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File: 358 KB, 1000x1000, IMG_6826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6816598 No.6816598 [Reply] [Original]

I plan to go fetch myself a Chinese bride when I hit my goal. I don't want a city girl I want a Chinese girl from a poor farm area that's not yet got influenced by the new corrupt Chinese debauchery.

No SE Asian girls because they look and smell like greasy coconut and rotting fish to me.

Another option is Poland or chicks from Eastern Europe, blonde hair pale skin brown or blue eyes, yum.

How about you fellow bizlets?

>> No.6816951

Chinese debauchery? You mean finallt moving away from communism? While you still want some great leap forward insect eater?

>> No.6818136
File: 160 KB, 960x922, qtp2t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese and Korean > Chinese >smelly SE asian

>> No.6818208

thais are pretty good actually, very nice and loyal. chinese are hit and miss but you have the right idea avoiding the city girls. Japanese girls live up to the hype, even the city ones. Stay away from koreans, malaysians are a solid pick as well.

t. guy thats dated most of asia.

>> No.6818553

Koreans are worse than niggers, that I know.

Thai is embarrassing to have as wife they look like hookers or maids.

>> No.6818558

Shill me on Japanese chix anon. I've heard they can get real kinky under the sheets and they become tiger mums for future kids. Do they really demand their husband surrender their paychecks ?

>> No.6818635

filipinas for me.

>> No.6818670

Lol the literal mutt race. You deserve it.

>> No.6818863

If the girl isn't corrupted by modern Chinese debauchery, shed never marry a filthy pigskin gwailo

>> No.6819007
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>> No.6819022

As someone who is married to a Japanese for 10 years its not that sooo much different then your western girls, yest the food you eat at home is different and some other religious things she does at home.

Sex is nothing more different then with western girls.

>> No.6819097

>Sex is nothing more different then with western girls.
She's still giving you sex after 10 years, how is this not different?

>> No.6819125

Post pics of Japanese wife pls

>> No.6819202

Because my brother who is married to a western girl has the same sex life like me ?
>posting your wife on 4chan
But if you live in EU you probably saw her in some commercials.

>> No.6819283

What kind of promised land do you and your brother live in?

>> No.6819340

Im guessing not US

>> No.6819370

I opted for poor blonde blue eyed slav girl that cannot speak English. I know that they age badly.

>> No.6819381

correct its EU

>> No.6819402
File: 95 KB, 480x640, 20180122_041228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already got my azn qt. And yeah she's SE Asian. Yes they are real, 34DDD Get rekt

>> No.6819409

Well duh, but EU is big you know? I'm from EU as well, and this shithole is just full of whores, who are literally opposite of the diligent housewife. 1/10 relationships actually succeed, and 1/10 actually still get sex.

>> No.6819461

Filipina skeezers don’t count

>> No.6819462
File: 443 KB, 960x539, 4c1a710b-d3d7-4fda-b53f-e6ee7e2a362c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go for a white chick. Asian chicks are just lower in the social hierarchy, and to pay for an asian chick is just as pathetic as it gets. Literally you have to be a 60yo+ beta male to pay for an asian bride.

>> No.6819480

intelligent. financially independent. conceals her cynical down-to-earth-ness with a fit, refined, ladylike appearance.
better if she can cook... but now I'm just being spoiled.

>> No.6819486

dont know where you are getting your thais from. chinese do look hotter generally but thais are better wife or ltr material.

>> No.6819490

Why don’t you faggots just find a nice smart strong and independent American woman to suck u off for life
Btw Korean women will slowly kill you inside with their emotional manipulations although they are superior race amongst other Asian cockroaches cause low supply unlike chunks that reproduce like rats and better at sucking u off compared to japniggers

>> No.6819502

>those stubby fingers
She's not white senpai

>> No.6819525

Would unironically give everything for a qt wife like that.

Is it true Koreans don't sweat?

How does one go about finding a wife when one has /madeit/?

(Captcha: queens trail)

>> No.6819555


are you fucking kidding? koreans are the niggers japs are the good ones

>> No.6819560
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Every white girl West of Hungary has been blacked.

>> No.6819567

Asian chicks are only lower in social hierarchy in the eyes of Western women that dont like sexual competition or a threat to their monopoly even. for the rest of us asians are a better asset to invest in so to speak, age better, dont get fat, and realise a relationship isnt all about themselves.

>> No.6819590

She's from Laos shit head

True, it's not hard to get Asians for free. You either have to be super ugly or retarded stupid to not be able to pick one up on your own

>> No.6819675

I don't want love just a living cock sleeve that cooks me chao mein and wonton noodle soup.

I did a few excursions to some rural areas outside of Shanghai and got a taste of the girls, they're sweet and their parents are super excited about getting paid and their daughter sent to US. To them their daughters are burdens.

It's very simple and stress free for me. Also she won't know about my crypto gains.

>> No.6819752

Japs literally same as chinks you fucking fagggot retard
Koreans are the purest Asian race unlike chinks and jap niggers that. Have. Been mixing since ur ancestors were a couple of monkey niggers
btw how’d the nukes go for them japniggers

>> No.6819781

All SE Asians are mongrels. They're not better than spics or monkeys.

I'd be super embarrassed to enter any fancy restaurants or Saks Fifth with a coconut nigger wife tbqh

Flips, Cambodians, viets, thais, Malays, they're all greasy dark skinned monkeys. They look like it too.

>> No.6819792
File: 308 KB, 1200x1184, riceQT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is pretty cute

>> No.6819889

Looks like a lot of plastic. I bet she looks like a teen boy when the make up is off.

Korean chicks are boring af. They just want brand name shits, pass. Plus Koreans are inferior people, they're always victims, Korean men have perpetual victim mentality like niggers.

>> No.6819890

Asian. women by race superiority
Korean cunts> jap niggers > (Chinese heritage based). Taiwanese > Singaporean > chinks > Vietnamese > Thai > etc... and last Asian American cunts, doesn’t matter which Asian, any Asian American who’re affected by western Feminist culture is lower than an Indonesian street hooker

>> No.6819903

They are naturally subservient to their husbands and good are serving... but they are still crazy bitches sometimes. And unless you keep them on a super tight leash they will learn how to fuck you over. It works with my wife cause I actually love her and treat her with respect. She serves me, but I let her know how much I genuinely appreciate it... she's not a sex object even though she loves sex and is great at it. If your looking for a long term marriage that doesn't end in a total of flaming trainwreck, don't marry someone just to fuck them and abuse them emotionally. They will resent the fuck out of you eventually and you will regret it. Women are crazy, Asian women even more so. I dated plenty before getting married, they were all varying levels of crazy.

>> No.6819971
File: 183 KB, 1080x1080, QT3.14..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its defiantly plastic surgery. Still cute. I dont know why I would be concerned about the mentality of Korean men lol.

>> No.6819982

Yeah NE Asian or Eastern/Central European is way to go.

>> No.6819990
File: 98 KB, 957x621, IMG_1872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cuck. I bet she wasn't even a virgin.

>> No.6819994
File: 132 KB, 640x480, 20180122_043314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does she look dark skinned fuck face?

>> No.6820032
File: 15 KB, 550x344, model-girl-awe-inspiring-hd-wallpaper-81303-142953703119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Find a girl with pale skin dark hair and green
Has had some abuse in the past maybe or at
least acts like it because she is jaded and
pessimistic, but that is only a facade. I see that
she is kind and genuine.

I am persistent, I don't tell her about my wealth.
after a couple casual conversations I ask her on a
date. It goes well, we connect on outlooks on life
and make each other laugh. She thinks I am odd
because I am not just trying to fuck her like
everyone else. I want to actually get to know her
but I still give her shit / tease her.
After the 2nd date we fuck, not have sex but just
go at it like animals. She is surprised that I take
such control and am so dominate and it turns her
The next morning she wears one of my tank tops
and cooks eggs and toast. She thinks it weird the way I eat my breakfast and I tell her to fuck off.

fast forward a couple months

Start traveling to various places experience cultures we have only read about / seen on tv. Literately heaven as you find your way from one end of the world to the other with your lover who
is also your best friend

>> No.6820038

This. Though I prefer viets over chinks.

>> No.6820053

Says the virgin that's trying to pay to get a girl to fuck him...

>> No.6820055

Because you'll be associating with them. The father the uncles the bothers etc.

Ever been to Seoul? It's just a glorified Samsung slave town. It's a group of useless fucktards with zero creativity.

>> No.6820073


mayte this is a melbourne chick without plastic surgery i'm pretty sure

>> No.6820075
File: 120 KB, 280x291, 1516530165722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6820090

I have a few family members in rural China and even the younger generations are using smartphones now.

I'm talking rual rual, the type where they still use water buffalos to plow the rice fields.

>> No.6820094

>Dat masculine chin
>Dat catfish lips

She's ugly and you know it.

>> No.6820128

Dated asian chicks and white chicks and I'd go for white chicks any day.

Asian girls are just so submissive and boring as fuck.

>> No.6820129

>Another option is Poland or chicks from Eastern Europ

Sure, all polish girls are dreaming about is a fat 30+ virgin

>> No.6820174

I make no apologies about it. I do want my woman to be of decent quality, something I can be proud of strutting around wine festivals and going shopping at fancy malls.

Can't do that with darker skinned Asians especially Filipinos and viets and thais, they just look lower class. Like taking a hotel maid out.

>> No.6820188
File: 259 KB, 800x1193, 1493734896238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats a good point.
Then she is super beautiful
Sorry bud

>> No.6820201


>troubled girl
>looking for a white knight
>also loves anon but not for his money
>"outlooks" means anime
>quirky courting

Can you be anymore of a fucking virgin anon? I hope you are 13 years old and just finished watching some shit house rom com.

>> No.6820223

>Another option is Poland or chicks from Eastern Europe, blonde hair pale skin brown or blue eyes, yum.
That should be the only option, you race mixing cuck.

>not putting European qt3.14's at the top of your list

>> No.6820246

This is what money does to people. How psychotic is it to want a living cock sleeve. Shit is fucked up.

>> No.6820247
File: 528 KB, 913x963, 20171019_044118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah so where the pics of your girl that's so much hotter???? Oh yeah...

>> No.6820252
File: 84 KB, 600x874, 1516590748928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like this has to be some old school pasta

>> No.6820269

>Sloppy seconds
>Have zero ideas how many dicks she sucked and have up her ass


>> No.6820326
File: 2.90 MB, 2158x2000, 1482411559862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6820330
File: 643 KB, 800x1280, Screenshot_2015-03-11-00-37-16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no ass and body like a 10 year old boy

You faggots are actually attracted to that shit???

>> No.6820345

i bet you get a lot of head

>> No.6820357

Lol, she's a loose slut before you picked her up, I can tell.

Also, she looks lower class, you probably can't tell because you haven't been around Asians ebough, I have.

They are very particular about facial features.

>> No.6820383


>> No.6820395
File: 76 KB, 1000x750, 1516544569692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That pic screams train wreck

>> No.6820432
File: 591 KB, 4032x3024, IMG_3419 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have a gf
>pretty successful
I probably just have a weird fetish for that narrative desu

>> No.6820468

I'd settle for pic related too.

Hymen is a must. Front and back virginity, I have learn how to tell if anyone is interested.

>> No.6820496
File: 99 KB, 564x846, IMG_6620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm retarded pic here.

>> No.6820500
File: 24 KB, 400x292, 8deb49f04c55bb9985210ebc6cbb0cd7--oasis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Japan there is also a saying amongst office ladies;

"Kareshi ga dekinai nara gaijin de ii"

which translates to:

"If you can't get a boyfriend get a foreigner (white guy)"

>> No.6820506

I find it funny how all you loser NEETs want is a quiet submissive ignorant countryside girl. The fact you are not willing to go after someone that challenges you intellectually and pushes you to better yourself is pathetic.

People who never had anything and suddenly find themselves having all they need without working for it may be grateful at first but it's only matter of time untill they turn jealous entitled and malicious.

Have fun with your ignorant peasants

>> No.6820518

thats nice too

>> No.6820595

Your right maybe I should just go to church, and scope find one there. Would probably be easier and she would be more mentally stable than the chick I fantasize about that works at O'Reilly

>> No.6820606

Shes from laos... they're pretty much all lower class there you shit head. But I guess you wouldn't know about that. And I didn't marry her for her social standing dickwad. I'm not a shallow piece of shit like you are. And I know her family extremely well and we dated for a very long time before getting married. I know what kind of girl she is...

