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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 106 KB, 960x634, nintchdbpict000341560002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6781612 No.6781612 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome, we've entered the bear market for the remainder of 2018. Holding will just make you lose money. Daytrading will just make you lose money. Have fun while all your gains from the last few monhs evaporate into nothing.

>> No.6781732

You're a moron.
You are about to see a mission like never before seen Feb. thru Mar. Not a moon mission. Not an andromeda mission. A mission to a fucking new dimension.

>> No.6781852

Yeah, the negative dimension

>> No.6781874

Nice post, faggot

>> No.6781905
File: 25 KB, 244x602, cyberdong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good thing I only just started trading during the crash then huh faggot? Your despair has been to my gain.

>> No.6781940

inb4 a teenager with $300 of crypto calls you a nocoiner.

>> No.6781944


>> No.6781962

oh well, at least i bought $11k in amazon gift cards while it was worth something

>> No.6782022

i have 1k actually.

>> No.6782049

More like a Uranus mission

>> No.6782097
File: 8 KB, 218x218, sweating-pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if the meme lines are right and we are entering a three decade long bear market?

>> No.6782106

Newfag spotted

>> No.6782110
File: 385 KB, 1308x1500, 81RtuAy7JmL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should change the picture for this one, op

>> No.6782248

dont listen to him guys, this is the easiest time to make money. Buy bitocin and short it with 10x leverage, I made 30% today in an hour

>> No.6782317

>tfw 1000 year bear market

The sun goes black

>> No.6782352
File: 46 KB, 1162x756, MEAN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all in

>> No.6782354

You got lucky. