I'm good-looking and tall and kind of smart and all that, really sucks I was born to complete poorfags, what a waste

>> No.6833001

>smoke unfiltered cigarettes all day long
>unhealthy as fuck diet
>constantly put myself under extreme physical strain while dehydrated and or starving
>decades of straight exposure to Australian sun with no protection
I think I'll be fine

>> No.6833054

>can run 10 to 15 km
>best physical shape of my life
>coming to a realise that I have major issues with my mind that I dont think I can fix.
>2K in engima
>my mom is the only reason I havent off my selfed

>> No.6833076

you are a legend anon, continue, do not die poor for all of us. Conquer the world and then kill us all

>> No.6833124

started gym thanks op

>> No.6833250

Good advice.
Get that shit checked out m8, who cares if you can pay for it now. I just had my wisdom teeth done literally two weeks ago after I ignored them and my mouth got infected. Couldn't close my mouth for a week or chew anything because I was stubborn fuck trying to ignore it.
Get that shit checked out. We both have too much to experience before we die.

>> No.6833266

Yeah that's why I also browse /fit/

>> No.6833471

Your mental health - feelings of success and adequacy, can be tied to your physical health. For me, I have a lot of anxiety, self-doubt, and insecurity because of my financial situation, I also exercise and take care of myself. The anxiety and stress induced from feeling pressured to perform every day to make up for the years of personal, and financial failures, takes a toll on my health more than any amount of 'healthy living', prevents it. tl:dr - fuck health, get money.

>> No.6833525
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>not using your gains to preserve your mental and physical health

>> No.6834042

Down here in my garage. Knawwww ledge

>> No.6834059

Better go get that skin condition checked. Melanoma is no joke.

>> No.6834180

I lift but I need to do more cardio. I fell for the meme of cardio kills gains and now I run out of breath when lifting weights.

>> No.6834711

cool story

Im currently sacrificing my health in order to achieve something. I decided 2 years ago to set out on an impossible task because I could not accept the outcome that would occur then. Its very rare for me to have some kind of goal, but when I ever do I will sacrifice anything to complete it.

>> No.6835068

You like to talk about yourself alot and have a large ego it's obvious. Your dream is to have an expensive possession... Hope you grow out of it. Your lot isn't really so bad, so chin up.