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File: 206 KB, 448x398, Screen Shot 2018-01-22 at 01.06.25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6795661 No.6795661[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You still haven't gotten PURPOSE? It just went up another scam level.


Invest in a proper scam and get rich with Athene.

Not even kidding. His math checks out. Look at the video and find a flaw:

You can get it on http://idex.market with ETH

>> No.6795797

Ok, what prevents him from selling it all and crashing the market?

>> No.6795911

What are you a brainlet? What financial incentive would he have to do that? He gets richer if he keeps the system doing, there is literally no incentive to sell it all and crash the market and end the scam.

>> No.6795923

ICO price was 50 cents and it's down to 19 cents. I guess his plan didn't work...

>> No.6795974

Are you literally retarded?


It says black on white 111$, yesterday it was 110$, we reached scam level 12 today. They increase by 1$ every day and then they will start using 1% instead and that will really be sick.

>> No.6796030

Thought it was this coin http://purpose-coin.io/

>> No.6796113

No, it is http://prps.io

Also, follow him on Twitch stream to learn more. His nick on twitch is AtheneLIVE

This guy has a track record of finding loopholes and exploiting them, he knows what he is doing.

>> No.6796179

wtf is the circulating supply?

>> No.6796229

Athene holds all the purpose and sells it in increments, always rising the price with every scam level. That is how the ponzi works.

You can literally drop 100'000$ on this and will increase your money instantly, because the next sell wall will be higher in price pegged to the USD. It is a no brainer as long as you trust Athene not to fuck up.

But he has a track record of figuring these things out.

>> No.6796291

Lol. Athens hasn't "discovered a loophole in the crypto", his stupid apple and banana explanation is literally just a Ponzi scheme.

So I'm not Saying he can't accomplish his vision IN THE SHORT TERM. Ponzi schemes work great! Until they don't. which means whether it's in one month or ten years, maybe even twenty years (there have been longer running ponzis), everything will come crashing down and after years of confidence in the system, investors will be left holding huge bags of worthless purpose.

But have fun anyway.

>> No.6796310

Decentralized Universal Basic Income for the whole world. If you don't recognize the forces of good when they are staring you in the face, I'm a little sad for you. Let's solve poverty then death and then explore the fucking stars bois.

>> No.6796312

trying to understand this shit hurts my brain, im scared

>> No.6796353

Athene's inverted funnel system may just work

>> No.6796484

>Lol. Athens hasn't "discovered a loophole in the crypto", his stupid apple and banana explanation is literally just a Ponzi scheme.

Yes, of course it is a ponzi scheme. Nobody is disputing that. But go and prove his maths are wrong.

>So I'm not Saying he can't accomplish his vision IN THE SHORT TERM. Ponzi schemes work great! Until they don't. which means whether it's in one month or ten years, maybe even twenty years (there have been longer running ponzis), everything will come crashing down and after years of confidence in the system, investors will be left holding huge bags of worthless purpose.

Explain mathematically WHY his scheme won't work. Go ahead, it will be interesting to read.

Just listen to daddy Athene and buy PURPOSE on http://idex.market

If you don't you will end up like those idiots who didn't buy in the initial sale and passed up millions in profit.

>> No.6796494

>Decentralized Universal Basic Income for the whole world
>Athene owns 99% of coins


>> No.6796533

Now even retarded gamers have their own shitcoin. Holy shit crypto is a joke.

>> No.6796540

Did you watch the video?

>> No.6796571

You will remember this thread after a year when PRPS is 1000$+ and cry so hard.

Just saying, remember this thread. That is all I ask, not even joking.

>> No.6796633

what time

>> No.6796654

So if I drop 100k on the market RIGHT NOW will price increase?

>> No.6796685


>> No.6796765

why exactly should anyone with a decent understanding of cryptotechnology invest into this?
I get that the price will increase but not as much as actual good coins such as RLC where I can get much much higher returns.

>> No.6796832

Because DO YOUR MATHS. With RLC scamcoin you get a coin toss, a gamble. It can go and crash 90% with the market TOMORROW. But with PURPOSE it ONLY GOES UP! It is pegged to USD, so he just increases his sell wall and the DUBI buy wall and this self reinforcing scheme actually works.

Go watch video and find a flaw.

>> No.6796839

He is a fucking poorfag gamer. He never did anything worthwhile in his life. Just like you with you internet money. Fuck off with that shit.

>> No.6796873
File: 145 KB, 645x729, 1507036717990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is a dubi

>> No.6796876

Can you find a flaw in his system?