Yes and she's gotten pretty damn good.

Damn, that's deep and accurate as fuck.

>> No.6820667 [DELETED] 

Thats rough
Yeah and cuckoldry is the thinking mans fetish amiright fellow intellectual.

>> No.6820715

Don't, church chicks are the sluttiest. I joined a church one time to ask God for forgiveness for my promiscuity and I end up ass fucking almost every single chicks there, they're all whores. One even turn me on to anal sex because she's preserving her hymen. She'd douche her anal cavity and I'd fuck it without condoms, best feeling ever.

Gosh I miss her ass.

>> No.6820733

Thats rough
Yeah and cuckoldry is the thinking mans fetish amiright fellow intellectual.

>> No.6820755

Inferior genes begets inferior minds. You fucked up.

>> No.6820762

love how you all post pictures of asian chicks with boy bodies and plastic surgery to basically make them your sex slaves and yet my shit is a copy pasta. I want some depth to my relationships, not ne hao sucky sucky masta.

>> No.6820779

She has a fucking master's degree already and works at a university... what do you have brainlet?

>> No.6820794

no Matter the Asian cunt you niggers End up sucking off just don’t date Asian American bitches thy the
Lowest forms of sewage aids

>> No.6820808


>went to church religiously primary school to middle school
>not even christian, aunt was and she was taking care of me
>anon's stories checkout.

The goldmine were the girl schools which i only had a glimpse in to throujgh church / sunday scohool

>> No.6820813

sorry but she probably fucked a lot of tourists before u picked her up. shes hot though. congrats

>> No.6820837

Oh ok because white knighting some slut that cuts herself and fucks niggers for drugs is depth.

>> No.6820843

She only have the big boob probably no ass

>> No.6820851

damn that doesnt sound to bad maybe I should become mormon and have a like 2-3 wives. A blonde, redhead and a brunette, all pale.

>> No.6820874

Then I seriously feel sorry for you.

I want a literal cock worshipper, my ideal waifu would stay home and shop for latest erotic underwear to please me and paint her toe nails and do her hair to sex cosplay for me.

She'd rim me and also have the ability to ejaculate aka squirt.

>> No.6820885

Who said anything about cutting herself or fucking niggers? jesus haha I just really like pale skinn black hair green eyes and a bit of a shitty attitude.

>> No.6820910

Well that checks out but the whole abused in the past thing is something to be avoided. Just get one with slightly above average intelligence and shell have the attitude most likely.

>> No.6820912

Muh nigga


>> No.6820932

I feel sorry for your waifu lol eating an obese mans ass every other night she would probably fucking kill herself you fucking psychotic piece of shit.

>> No.6820944

That's just the way it is over here and most of Asia outside of the Philippines maybe.

The Asian cuties you see posted all over /biz aren't into chads but feminine Asian guys.

>> No.6820957

Good choice anon, country girls are the best.

>> No.6820962


>> No.6821027

She moved to U.S. when she was 10... so probably not.

My wife loves sex, but she's not so much of a degenerate slut that I have to worry about her sucking every cock in town. Good luck with your shallow existance.

>> No.6821050


I can tell from that hideous tattoo alone that you are a cringy human being

>> No.6821072

My step brother gave me that dagger! lol lets see a picture of you and your gf :)

>> No.6821095

>Not chad enough for white skanks
>not beta enough for asian QTs
Is anyone else having trouble uploading pics? We couldnt have hit image limit

>> No.6821100

you make it sound like these women who "challenge you intellectually and push you to better yourself" won't also turn entitled and malicious.

I've dated some of the most academically intelligent and logical women I've ever known, my last girlfriend was working on her PhD and my fiance before that had her Masters, both kinda nerdy but extremely smart.

They were both manipulative cunts with a superiority complex around pretty much everyone; with the state of society, gender and identity politics being what it is, successful/intelligent women feel like they're actually superior to equally successful/intelligent men just because they're women and have been brainwashed into thinking women are inherently disadvantaged, so their success was more hard earned.

I used to chase the smart girls, I'd bought into the "it's personality that matters" type shit, but it's a fucking meme at least in Western society. I'd rather a dumb wholesome country girl, even if she ends up becoming entitled and malicious, at least it will be easier to detect because she's dumb. Plus dumb girls are more malleable; the problem with really intelligent girls is they're often bossy or alpha, they want to be in charge, they have an easier time putting their foot down and saying "no!" which can be really frustrating over longer periods of time. Dumb girls just go with the flow, often letting the man take charge by default, which is good and proper.

>> No.6821104

So she's defo not a virgin when you met her.

Enuf said.

>> No.6821109


Is this a larp? I'm dying right now. Is the reddiy invasion really this bad? Do you really think I would ever post a photo of myself or any of my gf's on fucking 4chan? Jesus Christ please be joking and yeah your bro is a fag just like you

>> No.6821180

>The fact you are not willing to go after someone that challenges you intellectually and pushes you to better yourself is pathetic.
I really don't understand what women mean by this when they say it. Like what the fuck is being "challenged intellectually" even mean? Do you think I want to marry a retard?

>> No.6821197

Don't worry i found a picture of you bro!
http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/000/141/447/g36%20 jpg

>> No.6821231

How the fuck did you come to that conclusion you brainlet? She was shy as hell when we first starting dating. How many virgin fuckers on here do you think there are that already know they would love sex before actually fucking? Girls are no different. And just because someone is horny doesn't mean they immediately go out and start fucking everything in sight you idiot. You are really starting to sound like a 15 year old kid still living at home that's never touched a girl. Either that or your so perverse you can't comprehend that some people can live normal lives while controlling their sexual desires. Either way sucks to be you.

>> No.6821288

Because I can tell :^}

Ask her, you're fragile mind probably won't be able to handle it though.

>> No.6821305

Don't you know racemixing is a sin you degenerate heathen!

>> No.6821326

I do fine with the girls man, I'm in Japan but dating a Czech girl atm.

Just letting these delusional dudes know that most Asian girls that target non-Asians are usually not the pick of the bunch kind you see being posted all over /biz.

>> No.6821339

You guys should get your head checked.

