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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6789234 No.6789234 [Reply] [Original]

“Can you take that technology and use it as a solution for an important customer problem? That’s the question investors need to monitor.”

“It’s the biggest opportunity I’ve seen because the two most important things are business information and value.

“We can now move information around the world at the speed of light at no cost. Why can’t we do that with value in the future?”

As I said before, 2018 will be about utility. Speculation alone won't keep your shitcoin on the top 5 list. .

>> No.6789275
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just gonna leave this here

>> No.6789412

All in XRP senpai. Utility > speculation.

>> No.6789436

this posts is yelling: SIA, SIA, SIA, MOON

>> No.6789490

Why is XRP useful? That i don't understand. The banks won't use XRP right?
They will work with ripple but not XRP from all i've heard.

someone help me

>> No.6789501
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All in XRP. Speculation > utility.

>> No.6789516

That's my current portfolio, 60/40 ETH/XRP so i hope he's right.

>> No.6789535
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>2018 will be about utility

I use it all the time to transfer between exchanges virtually for few. Shit is really fast, even faster and cheaper than Paypal. I hope I can use it for regular payments too.

I bought Sia too. OP is right, utility is king.

>> No.6789581

*for free

one financial institution is using it, another is piloting it.

Regular users will use it, but Ripple is currently targeting institutions.

>> No.6789674

guys... you are implying anyone is going to use XRP... Ripple platform will be used... but probably not XRP and XRP might plummet hard.

>> No.6789721

why sia over filecoin

>> No.6789763

XRP is literally the only usable crypto now.

-The current transaction cost for a standard transaction is just 0.00001 XRP.

-The transaction cost is not paid to any party: the XRP is irrevocably destroyed.

-Ripple consistently handles 1,500 transactions per second, 24x7, and can scale to handle the same throughput as Visa.

>> No.6789917

>inb4 it's not a crypto

yes, it's really not, and that's a good thing, it will be treated a currency (i.e. tax-free). technically, it's a cryptographically secured asset.

so other coins will have to compete with tax-free, fast, virtually free coin. Good luck with that.

>> No.6789919

SIA is already working, not vaporware. And applications are already built on top of SIA (sia will be a backend for apps like Dropbox hopefully in the future). SIA already has ASICs, which will drive the price much higher and fairly good team.

>> No.6789981

I read the whitepaper and bought some after I heard about Bitmain created ASICs for it and they were sold out in hours.

Bitmain and miners wouldn't waste money on a coin with no future.

>> No.6790019

Was the fidget spinner fad just a psyop to get normies to recognize the xrp logo for easier adoption?

>> No.6790057

Where does XLM and XRB fit on this chart? :)

>> No.6790086
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If this post tells you anything, it's to buy NEM.

Never shilled, never talked about. Yet it remains in top 10. NEM is a 3rd gen crypto designed for big business.

Who will be using block chain To drive mass adoption? Will it be pajeets buying chickens? No anon. It'll be big business. Exactly what NEM is built for.

You haven't heard about it, because they don't care about you and your $100.

They care about big money.. and that's who's kept it in the top 10.


>> No.6790129

XRB is a DAG shitcoin. DAG is a joke, doesn't matter if it can process trillions per second


it was a fork of Ripple. Similar technology. Ripple is head because of its relationships. Financial institutions need to trust you before anything.

>> No.6790170

stellar is ripple 2.0

better tech
better partnerships
better leadership
better code
better gains in 2018

>> No.6790184

she is so fucking hot, please tell me she has been fucked on video before

>> No.6790189

what the hell is NEM? I have been in crypto for years and still don't what that shit is. Why it's not being shilled at all?

>> No.6790218

Stellar is partnered with IBM
Cripple is partnered with nobody on that level

guess who REAL banks are going to go with?
The one IBM supports.

>> No.6790272

>some retard doesn't know why XRP isn't a crypto and nothing more than a PnD bandwagon

>> No.6790274

I bought some XLM too to be safe. Anyone who doesn't buy both is gambling.

Banks don't care about IBM. Banks need to establish relationship with YOU if they were to use your shit. Ripple is way ahead.

