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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6786399 No.6786399 [Reply] [Original]

I'm not a liar.

Let me help you.

>> No.6786604

Whats the current situation Ernest

>> No.6786648

Also whats up with the buy and sell walls?

>> No.6786696

Begging miners to give them 20,000ZCL.

Fork will be delayed. Mark my words.

>> No.6786734

When the heck is this fork, the end of the month is rapidly approaching. Also is the wallet even done yet? Still holding some ZCL on bittrex...

>> No.6786792

I've followed all your threads (didnt buy in on your first one, average entry point 160) and I dont think you are a total larp, but is there more proof to convince me?

>> No.6786815

So more time to accumulate?

>> No.6787104

Hey, Ernest. I was in your previous thread.

Thanks for the updates, I appreciate it, keep it on.

>> No.6787164


I'm not selling


>> No.6787249

What do they need 10,000ZCL for?
Give us the scoop.
Should I dump half and go into something else for the time being?

>> No.6787310

First of all the whole market crashed today, don’t pretend it wouldn’t have crashed even if everything you said a true. Second we have zero way of knowing anything of what you say is true. We have had threads where whales flash sell walls at a given time to prove who they are. We also had a thread where an anon said “in two minutes the first pre-fork roadmap will be released” and sure enough he was right. He proved he was an insider, and he said Bittrex/Binance and several others were confirmed.

So what do you have Ernest? Just another guy on the internet that surely wouldn’t lie?

>> No.6787602

To get listed on exchanges.

Hard-fork won't happen until they convince miners, then soft-fork, then start negotiations with exchanges. At that point they will get queued by the exchanges (assuming negotiations are successful). That's why I am positive that fork will be much later than what everyone thinks.

An announcement will come soon, should give clues confirming what I say. You will have to act quickly when it happens.

Depends what's your strategy.

My pleasure.

I'm not pretending that. My thread is because I got word that announcement confirming the info I distilled a few days ago is about to go out and I want people to see I wasn't lying.

>> No.6787723
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>> No.6787734
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I would rather invest in Link forks. They partnered with Disney

>> No.6787748

so when do you think the big news will come?

>> No.6787946

Why the fuck do you care either way? You either have insider info that you're trying to utilize to sway the price meaning you want to get it cheaper or you're some nerdy fuck who put up some coincidental info that went in rhythm with an official update.

Either way, the pack following you've gathered from people on this board is enough to make me NOT sell. Thanks for your earnest endeavors.

>> No.6788134


Are you willing to start a channel on the side to give warnings to the anons?
You know, so we aren't the ones with shitbags?

>> No.6788361
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What did he mean by this?

This must mean BTCP is coming in april...

I think OP is creating fud so weak /biz/ hands will relinquish their ZCL. Volume is steadily decreasing for this coin and i suspect its because the supply is running really low.

>> No.6788542

What will happen if the supply drops even lower, the price is not moving up.. Is it because no one wants to buy?

>> No.6788581

I’m out. I’ve sold my last 500.

Thanks Ernest.

>> No.6788793


Does anyone else smell a discord group...


If you notice on Bitrex huge sell and buy walls keep getting up... i imagine this is happening on many exchanges and it will be being used to suppress the price for more accumulation.

>> No.6788803
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Can someone explain to me why ZCL holders get Bitcoin Private? Why is a separate, non-Bitcoin cryptocurrency going to be getting the same crypto as Bitcoin holders..?

>> No.6788845

Its just larping faggots.

>> No.6788874

Prove yourself you faggot. Your only claim to fame is that you bought at a (earlier than most, but still late) start

You can't though because you are
1)a larp
2)a nigger dick gulping faggot

>> No.6788968


Like a biz thread can derail a cryptocurrency so hard you could buy it on a dip.

Fucking delusional faggots, WOW. Get over yourselves, you basement dwelers.

>> No.6788982

>make shitcoin
>fork shitcoin
>name it something with "bitcoin"
>biz brainlets buy your bags in hoardes

>> No.6789306

Ernest explain how you supposedly have this insider info

>> No.6789421


so why post?

>> No.6789502

Ernest definitely has insider knowledge but he’s FUDing. Hold or jump on.

>> No.6789552


Why not? Not all posters are faggots who want you to lose money. And that's why I'm thanking him.

If the fork goes through, fuck it, I missed it. However, it didn't go as initially planned and I already had second thoughts about it. So I sold it, I can't go through this shit in April with the bleeding market on the side.

>> No.6789576
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>You will have to act quickly when it happens.
> You will have to act quickly when it happens.

What does that mean? Will the price go down or up after the announcement?

>> No.6789599


>Changes ip address, doesn't change Name

I can only assume there is going to be a spike in the price of ZCL very soon with this pajeet tier fuding.

>> No.6789680

Kek, what a bunch of faggots

>> No.6789772


Ernest wants you to sell so he can pick up cheap bags.