>> No.6821341

I was talking about myself lol

>> No.6821359

Whatever you faggots, don't bring the bitch home. Buy or rent a flat in the country, the great thing about China and other non sjw countries is that the women can't even divorce rape you. If you bring her back, expect the divorce rape after the first child or 3 years, whichever is earlier.

>> No.6821375

You really think we didn't have that convo long before getting married? And bullshit you can tell shit about someone just by looking. Larping kid, gtfo

>> No.6821387

>moved to US when she was 10
Pretty low chance an Asian American chick will be a virgin, nothing wrong with that. Chasing after virgin girls is a NEET meme.

>> No.6821416

lol oh sorry dude. Eastern European girls are nice man, they're kind of in the middle.

A lot of Japanese guys here with EE girls, they aren't after chads as much as Western girls and don't need you to dress androgynously like many Japanese QT's.

>> No.6821428

I'm interested Anon.

>> No.6821544

>falling for the yellow meme and settling for anything less than a blonde haired/blue or green eyed traditional white girl


Know this: Whenever anyone sees a white """man""" with a non-white girlfriend/wife, we are judging you as the failure you are. You're born with every privilege in the world and waste it. Only a loser in all aspects of life would do such a thing.

>> No.6821571

Lmao a non working link.

>> No.6821605


>> No.6821606

>we are judging you as the failure you are

Why do you care about what others think moneylet

>> No.6821637

You are being played like a fiddle brah
Been in the same exact situation. Copypasta everythng you write. Anorectic pale black haired autistic chick, animal grade sex, minus the past abuse.
Enjoy the ride, but dont be naive.

>> No.6821664

An elegant lady of the English or Scottish aristocracy.

>> No.6821678

I prefer my asian gfs femininity, outlook and morality over western women. Not to mention she is a literal 9/10 and cooks great dishes.

I've dated white chicks and got off with plenty.

Guessing you are an asian male with white princess syndrome. Lol at you. If you're lucky you'll settle for some 6/10 that I had a filthy one night stand with and never saw again.

''Privilege''- you also sound like an ugly redditor. Fuck off back to that shit hole.

>> No.6821699

Chinese wives will kill you for your life insurance. I have done this many times. Consider yourselves warned.

>> No.6821712

booty blasted white roastie detected

>> No.6821755

> they aren't after chads
The absolute state of delusion
t. Eastern euranon

>> No.6821785


>I'm not nearly as smart as the females I date and compliment that with being super submissive so they have a trend of taking advantage of me

This one time in school there was a retarded kid in class and he would sharpen your pencil for you so you never had to get up. So we all just used him for that.

>> No.6821789

Where do Kazakhs fit on that spectrum?

>> No.6821795

Not as much as Western girls that's for sure.

>> No.6821817


t. another slav

>> No.6821819


>> No.6821875

From what I see, they'll terrorize you senseless if they'll doubt you'll not able able to defend her from other slavs.

Slavs are stupid, impulsive and incredibly competitive. Being at the bottom of the social hierarchy here is utter hell, as people don't give each other breathing space.

>> No.6821909


I got me one of the them. From the countryside a few hours away from Shanghai. Best decision I've ever made. Can't get enough of my white cock.

>> No.6821994

>white people have divorce rates of 80%

nice privilege

>> No.6822184

Haha! Makes sense. You jealous of our gorgeous (and for me virgin) asian waifus and gfs? No one wants your stinky loose pussy. Fuck off.

>> No.6822334

You can still find yourself a good old fashioned country girl, at least in the states. That is religious, family oriented, cooks a good meal, loves to fuck and won't look like she's your maid when you go out.

>> No.6822365

t. white roastie

>> No.6822459

What's the nipple color situation with asians? Which are more likely to have light colored

>> No.6822479

>a Chinese girl from a poor farm area that's not yet got influenced by the new corrupt Chinese debauchery.
I got this and her big passion is cooking. Best decision of my life.

>> No.6822488

Without nipple bleaching? None.

>> No.6822498

My advice is look for green or blue eyes, dazzling to look at. Brown eyes are boring

>> No.6822528

Intrigued. How did you meet? How old were you both? Do you live in China or States now? Thanks :)

>> No.6822826

?, !, :), front page of internet spacing
You are soyed alredy, asn girl wont salvage

>> No.6822862

OP does, peasants are basically retards when it comes to a 21st century urban lifestyle.

>> No.6822878

so many pathetic men in this thread. tells me a lot about this board
sad little "men"

>> No.6822895

I'm not saying they aren't capable of turning that way, but I'd say the chance is smaller if the person is actually capable of achieving something by herself.

>> No.6823001

post feminine benis.

>> No.6823053

>go after someone that challenges you intellectually and pushes you to better yourself is pathetic.


>> No.6823076

Here in germany, form what I've seen, they are all after big muscular guys who "can protect them" and work with their hands.

>> No.6823092

>go after someone that challenges you intellectually and pushes you to better yourself
>western women doing this
top FUCKING cuck!

>> No.6823133

>"can protect them"
they need protecting from merkel's guests, hans--well, the ones that don't go out and take a rapefugee gangbang every weekend

>> No.6823145

as if any of you ever had that kind of intimacy with a girl

>> No.6823172

do you even live here? I bet you have no idea what it's like. Even my friends living in Berlin have had barely any problems with refugees or other migrants.

>> No.6823189

tits or gtfo

>> No.6823198

Kill yourself you disgusting reddit numale

>> No.6823208

enjoy your niggers

>> No.6823252

>accept my opinion or don't talk to me
nice argument snowflake

>> No.6823260

Thais have like the highest cheating rates in the world lmao...
Chinese are much more loyal in my experience

>> No.6823265

It seems here in Japan they are looking for men looking to start families and have the means to provide.

>> No.6823287

there are slavs girls in japan?

>> No.6823293

>Europe has imported millions of low IQ, violent shitskin animals that lives of the dying breaths of a collapsing socialist debt bubble
>Said animals will genetically and culturally decimate Europe in less than three generations

But it is all okay because your faggot melianal nigger loving friends "have no problem" with it.

>> No.6823309

Thai's don't have hang ups about sex, they're Buddhist and don't see it as something evil.

The wives know their husbands are out banging hookers several times a week and don't care as long as they provide for their family.

