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File: 36 KB, 227x227, GRLC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6803313 No.6803313 [Reply] [Original]

Does Garlicoin have a future like Doge? When Doge released mining was very easy and single GPU desktops were pulling in tens of thousands a day. Now that it's worth a bit those tens of thousands are actually worth.

Garlic has a much higher diff and a cap of 69mil so it's gonna need to be worth $2+ to have any value. Can that happen?

>> No.6803545
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Please discuss garlicoin :3

>> No.6803700
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please garlic on me

>> No.6803721


>> No.6803765

doge was >>>/reddit/ and it's money now

>> No.6804258

Is there a price for this coin yet? I tried to go through their sub but it was just a bunch of bullshit about cooking bread

>> No.6804321

idk it only went live like 12 hours ago im not sure if anyone has it listed

>> No.6804334
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i don't really give a fuck about the fact that it's originated from reddit.

it's a coin you can mine early

and it has HUGE exposure (it was #1 on the fucking front page of reddit FFS)

so i'm sitting comfy mining this shit

>> No.6804375

I've been mining for 5 hours and haven't gotten anything. My pool says
>Payments are made after 100 block confirmations for accounts with more than 1/100th of a coin.

I feel that I should meet these requirements by now. What gives?

>> No.6804388

I'm with you. What's the mining performance like? I have a 1080 ti. Any idea what that would bring in a day?

>> No.6804434

Ya, I don't have a feel for this coin. Do they have a mining calculator available to get an idea for hash rate -> return?

>> No.6804468


dunno about 1080s but i have a 480 and a 280 and i'm mining at 540khash

a 1080 should net you about 400khash i think

>> No.6804469

What pool? I've been getting paid from grlc-bakery.fun about 1-2 times an hour

>> No.6804498


i'm mining on bakery and garlicsoup and i'm being paid regularly.

just wait

>> No.6804542

330kH on a 980Ti at 1200mhz

>> No.6804547

also, normies don't know how to mine this shit yet

i'm a crypto veteran and i had to spend like 3 hours getting this shit working properly

the tutorials are worthless

so get in while you still can and enjoy the ride

>> No.6804619

What was so tricky about it? I'm not a veteran but I've mined a few coins w/o too much trouble (so far)

>> No.6804702

ButterPool. Checked the discord and I guess a lot of people in this pool is having issues getting paid.

>> No.6804870

Nevermind we just got it.

.27 coins. This is unbelievably difficult to mine, I wonder what the supply is at right now.

>> No.6804916

Says 203623 on explorer.grlc-bakery.fun

>> No.6804948
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HW errors out the ass with the tutorial .bat

i spent a bunch of time fucking with shader count , gpu threads, intensity and thread concurrency and was going nowhere

turns out some redditor was actually helpful and gave me his bat file and turns out you had to turn down a bunch of shit like heap size and max alloc to 95% instead of 100% which was the value in the recommended official tutorial bat file

keep in mind i hadn't mined since 2013 so if you knew about this just shut up

>> No.6804994

Oh, neat. Thanks.

>> No.6805052

OK, thanks, I'll keep that in mind. Might give this a try tomorrow. Minging TRTL right now but I think it's time to move on from that (easy gains are gone)

>> No.6805204

what algo?

>> No.6805225

Why does it have a pussy for a logo?

>> No.6805248


Share the bat?

>> No.6805286


>> No.6805317


@echo off

color 02


sgminer --algorithm scrypt-n --nfactor 11 -o stratum+tcp://us.pool.garlicsoup.xyz:3333 -u GTAP35fpRfYwKjxo3gokzMiVtCEFBtYwPE -p x -I 13


confirmed working for 280X, 290X, RX480

should work for 270, 470, 570, 580...

>> No.6805338

damn. ~1 coin a day? That'll be interesting to see what the price of these go for

>> No.6805375
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1 coin a day, maybe in 2 or 3 days

i'm at 25 coins already

>> No.6805418

Resources: https://pandawanfr.github.io/GarlicRecipes/

>> No.6805450

Pffft, fuck this waste of fucking time.

