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6818617 No.6818617 [Reply] [Original]

REQ marines? Lets lynch these fudders who gonna FOMO at mainnet launch

>> No.6818663

What is the date of mainnet, been think about trade my hst for this all day, but can't decide

>> No.6818692

I love this picture

>> No.6818753

Just bought in. This dip is pretty good and I don't want to pass it up.

>> No.6818773

>mainnet launch

when is that?

>> No.6819040


Between now and 31 march

>> No.6819396

No let the fudders FUD. More time for us to accumulate. Seriously could you imagine if you had the chance to buy ETH for $1 for a couple extra months? You'd seize the moment instead of trying to let it moon.

Just buy as much REQ as you can and FUD weakshits to sell their REQ so that the price stays low until mainnet release. Think about your own wallet man.

>> No.6819435

How about you newfags stop making useless threads about projects without any new news or anything to add to the current discourse.
You "xCOIN SQAUD" faggots are as bad as the /pol/tards and the normies that are patrolling this board now.

If you want to hang out and be useless, go be useless on Reddit.
Otherwise shut the fuck up and lurk more until you have something valuable to post.
REQ is going to moon, you 'winning' doesn't mean everyone else has to fucking lose you fucking faggot.

>> No.6819448


Is that lexi belle?

>> No.6819493

Q1. If you're not taking a position while it is this low, you are a madman.

>> No.6819511

sold my bag.

>> No.6819576

who would use that though? imagine you want to sell someone your bicycle. the buyer first would have to send fiat to an exchange, buy ethereum with it, exchange ethereum to request network tokens, send the request network tokens to the app. then you have to make a request, he then has to pay via the app. and if something like ethermon or cryptokitties is going on each transaction can take a couple of hours, also dont forget that every transaction and exchange costs a fee. who in the world would ever use that if you there is paypal with almost 0 fee and instant transaction. think about it you fucking idiots.

>> No.6819581

Except FUD threads. FUD threads are ok since they give me a timed-discount and give me free money in the long-run.

>> No.6819659

im not even fudding. its the truth. this token / idea is BS. that being said im also invested because i know there are enogh retards like you that will buy this shit when main net lanchens

>> No.6819735

FUD threads are good for two reasons;
1. Gives actual investors a reason to rethink their investment. Contesting counter-arguments makes investments more solid.
This fucks up though when people get defensive and butthurt over their fucking decisions.

2. It, as you said, gets rid of weak hands.

>> No.6819805

>hurr you haffa use REQ tokens
no you dont

>> No.6819913

And here we go again guys, how many times will I have to say it? REQ needs no shilling, it WILL succeed
Normies will suck dicks for 2 REQ in a few months and I'll be laughing at them getting jizzed on

>> No.6819947

someone has to use them though, even if its the "requester". and who in the world would burn their tokens if they knew the price would go up. correct me if im wrong.

>> No.6820033
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>> No.6820115

In contrary REQ needs fudding. I want as much REQ as possible. I hope it goes to $0.30 next month so I can accumulate as much as possible before it takes off.

>> No.6820718

You still do not grasp the beautiful concept of this network.
The mainnet requires tokens, but the users, requester and requestee or whatever, never interact with it directly.
On the mainnet dapps are built, some by the request team, others by other devs, and these apps interact with the net by burning tokens.
It's the dapp mantainer that has to stock up in reqs to burn, not the users!
So users can make crypto to crypto, crypto to fiat, fiat to crypto, fiat to fiat payments without even know they are using the request network, they will be using the X app that does the Y thing and pay a fee decided by the mantainer, that then uses part of the fees to stock up on the needed reqs.
People that do not even know what crypto is can use the network this way, they just use an app that does what they want for a low fee, and the rest is absolutely transparent.
This for business too, paying invoices, salaries, anything, without even knowing you are using request network at all.
Why nobody reads the damn whitepaper?

>> No.6820758

shit coin. they outsourced all their work to pajeets and dumped at 1 dollar.

>> No.6820825

Shit fud, you outsourced all your work to pajeets and ended up with low quality brainless copypasta memes.

>> No.6820937


Negative. The Request token is only a store of "work" or value, that floats around to be consumed in transactions. Neither party has to own Request, their interaction with the Request network is simply the fee.

You don't have to own shares in PayPal common stock to perform a PayPal transaction on eBay, do you?

