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6800756 No.6800756 [Reply] [Original]

I have 160 raiblocks and I want to buy more VEN with it. I need advice if I should FOMO in now, or wait a while after raiblocks hits binance and gets something going for it, it's not doing anything for me right now.

Sell all now, buy VEN
Wait, then sell all and buy VEN
Dollar cost averaging.

What do I do anon?

>> No.6801006

Pls anon help

>> No.6801240

I'm in a similar boat. Sucks knowing I could have taken my 250 raiblocks and bought a fuckton of ven when xrb was at an all time high. I'm still holding on for binance and the rebrand.

>> No.6801310

So we holding our raiblocks then.. Thinking about maybe selling 1/3, and wait with rest. But idk

>> No.6801320

I'm not gonna tell you to sell rai but I do think you should buy VEN

Set a buy order at 67k sats and pray you get in

>> No.6801482


>> No.6801544

History shows that XRB has immediate problems with exchange deposits/withdrawals. I expect it to crash upon Binance listing.

>> No.6802043

Rai.exchange and news is coming. Binance soon after. Unless raiblocks is a huge percentage of your holdings, I wouldn't sell it right now.

>> No.6802186

Used to be, now it's only 25%, just feel I'm really missing out on VEN