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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6799844 No.6799844 [Reply] [Original]

what masternodes are /biz/raelis buying? done trading for now and would like to pump my profits into some masternode of an undervalued shitcoin
MagnaCoin and Shekel are currently under my radar
what about you

>> No.6799975


>> No.6800018

Saw sucrecoin here a few days ago mentioned by someone, looked into it. ROI is only 63 percent but mcap is just 2m, masternode cost is about 1.3k and if it manges to achieve its goals could be worth something in the future.

>> No.6800200

idk man
looks a bit sketchy

>> No.6800318

I looked into magnacoin and saw something that made me nope the fuck out. i can't find it now but if I do ill post. Not trying to FUD or anything but I'd recommend abit of research into it. Yeah sucre does seem abit sketchy but devs have been very helpful on discord and seem to be genuinely trying. Only potential problem I can see with this coin is funding for exchanges since they have very little funding due to really low premine.

>> No.6800347

what about Shekel (JEW) though? its down -65% right now

>> No.6800362

Obsidian (ODN). Get one masternode before Glass is finished.

>> No.6800400

>I looked into magnacoin and saw something that made me nope the fuck out. i can't find it now but if I do ill post
please do because thats the mn i am mostly leaning to buy right now

>> No.6800466


>> No.6800471

I honestly feel like coins with such massive returns are simply not right price wise so I don't really consider them since they'll be just in it to get the coins then sell it off which will really stunt price growth. I'm more in it for the long term where I hold for a year then come back to insane gains. All the coins with a 50m+ mcap have ROI's of around 20-25 percent, with luxcoin peaking at 49 percent.

>> No.6800503
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pfr nigga. ultimate jew coin

>> No.6800509

ECA also has 50% roi annually, at 100m mcap atm

>> No.6800524

Solaris (XLR), they do something never been done before. Link you masternode with crypto exchange they build and earn additional income.

>> No.6800625


>> No.6800685

ZEN has amazing potential as a crypto on its own but as a masternode coin it's not that profitable. Only costs 42 zen to make one, and the more masternodes there are, the less everyone earns.

>> No.6800687

so? its their bitcointalk page. whats wrong with it

>> No.6800735

which masternodes would you recommend a newfag like me?

>> No.6800811

Read the comments. Some shady stuff from devs. I'm personally not risking it but if you're not bothered with the stuff they did go ahead. It feels like they just want to dump the coins to earn a quick buck. And website also looks like they put next to no effort into it. This is just my own personal reasons though. If something feels off to me I don't look into it anymore.

>> No.6800853
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Masternodes aint out yet so stock up while its cheap as fuck

>> No.6800894

no no, i see where you are coming from. also, i noticed their lack of presence on twitter, discord etc
personally thats a big warningsign for me

>> No.6800918

Solaris is good like the other anon said, not sure about obsidian but if Glass is as good as it looks that could be a strong masternode coin aswell. It mostly comes down to how much money you can sink into masternodes. PIVX looks like a good hold since it has long term potential and could earn you good money but it has a high masternode worth. Plus you can stake the masternode coins at the same time aswell. Don't take advice just from me though since I'm most likely wrong on some stuff. Look around abit, research and go to a few different websites.

>> No.6801019

my maxrange lies between $3k-5k sadly
thats why i asked for undervalued shitcoins

>> No.6801078

Yeah that's the same range as me. Sucre looked good to me so I just went for it after looking into it abit. Haven't looked alot into the other coins in the same price range.

>> No.6801219

Bulwark, MunCoin, SUB1X, ALQO, and Innovc currently setup, I have enough VEN for a THOR Strength MN when the time comes.

Suck it poorfaggots :)

>> No.6801250

XCXT looks interesting too imo
and i could buy myself more than one

>> No.6801281

PoS is a flawed system.

>> No.6801495

If you want the shotgun approach could always work. Have a node for all the shitcoins that you can afford and hope for the best.

>> No.6801528

in case you are still here, i am about to buy a Shekel mn since the mcap is 5mil and i thought it was over 10mil

>> No.6801546

Also, another important factor is volume. If the coin has no volume, how are you going to sell the coins earned from the node other than at a loss, possibly a steep loss. That's another thing you need to take into consideration if you want to play it kinda safe.

>> No.6801738

madcoin looks way more promising