Don't be an autist and buy both. The tech is similar. Stellar started as a fork of Ripple.

>> No.6790318
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>Banks don't care about IBM

now this is the dunning kruger effect

>> No.6790367

It's not possible to be this retarded.

>> No.6790457

Wow. 10/10 for the pic, she’s amazing

>> No.6790510

>Banks don't care about IBM
Negro, what? Who do you think is supplying all the big iron for banks?

>> No.6790517

>why XRP isn't a crypto

yes, it's really not, and that's a good thing, it will be treated a currency (i.e. tax-free). technically, it's a cryptographically secured asset.

so other coins will have to compete with tax-free, fast, virtually free coin. Good luck with that.

>nothing more than a PnD bandwagon

literally the only usable coin today

also still upp 25000% since a year.

>> No.6790639

>illiterates who think banks IBM as a god for everything

>> No.6790664

Banks don't need to use it. What retards don't understand is that the media is a piece of shit. The media told you Trump would lose because Hillary was their cash cow. Now they are telling you Bitcoin is a piece of shit so they can tank it and buy it up cheap only to tell you how great it is tomorrow.

Ripple is a piece of shit and is being shilled to fuck, but shilling it gives the perception of value. Ripple will eventually crash and burn, but you can make money on it as long as there are enough idiots who believe it's useful buy into it. Long term there are great projects that look like shit because people are putting their money in actual shit. This market is absolutely fucked. You can be "right" about a thing and be punished for it financially for months waiting for that "I told you so" moment in the same way people who shorted the real estate bubble were punished by paying premiums on their positions even as the bubble was bursting because the game was absolutely rigged and the banks were hoping it would push people out.

>> No.6790679

*as a god

>> No.6790689

IBMs entire business model is around business enterprise solutions

>> No.6790702

Banks do care about IBM. They're literally all heavy clients of IBM. IBM using/endorsing it gives it a lot of credibility. Not to mention when any company in the world wants something new that they don't know how to set up themselves they go hire consultants like IBM. IBM will hook them up with Stellar.

>> No.6790767
File: 6 KB, 200x200, nem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My only regret with NEM is not having enough money to buy more. It is a two-part blockchain system with complete private chains (MIJIN) interlinked with the public chain (NEM).

The main selling points are:
Easy and safe development, smart contracts. I'm currently participating in the NEM global hackathon, and using the NEM API is ridiculously easy, and gives you plenty of freedom, and at the same time safety from fuckups like Ethereum has. I'm a comp. sci. student, and if I can learn this shit in a week, any programmer worth his title can pick it up in a day.

Blockchain notarization of physical assets and currencies, like Factom or whatever.

Proof of stake. (Actually proof of importance, but it is pretty much the same thing)

Effective spam protection.

But best of all. The Catapult update. When it launches soon™ it will position NEM as one of the fastest and most versatile blockchains out there. And as >>6790086 said, businesses actually use this coin. Do yourself a favor and pick it up before it actually gets shilled.

>> No.6790829

Banks have been using IBM since before IBM was helping the Nazis round up Jews. If a big bank wants to investigate using crypto/blockchains, there is a good chance they'll be turning to Big Blue.

>> No.6790858

fucking retards, they work with IBMs in other things. When it comes to remittance networks, Ripple is much more established, they won't just jump on another network because IBM partnered with it, especially that it's a copy of Ripple.

>> No.6790872

this. IBM _literally_ invented the fucking ATM

>> No.6791078

and it didn't invent Stellar

it doesn't develop Stellar

it didn't prove it self with this technology yet

Ripple has been around for years and is providing enterprise support

Stellar was a forked off Ripple because Jed was butthurt

doesn't look so attractive for banks

>> No.6791108

yes you've done better research than IBM, sure anon

>> No.6791198


>missed the boat

>> No.6791213

Man everything you said is true, these are the things I hate about this market and to some degree humanity in general.

>> No.6791376


I've got nothing against Stellar but you list is retarded.

It's literally a Ripple clone, run by the same guy, and is lightyears behind Ripple in partnerships. Stop being a moron.

>> No.6791687

IBM is behind in everything they are doing. They are desperate for one one of their venture to strike gold.