>> No.6823319

too bad the ben are so overworked all they want to do is go home and sleep off the drunk their boss imposed upon them for the 3rd night this week and now they have to be at work again in 5 hours and they just got home

seriously, the bosses in japan need a quick kick in the dick. you get paid more so you stay late while your underlings go home. if i were in japan i would get fired for telling my boss to go fuck himself for asking me to go drinking with him after work again

>> No.6823329

shit my man if 500 millions europeans really get outbred and outsmarted by "violent shitskin animals" it's really their fault they didn't stop it.

>> No.6823332

Yes the majority of white girls I see here I would say are Eastern European. A lot of French as well.

>> No.6823360

so much for the "master race" lel

>> No.6823384

Explain what's bad about Koreans

>> No.6823390

european society has gone through a process of decay lasting thousands of years. we are a spiritually exhausted race. all things go in cycles, all things that rise also fall. read evola you nigger enabling pleb.

>> No.6823415

>I tell you Jimbo, those kooky third world ooga-boogas might seem like the worst thing ever, but without all the liberal cuck-a-ducks none of them would even be here in the first place. Always kill a traitor before an enemy, Jim jam

>> No.6823439

All thing go in cycles that is true.

Europe is going back to the days of the Moorish Empire, ruled by Muslims.... at least not African Muslims this time.

>> No.6823470

>reading WWII loser superstitious scribblings

I bet you started with Nietszche when you were like 15yo and felt edgy and superior about it lol

>> No.6823481

moorish "empire" didnt even cover all of iberia my dude

i dont really envision a future with direct muslim rule, i just imagine some incredibly dystopian fractured big brother society like something out of blade runner but worse and with factions of disparate groups with hostile muslims being one of them

>> No.6823500

I live in China, and uh....even most "city girls" are in China are dumb as rocks. You should search for a cool Chinese city girl who knows about all the cool shit in life, likes movies, art. They exist. Farm girl! Kek. Idiot. Good luck with your marriage before you even make a move.

>> No.6823511

and i bet youre a chink fucking dog thats own half breed children will curse his existence

>> No.6823517


Summer internship, at a research lab; she was visiting from her Chinese uni. We were long distance for a year; then she moved in with me.

>> No.6823532

get the fuck out of here you cucked white knight nigger lover

>> No.6823597

seems like I hit the nail in the head because you seem mad af

>> No.6823628

edgy teenager detected. i bet you parroted "god is dead" while tipping your fedora without understanding the social and cultural ramifications of what he really meant by it

>> No.6823636

>edgy or superior

do yourself a favour mate and go hang out on /r/hapas for 5 mins and realise why you should quit this rice farming meme

>> No.6823639

This thread is pathetic. You faggots are completely delusional about women. Go get your penis touched before you post again.

The most reddit pleb post ive seen in a long time.

>> No.6823648

So where to find a eastern europe bride?
I'm too lazy for games
where can I buy a cute one

>> No.6823680

lmao i bet you also read dawkins' the god delusion with the cover up in an uncomfortable position just waiting for some christcuck to come debate you so you could quote "god is dead" at him top fucking lmao

>> No.6823684

Spain, Portugal, Southern France, Southern Italy, Malta, Croatia from my studies. But who knows for sure, so long ago.

>> No.6823691

Is this the "no women find me attractive so I need to rely on desperate foreign asian women" thread? Its not like any of you have any tradition to preserve so go for it my dudes

>> No.6823704


My friends dad got a Russian bride - she went from slim and exotic and quiet to fat and controlling and annoying in like a year.

It was the saddest thing to watch.

>> No.6823734

>mentioned evola, a traditionalist perennialist
>that means im a fedoratipping atheist

not following your logic there my man

>> No.6823759

>deflecting this hard

>> No.6823793

youre deflecting from your sacred duties of not being a gook fucking weasel

>> No.6823842


I got a hot american girlfriend for free just by asking her out!

who else frugal here?

>> No.6823868

I have dated some Chinese girls in the past and I am currently dating one and these are my honest thoughts:
Some of the Chinese girls I met before are some of the most boring, blandest and shallowest people I have ever met
I find myself more attracted to Chinese girls who had little to no contacts with foreigners before and speak little English. Those are much more traditional and fun to date than "miss I am so international and dated like 10 white guys in the past year". I always tell those to piss off and they keep throwing themselves at every laowai they see
I am currenctly dating a girl from Henan province and she's really great. No shouting, she's well mannered, no drama, she supports me in success and failure, kinky in bed, conservative values and cooks me Chinese food.

>> No.6823971


Butthurt dog eating Korean detected

>> No.6824106

why would the boss want to go drinking with you every night?

>> No.6824136

Because they spend so much time at the office they have no social life outside of work. It's incredibly sad desubh

>> No.6824152

Part of work culture here. Many salarymen must oblige and accompany the boss out for drinks, karaoke, hookers when the boss asks.

>> No.6824153

>highly educated/intelligent
>family oriented
>can balance motherhood with career
>respects the patriarchy
>healthy enough to have kids without complications
Nigerian women unironically make the best wives. Specifically Nigerian women from Igbo or Yoruba tribe.

>> No.6824178

seems pretty fucked up if you have to do it all the time. Is the boss paying?

>> No.6824242


>buying a pasty woman from the third world who desperately wishes to be white and upper class

>not marrying into money

Never gonna make it

>> No.6824252

Not sure about Japan. Korea, yes. It's insulting to offer to pay for your boss. Some Koreans nearly fought me over it. But quickly backed down after I instantly offered to take it outside

>> No.6824291


> What was the colonge sex attacks

I get mother Merkel locks down wrong think but you Germans are heading the way of the swede at this rate.

>> No.6824339

>these are the people claiming they make 120k+ a year
>bragging and gushing over jungle slant eyes that make up the Cali underclass

Fuck man... I took advise from you guys.

>> No.6824349

Yes Senpai always pays

>> No.6824362

well I guess drinking and fucking hookers when your boss is paying doesn't sound like the worst work culture after all

>> No.6824395

>in the eyes of Western women
lol who cares then, western women are fucking crazy

>> No.6824413

>too fucking retarded to realize sexual preferences and fetishes are programmed into them from youth via media / tv / situations that stimulate nervous system / trigger dopamine
>Defines identities based on what gets the penis hard

How are any of you different from sjw whales and all the pc cunts?

Different side of the coin... same fucking coin figlets.