None of this is difficult to grasp.

>> No.6820996

refute what i said then. you gave no substance to denying what I said, which is fact.

>> No.6821134

look at your laptop,your shoes, your car,you fucking toothpastes,you gf,you dishwasher, ..

some of those are even assembled in the us

>> No.6821251


seems like you have no idea how the fuck req works, boy

>> No.6821262

LOL, you were not fudding, you were serious? Let me laugh even harder.
You really cannot grasp the difference between outsurcing (making someone build something on your name, and reaping all the benefits) from a grant (it's not a payment for a work done, it's a fund to kickstart third party dapps) on dapps that will be in control of the developer, that will keep all the fees and merely interact with the mainnet? Really? Nah, I doubt it, you must be fudding, come on.

>> No.6821274

just because of the picture i bought req

>> No.6821285

Comfy since 150 sats reporting in

>> No.6821307

I'll wait till this shit hits 30 cents.

>> No.6821421


Nowhere did they mention employing street shitters in their work. The fund will simply be used to seed the development of dApps, and incentivize developers and enthusiasts. There are already working 3rd party Apps using the Request libraries.

It's a brilliant move, and follows in the footsteps of Ethereum and NEO, and the way they have formed an entire eco-system on their respective platforms.

>> No.6822731

someone post the original pic without that shit logo on there

>> No.6822749

Does REQ plan to go on its own blockchain in the future?

>> No.6823496

No need. It's blockchain agnostic and will work with every blockchain using decentralized oracle.

>> No.6823534

>formed an entire eco-system on their respective platforms
This. Also, we'll see some good upward movement after Beetoken ICO, they are partnered with REQ.

>> No.6823586

REQ Marine reporting in! Bags are fuckin heavy and filled with blood

>> No.6823609

Why the fuck did you buy t ATH? It's been shilled on here since October.

>> No.6823661

got 11k tokens... hard to see past all the FUD

>> No.6823674

The dip is strong atm. Thought about going in to REQ but I hold a triforce of 3 tokens I pretty much belive in. Hypothetically which of these 3 would you throw out for REQ?
>50% in Enigma ENG
>30% in Stellar XLM
>20% in IOTA

>> No.6823763

Own a fucking 50K. bought into the ICO and later topped it up.

I just hope this fucker starts moving one day, I am slowly getting desperate. Same with LINK and KNC. My 0x are already on moon while the rest is busy inspecting their respective arses.

>> No.6823779

Drop IOTA seriously

>> No.6823853

IOTA is becoming more and more suspicious, it's the one I'd drop.

>> No.6823855

I think you're just trolling, but if you honestly can't understand what Request Network actually is, then you shouldn't be invested anyway. Stop wasting your time in these threads. Your brain is too small to comprehend even the most basic principles of the platform they're building. Find a coin/token you can understand and just put your money there, and don't worry about what other, more intelligent people do with their money, since it seems to be stressing you out.

>> No.6823906

Someone really needs to clear up LINK. Here I go. This one's for the newfags.
1. There is no shadowfork
2. Jason Parser is a meme
3. Sergey is alive and is one of the headline speakers at the upcoming Bitcoin superconference
4. The testnet is scheduled to release this quarter. The lack of the testnet keeps price down for now, not memes or whales
5. Noone knows when mainnet will launch, noone knows how much link will be rewarded for staking in nodes, noone knows how much priority will be given per link in a node
6. Link is used to force fair and automatic execution of agreements. This doesn't happen with current tech because centralization means someone always has control. With link noone can influence these agreements
7. Link currently has one competitor right now. I don't remember their name. They have a larger but less credible team.
8. Link is an erc20 token that is used with smart contracts. Many block chains offer smart contract tech, link will work with most/all of them.
9. The team stated they could move link to its own blockchain independent of ethereum if need be
10. People do unironically go all in and support this coin, most of the fud is to keep newfags out
11. Sergey isn't getting that fat
12. The team does not post on social media but is very active on slack, email, and their websites message box
13. Anyone can join the slack, just ask for an invite on smartcontract.com
14. They have been looking to hire a PR person and more developers for a while. As far as we know they haven't made any hires yet.
15. So far they have met all deadlines, showed up to all scheduled events, and so on.
There you have it, the objective truth about link. Take it as you will.

