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680744 No.680744 [Reply] [Original]

Latvian here.

Are there any smart investments I could make as I prepare for the inevitable Happening (I mean WW3)?

I'm from Riga, the capital.

What would be smart things to buy pre-war?

>> No.680752

sell your house

>> No.680753

Read up on how people survived in war zones. Things like lighters, tools, and common medicines will increase in value

>> No.681093

Invest in a way to get the fuck out of Latvia.

>> No.681095

WW3 won't happen, but it's certainly possible that Lavia could be demolished.

Flee westward.

>> No.681096

Your city will be leveled/assimilated in days

Perhaps you should be playing "This Is My War" instead of asking /biz/

It would actually give you some insights as to what is coming

>> No.681111

save your money
not happening

>> No.681113

make a shit ton of money and move away from latvia.

you're going to want to go to north america. europe and russia share a land border so they'll fight it out among themselves there.

>> No.681206

Why are you so confident?

>> No.681207

>Perhaps you should be playing "This Is My War" instead of asking /biz/
What is that?

>> No.681233

Why so sure ? Putin is getting pretty crazy it wont surpice me if europe of america get pissed enough and start fighting back

>> No.681234

Can I go live at someone from /biz/ who lives in USA or other safe land? I can work for you, too. I have many skills.

>> No.681235
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nice quads

>> No.681279

Why does /pol/ want WW3 so badly? It's not going to happen m8

>> No.681285

start stocking on dicks, can't have too many of them.
and vicks too

>> No.681292

>Why does /pol/ want WW3 so badly? It's not going to happen m8
Same thing they said about WW2

>> No.681297

>Same thing they said about WW2

who? Pretty sure everybody knew that Hitler was preparing for war back then

>> No.681307

Stock up a hidden room full of cigarettes and coffee.

You ever noticed how in older WW2 movies a pack of cigarettes could buy you almost anything and how coffee was always rare?
It is like that because it was true.

>> No.681311


The fact that you failed/are failing at life doesn't matter anymore when WW3 happens.

>> No.681312

Who the fuck needs cigarettes?
Makes no logic whatsoever. Food would be more important.

>> No.681317


Most humans aren't driven by logic.

Food will not be so scarce in Europe if WW3 happens as coffee and cigarettes and food tends to spoil.

>> No.681318


>> No.681327

while I dont like putin, however baltics can never be neutral, so its either west or east, Ill take russia anyday over homosex sweden

>> No.681397

Also, what about industrial soap as investment?

>> No.681440

This war of mine?

>> No.681445

Invest in three flags:
An American flag
A EU flag
A Russian flag

Hang them accordingly outside your window depending on who is coming through. Or... just stop being a paranoid fuck.

>> No.681457

Buy guns. Shouldn't be too hard with your lax gun laws. Get a pistol and a sturdy semi-auto rifle in common calibers (9mm pistol and some hunting caliber for rifle).

>> No.681475
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>Pretty sure everybody knew that Hitler was preparing for war back then

Nope, if you read newspapers from the era, everyone was like "Hitler only wants Sudetenland and Austria, he'll stop when he gets them".

Een after Poland fell, everyone was convinced it will just be a localized war. Only when he invaded France everyone realized shit has hit the fan.

>> No.681479

Cold War Russian BMPs.

>> No.681542

As someone who actually has experienced war, coffee, cigarettes, flour and diesel are the most valuable barter things you can have. Gold is usually much less worth than goldbugs think.

Here's the fun fun part: military, paramilitary and just regular gangs will raid your stash of everything and at best kick the shit out of you, at worst just murder you. As soon as someone notices you are trading cigarettes or coffee, you'll be noticed. Expect a visit soon.

>> No.681579

Use game theory to your advantage.

>> No.681650

Like what, elaborate how I can use it. I'm not exactly Obama or Putin.

>> No.681653

>Buy guns. Shouldn't be too hard with your lax gun laws.
Can't buy guns in Latvia :(

>> No.681946

that is insane

>> No.681949

MAD. Major powers can't fight directly, they can only wage proxy wars.

>> No.682733


>> No.682824

of course they didn't write that publicly, but I am sure the leader of that time knew he was preparing for war (I am not saying they knew he was preparing for world war, but certainly war). Just by looking at the military expenses at that time, it would've been obvious

>> No.682834

>No guns

>> No.682842

Estonian here, invest in our defense infrastructure and we might come to your aid

>> No.683679

>it wont surpice me if europe of america get pissed enough and start fighting back

won't happen. nobody will go to war with russia over irrelevant countries like latvia.
truth is, everything east of germany is pretty much irrelevant to us and putin could take it all without military backlash.

>> No.683680


So you are saying appeasement of the 21 century has already begun?

