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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6782913 No.6782913 [Reply] [Original]

This is going to be on normie news this week because Jim Breyer is advising it now. People don't appreciate how many people actually look to him.

He is a known early ETH investor and Facebook investor. This is more massive than people realize.

>> No.6782951
File: 68 KB, 699x485, hmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey lads, when?

>> No.6783247

biz tards too degenerate to comprehend

caught up in endless meme cycle while their brains and critical thinking rot away

>> No.6784154

Sadly yes.

>> No.6784216

I'm invested in projects that have bigger potential gains imo but good for whoever invested in ven

>> No.6784256

Lol like what ENG? ICX? PFR?


Keep buying your shitcoins

>> No.6784566


>> No.6784685

When you see positive posts about VEN on Reddit, click on the poster's username. Much of the time, this will lead to accounts which have only been active for a few months and have ONLY ever posted about VEN. Note how many comments have a "bot" vibe ("This will set a new standard in Cryptocurrency!").

>> No.6784759

well of course. what did you think non-mineable PoS cryptos were, anon? something that could improve upon bitcoin? lel

>> No.6784784

shill me aion

>> No.6784855

Think of the network Breyer has having been in tech so long. Doesn't really get much bigger imo

>> No.6784929
File: 35 KB, 866x1022, blue_wojak_rope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but I hadn't finished accumulating it yet...

>> No.6784930

Just hold on smart money biztards for the eth like run this year.

>> No.6785120


>muh shitcoin pump and dumps
>muh ico bagdumping

good for you pal, more power to you

>> No.6785184

the sell walls are back
i'm kind of glad

>> No.6785265

You have until Thursday at the latest.

>> No.6785291

sitting comfy with 95% of my portfolio in VET. Hardly even notice the btc dips

>> No.6785584

30$ by march guaranteed, been watching people say its to late to jump in since 4$, yet we still have sooooo much to grow. VEN is still greatly undervalued, pick it up on this little dip because in a week u wont see it uner 10$ again

>> No.6785709

It's going to be $10 before Wednesday is over regardless of what BTC does.