>> No.6823937

Is it really, though? It's one of maybe like 3-5 cryptos in existence right now who have actually gotten this far. REQ is going to fucking blow up. It's literally at the stage ETH was at just over a year ago. We all know what happened next.

I think if you can't see through the FUD you don't even know what the fuck is happening to begin with, which begs the question of why you ever put money into this...

>> No.6823965

>Sergey isn't getting that fat
>that fat

Dude don't even bother trying to explain it. People who are in are in. Everyone else can fomo later.

>> No.6823972

Fuck off you short sighted 40 year old douchey faggot fuck - hold on to your USD dipshit assclown while I profit long term with my mother fucking REQ tokens and I laugh and shit on your kids and fuck your mom when your 401k gets a nice haircut before next year when the stock market crashes

There are people flocking here who wouldn't understand REQ's potential if it bit them in the ass. Most of those people were here to make a quick buck and in the stock market and are about to get wiped the fuck out

Well I hate to break it to you but Request Network isn't a stock... I know this is news to you. Also, I'll let you in on another secret. In the world of REQ's bear markets turn to bull and back to bear and back again in weeks or even days. Request has been nothing but a "bull" market for all of recent history.

I know what fucking money is! When he said show me a better money you fucking knew what he meant. You had to get all technical on him and I blew up on you for it for not understanding. Now, I'm going to call you an asshole. And don't lecture me on how technically you aren't the actual asshole that sits between your buttcheeks that I am calling you. You're you. A whole smartass human being. Congratulations. So am I.

>> No.6823980

No IOTA is already connected to Volkswagen and the Telekom here in Germany. Besides the hacking of stupid people who used external websides to generate SEEDS its a lot better developed than REQ. Do you really belive that IOTA will fall and REQ will be used in the near future? I dont think so.

>> No.6823981


>> No.6824000

Is this new pasta?

>> No.6824023

jesus christ the amount of effort these pajeets need to do

>> No.6824032

3k LINK, REQ, QSP, 2k BAT, 450 ARK, 10 NEO 1200 ODN.500 ALIS 1k XLC Started with 2k fiat inheritance money as a neet. Comfy.

>> No.6824050

Share the pasta, share the love.

>> No.6824274

Look, I only have 2000. If at any point someone is doing favors for a single digits amount of REQ then that means I'm now easily upper middle class. I can't quit my day job, but I can definitely relax a little.

I believe in REQ and what it can do for the crypto space while ridding the world of accountants. I'm buying 1500 more and then holding indefinitely.

>> No.6824293

Keep accumulating, my friend. Hit 10k and be very comfy. Hit 50k and retire young.

>> No.6824607

depressing time

>> No.6824703

>post value

>> No.6824712

I kinda like the FUD, it's funny and REQ will rise anyway. Sometimes I even pajeetpost myself or repost Stacey.

What I will find even more funny are the wojacks of those that bought the shit posting and sold low biz style.

>> No.6824721

bought at 0.8 cuz im missing 3/4 of brain, can't sell at a loss, can't invest cuz i crashed my car and have 0 monitos, well fuck.

>> No.6824807

i bought most at .11.
but i bought more at .70 and again at .60
please go back down to 35 cents

>> No.6824916

we're not that lucky, anon.

>> No.6825028

I bought at 3cents and sold at 5cents lmao. Rebought at about 13 or 15cents.

>> No.6825160

It's always the same story, watch req rebound the closer we get to main net launch

>> No.6825225

will i ever make x2 if i bought at 0.80

>> No.6825328

Can't really say, but this coin has huge potential and we will definitely break ATH again at the very least.

>> No.6825353

yes, but maybe not for a while until the market spikes again. Hopefully, it will after chink new year in mid/late feb. If not then you are looking at april/may after the year's taxes are sorted. Give it a few years and some anti money laundering regulations and the entire crypto market will go parabolic and REQ will be one of the leaders of that bull run. You will be looking at $100+ REQ easily in a few years because of this. they do need some AML regulation or token/company first though or the banks will not touch crypto properly.

>> No.6825357

please stop buying

>> No.6825383

if the banks never get on board then you are looking at 5-10 years before crypto makes them redundant and full-scale adoption.

Basically just HODL and hope you don't die before you make your millions.
If you want to make 2x then wait untill either late feb or april and you should get that easily. Not many better things to invest in for the long term but you can chase pajeet pump and dump moon missions I guess but meh.