>> No.6805512
File: 12 KB, 353x251, a (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what I initially thought but I'm actually at about ~1 garlic now. There was just some sort of hangup in our pool. Also apparently this was mineable for over a week and a lot of people have already accumulated.

>> No.6805544

neoscrypt,cant mine on my asic

>> No.6805664

if anyone is unironically mining garliccoin over shit like ELLA you deserve whatever reddit gives you

>> No.6805682

Insider info here. This shit started as a joke between reddit idiots but myself and a group of my mates have been mining since it launched earlier today. Thing is I know the guy who made that "For every upvote I'll buy $1 worth of Garlicoin" He ended up buying a few hundred dollars. And he's been raising the value of it since it got traction. The creator of Garlicoin has legit pumped some money into this thing just to get it going. Normies are gonna bake it surge in two days from now and raise that shit high. We are gonna sale for quick bucks before its initial popularity falls. It WILL have value even if it is for an hour or two. I recommend jumping in while this meme has some value.

>> No.6805690


no. it was mineable but was a test network with a whole different set of adresses. those coins are now worthless. the main network has only been online for 9 hours

>> No.6805791

such a bad meme tho
trtl way better

>> No.6805993
File: 72 KB, 884x457, payout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my average with an AMD r9 290x on about 250kh/s
thats per block

its only on I = 13 because i dont want to melt my gaming computer. im mainly mining for the meme value

>> No.6806047

Cool, thanks for the info.

>> No.6806160

I thought this was Tor Coin when I saw the logo.

Can some genius make a coin/token that gives you money for acting as a Tor exit node? That way Tor would come back to life and increase in speed.

>> No.6806206
File: 57 KB, 800x800, IMG_1447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Garlic is the shittier, Reddit-fied version of TRTL.
The Chad /biz/raeli supports TRTL.
The virgin redditor supports Garlic.

>> No.6806390

Not a half bad idea. Can some /g/ friends tell me if there's any merit to tor being compromised?

>> No.6806613


slow n steady

>> No.6806683
File: 57 KB, 600x600, IMG_1441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amen brother

>> No.6806718

tor currently already is compromised. It's because nobody wants to be a tor exit node. With them in low supply the US government can make a shit ton of them and monitor a large chunk of tor traffic.

>> No.6806791
File: 53 KB, 301x301, turtle_high_life.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

slow n steady turtle

>> No.6806792

It's an absolute shitcoin that uses an asic mining algorithm. If you want to mine something low key with your gpus, turtlecoin is much better

>> No.6806865
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slow n steady wins the race

>> No.6806946
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Turtle is love
Turtle is life

>> No.6806972
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>> No.6807025

You guys are wasting time mining this with your gpus. The difficulty is already really high because people are using asics. Mine coins that don't use asic algos if you don't want to be at a significant disadvantage for using gpus

>> No.6807066

I'm at 1.15 coins/hour
p decent desu

shill me on trtl tho
if no one knows of it why mine it?
normies are crawling all over the garlic bread

>> No.6807090

Does garliccoins devs have a good presence like this? where is it?


>> No.6807219

semi active, but its got normie reddit presence behind it which means it might go the same way dogecoin did

>> No.6807247

An asic is orders of magnitudes faster than gpus at scrypt.
A $1000 scrypt asic will mine ~1000MH/s (1000000KH/s) whereas a 1080 mines at 400KH/s according to >>6804468

>> No.6807282

Accidentally added an extra 0, should be 100MH/s and 100000KH/s

>> No.6807355

trtl was born on biz and it's pretty fun to follow
though mining it isn't too fun, used to get 50k a day now its barely 9k a day... and if id been earlier to mine it, it'd be 500k a day

>> No.6807369

I thought one of the selling points of the coin was they ban asic miners from their pools? Or is that just BS?

