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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 82 KB, 1024x576, 170428100933-trump-white-house-0425-1024x576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6798558 No.6798558[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

guys 4chan precedes every cultural wave in the last 5-10 yearss.

everyone knows that Pol was on the forefront of the Trump revolution - they knew he would be elected earlier than everyone - because they knew the levers of culture, politics and society.

installing a president and being an unstoppable political force during a presidential election is great and all, but did not help enrich ourselves ecomomically, it was more of a gift to future generations and reformatting society back to its roots as a whole. other than placing bets on the election, which we all knew trump would win, was the only way to make money off it.

but here alot of you were during that election period fomenting another revolution - the blockchain and web3 revolution. The difference here is that, while preceding culture, we can now capitalize on it. alot of us from pol came after some of you were already deep into crypto, and well invested in ethereum at deep discounts. and you benefit from being early. but us from pol joined you a mid 2017 and help spread the word and add investment and value.

soon the rest of society will jump on this bandwagon and we will be rich, the new elite, the new aristocrats. This will be a momentus change as, now we will not only have knowledge on our side, but money and power. and we will bring a reckoning

keep winning anons. bring home that share that rightfully belongs to you. and we will rule the world for the next 100 years

>> No.6798582

The answer comes to them in two little words. Ayn Rand. Never since Barbara Streisand have the words of a half-witted Russian jewess spread so far, and contaminated so many. With sixth-grade level vocabulary, and fourth-grade level philosophy, Rand's book have all the emotional depth of a two-year old's temper tantrum. "MINE!!!" But like Streisand is to fags, Rand is their holy prophet. She speaks the words so perfectly, the words they want to hear.
"You don't lack compassion! You just want people to get by on their own merits!", She says. "You're not a selfish asshole! You just have a sense of rational self-interest!", She affirms. "You have no obligation to the society in which you live! Governments are only there to lift up those not as good as you!", She declares.
And lo, it was good. Because if there is one thing that makes financially comfortable white people feel good about themselves, it is that they earned the benefits of being financially comfortable, clearly by their own merits.
It wasn't daddy's money that bought you your head start in life. It wasn't the better schools, the better nutrition, the better neighborhoods. It wasn't the country you were born in, or the system of laws that protected and to this day protects you. It wasn't the various government agencies making sure you have licensed doctors, clean drinking water, or safety standards for vehicles.
No, my young privileged white boy, you did it all. You, and only you, are responsible for all your success. And anyone who isn't as well off just didn't work as hard. And the government can only take from a productive member of society like you to give to the leeches. And there should be no laws. And even though there are laws, they don't really apply to you, because you're special. Be as selfish as you want. It's all you.
And thus, a libertardian is born. Good job poltard

>> No.6798610

But Trump is literally useless

>> No.6798620
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>everyone knows that Pol was on the forefront of the Trump revolution -

>> No.6798654

That's too much shit to read.
Summarize your thoughts in 2-3 sentences, anon.
We got shitcoins to buy here.

>> No.6798676

holy shit and people call reddit cringey.

I have no words for this.

>> No.6798692


>> No.6798715
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trump is retaded fuck off /poltard/

>> No.6798816

Yeah, that, all it shows is that she's fucking retarded

>> No.6798843

Also the id of that video is HOLD

>> No.6798847
File: 32 KB, 673x842, IMG_8043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These threads are normieS YA feel? I get you OP but just those thoughts to yourself. Actual faggots don't get it.

>> No.6798877
File: 468 KB, 1300x900, 1516353700910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

board is full of blue pilled r9k tier soyboy faggots who still get most of their nutrition from mommys tits. most of them are also little faggot poorfags larping as crypto millionaires but in all honesty the most driven and best looking are by far the most successful on biz and that naturally leads to a pol esque ideology so reading all these imwithher faggots keep spamming pol go home is like waving a flag fora tiny dick and bankroll

>> No.6798941

kys faggot

>> No.6798986


communist/pajeet scum detected.

this, these faggots aren't ready and are just here for the money. they have no values, no truth, no hope. Crypto is their last laugh before the great die off of inferior men.

>> No.6799015


>> No.6799017

Go look at DJIA, Nov 9th 2016 to present. Then tell me trump had no econ benefit.
I voted for him 99% because I knew it would make me money, and it did. The other 1% was angering SJWs and straight up lulz. I was laughing uncontrollably the morning after election night.