>> No.6825439


This place is infested with Moon kiddies since late 2017. They all came here when BTC was skirting 20K and all of the other shitcoins were inflated by proxy.

Now they are all sitting on heavy bags with regret and resentment, trying to time the next random-assed shitcoin pump and dump like TRX last week.

Take enjoyment out of their misery and bitter FUD posts, because you know they are clueless and deeply in the red.

>> No.6825457


I like it. Pasta material.

>> No.6825496

Is this the eternal broship that will take us Lamboland?

>> No.6825532

Price predictions after mainnet launch?

>> No.6825537

traded my heavy ass REQ bags for VEN. Will likely swap some back early Feb if the market allows. There is no immediate profit coming from REQ, whereas VEN has an event tomorrow.

>> No.6825563


>> No.6825606

good decision
see you in Feb

>> No.6825636


In the immediate aftermath: $2-5.

If the software is slick and actually catches on... Whew lad.

>> No.6825652

Just bought some, didn't read the whitepaper.

I never read whitepapers, never have, never will.

That's been my strategy this far and it's working perfectly.

When people talk about me in the future, they'll refer to me as the guy who crushed it, never reading a single whitepaper.

>> No.6825687

REQT fags are the new stinky linkies

>> No.6825696

good decision
enjoy your easy 2x

>> No.6825701

Anon, I beg you: Hold REQ and HST. Sell anything else for REQ, except HST

>> No.6825716

haha i couldnt agree more
amazing comparison

>> No.6825759



>> No.6825828


>> No.6825855

Is this coin able to hit $10 in the next three months?

>> No.6826033

lmao 0% chance. i have 10k REQ which isn't anything special and I have 0 hope for it to be worth 20k by EOY. we'll see though, i'd love to be wrong

>> No.6826040

I'm pretty sure it will. Mainnet coming, partnership announcements bound to drop soon...

>> No.6826272


Should I switch to link?

I think req is a good project but only go down.

Thinking about sell it and buy Trx

>> No.6826291

Good evening, Sri Lanka!!

>> No.6826310

>Things that never happened

>> No.6826351

I bought at $0.25 and sold at $0.60. No regrets. Although I think the idea is great the team consists of stupid franchise that won´t be able to realize it and now they are planning to get help of some pajeets. No thank you. I bet on BTO - most promising coin 2018

>> No.6826361

yeah, go buy trx you fucking retard

>> No.6826373


>> No.6826462

They aren't doing that. They are still working on the platform like they said. They have only offered money to people to make things for the platform due to its potential and their limited time. The base project is still fully in their hands. Their announcement was an extra string of potential projects they want doing and offerings of bounties for people who do them. The FUD was the pajeet outsourcing QQ

>> No.6826500

>and now they plan on outsourcing
This was literally in their white paper. I’m honestly so glad that this FUD is effective. I’ve beem able to double my stack in this ahead of mainnet... comfiest hold for me.

This is a solid project that has hit all goals thus far and are doing EXACTLY what they originally set out to do.

Keep the FUD strong though... I couldn’t have asked for a better accumulation opportunity.

>> No.6826528

Exactly, they have a list of projects they want to outsource. This fud about then outsourcing the main project to pajeets is full of kek. Great for my bags though.

>> No.6826595

Just dumped this piece of shit

Feels so fucking good

>> No.6826612

GJ, thanks anon for the cheap bags. You are NOT getting them back from me.

>> No.6826839

REQ is an easy 2x if you open a position right now

>> No.6826926

I’ve just dumped more fiat into this... feels good to dupe idiots out of money

>> No.6826971

Keep dumping people!
It will go down to 0.3$...
I want more cheap REQqies.

>> No.6826976

you will 100% sell too early

>> No.6826984

Why would I dump digital platinum? Are you high kid?

>> No.6827121

req is a shitcoin

>> No.6827131

Hope this will drop even more.

>> No.6827158

Can this please go up to $0.9 again, just for a second, so I can get rid of this shit and not sell at a loss? Fuck, I hate this thing. Even if it goes x4 from the current price I could've just put my money elsewhere and already have that now.

