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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6797737 No.6797737 [Reply] [Original]

There is no way the crypto market can survive with these normie scum

Im literally sick to my stomach, our neet dream is ruined. crypto is done. It was fun while it lasted


>> No.6798587

I would trust more on my grandmother to hold her bags than any millenial.

>> No.6798705

>normie scum

I see this a lot. From people who browse reddit. I think you hate them because you see yourself in them. Youre just like them. On the same forum, reading the same posts, chasing the same gains on the same coins.

Why do you hate yourself, anon? Btw, know what they call someome who browses reddit like you do? A redditor. And around these parts they call you normie scum.

>> No.6799285

>even housewives have stronger hands than /biz/
how are we ever gonna recover from this

>> No.6799413

Them being old does not make them normies. For all you know, those individuals are highly unique compared to their peers.


>> No.6799417

I don't mind normies until they do dumb shit and neither of these two have so I don't see the problem

>> No.6799549
File: 224 KB, 504x612, 1516047920946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not like i sold the bottom or anything, again...

>> No.6799740

these are bait posts faggot

>> No.6799843
File: 25 KB, 600x451, 1514584028862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of us are older women and stay-at-home moms. Who else would have time time to do this in the middle of the day?

>> No.6799943

>implying normans post on r/cryptocurrency

>> No.6800009

Proud mom of 2 in her 30's here. Can't wait for my Trons to moon!

>> No.6800036

Well to be honest dear, my husband takes care of my son so that I have plenty of time to work on finances.

>> No.6800403

So nice of your husband to take care if your son. He sounds like a really nice guy. I bet he makes a mean tofu stir fry.

>> No.6800417

People that do not have work or friends... like almost all 4chan users?

>> No.6800429

>Being such a newfag that you think normie adoption is a bad thing for crypto
This is why /pol/ will never make it

>> No.6800487

Why does this bother you anon? Are you scared that grannies are better traders than you?

You're not just one of those normies who buys and holds coins hoping for 100x are you? You can trade and make profits in a bear market right???

>> No.6800702

unironically I've 20x'ed buying and holding... but because of the last crash I broke even my trading stack lol...

>> No.6800796

Yeah it's cool but when we either hit normification or a bear market those gains aren't sustainable.