>> No.6799034

I don't understand how plebbitors can subscribe to all their niche subs like /r/cuckold and /r/nintendoswitch, then come over here and expect anons not to crosspost.

most of us visit the boards we're interested in, and i'm pretty sure /pol/ has the highest traffic of all the boards.

to come to 4chan and say "gb2/pol/" is one of the biggest newfag mistakes i've ever seen.

>> No.6799137

That was obama's doing. Not because he actually did anything for the economy, but he printed trillions of dollars for quantitative easing which went straight to the stock market. Trump is just a meme excuse for all the buying. This is just a PND anon

>> No.6799160

>it was more of a gift to future generations and reformatting society back to its roots as a whole

>this is what /pol/ actually believes

Your only valid point is that chan users tend to be fucking neets who have nothing better to do than get into things like crypto, minecraft, my little pony and other shit that gets bigger in "nerd" communities later.

4chan is cutting edge in autistic pursuits. Trump just happened to be a time where literal decades of Fox News propaganda warped enough of the electorate that their choice happened to line up the choice of the autistic "alt-right" losers on /pol/.

Trump won in spite of /pol/, not because of /pol/. Even then his victory was more about Hillary failing than him succeeding. He's fucking incompetent on a day to day basis.

>> No.6799181
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>muh government takes care of the water so well

>muh public schools are so great and there are no other alternatives possible and we are just so good that we have to force you to pay for it

Retard go to tumblr where you belong

>> No.6799213
File: 128 KB, 441x570, 1510281362578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need to start a /ptg/ (President Trump General) equivalent thread here in /biz/

>> No.6799237

When you are inducted into the Trump Supporters Party, you must support the Dear Great Leader at all costs, no matter how small the insult is, you must defend him. A basic attack is to being butthurt over Hillary and liberals can't accept the miracles of our Dear Great Leader. For advanced training, use ShariaBlue and Shill to destroy the political thread because all of them must be paid off by the Jews, George Soros, David Brock and Deep State.

>> No.6799286

>He's fucking incompetent on a day to day basis.
>Most successful economic numbers in a first year in decades

Whatever you say soyboy.

>> No.6799296

this, god damn normie pajeets

>> No.6799313

4chan is the only place for free speech in the world, unfortunately socially inept people are over represented here

>> No.6799325

>Make nukes and stockpile them
>Get radioactive water
You a brainlet?

>> No.6799347

The mini-recession stagnant period in years before was Obama’s doing. I don’t think it’s coincidence that the market pops off immediately after election day. Maybe it’s making up for lost time, but there have been real benefits to the business environment especially now that the tax bill passed. I rode the trump bump and took it all into crypto. What a trade. If it dips in the second term (my prediction) I’ll be ready to buy.

>> No.6799374

I have almost $90k in crypto and I think you faggots are autistic as fuck. Why is everything from /pol/ full of cancer? Stop ruining boards, you fucking niggers.

>> No.6799378


Don't be arrogant anon. The leftists believed that Hillary was a foregone conclusion, and look how they ended up.

>> No.6799403
File: 85 KB, 1201x909, DowJones-1-21-2018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go read a fucking economics text book and get back to me.

>> No.6799404

>everyone knows that Pol was on the forefront of the Trump revolution
/pol/ was supporting him ironically until you r/the_donald Nazi niggers came and fucked up the site
seriously fuck off

>> No.6799422

The fuck does that even have to do with what OP posted? Nothing. Stop getting triggered every time someone brings up Donald Trump. This is why no one takes you seriously. You can't use rational thought when you're faced with something that makes you the slightest bit upset.

>> No.6799447
File: 34 KB, 571x443, Polluter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn those pajeets!
Why can't I shove my failed white trash genes into everyone elses face at all times?

>> No.6799479
File: 431 KB, 2058x344, Screen Shot 2018-01-21 at 6.52.11 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fear not anon, this is more akin to the call to arms of the communist manifesto than declaration of victory

>> No.6799488
File: 283 KB, 800x820, 1514328985415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kys /pol/tard.

Also, reported because your thread isn't about business/finance.

>> No.6799532

Anti-Communism is a core belief of the alt-right and they've been quick to deploy the term as an insult against people such as (but not limited to) a Labour Party MP, Pope Francis and Bernie Sanders. You can also see them here getting butthurt over a humourous Communist-themed school prom, showing they're just as prone to manufactured outrage and professional victimhood as the feminists they criticise.
Some of their anti-Communism is because they believe Judaism and Communism to be strongly linked, however research into the subject would prove that Communists, even Jewish Communists, were highly critical of the way Jews behaved. In 1843, Karl Marx remarked, "What is the secular basis of Judaism? Practical need, self-interest. What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is the worldly god? Money." Vladimir Lenin was violently opposed to Zionism and referred to Zionist Jews as "National Jews" - diametrically opposed to Communist Jews, who were regarded as "international" and humanitarian, concerned about more than their self-interest. Joseph Stalin was the most antisemitic of all, launching a public campaign against "rootless cosmopolitans" in which Jews were specifically targeted for death. In the press they were accused of "grovelling before the West," helping "American imperialism," "slavishly imitating bourgeois culture" and "bourgeois aestheticism."

>> No.6799587

>to come to 4chan and say "gb2/pol/" is one of the biggest newfag mistakes i've ever seen.

You've outed yourself as a newfag if you believe this. The reason we tell you to go back to /pol/ is because you post shit that should be on /pol/, not because you're from /pol/. You guys are the new /b/tards, I swear. And I don't mean that in a good way.

>> No.6799605

/pol/ hates Rand you retard.

>> No.6799625

It’s an unsustainable economic system that is based in theft and tyranny. That’s why.
But do continue believing everyone who disagrees with you is a nazi.

>> No.6799647

agreed, trump and now crypto are not just singular trends, but answers to much larger social trends that have succeeded in the short term. my question is, whats the 3rd/4th/5th answer to the larger trends at work?

>> No.6799694

>what is the Frankfurt school

>> No.6799760

Capitalism is Jewish.

>> No.6799798
File: 551 KB, 245x220, 1506042292789.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can all you fags just cut the shit & tell me when link is going to moon ffs??

>> No.6799856

Oh wait, what the fuck, are you kidding me, you must be high to dream this shit up, thanks California for finally legalizing weed. We are fucked beyond repair, our politics are more toxic, there is more tribalism, everyone is either a full blown Nazi or a whining castrated SJW, we are so fucked that there could be another civil war but oh wait, since our nation is full of fat fucks, there will be no civil war.
Stack up on guns, food, weed and barricade your homes. Store cash under your beds and buckle up motherfuckers, Donald Drumpf is gonna give us the craziest ride of 8 years of your life.
Oh you think he will only last 4, think again maggot, the Democrats are whining little bitches and will no way in hell will bend over for Bernie Sanders to become the nominee cause they know he will win but they will lose all that money given to them from the elitist fucktards on Wall Street and the Jews. They will spite their face to stop Bernie. Kanye West will not run till 2024 because surprise surprise idiot, he loves Donald Drumpf. The Libertarians won't even win a single state in 2020 unless Rand Paul joins them and steals Kentucky. The Greens will have Jill Stein euthanized after submitting her to a death panel.
You bleeding hearts were warned to vote for Clinton but it was MUH EMAILS and you were too lazy to get off your asses because every liberal news source you watched said that she had a 200% chance of beating this chump and forgetting this is America not Iraq.

>> No.6799895

Nah we don't he just isn't his father.

Prove it.

>> No.6799955

lmao that graph. look at the distance between 10k and 12k vs 22k and 24k.

DOW has gone up over 30% since Trump took office. Best gains since FDR you fucking nigger.

>> No.6799995

do you really believe this to be true

>> No.6800112

Congratulations on noticing that a graphic that says logarithmic is logarithmic.

You know why people say "go back to pol"?

Because you don't know how to read a graph and grasp basic economic concepts. No wonder you keep buying in at the ATHs and selling the dip.

Go ahead and cite the economic policy that Trump implemented magically before taking office. But hey, you called me a nigger so at least you got that going for you.

>> No.6800254

>keep interest rates artificially low for first nigger president
>Print/borrow money and dump it
>artificial gains offset by strangulating the private sector
>Thinking that this is a viable solution
>Still not recovered from last recession
How people can defend Obama is beyond me and I'm not even american.

>> No.6800295

Holy shit lmao upvoted for making me laugh.

>> No.6800349

>m-maybe if i feign intelligence he won't notice me changing the subject
>economic policy that Trump implemented magically before taking office.
how about market sentiment? both dow and nasdaq rose over 1% the day after the election.

>No wonder you keep buying in at the ATHs and selling the dip.
kek if I told you my net worth you'd just call me a liar.

go fuck yourself.