>> No.6824426

asian girl allure for weebs is the hope that they'll treat you like a man, even if you don't deserve it

It's the whole Rei Ayanami allure. You haven't conducted yourself in this world properly and it shows: the only women around you that are attracted to you are low quality (if any at all) and so you look to buy one when you haven't earned her

pathetic. Your families will scorn you as they should

>> No.6824440

>not going to Eastern Europe for the finest females on Earth

Fucking cucks

>> No.6824503

>Japanese girls live up to the hype, even the city ones.
Live up to what hype?
What are they like?

>> No.6824515


>tfw when married to a malaysian qt

My lady has a cute face and a great body, they are fiercely loyal and will never cheat on you or wear slutty clothing in public. They will do anything to please you if you are white and somewhat attractive.

Only downside is if they come from a conservative muslim family. This can be avoided if you marry a Malay from a Chinese or Christian background, or are lucky enough to stray upon one of these unicorns in your daily life who's pretty much Americanized, but still keeps their conservative roots.

>> No.6824516


Have you seen the average western female anon?

> balloons as soon as they marry
> entitled
> Fucked half the planet
> doesn't know how to cook
> is about as feminine as a pair of work boots
> Unrealistic standards
etc etc

What great prize is that? I'm not advocating SE monkeys. But can you really blame these guys for looking for greener pastures?

( Granted there as some good western women left but it's such as small percentage)

>> No.6824525

you're missing out if you haven't had a faithful, cute, and obedient asian girlfriend.

why not just get one of each?

>> No.6824531


Forgot to add

> Thinks wearing yoga pants in public is acceptable

>> No.6824553

they're cheating cunts tho, and massive goldiggers.

as a white guy I think I would rather settle for a qt Japanese or Korean girl. they're traditional, cute, feminine and behave like woman should.
for all I care, niggers can have all the white woman because I don't need or want them.

>> No.6824560

Fucking kek. Disgusting

>> No.6824571

>Gets rich in crypto alone through smart investments
>proceeds to enslave himself and become financially obligated to support a woman

>> No.6824572

When did this board get so many retarded normies?
We need a nigger hate thread as a sticky, seriously.

>> No.6824603


> Die alone and childless

As a man you can delay this till your in your thirties but after that your at risk of your kids having autism and other health issues.

>> No.6824649

>dying with bunch of shithead children fighting each other for your wealth

>> No.6824654

Your right I should just marry stacy and take care of her kids Jamal jr and Dabrickasha

>> No.6824674

Thats women. Show me a study that says men waiting to have kids causes autism

>> No.6824717

Men like this think that just because a bitch can nag and cajole him into being slightly more useful loser she makes him a " better man " .

>> No.6824734

he's right. older women cause downies. older men cause autists. if you're smart, you'll put some sperm in the bank and get snipped when you're in your 20s.

>> No.6824738


you realize the whole point of human drive to acquire resources to get a high quality female to bare your children. I don't know if you had a good bringing but theirs many joys of raising kids. If you had a good childhood you'd know this too.



>> No.6824749



>> No.6824763

the whole point of being a man is that you can do whatever the fuck you want.
everyone who claims something else is a cuck.

>> No.6824777

Only broke losers die alone . You think having a wife who takes half your shit and child support as you drink yourself to depression in your 40's will make you richer than me Anon ?

>> No.6824785

Thais loyal? Fuck you on about man, easiest most money hungry bitches out there.

>> No.6824810

Asian women make better wives
But if you plan to have children you are cucking your sons
All the boys will like fucking your mixed daughters though

>> No.6824812

Try being less of an obvious virgin and use actual bra sizings next time you pretend. Say 34E, she isn't but it wont be such an obvious lie.

>> No.6824827


Depends if you marry a succubus or not. Ever heard of prenup?


You sound young and naive.

>> No.6824848

you sound like an old man who couldn't do better.

>> No.6824872


Give it 20 years and see how you do anon.

>> No.6824912

i just want someone who can i cuddle at night and who loves me for who i am

>> No.6824925

they dont exist in this world
the best you can get on this bitch of an earth is a sentient cock sleeve

>> No.6824940

Dating a qtgook now. Doesn't sweat at all and It's been pretty great.

>told her I lost a grand
>tells me to be careful next time and then makes me breakfast
>tfw I'm actually up 10k

>> No.6824943


>> No.6824947

>You sound young and naive
This is why you will always be a beta. Indo whatever the fuck i want whenever the fuck i want how the fuck i want. I get ahead in life by stepping on people like you.
t. Silicon valley CIO

>> No.6824953


>> No.6824974

Koreans sweat, but they don't have body odor. Science.

>> No.6824979

Marry a man then , no woman is going to do that for you .

>> No.6825054

Not sure what you're doing coming at me with this smarmy shit but I never said anything similar to, or implied anything that you seem to be inferring.

I actually prefer to be dominant in a sexual relationship and have submissive partners, which is implied when I criticized intelligent women for attempting to be dominant. Them attempting to be dominant is a turn-off and annoying over the long term. I prefer dumb wholesome women because they're more malleable which is what I originally stated. Dumb women are more likely to be submissive, and if they aren't submissive initially can be made submissive. Smarter women are harder to break in this regard.

>> No.6825135


> t. Silicon valley CIO


With a personality like that no wonder nobody wants to spend time with you.
You genuinely sound like a psychopath. If your moral compass is based solely around an internet meme you've got a long way to go.

Thankfully it seems natural selection has already taken care of things.

>> No.6825143

i got a girlfriend who loves me
you know what pushes me to be a better person?
her telling me she wants my cock, her asking for cuddles
she's incredibly smart and we have great talks about every kind of topic. that's the level of intellectual challenge i'm ok with
wanting to be with an argumentative woman is foolish, the smartest woman is a bundle of emotions and will hold it against you if you actually defeat her logic

from "rapefugees are not a problem" to "haha wh*tes deserve it" in just a few posts
why are subhumans so incapable of subtlety?

>> No.6825201

goes for most asians mate, not just koreans, lol

>> No.6825221

>muh slanty eyed waifus

Gas yourselves fags

>> No.6825223

I heard if you go to an East Asian country they won't have the deodorant westerners wear

>> No.6825265

It's funny how beta fucks always come to threads like this and act like their inferior, dirty and ugly as fuck jungle asians are a godsend. They know it, but feel the need to protect their ego. They can't get anything better and try to present the shit they have as the best thing ever.