>> No.6807536

its allegedly ASIC-resistant yes

>> No.6807541

I also need to know this, because why the fuck would a pool not just throw asics at it

I was ready to point my 20 1080ti's at this shitcoin until I saw that it is Scrypt. I would be wasting my hashpower, yall niggas getting scammed by L3+ owners lol

>> No.6807554

TRTL is asic resitant though..... isn't everyone on garlic mining GPU's going to be stuck in a few weeks when ASIC's get more common??

>> No.6807613

From their reddit about section:

Garlicoin is hot out of the oven and ready to serve you with its buttery goodness. Forked from LTC, this decentralized cryptocurrency with no new technology (except it's ASIC resistant!!) will help you through the darkest times in your life. This is the coin you never thought you needed, and you probably don't.

>> No.6807637

Their website says it's asic resistant, but aren't they using scrypt which is not asic resistant?

>> No.6807653

Probably but that doesnt mean that you can't make money scamming ledditors :^)

>> No.6807770

Ya that doesn't make sense

>> No.6807871

I know one of you faggots has an L3, please try to mine this shit and report back

>> No.6807892

2x ftw3 hashrate. Interesting it maxes out two of my i5's cores, never had ccminer do that before. Anyone know if that's normal behavior for tpruvot x64 fork?

>> No.6807919
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>> No.6808295

It turns out that this uses scrypt-n, not scrypt, which is just an asic resistant variant of scypt

>> No.6809153

Stocked up on 100 of these memecoins for future proofing. Happy mining, faggots.

>> No.6809182
File: 75 KB, 736x646, 99c50acafb62c86ed0f9f9818f0079ec--pigeon-loft-the-pigeon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


where did you "stock up"

any proof ?

cause i've been mining for a while and i only got like 40 of them shits

>> No.6809634


normies are literally going to eat this coin up. I hope you are all mining

>> No.6809972

what are you mining with that got you 40, just curious

>> No.6810089


an rx480 and a 280X

>> No.6810389
File: 151 KB, 858x541, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bit of an update, the processor usage drops out when it sends this "stratum connection interrupted" message with the welcome to the bakery thing. I'm a little curious if the pool owner is cpu mining something on the side. Also, this coin runs a bit hot, I have my power turned down to 65%

>> No.6810475

fuck it, pointing 7 MH/s at this shitcoin

what is the price of this shit gonna be lol

>> No.6810592


Hello friend

you have an AMD graphics card and you want to mine huh ?

here's how to get started

1) create a wallet. download Garlium and just follow the steps

2) download The Miner (SGminer)

3) extract the miner files wherever you like. then go into the SGminer folder and find the GARLICOIN.bat file. open this file with notepad (right click + open file with -> notepad)

4) replace contents with the following:

@echo off

color 02






sgminer --algorithm scrypt-n --nfactor 11 -o >stratum+tcp://us.pool.garlicsoup.xyz:3333 -u GXsavBEDheVJt2CNJ9XNSwgBB6W67Wa8d8 -p x -I 13


but replace the receiving address "GXsavBEDheVJt2CNJ9XNSwgBB6W67Wa8d8" with your own Garlicoin receiving address. the one you get when you click on the "receive" tab in Garlium. (it'll start with a G and be the same length as my address)

5) save the .bat file in notepad (ctrl+S or file->save)

6) double click on the .bat

7) you're now mining !

NB: you should have 0 in the HW section otherwise you may have a problem

if you have any questions, just ask me on here, i'll provide some tech support

and if you're feeling generous, this is my address:


enjoy !

>> No.6810803

Got a little over 2 garlic now. Not feeling very confident

>> No.6811296

I asked an Aussie, who had a pre-mine mountain of the shit on his Twitch stream for a handout. Then he gave it to me. Because I'm an Aussie. Sucks for you.