>> No.6791698


This, but honestly i wanna see you fgts lose money

>> No.6791738


>not noticing Stellar
>oblivious to IBM making utility use cases all over the fucking world day by day

>> No.6791766

There's a reason why he's a 'former' chief

>> No.6791775

it's a partnership with a Ripple clone to stay somewhat relevant

>hurr durr IBM = stellar

>> No.6791839

up 25000% in 12 months

and it will suck money from other cryptos when it gets used for payments by both users and financial institutions. Ripple speaks to markets measured in trillions, not billions.

>> No.6792003


Just go all in. I dare you not to

>> No.6792134

>Still shilling cripple

>> No.6792136

Love the way xrp holders are threatened by stellar. Stellar is actually decentralized and open, and just as fast / cheap as XRP, with ICOs and DEX. More remittance companies, Stripe, IBM, banks. Too bad it doesn't matter, crypto is going to hell.

>> No.6792207

40% XRP
20% Monero
20% SIA
20% XLM

>> No.6792288

nope, we think of it as a clone with some potential

I personally have both.

You need to work with banks to build reputation and relationship. Ripple has been doing this for years, and they are making good progress.

>> No.6792324

Imgur dump please

>> No.6792425

I think it has a bigger upside than xrp. But honestly both have very limited utility value as mere spam protection. Once we bleed for months on a bear market, that's all xrp and xlm are gonna have. The shitcoins will kill them

>> No.6792532

>But honestly both have very limited utility value as mere spam protection

what does that even?

>> No.6792648

They don't have a high minimum value driven by real demand. 1 token can handle thousands of transactions. Anything over that is market hype, which is quickly running thin as we can see

>> No.6792789

the entire market is speculative now

XRP is one of the few coins that can be used in real world today, by both users and financial institutions.

which coin is likely to be adopted by big businesses? a coin that requires $50 fees and hours of waiting or a coin that's virtually free and settles in few seconds?

btw, Ethereum average fee climbed to $4.

>> No.6792846

Youre right that 2018 is year of utility. Which is why eth will leave everyone in the dust

Xrp is still banker shit tho

>> No.6792900

>40% XRP
The ultimate goy.

>> No.6792953

>muh principles
>muh emotions

go back to your containment board, poltard

>> No.6793114
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Food for thoughts

>> No.6793260

It's not even a question of principles. 40% of XRP is just ridiculous because you are not going to make gains with it.
I am pretty sure you didn't even sell it ATH.

>> No.6793283




>> No.6793305

I looked into it

POI sounds dumb

What is POI?
POI is the consensus algorithm used in NEM to determine who will calculate the next block. An account's importance is determined by how many coins it contains and the number of transactions made to and from that account. POI is different from other initiatives which use a fee-sharing model that does not take into consideration one's overall support of the network. In some proof-of-stake systems a person only needs to have large amounts of coins to form a block; however, in NEM the transaction amount as well as support of the network become a factor. This has been designed to encourage users of NEM to not simply hold NEM but instead actively carry out transactions within the NEM ecosystem.

NEM creators or few whales control the chain, and they are anonymous.

>> No.6793366

Bought at 15 cents. Sold 30% at an average of $2.7, bought the dip at 0.9.

>> No.6793370

Ups inside info

>> No.6793450
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Its getting obvious

>> No.6793513

when XRP takes over /biz/ will be posting pink wojaks and claiming no one warned them

they are unable to understand that Ripple will penetrate markets worth trillions of dollars that will make current market caps look like a joke

>> No.6793720

The rippening will be painful for them

>> No.6793926



>> No.6794081

Every now and then u hear it here xrp will be king. Anon if u ignore you'll stay poor.

>> No.6794207

Look out for ftm (financial transaction manager of ibm -->google
And then look for the keywords and start digging cant say more till it gets official. All the dumbbags in here made me leaking it, fuck.

>> No.6794289

Btw our partners in japan are also using their own version of those apps developed by SAP

>> No.6794303

no, Ripple.

>> No.6795078

>DAG is a joke

can anyone elaborate on this? Are there legit criticisms on crypto built using a DAG?