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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6816686 No.6816686 [Reply] [Original]

I hadn't heard of this coin, Upfiring, until all these shillers turned up on /biz/. I'm sure most /biz/realis had a similar experience. But I decided to buy it, and I think I stumbled upon a hidden gem. Here's why this is the most obvious moon mission since Raiblocks:

>Unique Concept
The notion behind UFR is decentralised filesharing. DYOR, but what that means is that "trackers" are removed from torrenting technology, to create a torrenting service that cannot be shut down by the government, unlike The Pirate Bay.

>Quality Product
It's got everything you need, as well, to indicate the possibility of strong, future development: a responsive development team, an excellent roadmap, a new blockchain, and a readably revelatory white paper.

>Low Marketcap
This is the kicker. Combined with this unique concept, which is not shared by ANY other coin, the marketcap is ONLY teetering around 15 million, and it has already doubled in a few days. It is simply guaranteed to moon.

What are you waiting for, /biz/? This is an easy 10x-100x moon. There are some coins within the top 100 which don't even come close to the quality of UFR, so if you don't buy it now, you are really setting yourself up for regret later.

>> No.6816824
File: 265 KB, 463x347, ufrstronaut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad to have you on board, anon. UFR is a sure shot increase in value mid to longterm.

>> No.6817114

UFR is at a good buy in price right now. It's a low market cap coin that will take off once on this is on new exchanges

>> No.6817170
File: 53 KB, 839x630, trumpufr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait ufr is listed in a less shitty exchange.
This will go to the moon when it reaches the normies

>> No.6817203
File: 397 KB, 1412x926, ufr_nuke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

+ Original concept
+ Reliable team that has always delivered
+ New mainstream exchange coming tomorrow
+ Cool name and logo that normies will love when they learn about UFR
+ Low market cap, still lots of room to grow
+ Real product about to be released

Do like OP and get in before time runs out

>> No.6817231

Listen here you stupid nigger. Implying Trump would ever say something is "lit" just shows what a nog ape you are. Leave this board immediately and go buy more bitconnect you primeval monkey.

>> No.6817257

You retards are still shilling this shit? It crashed and hasn't been over a dollar since your fearless leader sold his bags to your cult and you need to move on from this lost cause.

>> No.6817329
File: 87 KB, 892x751, EE08D0E5-36F1-454C-B8F9-2538E76380C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven’t touched a single UFR in my stack yet and won’t be doing it until we’ve reached 200m marketcap.

To those who aren’t in yet: This is a second chance to grab this shit while it’s cheap. Don’t delude yourselves into thinking it was the discord shills or whatever that temporarily pumped UFR to $2.70. It went that far because the project has actual promise, as well as multiple releases coming up early this year (alpha due this quarter). We’re not just going back to ATH - we’re going past it.

>> No.6817392


>+ Reliable team that has always delivered
It's an anonymous team and they haven't delivered a single thing yet.

>> No.6817450

Discord pump shills

>> No.6817731
File: 113 KB, 657x438, 76A64571-07E9-461A-BDC1-864EF85FBE1C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought more UFR on this most recent dip. I am trying to accumulate as much as possible before they release the Alpha or Bitcoin starts booming again. I think either of those events will send it parabolic.

>> No.6818153

Jesus christ just read this thread. It's like a template for all shill threads. If you fall for this you deserve to lose your money.

>> No.6818446

Can I get an invite to your discord group? Please kind sir

>> No.6818587
File: 35 KB, 408x450, 1514572746980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Hidden" gem. Hokay

>> No.6818645

Let me ask you shills a geniune question. How does it feel to have been shilling this shit for a month and have gotten literally nowhere, the only ran you had was due to the "Altcoin Buzz" shill video. When are you retards going to stop shilling this complete pajeetcoin and sell at a loss?

>> No.6818733

Shillbot: 10 shillpoints have been awarded for this post. Your balance is now 32.

>> No.6819656
File: 15 KB, 401x226, ufrpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally nowhere
I cant sell at a loss bro i bought the dip like i suggested to you guys.

The real news are coming now, until now its only been a good tip to buy UFR before the upcoming weeks happen.

>> No.6819660

https://youtu.be/pFsEu6POvGE yw.

>> No.6819779
File: 807 KB, 1195x538, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine this being your first time on /biz/ and seeing this grown man roleplaying giving points to people for shilling an alt-coin.

>> No.6819874

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFsEu6POvGE Nice try Sasha.

>> No.6820727

>competent team
>new exchange
>great concept
>realistic roadmap
>cool logo
>real use

>> No.6821347

There are some rumors going on about this coin and some discord group, but I still think this is a decent project. I'm hodling while waiting for alpha release and new exchanges.

>> No.6823194


>> No.6823235

>Unique Concept
Yes, it is a truly unique concept paying for Torrents. Its so unique that is completely retarded

>> No.6823236

>a literal illegal alien
>despite being raised like one of their own he still shits upon his hosts then uses his powers not to fix the world, but to protect spics, niggers, and muslims while serving the Jew

>> No.6823346

>>Unique Concept
>The notion behind UFR is decentralised filesharing. DYOR, but what that means is that "trackers" are removed from torrenting technology, to create a torrenting service that cannot be shut down by the government, unlike The Pirate Bay.
>>Quality Product
>It's got everything you need, as well, to indicate the possibility of strong, future development: a responsive development team, an excellent roadmap, a new blockchain, and a readably revelatory white paper.
>>Low Marketcap
>This is the kicker. Combined with this unique concept, which is not shared by ANY other coin, the marketcap is ONLY teetering around 15 million, and it has already doubled in a few days. It is simply guaranteed to moon.