>> No.6789781
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You sold a coin that has a good chance to do a fucking huge moon because of a fucking faggot on /biz/ without acknowledging this >>6787723 and this >>6788361. just the unverified claims of a faggot got you to sell...

fuck off retard

>> No.6789872
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>> No.6789957

because it's actually a fork of ZCL and just a fucking airdrop to BTC holders so the faggots can use the bitcoin brand name. It's an absolute scam

Rhett works for papa johns fuck that faggot

>> No.6789998

All i see from that is
"heroin is only as intrinsically bad as porn"

>> No.6790002


Who cares? You KNOW it's gonna pump, sell at the top. It's not rocket science.

>> No.6790028

This PAJEET is not giving us enough proof.

>> No.6790047


Its genuanly nigger like levels of retardation... they think we'r fucking stupid... this only increase the grip on my bags... i was getting a bit nervous with the market dipping again today but this fud has strengthened my resolve. thanks OP you fucking nigger

>> No.6790049
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Monitor the subreddit. They will make an update.

Following that two things should happen:

- short-lived bull run

- dip as people realize what the news *actually* mean

I'm telling you to sell at the top and buy the dip.

Just watch. You'll see.

>> No.6790082



>> No.6790091

It's not going to pump if the devs sell it off because they aren't capable of actually finishing it. IF it does pump, it won't pump until like fucking March or April. In the meantime you're going to miss moon missions. I have no stake in this, just letting you know my rationale for dumping my bags a few days ago.

>> No.6790097

They just made the announcement.

>> No.6790150

We have been thinking a lot about how to ensure BTCP is supported by exchanges. Given the current crypto environment, this is not an easy task. The exchanges are overloaded by new registrations and verifications. Based on this, we have decided to have the fork occur 4 weeks after the fork date announcement. We want to be clear: the fork code is ready for implementation, but this added lead time will drastically increase our chances of getting onto exchanges. If anyone in the community has direct contacts at exchanges they would like to share, we would be very grateful. Most exchanges charge a BTC fee which can be quite substantial and speaking directly with an exchange representative will allow us to get more accurate information on how to get listed.

Just postsd on their reddit

>> No.6790197


You posted this after they did and You're claiming to be a big insider?

>> No.6790252

You need to time you’re bullshit a little better fag.

Again sitting there waiting for a update? Get a life.

However the fork date is a month off from the announcement. So perhaps march.

>> No.6790257

The announcement isn’t what Ernest said it was........

>> No.6790323

You need to quit being so fucking paranoid you spastic cunt.

>> No.6790362

fuck off rhett and make me a pizza

>> No.6790392

you want pepperoni or cheese

>> No.6790394
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>Based on this, we have decided to have the fork occur 4 weeks after the fork date announcement. We want to be clear: the fork code is ready for implementation, but this added lead time will drastically increase our chances of getting onto exchanges.

I posted at the exact same time. It would be a hell of a coincidence.

Check my previous thread and compare it with the content of the update.

I'm trying hard to help you, it hasn't been a very rewarding experience so far.

>> No.6790401

It's technically not a good annoucement, they just spun it off as such. Earnest called it

More importantly, will it shoot up then dip or vice versa?

>> No.6790418


He is the reason we BOUGHT it here in the first place, you fucking mongoloid.

>> No.6790452

Wow, you rarely see someone doing a right prediction here. thanks.

>short-lived bull run
it just dipped, let's see what happens now

>> No.6790455


so when you said april...

it looks like they are sticking to the road map i posted here, really makes you think >>6787723

Are you still thanking him? >>6789552

>> No.6790499


and the reason you just sold...

>> No.6790502


>> No.6790512


See: >>6790049

>dip as people realize what the news *actually* mean

I suggest you read the update, think about what it means, use a calendar, and then tell me again everything is fine.

>> No.6790582

Seems like you got one faggot to dump

>> No.6790604

pro tip buy at 0.0101

>> No.6790620

Fork got delayed hahahahaha

>> No.6790642


It's probably himself. He's not a good Samaritan, nobody here is.

>> No.6790656


So what's your point with ZCL? Are you bearish or bullish? Whats your top? Are you just trying to create FUD? What's your point?

>> No.6790685

The fake bag sellers on here is proof enough

>> No.6790704


Yes, it literally dipped as fuck.

So thanks again Ernest, much appreciated. Would love to stay in touch with you outside of this zone of retards here.

>> No.6790717

What do you mean delayed? They never said it's going to be end of Jan.