>> No.6800473

This is a good post. I mean it's nice to make money, but it's a bit sad to see so many conspiracy-tier, libertarian idiots in here.

It took me some time to realize that all of those ancap retards you see on here and on Facebook, making what is literally arguments worthy of a child in favor of their position, actually aren't joking.

>> No.6800522

we defend him because trash human beings still say the word nigger like you are better than anyone else. your 4 inch dick genes will be gone within 40 years - signed an italian american with a 8.5 inch dick you pasty little bitch

>> No.6800611

/pol/ and /biz/ will save the human race

>> No.6800750

not even joking this is the only reason why im holding Chainlink right now. this very fucking reason. I need to fucking buy more 1k linkey here

>> No.6800791

why the blacks are so obsessed with their dicks ill never know, maybe its the lack of any type of scientific discovery so they obsessed over base traits

>> No.6800851

That’s just wrong you fucking nigger. Answer these questions:

How long did we quantitative ease/how many rounds?

What happened to GDP when it stopped?

Why didn’t we go through a 4th round after seeing the decline when there wasn’t any fake money to prop it up anymore?

What is the difference between shit trade deficit, bad trade deal, regulation spamming, anti-business (big AND small) Obama and literally the total opposite Trump?

If you don’t think it’s Trump’s doing and the confidence people felt when he got in you’re legit retarded. This is actually embarrassing to read and I’m not even a hardcore Trump fan.

>> No.6800871

But trump betrayed pol at every turn?

>he still thinks trump wasnt chosen by them and specifically crafted to make pol shill him

Other than that its true though.

>> No.6800883
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>> No.6800942


Truly I cower in the presence of an intellect as mighty as yours, please deign to enlighten me: how is taxation not theft?

>> No.6800991

>m-maybe if i feign intelligence he won't notice me changing the subject

Nice projection boy-o.

>how about market sentiment? both dow and nasdaq rose over 1% the day after the election.

How about it? Wall street got excited that the guy promising less regulation won. He's still incompetent at the job and we won't see any long term economic effects until after some legislation is implemented. If you know anything about crypto at all you would know the context for bitcoin's initial growth. Try googling "Glass–Steagall Act," do some reading and look at the time scales.

Your entire argument comes down to the fact that he hasn't fucked up the trend from the last 8 years... yet.

That's true but the topic was his competency which is seriously lacking. I assume this is why you projected about changing the topic.

Considering you didn't know what a logarithm is, I'm not surprised that you believe he's "like really smart" and that I'm feigning anything. Go ahead and call me a nigger again. That really shows how brilliant you are.

>> No.6801102

throws a bunch of insults, doesn't demonstrate any of his "economic knowledge" it wasn't that Trump implemented anything before he got in office, it was his attitude, and stances on regulations, which as time has passed hasn't changed, and naturally shit is still going up, and you don't need "economic knowledge" to understand this, you just need to not be a literal brain dead potato, now go kys you fucking moron

>> No.6801140

nigger spotted

>> No.6801152

Cringe as fuck
You kids really need to get back to your containment board

>> No.6801227

>huur pol has the most traffic
And most of that traffic is underage losers who came here for dank memes and edgy shit posting during the election
So yes, fuck off back to your containment board, new faggot

>> No.6801333

Wow, Trump's attitude caused consistent growth from 2010 to 2016! Please tell me more.

Of course the market is still going up, it hasn't been affected by any of his legislation yet and of course wall street likes "less regulation."

Anyway, I have to go to work in the morning so I'll leave you with this

>> No.6801382

guys im telling you.... if we wanted to create our own communities free from as much corruption possible... we can make a wonderful place to live. We can all make money using the internet and phones so we can still have financial income on top of the money we save by the initial investment in self sustainable resources

>> No.6801422

lol we at pol created the donald dumbass, because we supported trump

>> No.6801481


Don’t ignore this fucking question. Oh that’s right, none of you r*ddit soyboy losers can answer this question without outing yourself for the retard you are.

