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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6782265 No.6782265[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Binance registrations are open! Now is the time to make an account and buy the dip!

***Please consider using my ref code to sign up***
REF ID: 11379129

I will be straight with you: If you sign up with me, or any other anon, you will not receive any additional benefits. You will, however, be redirecting a portion of fees to a fellow /biz/raeli (versus Binance getting 100% of the fees). Help an anon out in this thread!

Other anons, share your codes as well. Just don't make any offers or wild claims. Let's just have a civil thread with anons helping other anons!

>> No.6782390

REF ID: 16001752

>> No.6782442

REF ID: 11601092

>> No.6782532

Referral ID: 23580552 thx

>> No.6782552

REF ID: 13656895

>> No.6782564

Sending LTC to people who use mine 10258396

>> No.6782587

lets do this!!

>> No.6782630

This doesn't work.

>> No.6782764

yes it does

>> No.6782835

Help out a poorfag.

>> No.6782855


>> No.6782910

help this fella out

>> No.6782959

If anyone cares to

>> No.6782979


>tfw no binance friends

>> No.6783163


>> No.6783690

ill add you

>> No.6784016