Please post it, will be interesting to see.

Meanwhile I'm enjoying free money.

>> No.6796919

Decentralised Universal Basic Income.

You buy Purpose and lock it for 12 months to get 4% in DUBI.

So Purpose is money printing machine and DUBI is the actual money.

He puts buy wall on DUBI and increases whenever PRPS sell wall gets filled.

This way it goes up forever. You only get richer. It never goes down, and if people undercut, he just buys them because it is free money, because of the DUBI dividends.

>> No.6796936

I majored in econ, and 6 mins in I'm so fucking confused.

>> No.6796967

Go on his stream and ask him your questions. He explains it on regular.

>> No.6797014

Nice, Just Bought 100k

>> No.6797042

No, you didn't. If you would have, scam level would have increased.

>> No.6797053

I searched coinmarketcap and there is no such coin. stop making up stuff m8

>> No.6797068

you are not alone brother i dont even know what planet im on

>> No.6797096

It is not on coinmarketcap yet:

There it is.

>> No.6797123

5k+ PRPS reporting in.

>> No.6797133

i agree, im lost
i dont understand why the banana and apple thing, just say prps or dubi wtf

>> No.6797169

i know ponzi is a boomer meme but this is textbook ponzi.

Report him to the SEC to ruin his life for lulz.

>> No.6797229
File: 147 KB, 645x729, 1507445348645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is literally nothing about dubi in the page you sent you dumb nigger


>> No.6797390

Yeah, I lasted until about halfway through.
990M tokens he promised not to dump.
Using it to manipulate price.
Issuing worthless IOU notes to stabilize payouts.
It's a ponzi, and the antithesis of what Crypto was about.
Your boy's going to jail.

>> No.6797447

I'm losing my bananas watching this video.

>> No.6797542
File: 405 KB, 2320x1462, Screen Shot 2018-01-22 at 01.56.44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It is right there

>It's a ponzi, and the antithesis of what Crypto was about.

Yes, it is a ponzi. So is USD.

>Your boy's going to jail.

No, because it is a charity and he doesn't have anything on his own name. His partner Reese is doing all the trading with PRPS he gifted to him.

He even says it is a ponzi fugazi on his show.

>> No.6797723

toplmao. there are 4 buy orders. those coins are completely worthless. even if you were a millionaire in these shitcoins nobody is there to buy them for real money. Even the fucking bitconnect exchange has more buy orders than that lmao

>> No.6797730

Can someone smarter tell why this won’t work?

>> No.6797767


Ok, suit yourself.

Just please remember this thread in a year.

Bye now

>> No.6797817

>No, because it is a charity and he doesn't have anything on his own name. His partner Reese is doing all the trading with PRPS he gifted to him.

That makes it conspiracy. Enhanced Charges! YES!

>> No.6797868

Why would people place buy orders when there is a sell wall

>> No.6797894

kek ok :)

>> No.6797903

>jawless roundie

>> No.6797928


>> No.6797931

for starters, when you make a ponzi scheme you don't actually tell the people its a ponzi

>a year
you'll be lucky if this lasts a month lmao

>> No.6797951

Ok, sure buddy. Just remember this scam a year later. Or maybe even 6 months. Let it sink in.

>> No.6798020

I won't remember it because nobody will even know it exists in 6 months. he has like 500 viewers at best he scams you off with few thousands nobody will even care

>> No.6798073

You are definitely right, he is scamming everyone. I never disagreed with that.

>> No.6798113

Completely legal in crypto.

>> No.6798180
File: 34 KB, 408x450, 1507408558370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not everyone, just those 500 people that are his last viewers. You will lose all your money and in the end you will say that you knew it all along and you just wanted to donate him your money

>> No.6798278

>You will lose all your money and in the end you will say that you knew it all along and you just wanted to donate him your money

Yes, because it is officially a scam, so where is the problem?

It is also very convenient how nobody has actually found a problem with his math.

Notice how all the complaints in this thread are unbased, attacking him personally, calling this a pyramid (which it is), yet fail to find flaws in math.

>> No.6798354

he never used any math you dumbass, he just bubbled about some bananas and oranged. He probably thinks he just invented ponzis

at least you already know its a scam and you gonna lose your money so there is no problem

>> No.6798383

How is his logic wrong?