>> No.6811347
File: 146 KB, 733x415, 1516114162133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


so you got a bunch of worthless testnet coins huh ?

good for you

>> No.6811406

>>>6811296 (You)
>so you got a bunch of worthless testnet coins huh ?
>good for you
Nah. Mainnet. Guy was part of the discord admin crew.

>> No.6811555

>he pasted his own (You)

>this hideous abomination of a post

We're going to have to make our own memes too, gentlemen. Theirs will be just as bad as this. At least the election prepared us for contact.

>> No.6811710

How does he even buy it? It's not like it's on an exchange yet

>> No.6811765

>How does he even buy it? It's not like it's on an exchange yet
Jesus Christ. It's a pre-mine for the people on the inside. Then they give it away for the lulz. Nobody is buying this shitcoin.

>> No.6811865

The double quoting is a new feature of Omnichan. Update your apps boys!

>> No.6811894

Okay my brother's mining downstairs too, on a different pool and he's not seeing the processor usage, but he's using ccminer 2.2.2 and I'm using 2.2.4. He's about to upgrade, then we'll know for sure if the bakery.fun owner is cpu mining.

>> No.6811906
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Man Garlicoin can't hold a candle to the glory that is peanutcoin, and don't get me started on shellcoin.

Don't tell me you havn't heard about grasscoin, anon....

>> No.6811950

>Nobody is buying this shitcoin.
they fucking better, I'm mining the shit out of this

>> No.6812039


pertly much everyone who isn't a normie is. Plebbit fags are about to go apeshit once it hits an exchange because none of them know how to use a computer

>> No.6812534

You're only getting 7MH/s with 20 1080ti's? I'm getting 910kH/s with 2 at 60% power, you should be getting 9MH. I'm getting like 2 garlic an hour lol, you're going to be loaded.

>> No.6812641

Is there a minimum payout required before you receive garlic from the pool you're in?

>> No.6813216

No, not for the major pools, but they are getting fucking raped anally right now and are slow to process payouts; I'm on Garlicsoup and they basically skip every 4th or so payout and the 5th one is double, just because they are getting pounded harder than the price of Bitcoin a couple of weeks ago.

>> No.6813632

Ah, just got mine. My gpu is shit so I'm literally getting .125 every hour but eh, may as well mine some for the fuck of it until it gets really hard.

>> No.6814410

i lied, I have 16 1080ti, 1 1080, 3 1050ti and a 970. getting about 7.5MH, have seen it spike to 9 sometimes on the pool

so the normies are gonna love this shitcoin or what? lol.. the subreddit and discord are hopping. 69 million hardcap though, I love that it is low but then again the normies these days love the trillion+ max supply shitcoins

>> No.6814795

wonder what the price will be per unit? around .1 usd?

>> No.6814855

It's hard to say. They gave each other doge as a joke, and that was highly memeable. Garlic is good and people like it, but it's not really funny. It'll take some master memesmiths to really get some good ones out there. Also the low supply = high price notion is going to introduce a higher level of greed in people than doge did. The tip bot on the reddit isn't actually sending garlic to anyone right? If it is it's eventually going to get robbed just like dogetipbot did.

>> No.6814891

The low cap kind of sucks. People were going crazy when you could mine tens of thousands of doge a day and people were throwing around tens of thousands for free

>> No.6815093

Are you seeing half your processor being used? You said you were mining on bakery.fun earlier.

>> No.6815237

This is just a hyped version of turtlecoin.

>> No.6815615

stratum difficulty jumping every which way. Fine like that?

>> No.6815881

Yeah, mine's jumping all over too but payouts are pretty steady.

>> No.6816452
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Okay well I tried a different pool and it's also using half my processor but gives me 3% better hashrate. My brother updated his miner and it didn't change its behavior on his computer, which is to use 33% of each core. I have a kaby lake i5, he has a few years older i5.

>> No.6816754
File: 27 KB, 1055x974, Clipboard02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The wallet looks legit

>> No.6816929

mine says that garlium is a virus

>> No.6816980

same issue