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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6810123 No.6810123 [Reply] [Original]

carTEL not doing so good rn...

>> No.6810196

im comitting suicide tonight

>> No.6810207


Sage this bait.

>> No.6810218

Literally fell for a discord pump and dump coin.

>> No.6810259
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pulled out last night after the whole CEO scandal

>> No.6810281


>> No.6810288

time to blow my brains out i got robbed and scammed from all my hard work

>> No.6810303

shitcoin, enjoy being dumped on by balinas group

>> No.6810317

he's black

>> No.6810330

time to an hero im really doing it that was my all in

>> No.6810338
File: 777 KB, 600x600, 1509060605430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im down like 5k FML fuck all of u bizbros for making me all in this pos

>> No.6810377

id at least hodl for one month tho maybeee it could bounce back?? fuck idk

>> No.6810395

thanks telcoin my whole life ruined by a fucking meme i hate you all :((

>> No.6810452

its about to moon

>> No.6810474

Nobody made you idiots buy this shillcoin. You have only yourselves to blame if you trusted these literal indians.

>> No.6810497
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FUG why wasn't there a thread warning us

>> No.6810501

fuck my whole life this is just fucking great thanks a lot biz thanks tel coin god fucking damn it just whyme? what the fuck is this going on I am fucking shake sweat and tremble these are truly the worst times

>> No.6810556

Thanks a lot Upfiring
Thanks a lot Telcoin
Thanks Supreme

>> No.6810612

Lmao, you easily spot the coordinated discord pump and dump coins. Those 3 are literal shit coins.

>> No.6810617

might be cuz everything exept for Venchain is Dropping hard.
it mooned for a few days, this was expected as soon as btc did what it always does.
ico was 10days a go. If you are not in it for at least a couple months then u shouldn't have bought when it went x5 right after ICO.

If you just wanted to flip it a couple days after for x2 or whatever then u should have bought when ti was on ED, anything after that and you're a fucking idiot, sell at a loss, rinse and repeat.
Hold for a couple months and you will see big gains.

>> No.6810619

if it break 60 sats ill probably buy more

>> No.6810718

This is going to hit 3-5 cents end of Feb. Either Hold until then or panic sell now and FOMO in a month. I am done trying to convince people that this coin is a good pick up. Just know that honestly to my fellow /biz/bros this is actually a comfy hold hidden in plain sight. I'll check on you guys in a month to see which iron hands stayed on board.

>> No.6810757
File: 272 KB, 955x612, telambo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, what did we learn ma little niggers?

I got MY lambo.

There’s games beyond the fucking game.

>> No.6810759

yeah its a guaranteed 3-4x

>> No.6811158
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people here have to be the dumbest of the dumb. why do you idiots go allin or even buy into some shitty pnd discord scheme coin?

>> No.6811584

If I get scammed I’ll never trust black crypto team again

>> No.6811651

It'll definitely go up. This is only a temporary dip. There's lambo's in the future for the cartel, believe in our black savior.

>> No.6811784

do no trust blacks in crypto.
He is just the face which is a smart move desu, Neuner is the other CEO, he works behind making the deals, he had a company called mobius which had multiple telcos around the world as clients, etisalat and Veon group were both clients, and now both were confirmed to be intereted in launching Pilots to test Telcoin token.

I]ve got 580k tokens, and I'm not selling until mid year, i]ll make 50k easy.

>> No.6811880

$1 not realistic? when is the next bullrun for them?

>> No.6811920

>why would buy a coin ran by a fucking nigger for africans

>> No.6812050

1dollar would mean close to a 100billion dollar marketcap..
do any of u research before investing? jesus christ.
While I wouldn't rule out $1 usd in a year or so assuming they don't release all the tokens in the market, I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for it...
ICO finished 10 days a go, hype for the project is dying down now after x5, wait for news and you will see the next bullrun, they confirmed over 10 telcos interested in launching pilot projects, soon they will start releasing news confirming project pilots and partnerships and it will pump.
I don't know when because i'm not a fucking wizard, but etisalat wanted to to expand to the remittance market and they are already doing it, telcoin is the perfect coin for them, In fact I think Neuner left his very profitable project mobius to start Telcoin because he knows the telcos will buy the shit out of this, otherwise he could have stayed with his original company.

>> No.6812272

i think a lot of coins are dumping b/c ppl want to get in on the VEN train for now, but this is a solid project with at least a hold until Q2.

>> No.6812306

5 cents would only be 1 billion market cap and I'd be happy with that

>> No.6812356

Who cares, it will get pumped eventually
Cheapest alt on kucoin

>> No.6812372

Yeah I'm waiting for that to dump part of my stack, might not sell there depending on what's going on with the project.
Either way normies eat up cheap coins, money niggs is shilling it to normies, soon they will come en masse.