>> No.6824002

Possible UFR Kucoin listing in a couple of days
This is not a drill
Get in now for decent x3-x5 returns

Dev update jan 13:
>If everything goes as planned, Upfiring (UFR) will be listed for trading on another mid-sized (top 50 in terms of volume) exchange within the next 10 days. The trading pairs (BTC/UFR and ETH/UFR) have already been confirmed, but like many other exchanges they have recently been overwhelmed by new users. They are currently working to resolve some technical issues before resuming new listings. A huge advantage of this exchange is that, unlike Cryptopia, it is fully functional on all mobile and tablet devices. This will allow for faster and more efficient UFR trading.

This is most likely kucoin

>> No.6824536

>you know what happened to many coins that got listed on kucoin? moon! so get in here before it's too late!

you know what happened to many coins that got listed on kucoin? moon! so get in here before it's too late!

>> No.6824786

We don't know if it's KuCoin stop posting fake shit. It's a good coin but don't promise things that aren't going to happen. That will only hurt the price if it turns out not to be true.

>> No.6824859

I researched this the other day and I'm astounded that it isn't already at $100,000,000 market cap. The Kucoin listing will send Upfiring straight to Mars.

>> No.6824883

you must have bought my coins over $2.50

>> No.6825187

With the recent dip UFR is down to $0.828 so imo a great buying opportunity.
The hype is there thanks to strong shilling combined with a capable team and nice tech so why not take advantage of it? Go for it!

>> No.6827179

UFR is a sleeping giant now, the last time it was near 3$ was only because hype. Next time it will reach 5$ because of real actions

>> No.6827310

Have to agree with this anon, the chart for UFR matches this trend pretty closely. If the dev team continues to deliver, and it's looking that way, Upfiring should get another leg up in the next month or so. Back up to ATH or above.

>> No.6827394

UFR is dogshit at its finest, do you have any idea why pirating has become so small? Its beachside Netflix is so scheap and steam sales cost next to nothing.

Please kill yourself shiller normies

>> No.6827680

I followed a similar path to you. With a new exchange and alpha coming soon, this is a great hold.

>> No.6827723

>UFR is a sleeping giant now, the last time it was near 3$ was only because hype

that's what a pump and dump is called you retarded pajeet


>> No.6827729

Name: Upfiring

Code: UFR

CMC: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/upfiring/

Description: UFR aims to provide users a way to generate revenue by providing decentralized P2P filesharing. You can see it as the uTorrent or Limewire blockchain. Filehosts/seeders will get paid for their hosting services. This means that high quality seeders can provide files (think of games, movies, software) for a little bit of revenue. Every seeder will want to chip in on this, and users will want to get max-speed downloads for a small fee. There is no competitor in this sphere and URF is the first coin to propose this paradigm.


High quality whitepaper
Unique concept & execution
Responsive development team
Solid roadmap
Not a fork of any other blockchain
Extremely low Market Cap: around 30 million as I am posting this


Currently only listed on Cryptopia and Etherdelta
Relatively new


Q4 2017 — Contribution Period v1.0
Q4 2017 — Excess Token Burn 2017 through
Q1 2018 — Heavy Development Q1 2018 — Alpha release
Q2 2018 — Beta release
Q3 2018 — Full Desktop version release
Q4 2018 — Open-source community contributions, potential for Android/iOS application feasibility

>> No.6827754

For anyone interested in what UFR actually proposes, it is a P2P file-sharing application that encrypts and distributes files between peers over a decentralized network. Basically, a more descentralized torrent where people make/spend tokens to get files.
Upfiring is a good way for people to download content at a good speed. Also because the original seeder gets a bonus, this may encourage them to upload obscure stuff. With time, everything will be available on the network. There are actually pretty cool stuff that I can't find these days (like eroge for my rare fetish), and when I find I get a 2KB/s download speed.

>> No.6827760

Guys.. I hold a lot of UFR from the ICO and I'm not selling my Bags before a big exchange and the alpha/beta. But this shilling guys, THIS SHILLING, it hurts.

>> No.6827811

I bought into UFR pretty early as well.

I agree with you, but I think all the shilling will do good in the long-run.

UFR doesn't do much marketing on their own, and now I've seen normies and reddit users start talking about it.

I know some friends who saw these shill posts, then did their own research, and arrived at the same conclusion as us.

That plus the alpha release, new exchange listing, etc...

I think once people DYOR, more will buy-in despite the shills

>> No.6827852


Lol, this one gets me every time. UFR to the moon!

>> No.6827870

Why is everyone saying it will be KuCoin?

>> No.6827894

Reminder: op is part of a pajeet discord group called /shill/ where they earn smiley stickers for shilling their shitcoins here

>> No.6828048

This made my day

>> No.6828617

Am i the only one who doesn't understand the point of this?
It's torrenting, except i need to pay for what i download with UFR coins, and there wont be any directories.
Literally the only benefit over torrenting that they mention in the whitepaper is that there will be a financial incentive to seed files. But 90% of people who download P2P don't seed anyway.
Ontop of all this one of the file types they propose this technology be used to send is fucking magnet links and .torrent files- I actually laughed out loud when i read that.

I can't be the only one who thinks this is completely fucking stupid.

>> No.6829188

Worse. The technology for this private ecosystem exists already.