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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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6791847 No.6791847 [Reply] [Original]

Alright brainholders, the end of the month is coming up. Those who followed fistnigger's prophecies eagerly await its coming. Anyone who stands amongst the ruins of the PnD still holding this coin eagerly awaits what the next two weeks will bring.

I want some serious discussion about this coin's future. Does it have one? Who bought at the top and is bagholding? What are you going to do? What news is coming up?

>> No.6791911


sold my bags lol fuck this shit. vaporware right next to TRX. but atleast TRX had normie attention this just went to pooville

>> No.6791973

I'll hold end of february, if it reaches ath and goes somewhat past it i'll sell half. I'll hold EOY and see where it goes for the other half.

>> No.6791976

I love this coin. Bought at 8c sold at 55c bought back at 22c. I can't believe people managed to lose money on this. There is nothing to discuss before conferences though

>> No.6791978
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>> No.6792011

It's sticking at 1300-1500 sats for the past week and I could sell for roughly 20% profit, but there's something about this token that makes me hold on. Could be greed or ignorance. Wish I would sold near the top and at least bought back in or moved on.

>> No.6792013

I feel like fistnigger was one of those whales accumulating and manipulating and already dumped his bags on us.

>> No.6792021


When are the conferences? Thinking about buying icx in the meantime and then jumping back. Thoughts?

>> No.6792046


hey its up to u bro, baghodling is your decision

>> No.6792050
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>I'll hold end of february, if it reaches ath and goes somewhat past it i'll sell half. I'll hold EOY and see where it goes for the other half.

This is probably the most reasonable idea I've seen in any of the DBC threads so far and I may do the same.

Isn't there something happening on the 24th? I know the big NEO conference is at the end of the month

>> No.6792094

There's also the other anon that held 1 million DBC and kept posting his portfolio every few days. You're probably right.

>> No.6792105
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I am up a considerable amount since I bought way before the pump. Didn't sell the ATH, held through every bottom and will continue doing so since I am a fucking retard and I want to die why did I buy this shitcoin AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.6792131

...are you me?

>> No.6792138
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>pic related

>> No.6792223
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>Poorfag that went all in at $0.50

I just wanted money back from normies, not this pain

>> No.6792338


This right here is what concerns me the most. A ton of us are either ATH bagholders or we bought at the bottom and got deluded by greed and didn't sell near the top of the 60 cent pump. If it does rally, it has to pass through a ton of dumping by disenfranchised anons along the way. This extends the holding period longer than I'm sure I want to commit to.

>> No.6792384
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Like this poor bastard, for example. If this coin hits 30-35ish cents again, he'll sell at less than a 50% loss just to get rid of the sinking feeling and move on, defeated, but free again. How many of them are there now and how many have been shaken in the past weeks?

>> No.6792399
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The team is bad at marketing but it gonna moon no worry.
Lot of money has been invested in them

>> No.6792464

NEO's investment in the ICO gives me more confidence than anything else, and that they've actually responded to criticism (translation) in a positive way.

>> No.6792513
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>> No.6792611


The Chinese government has invested like 7 million into DBC as well. They're pushing the ai memes pretty hard with cold hard cash.

>> No.6792636

Yeah, share that fear to be honest. A lot of the people that held are going to be dumping when they get a whiff if profit. That might push us down again, so we're going to be facing a lot of ups and owns until we get a median price amongst all the holders that allows us to go up high.

>> No.6792868

I'm hoping the psychology of the market has let most of the bagholders dump already or that when the market starts looking more bullish again, they'll dump quickly and move into other projects. This will lead to a downswing, but will be needed for it to grow.

The main problem now is I'm shaky on holding this token for that long. I would feel even less patient if I wasn't still seeing a profit at the current price.

>> No.6793148

A thing that is keeping me in is that when everything dumped because BTC dropped, we didn't do that badly. I think the general feel is we already lost enough, so people don't feel that crashing again is a fair representation of where the coin is. Seeing as times are a bit uncertain now, having a coin that is relatively crash resistant is a plus.

But that's all gut feeling, maybe we go back down to 8 cents. We'll see!

>> No.6793161
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There's quite a bit of positivity with this coin so it's not impossible for it to rise close to it's ATH within the next few months

>> No.6793201


>A thing that is keeping me in is that when everything dumped because BTC dropped, we didn't do that badly

This made me feel more confident than anything else because it was direct evidence that the floor had actually been found.

>> No.6793207

AI but on muh blockchain. Yeah normies really gonna eat this up.

>> No.6793379

Been holding about 6K for a couple of weeks. I could sell now for a small profit but I really think it could go back up to ATH in February. Don't expect it to beat it though. This coin's days are numbered. I've always known it's vaporware, but there are shitter coins out there with a much higher value than DBC, so there's room for improvement.

The upcoming conference will be good, but remember, too much exposure will bring the whole project under scrutiny, putting it at risk of being exposed as vaporware. We just need the devs to hire a proper PR team to shill it before it's exposed. Their current PR is practically non-existent. Hopefully they can convince some rich Arab sand niggers that they can actually build a working product and I can dump on them. The Arabs are the dumbest kind of nigger and almost as greedy as the kikes and luckily for DBC, their understanding of technology is limited to looms and water wheels.

This is not a long term hold coin. What they're trying to do is not achievable without first overcoming some HUGE technical hurdles. It's comparable to trying to reduce waiting times in hospitals during flu season by freeing up beds by curing cancer. They need to reinvent the wheel and right now they can't even make a decent website. I can see the price increasing three fold in the next month and that's when I'm bailing out. By summer, this project will be dead.

>> No.6793559

>It's comparable to trying to reduce waiting times in hospitals during flu season by freeing up beds by curing cancer.

Interesting read, anon. Their Twitter is more or less full of people telling them to actually hire PR/marketing and I hope they get a clue and do so.

I'm not educated enough to properly comment on the practicality of the project itself but found your idea of "overexposure" interesting. What do you make of NEO's and the Chinese government's backing of it? Is there any genuine selectivity at work with this?

>> No.6793734
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