>> No.6825281

Make money even in this bear market.,,

https://discord dot gg/6ddqFHd

>> No.6825283

>Being this deluded
>Not knowing how the world works
My personality is the very fuckin reason I'm on top. Richfag uncle taught me one thing everything is an asset, leverage it. Being nice won't get you anywhere in this world.
>Natural selection
Knocked up 3 different women bleeding me dry now. Women hit on me constantly or are always submissive around me. I'm not even 30 yet. And to say, I was an r9k robot a few years ago.

>> No.6825354

i have this

i have a cutie who loves me for who i am and doesn't dream big and would happily be a faithful housewife forever

i fucking hate her and i want to dump her as soon as its logistically possible

i have never been so bored of a relationship in my whole fucking life

all of you neets think this is what you want, BUT IT'S SO FUCKING BORING

>> No.6825393

Viet chicks are god-tier, you idiot.

>> No.6825423


I never said being nice gets you anywhere anon. But being a psychopath is another matter.
That whole response just oozed LARP. If what you were saying was true you wouldn't need to try and boast over the internet because you’d be secure in knowing you’re on top of the game of life.


care to elaborate anon.

>> No.6825468

I hope you choke to death on a nigger's dick.

>> No.6825489

I have no soul. I'm mentally unstable. Send help. No LARP.

>> No.6825503

If you knew anything about Chinese culture you'd know the majority of Chinese girls won't just marry a random guy. It's all carefully considered with parental involvement. Parents don't like you... No marriage.

>> No.6825507

Dated a malay, korean and jap. Korean was by far the worst of the bunch. Never took it further with any Chinese girls because they all seemed insane.

>> No.6825510

So many gayass virgins itt

>> No.6825515

So I am not speaking from experience but from what I had read and heard others say Japanese, Korean, Northern Chinese (Han I think?) and Vietnamese women are all waifu tier.

>> No.6825531


just dump her, you're wasting her time and yours. i don't get why so many people are comfortable knowing they're going to look back on their life and say "wasted those years"

what does "logistically possible" mean? you guys live together?

>> No.6825548

I agree and they are really pale too very beautiful women and without all the plastic surgery Koreans get it's no wonder we couldn't help but rape them during the war.

>> No.6825573

Chinese girls don't seem to sweat.

My wife has almost no visible body hair, so maybe that's it. You can count the underarm hairs on two hands.

>> No.6825578

she's fit, cute, very kind and nice and loving, i don't really have a single bad thing to say about her

except for

she has no ambitions, no big dreams, no interesting hobbies, just plays girly video games and tries to be submissive and cute, keeps wishing for a "classical" relationship she knows she's never going to get with me

to be honest i feel bad about the situation, she absolutely does not deserve the neglect i am putting her through, but at the same time i am just so over it

she has bored me to death to the point at which i don't even want to have sex with her anymore, so i literally avoid seeing her whenever possible

for age reference i'm 25 and she's 22

>> No.6825618

>The fact you are not willing to go after someone that challenges you intellectually and pushes you to better yourself is pathetic.
You completely misunderstand. We would love that. That wouldn't love us. After being rejected 100 times you finally get the point, those kinds of girls aren't interested in us whatsoever.

>> No.6825630

we're both from the same small city and go to the same college together, when there then yes we do live together

i don't consider the time i've been in this relationship to be wasted, it has been everything but

but now it feels as it's been exhausted and needs to end

the logistics, in addition to the living together situation, include a very shared friends group in both cities and this is a little silly but i can't ever have her reveal my fetishes

>> No.6825637

post her pic

>> No.6825663

>The fact you are not willing to go after someone that challenges you intellectually
Dude, I'm not gay.

>> No.6825708


I think the only honest thing you said was that you used to be on /r9k/.

I'm no councilor but go book yourself into a psychologist, you need professional help. Don't go to the ones that will just put you on meds.

I used to be pretty fucked in the head too, I was a hair width away from killing a couple people. But managed to get myself back on the horse.


Lets be honest anon the reason why you want to break up is that you don't find her that physically attractive and you know you can do better.
Or maybe you never had anything in common to begin with and other time the differences in personality created a real divide between you.

But humans don't tend to appreciate what they have till they lose it.

>> No.6825728

>be me
>Korean gf who lives in Korea
>mostly cooks ramen packs and rice
>stays skinny because doesn't eat
>her and her sisters play blizzard games all day
I love her but I don't know where these traditional Asian country girl memes come from. Anime?

>> No.6825749

>white people wanting chinese waifu.
>doesn't like thick

Chink here, why am I only into the Brazilians Bundas and Mulattas

>> No.6825789


>> No.6825809


Gross. Didn't notice the Toe Thumb. Bad genetics.

>> No.6825827

Can't see a shrink due to a high public profile. I'll just continue dabbling in degeneracy and pretending I'm normal. You might see a vice article on me soon kek.

>> No.6825832

i did find her attractive, but that too has faded

but everything else is completely true; i am fully aware that i will miss the shit out of her once i finally end it

but yes, i do think i can do better, however this is not measured by her physical attractiveness, but her confidence

i never want to date a low confidence beta female again

i need that fire, that spark, the flying plates, the conflict that makes the whole thing feel alive

>> No.6825904

I just want a qt aryan virgin gf

t. jew

>> No.6825953

Because people are trained to want whats "exotic" Waifu's aren't new and exciting to you, but Muattas are probably something you've never seen IRL.

>> No.6825955

Might wanna watch this before you do: https://youtu.be/yVzFOI0QpIg

>> No.6825962

most of my friends have found a suitable partner, it does take a while but it does happen and it's usually someone from a background similar to ones rather than some 3rd world countryside girl.

The ones who can't seem to find a partner usually have absurd expectations or try waaaay too hard/desperate when flirting

>> No.6825986


well man that's your choice, but I'm a bit concerned about the whole conflict part. Doesn't sound too healthy. People often try to find partners that are similar to there mothers and normalize destructive behaviors from there parents.

>> No.6826010

Rural China, Indonesia etc.
You're obviously not going to find them in super industrialized place like most of SK and Japan, unless you reach some really remote village.
Places with no internet connection can be good locations to start.