>> No.6798430

I really couldn't follow his math.
Where's the flaw?
Like any pyramid, whatever security is underpinning the value, lets say BTC is (bitconnect), a sudden drop of 30% will crush the pyramid.
Now Maddoff lasted a lot longer, because his asset was the stock market, and 08 was a real black swan, that pulled out 30% quickly.
So I'm not sure what is the underpinning asset. He have me a migrane, and I couldn't get past the apples and bananas, but I'm going to guess one of those is another crypto, like BTC.
So that's what will happen, but it'll just happen quicker, since crypto has such high volatility.

>> No.6798471

from the fact that both of his coins are worthless and nobody will ever want to buy them you dumb pajeet

>> No.6798481

>Like any pyramid, whatever security is underpinning the value, lets say BTC is (bitconnect), a sudden drop of 30% will crush the pyramid.

Why? You can just get it cheaper and then sell higher since it is secured by the underlying DUBI buywall.

It is literally free money in that case.

>So I'm not sure what is the underpinning asset.

Interest secured by PRPS. Interest compund payments in DUBI.

Money from PRPS go to supply DUBI buy wall.

And it all keeps going up.

>> No.6798492
File: 50 KB, 645x729, 1505703207273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>millions i profit

Nobody made millions even if they got some at .5/1$ LMAO how does it feel to be a deluded little soyboy controlled by athene?

>> No.6798501

reported for spam. known scammer, and known you (athene) are shilling your own coin.

this guy holds like the entire supply, you're basically buying from one dude.

>> No.6798513

Umm...no they aren't worthless. Look:

Purpose is increasing by a dollar regularly. It start from 1$ or so, then jumped to 100$. Now increasing by 1$ a day, so is DUBI.

So people are willing to pay that much.

>> No.6798556

you tell me, whats his logic? im not watching a 20 minute video about bananas and apples

>> No.6798562

Those who threw a few hundred in donations in PRPS when it was 1$ per PRPS are now millionaires on paper.

>> No.6798572
File: 109 KB, 588x823, 1516555303614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

toplmao. that chart has no real data you fucking moron. if that data were real then 113 dollars for 1 billion supply that would make his market cap larger than Ethereum. Seriously, nobody can be this dumb

>> No.6798575

Cool, how do I buy in?

>> No.6798576

>you tell me, whats his logic? im not watching a 20 minute video about bananas and apples

Ok, don't then.

Bye bye now.

I will get some cheap and see how far this scam goes.

>> No.6798580

also PLEASE report any time you see this faggot coin posted. we joke about coins being scams, this is an actual one.

>> No.6798619

kek i would dump a thousand bucks on this scam for the lulz if i had the liquidity right now

>> No.6798656
File: 4 KB, 227x250, 1511956517778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And tell me what happens when his deluded cult members run out of money and no one buys purpose anymore? The dubi just stops flowing. There isnt enough liquidity to cash out over 14k let alone 1million and not mention you cant even use your purpose because he locked you up in chastity like the little bitch you are. I have never seen people this dumb until I encountered athenes cult fan base.

>> No.6798667

> 113 dollars for 1 billion supply that would make his market cap larger than Ethereum. Seriously, nobody can be this dumb

Yes, Athene is the richest man on earth right now, you are correct.

>> No.6798696


>> No.6798711

>And tell me what happens when his deluded cult members run out of money and no one buys purpose anymore?

Then he gets larger investors to buy, because they want to see the graph going up which is what PRPS does. They also can instantly increase their money by buying increments and going up the scam level.

Right now he is keeping it low key to get his audience on the first train.

>> No.6798744

exactly, the asset is the overall crypto market, whatever can be sent, BTC / ETH and exchanged for purpose.
Hence, it will fail.

>> No.6798751

>Decentralised UBI


>> No.6798765

Thanks for your nonsensical reply. It just proves my point that you are all retarded you dont even have a basic grasp on reality. Btw no real investor would ever put their money into this LMAO.

>> No.6798767
File: 187 KB, 1200x1200, 432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woah I bet nobody ever thought of that before, he must be a genius

>> No.6798795

>Btw no real investor would ever put their money into this LMAO.

Just like they didn't put money in Madoffs scheme? Just like people didn't put money in Bitconnect?

>> No.6798831
File: 11 KB, 279x194, scaaaaaam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please hit the report button.
OP is the coin's creator, literally trying to scam people. he's literally known for scamming and viewbotting on twitch.
he holds almost the entire supply for the coin, when you invest you're just buying from him.

this isn't like how we joke tron is a scam coin, this is ACTUAL scamming.

>> No.6798852

This is true. It is a scam. That is the whole point.