>Illegal shitskin immigration down 70% and daily deportations
>Biggest political scandal underway showing the FBI/DOJ being the KGB for the DNC to fake evidence to get FISA warrants for political leverage
>The fake evidence they used to frame Trump/Russia came from.. wait for It...... RUSSIA AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HOLY FUCK
>The greatest stock market run of all time. Literally hitting new highs every week since his win thanks to confidence, trade re-negotiating, regulation slashing, tax cuts that are bringing back Billion dollar companies who create jobs
>SJW and universities being outed for the pseudo-science trash they are (Anything outside of STEM is trash)
>No more funding and arms for ISIS/AL Queda/ Al Nusra limiting the refugee crisis created by a nigger who got a NOBEL PEACE PRIZE and then literally fucking helped ISIS spread like a California wildfire started by an illegal immigrant
>All done with not one party, but both corrupt parties banding together to save themselves from the swamp drain
>MSM proven beyond a reasonable doubt to be kike whores
>RIP lottery immigration system and chain migration

How will r*ddit soyboys ever recover? No, a weak ad hominem will not grow your hair back or help you with your video game/masturbation addiction or get woman to notice you. In all honesty there is no reason you shouldn’t be dead from having killed yourselves by now.

>> No.6801485

lol you delusional idiots act like you had any effect on the election results from your cheetos and cum stained basement walls. im sure the elites pre selecting who their new puppet will be had nothing to do with it

>> No.6801529

>Consistent growth since 2010
Holy fuck you are one dumb nigger. Answer these questions here:


>> No.6801562

chink who became a millionaire through RuneScape + MapleStory goldfarming and investing the money into Bitcoin and Ethereum
get fucked dumb nigger

>> No.6801563

this is hilarious.

even the average lefty knows that under trump the economy is soaring and breaking records.

and 4chan is 80% pol. look at the traffic. if you are here and you don't support trump thats fine but don't expect your silly brainwashed anti trump views to be popular here, you WILL get shit on.

>> No.6801565
File: 135 KB, 900x809, Sour+kraut_0d4f64_6446498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back to re.ddit you go faggot

>> No.6801587

you made my week with this post. fuck the Yobama nigger and fuck all the illegals that come from their shithole nations to make america shitty like they are.

>> No.6801613

Admitted I'm 50/50 white black from a relatively uppermiddle class eur senpai.

but Gonna share my crypto gainz to enrich childhood friends and build mini empire! >>6798877

>> No.6801649
File: 1.52 MB, 4076x1896, future.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we will rule the world for the next 100 years
how about a 1000 year faggot

>> No.6801653


>> No.6801706

Or it all crashes and you useless poltards all kill yourselves because you are worthless trash in every sense of the phrase. Id be ok with this even if it means losing my investment.

>> No.6801728

is this post a false flag?

>> No.6801745


>> No.6801762

Come join me on reddit

>> No.6801795

Why must /pol/acks seek attention in every board?
Are they that insecure?

>> No.6801807



>> No.6801831

Die slow, kike.

>> No.6801843

A "when will wall street fuck us next with institutional investments general" was what I proposed a few days ago. No response. Plz fix.

>> No.6801855


>> No.6801869

All you poll-fags are to blind to see that Mr drump is a clusterfuck of a president regarding Int Affairs.

Wohoo Dow is up 5%. But drump don't even dare to visit the UK, a country screaming for US help after brexit, because hes afraid of protests.

All world leaders hate the Guy/find him akward as fuck. But the neonazi scum calling racewars love him.

hè will set back Amerika hardcore, through all the mismanaged deals and negotiations that will result out of his sheer incompetence. Atleast hè will line his OWN pockets after leaving US destitute.

>> No.6801886

They don't have a life, so they have plenty of time to shitpost on every board.

>> No.6801934

>economy is booming
>but he's not a nice guy
This is /biz/ which one do you think we care about?

>> No.6801947

Deep inside they know they're wrong. So they must seek approval

>> No.6801949

word ^

Crypto is a way of defeating Trump, and the corruption he'll leave behind.

If you can't see that, you're blinded by your own misfortunes.

>> No.6801951



>> No.6801974

blah blah blah blah blah

>> No.6802014

>bush shits on the country and leaves a flaming mess for obama
>hurr it is obamas fault

>obama takes presidency during the literally worst economic times since the great depression and leaves everything running smoothly for trump
>guys trump just saved america XD

>> No.6802042

>>obama takes presidency during the literally worst economic times since the great depression and leaves everything running smoothly
nice meme.

Krugman predicted economic chaos.