>> No.6826038

I've already spent like 30+ years in a third world country
And mulattas and quadroon are pretty good

>> No.6826065

I'm trying to point out how it's absurd to expect a 500 mio demographic to just fade away. If one supports the idea that this demographic is somehow superior then this shouldn't be possible.

People who believe that racist shit usually argue whites deserve to dominate other races because they are superior. Using that logic whites would deserve to be exterminated IF other are capable of doing it.

>> No.6826078


>> No.6826097

So fucking based

>> No.6826140

wow anon, you literally trucked through the jungle to find this mongrel

>> No.6826162


People only live on average 70-90 years. If in that lifetime they don't have kids the population will decrease exponentially.

Nobody here was advocating exterminating other races you tard. You couldn't sound more Jewish if you tried.

>> No.6826164

...are you me?
I just married my brunette green haired beauty after 5 years together. went on 4 international vacations this year alone.

keep on brother

>> No.6826191

had a chuckle at that

now this'll sound very contrarian but freud was a fucking genius wasn't he?

but sadly not the case, have a very loving and low conflict mother, if anything the current girlfriend is too much like her (though i haven't thought of this before)

>> No.6826202

Asians, they age pretty well, EE tend to get fat as fuck.

>> No.6826212

>looks like a teen boy

i-is that a bad thing anon?

>> No.6826232

What happened to her?

>> No.6826236

yes you homo

>> No.6826239

What about Filipinos? I work as a lifeguard and my coworker is a hot Filipino with a big juicy butt and is a Christian virgin and I love her but am too scared to ask her out

>> No.6826241

t. audible cringing

>> No.6826260


I was responding to this

>Europe has imported millions of low IQ, violent shitskin animals that lives of the dying breaths of a collapsing socialist debt bubble
>Said animals will genetically and culturally decimate Europe in less than three generations

It's also been heavily implied, in this thread and in 4chan in general that this is an intentional move.

>> No.6826313

Smol and flat is justice

>> No.6826439

Young Anon...you don't have to go Asian for a submissive expierence. My wife is from Texas and is submissive because I'm a dominant male. Not a wife beater, tac vest wannabe badass, just a male who acts like a man. When you do this, your menu opens up.

>> No.6826486

Are you me?
I have spent time trying to make her "grow" (help with study, English, sports, hobby, science,...) but I have enough of telling her how I thought the world work and getting no response or worst a " you just want the last word, a monologue again,..."

I saye that but 4chan, my dad, and my grandma are the only one who can have a interesting discuss.

>> No.6826512

1/100 are amazing.

Pros: She will be loyal, not overly submissive, can cook clean, Catholic which can be a bonus if you wanted to start a family. Some of them are gorgeous and curvy- that mix of Spanish genes etc

Cons: Family will probably get money from her and may be leaches. She will expect marriage if you want to have sex with her. Please don't lead her on. May be childish and emotional (as opposed to Japanese who can be cold as fuck).

>> No.6826540

>tfw nignog
C-can i have an azn cutie aswell?

>> No.6826577


>> No.6826607

>reveal my fetishes
such as?

>> No.6826622

t. Spaniard

>> No.6826680

Nah otherwise you'll get her disowned by her family. Maybe you can get yourself a Polynesian jungle hoe.

>> No.6826692

You basically described her exactly. She is going to medschool next year and I know most of her distant family was brought from the Philippines so the money thing is probably especially true.

>> No.6826921

>that face
You can have as many ugly Asians as you want bro. Your kids might have a shot.

>> No.6827070

Can tell her face is ugly right away.

>> No.6827199

Yeah, she'll probably make a very good gf.

From my own experience, she will cook and clean and a lot won't really drink or sloot it up with the girls.

She'll really appreciate it if you take her to church once in a while if you're not religious (like me).

They age amazingly well. If she takes care of herself she will look like a teenager in her 20s and 20s in her 30s and so on.

If you get serious and start a family, she won't be expected to send money anymore, so there's always that.

Oh they are traditional. What the man says goes. They put the relationship at the center of everything. She will drop anything if you tell her to, but she may expect the same in return,

>> No.6828231

What about South American girls?

>> No.6828390

I reckon either you are a gook yourself or never been around one or a group of them.

The males are stupid and abrasive, imagine an entitled spics. X10 if he is working for Samsung, their god of gods.

Female? Let's just say they're cheap, promiscuous, shallow and ugly, if you see through their plastic surgery and make up. Also, Korea is the most culturally backward of E Asia, they are empty, cowardly, angry, vengeful, arrogant and generally obnoxious after you get to know them.

Other than Jeju island, their only vacation destination in Korea, and Soju, these people got nothing.

>> No.6828577

Too much superfluous junk in this thread.

>> No.6828594

I don't think you ever been around more sophisticated chinless chicks. Shanghai girls are my favorite. I have a fuck buddy that works for LVMH and now a director at GAP HQ, she's hot af. She wants to marry me and still single at 28, waiting for me. But I prefer country girls. I'm not looking for love, I want companionship and a regular friend to hang out with.

I'm tired of relationships. Been there done that.

Pic related is what I'm getting. I'll make her cut her hair into a short do, make her dress sexy and wear buttcheek shorts in the winter. She'll do whatever I want.

Can't upload. You'll just have to imagine a hot chink girl, pale skin, with stupid face.

>> No.6828818



>> No.6829242

Too bad everything else on this porker gook whore is 34DDD as well.

>literally one of the chief benefits of dating azn is that they're not fucking fat robeats
>dates a fat azn
>imagine being this retarded

>> No.6829441

This is literally one of the funniest fucking threads I have seen in over ten years of lurking.

Jesus Christ. I already look at WM/AF couples and wonder if the guy goes on 4chan.

As a proud /pol/ack I got hitched with a qt Jewish girl.

>> No.6829479


Super underrated. I've been dating one for two years and it's been a top tier dating experience

>> No.6829656


>> No.6829889

The idea that eastern european or korean or jap girls aren't gold diggers is hilarious to me. Obviously you fags have never dated one. Ever go on an attractive jap/kr/ee girl's instagram? 90 percent of the photos will be showing off luxury goods.

I say this as someone who greatly prefers korean and asian girls, too.

>> No.6830050


I've always wanted to date a Vietnamese girl but I don't know enough about the race enough. Are they highly socialized or exposed to western shit? How are they compared to the other asian races?