>> No.6798886

You CAN make money from a Ponzi, you just have to be extremely early. Hence why Madoff's early investors got sued by his later investors.
If it's already gone from $1 USD to $100 USD, it's over. You're too late.

>> No.6798894
File: 36 KB, 629x504, 1506610241340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even bitconnect didn't actually tell people its a scam. I know you think he is being clever with "LUL ITS A SCAM BUT IM TELLING U ITS A SCAM SO ITS DIFFERENT" but you are still gonna have to live with those bags

>> No.6798896

are we watching the same coin?


seems pretty flat to me

>> No.6798922

Madoffs scheme was a fraud this is just a blatant and obvious scam to anyone with critical thinking skills. Only niggers and retards invested into bitconnect. So yes no real investors would ever throw their money at this. Btw are you not going to try and defend your previous argument that literally made 0 sense whatsoever? All of you athene soyboys are brainwashed to shit lol top kek.

>> No.6798924


Just fuck off to Germany already to be cult buttbuddies and leave biz alone with your retarded scam. Oh and before you leave put all your money in it because it's guaranteed to go up, right?

>> No.6798946

Fucking idiot no serious investor is going to dump millions into a known ponzi.

Fucking nump

>> No.6799058

Why would it stop going up? Why would it drop?

>> No.6799094

because people will stop buying it you fucking retard. jesus fucking christ

>> No.6799116


Because at some point people will stop giving Athene free money and he will pull the buy walls you mongoloid.

>> No.6799132

Makes no sense, because DUBI buy wall ensures that DUBI always maintains price so it makes economical sense for people to buy PRPS and get DUBI in dividends and sell them into the buy wall them. DUBI literally can't fall below the buywall that is in place.

Again, you seem to have not watched the video.

>> No.6799151

But the maths checks out, the money that has been given to him is enough to maintain the buy wall for like 2 years at least.

>> No.6799177

$36,000 USD 24 hour volume. Each one of my cars is double the $ amount in value as the 24 hr volume.
So, guys. If this blows up to normies, worth throwing some money in. I guess it is early days.
I have no idea where the $1USD -> $100 USD chart is, link?

>> No.6799246


Who cares about maths? He will pull the buy wall once money stops flowing in. That is the end point of this scam.

>> No.6799303

why aren't you telling people that to get their DUBI, they have to send all their PRPS to Athene's friends personal wallet? the agreement is literally
>send me back all your PRPS that I just sold you
>ill send you a DUBI that no one is buying and has less than 1 ETH volume
>I swear ill give you the PRPS back after one year

so you're sending athene
>ETH, an appreciating asset
>PRPS, a scam but an appreciating asset
in exchange for
>DUBI, an asset no one is buying

>> No.6799331

kek if no one buys purpose they cant support the buy wall on dubi. Not to mention people can get better interest just holding their money in a bank account LMAO. jesus christ athene really deluded you hard didnt he? but im just a stupid hater right?

>> No.6799373


just in case anybody had doubts that OP is the coins faggot no friend creator.
report this spam faggot, he did this last week too and the mods deleted the thread

>> No.6799476

and with this comment, the kike has disappeared

every single day :^)

>> No.6799563

Sounds.... DUBIous at best

>> No.6800047

As usual you dumb as fuck retards miss the good stuff. He is planning on selling prps trough charity foundation as well so big donators can get tax breaks from it. God you're dumb as shit

>> No.6800126

so he is not only gonna get charged with fraud but also tax evasion and money laundering?

>> No.6800175

>Who cares about maths? He will pull the buy wall once money stops flowing in. That is the end point of this scam.

He has addressed this and that simply won't happen, because there will always be enough money to have the buywall up, thus always ensuring profit for those who buy PRPS due to 4$ DUBI dividend.

>> No.6800209

>so you're sending athene
>ETH, an appreciating asset
>PRPS, a scam but an appreciating asset

You aren't sending Athene PRPS. You are buying PRPS from him, locking it into smart contract and getting your free DUBI which Athene will always buy due to buy wall.

Read the smart contract. It is all there.

>> No.6800226
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>imagine being this retarded

I pity you

>> No.6800232

It's a legal foundation you dumb shit.

>> No.6800236

It is called tax avoidance which is legal. Legal loopholes are a thing and smart people use them.

>> No.6800242

dubi is worthless you dumb nigger. even if he gave you a trillion of them you still have zero money

>> No.6800261

Explain to me why it doesn't work then.