>> No.6802047
File: 1.23 MB, 912x905, 1433477724321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remain both assblasted and poor kiddo

>> No.6802086

retard, this is 4chan. Trump was the 4chan candidate. for good reason, too. get used to it norman

>> No.6802096

it was much better than 2008 but you were probably like 3 yo back then

>> No.6802113

good post

>> No.6802147
File: 33 KB, 600x747, AtlasFugged.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6802165

shut up nerds and join /qJXxHZf

>> No.6802168


Hahahahahahahahahaha look at all these r*ddit queers dodge this post here:

>deep inside they know they are wrong
>failing to produce an argument and projecting this hard
>Trump will set America back by refusing to allow third world immigration to turn the rest of our nation into Chicago/LA
You people are more deluded than Arkies. Seriously how dumb can people get?

>> No.6802174

Have some gold kind pede!

>> No.6802200

that reddit page was created by /pol/ users

>> No.6802228

>Post /pol/ shit threads outside of his cesspool
>gets called out
>hurr fucking redditors

the absolute state of polacks

>> No.6802266

>He doesn’t realize Bill Clinton repealing the Glass-Steagle was the main factor in the following recession
>Totally discounts the fact that Bush, Clinton, Obama are all on the same team
>Failing to see this reality with your own eyes
>Being this superficial
You have to go back.

>> No.6802275

>being this insecure
kek. Don't worry , your humiliation will end in 3 years

>> No.6802323

Drump is on a different team? Ahahahahahahagaga
The delusion of drumfties

>> No.6802375



>> No.6802430

AHAHAHAHahahahaha holy fuck kid nice refutation. I mean that. What a logical, consistent, and coherent argument you have there. The examples you provided were undeniable.

>How will r*ddit soyboys ever recover? No, a weak ad hominem will not grow your hair back or help you with your video game/masturbation addiction or get woman to notice you. In all honesty there is no reason you shouldn’t be dead from having killed yourselves by now.

Now please break this post down and refute it without looking like some faggott millennial who barely scraped by the public education system.

And this one too

I’ll be waiting patiently.

>> No.6802433

/pol/ has become red square

After Muller takes down Trump and they finally hit social media hard for letting Russia take over America I'm surprised if 4chan will still exist. We need to draw a hard line between /pol/ and the rest of 4chan if we want it to survive.

>> No.6802475



>> No.6802481

/pol/? bitch please, /b/ has always been leading the way in everything...

>> No.6802581

Look man i volunteered for the Trump campaign and have done more to get him elected than half of the larpers on this site but i was extremely disappointed when he almost completely caved into the kikes desires when he launched the missiles into syria. That being said, i’ll still support him but i’m not going to embarrass myself by blindly supporting him no matter what. I advise you follow my lead.

>> No.6802583

Holy shit I didnt know you were going to get triggered this hard lmao. Look, this isn't the place to discuss politics. How is that hard to comprehend? It doesn't matter if you are posting trump or hillary, repo or dem, left or right. Don't take it personal. You have a whole board to post your blacked, trump ass kissing or whatever it is you degenerates discuss over there. Just stay in your containment board and whenever we are bored, we will come to you.


>> No.6802597

do you understand how insane that sounds? You think Russia infiltrated the United States is more likely than Hillary Clinton wasn't likable enough to win?

>> No.6802623

Not if you losers don’t get your shit together. You couldn’t even refute this if your life depended on It. Look at how pathetic you are. When normies see the evidence I provide and then your ‘rebuttal’ who do you think they will side with? What did you not learn in 2016? How deluded can you be?

Entire MSM, Wall Street, Arab oil monarchies, governments all around the world loving the US gibs, the KGB aka FBI/DOJ, Dems and Republicans, millions of illegals etc against him.


Only donations from actual US citizens and his own funding (which amounted to half of Hillary’s record 1.3 billion for a losing campaign)
>being this deluded
Like you can see this reality with your own eyes bigger fucking open them you retard.
>hurrr he has money and I’m superficial enough to draw a conclusion off of this alone he and other rich 1% I pretend to hate are the same durrrr
Dear god.

>> No.6802693
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>> No.6802702
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I feel you may be the one who has been triggered here sir.

>> No.6802775
File: 40 KB, 400x307, 29BEE5A6-86DA-4AA1-963A-E801DCE2DAC9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There’s still some hope 2bhfamily

>> No.6802810
File: 61 KB, 620x802, Trump_and_Rich_Muslims.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6802815

You do realized it's been confirmed by US intelligence agencies and congresses passed heavy sanctions against Russia for infiltrating the US through social media, right?
I mean, it's not like the Republican Congress, CIA, FBI and news outlets are all working together in some major conspiracy. Well, you could think that sure, but unless you had solid evidence or logical reasoning to think so that would be 100% insane believe. I'm not saying you're wrong. I'm just saying that you would have to be insane to believe it with no proof or deductive reasoning.