>> No.6827185


>> No.6827203

People like you will always stay poor

Go ahead and try to time the market

>> No.6827239


What are you even on about? As soon as this hits $0.9 I'm going to sell and put my money in something that is actually able to do more than x2 max EOY.

>> No.6827296

Oh, I see. You're just a fudder. Keep trying I guess.

>> No.6827319

But hes right. Your the sort of person who loses money in the market, impatient. You will never be successful in at this and you should cash out and go get another job.

>> No.6827395

Well well well, seems their official partners from November are starting to lose faith..
Not that surprising to be honest, months of support and they have nothing to show for it and on top if that they are now outsourcing the entire project to Pajeets.

This will go down <30c whenever the normies hear about this. Glad I sold my heavy bags at 1.10 :)


>> No.6827454


faggot, please. people knew why the ING logo was removed for a while now.

nice research tho.


>> No.6827493

here have a (YOU) for your effort
but next time tone down the smugness a little

>> No.6827520

9/10 FUD my friend, you almost got me to sell my 150k ico REQ

>> No.6827524

i'm scared to look at it, how bad is it?

>> No.6827528

>that cognitive dissonance

lmao, give it a week and the seriousness of the situation will start to sink in. I'll write you a letter from the moon ;)

>> No.6827536

Old news. New Fag

>> No.6827587

it's been more than a week since the ING thing had become common knowledge (and replied to).

EOY is what i'm looking at for this. mainnet hasn't even been released.

gl fudding people into another shillcoin tho.

>> No.6827725

Rofl why a week? They mentioned this and the reason why in their bi-weekly update literally months ago. It's not some shady secret they are trying to hide.

>> No.6828000

I know not many of you are fond of Technical Analysis but here's my analysis from the chart alone.
If you are wondering what the hell is wrong with REQ , the answer is... at least based on the chart for now , nothing.
The uptrend line started from early December is still holding nicely , and both support lines ranging from 3500 to 4000 satoshis are still holding too. What we are seeing right now after the pump from late December is a huge bull flag , consolidating between 4000 to 7000 satoshis. Of course a break below the uptrend line is possible , but as a biased REQ holder I would argue that a breakout above the downtrend line is more likely to happen. Why? Observe the volume. When we have our huge pump back on 1st of January , and another bullish day created the ATH on 6th of January , the volume on both days dwarf all other days. Including the recent bearish days caused by bitcoin "crash" , and overall bearish sentiment of the crypto market.
This indicates that only a small amount of REQ were sold during these 2 weeks , likely from weak hands or short term traders looking for a quick flip. When the market sentiment recovers , and the team delivers result according to the road map , rest assured we will soon see an ATH.
Honestly I am quite surprised that I don't see any heavier selling pressure after all the FUDs over the latest bi-weekly update in cryto sub and here.
I know it can be tough to hodl in days where we are constantly losing market cap and being push towards the bottom of top 100 , and there is nothing anyone can say that will make you feel better when your portfolio value is shrinking. But please keep in mind that big money is always made with the presence of patience.

>> No.6828016

To quote the best trader of all time ,
“It was never my thinking that made the big money for me, it always was sitting.”
“Nobody can catch all the fluctuations.”
“Buy right, sit tight.”
“The desire for constant action irrespective of underlying conditions is responsible for many losses in Wall Street even among the professionals, who feel that they must take home some money everyday, as though they were working for regular wages.”
If Jesse Livermore is alive today , I would imagine him to own some of REQ and sit very tightly.
Good luck fellow REQ family members :)

>> No.6828029

Req marines, would it wise to dump my xlm for more req? Currently holding link, icx, tau and now req, been want i and to jump on this for a long time, have no idea why I didn't at 8 c

>> No.6828043

Check 'em

Also, I don't think the FUD here would be enough to create sell pressure, because the FUD was weak as fuck. No one actually believes they are outsourcing any coding on the core platform... and if you're dumb enough to believe it, we're better of without people like that holding.

>> No.6828096

Doubled my REQ stack just now

Comfy as fuck desu

>> No.6828141

my hands are adamantium since 4cents

>> No.6828290

Completely wrong, you dont even understand the very basics of the project

>> No.6828430


>> No.6828607

Been holding req for a while, but this shit is looking like TRX a slow painful bleed out to death

>> No.6828821

>when you got in at 4c and couldnt give a fuck

>> No.6828859


But is that girl lexi belle or not?