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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6813383 No.6813383 [Reply] [Original]

>/biz/ is now full of normies

>> No.6813423

Obvious shift after the new year

>> No.6813430


>> No.6813476

>people who came here late 2017 are complaining about 'normies'

>> No.6813539

It's just new year's resolution people

>> No.6813565

>browsing 4chan since 2006
>only just now decided to see what /biz/ is about
i want myself dead. all the potential crypto gains.....

>> No.6813737
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No it isn't.
It is 3 to 4 kikes joining our resident kike
Come here to defeat the fash the only way they know how:
Subversion of culture and lies.

>> No.6813755

they will leave after they lose everything because they cant stop pajeeting eachother
this is why i hate normies, they are braindead fucking morons
each and everyone of them will get bitconected

>> No.6814094

this. no worries, over here...
just remember:
those are the threads to avoid... those are the threads designed to make YOU LOSE money...

>> No.6814202

It is.Most faggots here don't even know about the digimarines it's a fucking normie board.

Also most people have >1k$ which is also dumb

>> No.6814255

you just put greater than 1k you absolute fucking retard. You also used reddit spacing. Jesus, get the fuck out.

>> No.6814291


What is reddit spacing?

>> No.6814332


Anyone who doesn't have 6 figures from either trading shitcoins or holding them for years is a newfag. None of us got rich overnight and these fags are pretty much spoiled from the December run we had, now they realize you actually have to do research and get burned a few times before you learn and make the real money. Hopefully they all lose everything and leave.

>> No.6814386


>reddit spacing meme

You are a newfag. There is no such thing as reddit spacing, look at Moot's early posts dumbshit. Or will you accuse him of reddit spacing years ago?

>> No.6814864
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something some autists have come up with to deny the fact that plebbit and 4chinz are somehow completely different people

>> No.6815056

>normies consider themselves early adopters

>> No.6815171

I used to come here a few years back when I was on this path to bettering myself...people didn't post about crypto much. A lot of odd business idea threads, book threads, robinhood threads, maybe some dropshipping + freelance threads. Plus the board was actually kinda slow. Now it's total shit. Discussion has degenerated and it's literally all crypto normans. The board has changed I think for the better. The discussion quality used to be a bit better, but it was such a slow board.

>> No.6815431

normies being well-adjusted individuals who don't constantly spout "woe is me" and point their cheeto-encrusted fingers to anything but htemselves being the root cause for their uselessness?

>> No.6815508
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Am I doing it right lads?

>> No.6815564
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>Go back to /pol/

>> No.6815932

It'd be fine if they just refrained from too many google-tier questions and lurked, but all these idiots lately trying to act they've been here longer than a week have been getting annoying, like this >>6814255 faggot. /pol/ does a decent job scaring some of them off at least.

>> No.6816059
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If you were not here by 2017 summer when market started moving youre normie retard

>> No.6816406

Moot was a known redditor you fucking newfag