>> No.6802840

Listen, I didn’t mean to embarrass you that hard. This isn’t the place to say objectively dumb shit or have objectively dumb opinions without getting called a retard. When you say something stupid you need to back it up. Don’t take it personally, but you have an entire subleddit full of other pseudo-intellectuals to jerk you off after you post memes about his tiny hands or his hairt hat have defined your entire political perspective, sadly. Just go back to your shithole... oh wait you won’t. Why is that? You come from there to here because you’re a failure and you brought with you the type of mindset that made you a loser to begin with expecting different results. You love the info we provide and how right we are all the time. This is undeniable.


>> No.6802895

That syrian airport was only time i felt betrayed. But in hindsight it was a one off and used in his negotiations with chinks and korea and got a few days of media support when needes it

>> No.6802923

And what happened after that? The new king loyal to Trump rounded up and jailed all the princes involved with Hillary and ISIS/Al Queda. It’s like you’re a fucking retard who doesn’t read the news and doesn’t know what he’s talking about... oh right.

>> No.6802944

How's your foreign aid treating you Pajeet? Be a shame if someone was to.. Cut it off...

>> No.6802950
File: 776 KB, 450x735, 6C08D5FB-B9C5-4A43-A9B5-F1466EC2B469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There’s too many kikes on biz now.

>> No.6803018
File: 483 KB, 992x620, CGA_Merchant.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude, money is involved, as if they wouldn't be here in force too. use your brain.

>> No.6803069

shares graph proving his opponents point.

>> No.6803099


Your circular reasoning is what keeps you and your pol bros from going forward. You can't take criticism without assuming the other party is the one you fear so much, even when you are obviously in the wrong.

>women wont look at me: fucking niggers taking my gurls
>i am so poor: fucking jews taking my money
>i am a neet: fucking mexicans taking my jobs

As i said before, this is not a politics board and if you keep trying to push your trump agenda you are going to get called out.

>> No.6803109

Yes, all of those pollacks were secretly Russian. I’m glad the CIA whose literal profession is propaganda, subversion, drug running, human expirementation/torture, terror training/financing cleared it all up.

>social media affecting anything
>implying Saudi owned twitter and Saudi/CIA owned news stations weren’t fucking us all over as well
Dude you’re legitimately retarded. It’s almost like you’ve never actually read the reports and watched the hearings on the matter yourself. You did, didn’t you? If not why do you think your opinion matters? I can assure you everything in your comment is dead wrong if you took more than 5 mins to look into It.

>no proof or deductive reasoning
It’s been common knowledge since the fucking 70’s dipshit. You can literally go on YouTube and type in CIA - Operation mocking bird and watch legitimate, recorded government committee hearings where they talk about this. Are you 12 years old?

>> No.6803115

Somebody please explain to me why the fuck Trump didn’t follow what Hitler did as far as seize power, act all democratic nice nice, then fucking went to town tidying society up and ridding America of bipartisan corruption? I mean i know )))why((( but just some wishful thinking lololol

>> No.6803130
File: 365 KB, 1162x850, 1506723638507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw NEETs who bought as early as last year will inherit the earth

>> No.6803192

actually it's competence that put our society at the top, mostly by sheer luck but regardless, if you destroy what is good for the sake of "justice" then what is left? you might be quick to realise that justice for justices sake isn't all that appealing

>> No.6803217
File: 417 KB, 720x900, FB_IMG_15164219506917042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Presidents are (((selected))) not elected. /pol/ didn't do jackshit, it is a honeypot and a mind control testbed. He will be the last president of the nation before it gets destroyed by war and nuclear fire. Not even trolling.

>> No.6803243

Ayn Rand is Jewish, promotes degenarate sex, and is against nationalism. I enjoy her writings but ""pol"" certainly does not. start a thread and see what people say

>> No.6803273

Most cringey response I’ve ever read. Why do this to yourself? Why can’t you just be a man and admit you are wrong? The strawmans and superficial understanding only serve to hurt you more. Don’t you see that when you have to be deliberately obtuse it usually means that something about what you believe is wrong?