>> No.6790735

just dumped hard on bittrex

>> No.6790740


>> No.6790748

>>Finally, we are going to launch a program titled the “Voluntary Miner Contribution Program” in order to raise funds. Essentially, we are asking ZClassic miners to donate their hashing power to us until 50,000 ZCL is raised. For every ZCL earned, the miners will receive 1.25 BTCP after the fork is complete. In conjunction, we will be setting up a multi-signature wallet to be governed by the community (2 people from the community and 2 from the miners) to ensure these raised funds are spent properly and transparently. We have reached out to the mining pools to gauge interest and are working on the code required to make this happen.

Anyone understands how the fuck are they going to achieve it? They will donate part of their personal holding back to the miner or what?50k x 1.25 It's 12500 BTCP's more to give back, how are they going to obtain it?

>> No.6790756
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I was right. Those who listened, I hope you survive.

Good day.

>> No.6790763


yes probably a retard whale on here listening to the fud or OP himself, its buying time.

>> No.6790796

Y’all niggas are getting played by this Ernest cat.

>> No.6790816


HAHAH You crack me up. I could do this with literally any other coin in the market and you view yourself as some sort or ZCL oracle. I don't even hold ZCL so I have no emotional attachment to it, but you really made my day

>> No.6790841

lol look at the order books on bittrex

>> No.6790908

The majority of the people thought it would be. The bags felt so fucking heavy and watching VEN and ICX moon made me think that it would be worth to wait. It will take another month or so until the fork takes place. I'm done with this, sold at 1.17m.

>> No.6790961

what a bunch of faggot, you mean

>> No.6790973


You said that there would be a small bull run. You lied

>> No.6790982

>>Finally, we are going to launch a program titled the “Voluntary Miner Contribution Program” in order to raise funds. Essentially, we are asking ZClassic miners to donate their hashing power to us until 50,000 ZCL is raised. For every ZCL earned, the miners will receive 1.25 BTCP after the fork is complete. In conjunction, we will be setting up a multi-signature wallet to be governed by the community (2 people from the community and 2 from the miners) to ensure these raised funds are spent properly and transparently. We have reached out to the mining pools to gauge interest and are working on the code required to make this happen.

Anyone understands how the fuck are they going to achieve it? They will donate part of their personal holding back to the miner or what?50k x 1.25 It's 12500 BTCP's more to give back, how are they going to obtain it?

>> No.6791177

This is called whales shaking out weak hands to accumulate more. This is so obviously manipulated and if you're panic selling you'll never make it when this thing really takes off

>> No.6791230


>> No.6791278

lol at all the retards who just panic sold below .01

>> No.6791303
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>> No.6791307

they just got a lot of bTCP

only 9k in left in the order book

>> No.6791355

Have fun receiving your BTCP in June, you'll be able to dump it for ~$150 I imagine.

>> No.6791888

Thanks weak handed faggots

who else bought the dip?

>> No.6791995
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M-...m-me .. .. . .. .. .

>> No.6792198


whats wrong anon? you scared?

>> No.6792327

This will dip further, slowly bleed until early March, when they announce another delay veiled as good news, then it'll crash for real.

>> No.6792501


nice, just sold 100k

>> No.6792622
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> buying into this mess instead of Bitcoin Hush

>> No.6792826


You made this post a full three mins AFTER the announcement.

I think this guy is a whale, and he just accumulated a shit ton of weak handed faggots bags.... not mine though

>> No.6793054

Serious question, I have been holding since $30. How/why will this not just bleed out for the next month? Fork will not be until March at the EARLIEST at this point. What the fuck.

>> No.6793200

It might go close to 0.012 again - then sell

>> No.6793241
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Whales are accumulating all right.

>> No.6793499

wtf is happening all my ZCL I bought at $210 is now worth $100. I thought that this was supposed to reach $400

>> No.6793563

Sell now and buy back when it's $50 in a week

>> No.6793605


Hold for 2 more weeks and you'll break even

>> No.6794625


Same, bought a bag between $170-$200 :(

Could just hodl and forget about it or ditch it and stick it in ven/wtc until a better buy price emerges.

>> No.6794965


>buy high sell low

you only loose money when you sell. Just hodl, being impatient in cryptos always looses you money

>> No.6795000

It's vaporware/exit scam. Genius move on their behalf to make 10000% returns in 2 weeks without righting any code, just a hardfork/airdrop a few months down the road.

>> No.6795343


Don't listen to him.

look at it this way, currently on bittrex there are roughly 14000 ZCL for sale and bittrex accounts for 93% of the trade in ZCL... where are the rest of the 3million coins?... they are being hodled by people who are being patent.

>> No.6795432

If anyone wants dedicated chat about ZCL only, come to: t.me/joinchat/H-V0zA4TAfzMlQ_sRvIZmw

<50 folk in there, zcl insiders wanted.

>> No.6795486
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>> No.6795598


whale detected

>> No.6795844
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W-we'll make it senpai.

>> No.6796055
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Do something different. Go into FUD.

Risk it. You can do it.

>> No.6796079

Price will come back after fork announcement.. then exchange announcement will pump it