Under Obama, I almost agree

>> No.683687

it's simply the truth.
hell, if push comes to shove, the west (US, UK, France) will just abandon any non-nuclear allies.
germany, italy, austria, poland? russia could start a war with all of them without intervention from nato forces.

reason is simple - avoid a war between nuclear powers at all costs.

>> No.683688

Precious metal

>> No.683693

You have a natural vagina? Can you clean?

>> No.683703


And you have just failed the very basic nature of Containment. Read this, any US president besides cock sucking, pussy ass mother fucker Obama would tell Putin to blow him. Show me your missile.

You live in a pussy whipped bitch slapped society that expects someone to back down. Fuck that. Launch it. I will glass your country ass your satellite sates too . The Russians created Dead Hand In the 70s... give it 45 years and what do you think the US has?

Do not ever for a second think your fatgot ass President, who servers for 4-8 years means anything. He can create any kind of document (Like the Iran nuclear proposal) and in a second Congress can turn around and go "lol no we will turn that shit around in 20 months"

>> No.683708

calm down man i'm not even american
im german
just telling it as i see it. america and UK have zero interest in risking a war with a nuclear superpower (russia) over some european war that doesn't affect them.
only france has some interest in keeping russia from annexing everything, but france has nukes so it doesn't have to fear invasion.

NATO is nothing but americas puppet, which means NATO won't help any of us if it doesn't serve US interest in some way.
and a war with russia doesn't serve US interest. simple as that.

>> No.683722

Your fallacy is, Germany wont be next. There is never not a "next" in these kinds of plans. If Poland falls Russian arms are on the boarder of Germany. The seat of the Euro. Poland is the buffer zone. If it falls, we are all fucked and the 1960's with the Cuban missile crisis is nothing in history

Poland, lithuania, estonia, belarus falls... shit it on and Russia knows it. It is why they will play proxy war games in Ukraine, They know when the knives come out they will get fucked by the long dick of Uncle Sam when they activate their 50 year old tanks against Abrams and Panthers

Long story short, Nukes come out, everyone dies. If it stays conventional, Russia dies... which they know... so they die, or they die. Take your pick

The difference between Russia dies, and Russia dies, is a pussy fucker in the US White House who would rather his wife get gang raped than make a decision

>> No.683742

no fallacy. i know that russia won't stop until somebody forces them to stop.

my point is just that nobody with the power to do that has any interest in doing that.
what happens when war comes to europe?
US is on the other side of the world.
UK will just chill on its islands and sit it out like they did the last two times.
france will rattle its sabers and hope it doesn't actually get attacked.

and that's it. if any other country resists, they find themselves looking at a ton of russian nuclear missiles. maybe russia has to nuke some shitty smalltime country to prove they mean business - after that, every non-nuclear country WILL surrender unconditionally, and neither UK nor USA will intervene.

all we can do is prepare.
either prepare to leave europe before war comes.
or prepare to fight guerilla battles against occupying forces and puppet governments

>> No.683748


We played this game 75 years ago. Russia knows it, Everyone knows ir.

It will take men, real men, to say fucking stop. Obama isnt one of them, Cameron isnt one of them. Honestly Merkel has some of the biggest balls in the international wold right now. And SOMEONE needs to tell Putin he has a little dick

>> No.683753

merkel won't.
soviets and western allies literally wrote the constitution for germany, which makes any kind of aggression or war preparation illegal.
add to that the fact that german media is 100% leftist, and you might have an idea about the situation. this nation is cucked beyond belief and will rather allow itself to be conquered and annihilated than stand up and defend itself.
don't expect anything. poland might be more willing to stand up, but they don't have nuclear weapons either, so it's futile in the end.

>> No.685319
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>What would be smart things to buy pre-war?
a russian dictionary

>> No.685328

Delusions of grandeur and exceptionalist again my dear burger? You actually think you're wanted in Europe, supposedly to defend us against Russia? You're here to keep the markets open for your own corporations and ensure EU politicians vote the right way (pro-US, anti-Europe), and Russia is the boogeyman that you bring into the conversation to justify your presence. Putin can have Ukraine for all I care. Europe can sort out its own problems if the need arises, so fuck off.

>> No.685423


Again no. It's only obvious in retrospect, but not while it's happening, just like the markets.

Do you believe NATO will go to war with Russia in the next year or so? Probably not. Neither do I.

Still, there is a lot of military buildup by both sides happening right now, just one example from today: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nozcf_-YNhI

I'm sure in 50 years historians will look at this time and say how it was pretty obvious what would happen, but it's not obvius now.

>> No.685445


buy a sex change operation so you can become a mail order bride, and get shipped far away from THE HAPPENING

>> No.685779

Build a cabin in the middle of the woods, stock it with essentials, learn how to hunt and cultivate food.

>> No.685926

Come to south america. We don't give a flying fuck if the whole global north gets wiped. In fact, we hope it does ;)