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681934 No.681934 [Reply] [Original]

What is the cut off for "not absolutely embarrassing" salary for someone in their mid-20s. Justify your answer.

>> No.681939


if you live on your own and don't look like you are dumpster diving you are doing okay for your mid twenties

>> No.681969

Right around $30,000

>> No.681974

Median household income is around $50k. If you're making that, you're fine.

>> No.682000

Yeah it's gotta be about $30, maybe $35k. $30k would be like $14.50/ hour right? That's like bank teller money.

>> No.682005

You should be making 90k at least assuming you went to university or started a trade

>> No.682020

As usual the first answer is best.

>> No.682033

$60k is minimum to be a human being in los angeles

>> No.682037
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>the city of you
Please, no more may-mays.

>> No.682048

It's ultimately about how much you are saving. If you are paycheck to paycheck you embarrass yourself every day

>> No.682067


switched professions when i was 28 though.

>> No.682087


living on your own is just a money pit, especially if you're renting. if you own your house, then thats acceptable.

I'm 26, live at home, have a base salary of 30k and with commish I end up around 50-60k. And any girl who doesnt understand why living at home is a smarter move in the long term isnt worth it anyways in terms of dating. My parents are cool as fuck and my family gets along well and I save a ton of money not paying rent or groceries.

I'm dumping money monthly into ETFs and will pull it out when I'm ready to make a down payment on a house. Paying off my student loans just fine and my credit score is 761. Full disclose: I am part Jewish, so... y'know.

>> No.682094

I agree. 30k is a good starting point for someone fresh out of a bland, local, state uni

>> No.682121

If you are over 23-24 and you live at home with your parents, and you aren't Indian or Muslim, you are going to have a very hard time finding a girlfriend/getting married. People just don't take you seriously after you say something like that. It nearly puts you into a whole new level of social interactions

>> No.682131

the people that won't take you seriously for living at home shortly after graduating from college are the same people that wouldn't take you seriously for some other reason.

most people don't give a fuck, and just won't ask to come over for obvious reasons.

>> No.682150
File: 63 KB, 500x375, I+took+it+and+edited+it+from+the+content+sooo+_9ca33b6510ad52d50127f80aea083a4d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Its a little hard to date a woman, remember, you are in your mid 20s, you arent a boy anymore, you shouldnt be dating someone who refers to themselves as a girl... when you have to walk her past your parents, and then nail her very quietly as your mom makes a sandwich on the other side of the door

Pic related, its what she is thinking doing the walk of shame the next morning... if you even made it that far

>> No.682158


Yea this is disappointingly true in a lot of cases and maybe moreso in the past but the difference in financial stability between someone whose managed to save 50k in a year or two of living at home advance their career and someone whose barely scraped by is huge. If you can't afford to move out, and your parents are smart enough to understand that the world has changed since they were your age, don't.

That said its a hard age to date anyways, career minded girls you would actually want your age are going for your manager and college girls are still obsessed with college guys. Its a shit world we are living in.

>> No.682160

did you read my post? i said the people won't give you shit for it, but they won't ask, or want to for that matter, to come over.

chances are she has her own place since chicks always want to fly the coop to slut around. you can fuck her there.

>> No.682166
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>getting married

>> No.682172

"not absolutely embarassing" in my books would equate to 30k USD

good going 45k

great is 60k

>> No.682244

I love when an article like this comes out and the comments rip it to shreds. Author getting btfo

>> No.682252

What's the cutoff for impressing people at 25?

Like $175k/£110?

>> No.682255

>Having a salary
>Not being rich and laughing at wageslaves

>> No.682258

...So you expect the woman you are interested in, that has her own place, to even have much of a conversation with you when she finds out you are still living with your parents, eating their food, and getting your laundry done for you?

The only hope you really have is finding a girl who still lives at home and doesn't really plan on moving out any time soon. Certain cultures almost demand this so it isn't impossible, but it drastically lowers your chances with the majority of women who have their lives together. Your choices are pretty much going to be girls who didn't go to college and got low end jobs, high school drop outs who are never moving unless it is with a guy, and girls who got knocked up at 17. Notice I didn't say the word woman a single time?

>> No.682265

no, i expect her to live with a room mate because she wants her "own" place so she can ride the cock carousel without her parents finding out that their daughter is a whore.

>> No.682268


Thats... kind of sad and disgusting but the plan seems to make sense now.

>> No.682356

If you make less than $50K as a college educated person, you are a failure. If you make less than $30K as a person who took up a trade, you are a failure.

>> No.682416

>tfw average salary for Community College program I'm planning on enrolling in soon is $40k/yr

Lel will i be swimming in le money?

>> No.682420

If I was a betting man I'd say no.

>> No.682425

b-b-but Public Colleges wouldn't make up stats would they?

>> No.682446

>90k at least assuming you went to university or started a trade

This is about right. OP said "not absolutely embarrassing", so all the idiots posting answers below the median are wrong. The median salary includes people on fucking welfare. How is that not absolutely embarrassing?

The US poverty threshold is about 11,000. (50,000 + 11,000) / 2 > 30,000. This means that earning $30,000 a year is closer to fucking poverty than it is to average. By definition this is absolutely embarrassing.

>> No.682467 [DELETED] 

>(50,000 + 11,000) / 2 > 30,000

Holy fuck you are retarded. I seriously doubt you making over 30k you simple-minded fuck

>> No.682469


>(50,000 + 11,000) / 2 > 30,000

Holy fuck you are retarded. I seriously doubt you making over 30k you simple-minded fuck.

>> No.682476

I'm not really sure what a good number is for you, but I'm 25 and I'm making ~55k at my job, side ventures not included.

In North Carolina that's a very respectable income. $30k is probably the cutoff down here.

I believe it mostly depends on where you're located. If I lived in New York there would probably be janitors getting paid more than I do. But I don't live in New York and I'm extremely happy with where I'm at financially so 55k is fine. I could easily make more if I wanted to put up with an hour commute/relocate.

>> No.682485

600 dollars/month is acceptable in a thirld world country

>> No.682497

It depends on where you live, cost of living, what you do, and what qualifications you have.

$13/hr in southern West Virginia is gonna go a lot further than $30/hr in NYC.

Either is good for someone with no education beyond a high school diploma, but $15/hr-ish is pretty low for someone with a bachelor's degree and CPA.

It's all subjective.