>> No.6800302

What do you mean "worthless"? Why then can I go and sell it on exchange for 0.10575 ETH?

Are you a brainlet or just pretending?

>> No.6800311

I already did but with your deluded mind you only see what fits your perception, unable to thinking critically. You truly are a retard. Have fun eating soy in athene compound until you all get arrested.

>> No.6800317

hey athene
you used to be cool
tania was hot
now you living the pajeet life

>> No.6800330
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go ahead and try and sell it then and show me. literally no person will ever buy that order

>> No.6800394


>> No.6800420

>kek if no one buys purpose they cant support the buy wall on dubi. Not to mention people can get better interest just holding their money in a bank account LMAO. jesus christ athene really deluded you hard didnt he? but im just a stupid hater right?

Oh you mean this?

Ok, why would people not buy PRPS when by locking their PRPS they can instantly get DUBI and sell it into the buy wall that is always there?

So just by buying and holding PRPS for a year they get 4% in DUBI INSTANTLY.

You think people don't like free money?

>> No.6800445
File: 66 KB, 736x476, Screen Shot 2018-01-22 at 03.21.37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you really that stupid?


The buy wall standing right there:
0.10575000 1000 105.75 107.30178315

You blind?

Pic attached if you truly are.

>> No.6800467

>Not to mention people can get better interest just holding their money in a bank account LMAO

Cool lie, but people can't get higher than 4% "holding in their bank account".

Don't spread false information

>> No.6800516

go ahead and sell one then. why don't you try it to prove it? :)

>> No.6800557

Stupid fuckin shill from a retard. Shove your bags up your dick faggot

>> No.6800580

His video seems to just be constant non-sequiturs.

>> No.6800604

Are you 12? Do you know how exchange works?

>> No.6800681
File: 81 KB, 645x729, 1515694059599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because nobody will buy their worthless 'purpose' and they can literally make way more just holding ethereum for example. No matter how I say it you will think im wrong and you will come up with another non sensical argument for why you are right. LOL you are the definition of someone who is deluded.

>> No.6800697

why don't you try it then m8? because its not possible to sell that worthless coin, its 100% impossible. Not a single person will ever click to trade ETH for a coin that is not even listed on coinmarket. Just try it and you will see

>> No.6800795

Same with his stream lol. Its actually entertaining to watch him spout his bullshit and see his cult following gobble it all up. People like him are dangerous and he will be arrested eventually. I cant wait for the day.

>> No.6800829

>Because nobody will buy their worthless 'purpose'

How can you call it "worthless" when you can go to exchange and sell IT RIGHT NOW for about $110?

>and they can literally make way more just holding ethereum for example

No, because Ethereum goes up and down, but PRPS and DUBI only go up. This is a huge difference. Also learn about compounding % which will take place once he starts increasing sell wall by 1% instead of 1$ as of now.

Also, free money is a good reason. Buy PRPS, lock it and get 4% INSTANTLY. That is FREE MONEY. You can sell it into the buy wall INSTANTLY and you get your PRPS unlocked by a smart contract after a year and sell it for HIGHER than you bought due to self reinforcing system.

You really are a brainlet if this is too complicated to you?

>why don't you try it then m8?

I've been buying and selling on http://idex.market regularly. Is your argument that the exchange is rigged? It is a decentralised exchange and it actually works.

>Not a single person will ever click to trade ETH for a coin that is not even listed on coinmarket. Just try it and you will see

Why so many did already then?

>> No.6800904
File: 45 KB, 645x729, 1505953097341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why so many did already
by many you mean the 50 dumbasses out of his last 500 viewers?

>> No.6800954
File: 245 KB, 1560x1042, Screen Shot 2018-01-22 at 03.36.17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what the guy said:
>Not a single person will ever click to trade ETH for a coin that is not even listed on coinmarket. Just try it and you will see

I just proved him wrong. Lookie look what we have here:

>> No.6801045

He's talking about DUBI

>> No.6801088
File: 76 KB, 1028x524, deludedsoyboys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6801195

How am I deluded? Don't you see the buy orders on the right side of the screen? They are there, aren't they?

Don't you see the supply wall of sell order 866 at 90 ETH on the left side?

It is there.

So once that gets bought out, it goes up. And then DUBI goes up as well and you get richer...forever

>> No.6801226
File: 249 KB, 1544x1028, Screen Shot 2018-01-22 at 03.44.12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People buy DUBI as well.

>> No.6801289

thanks, just bought 100k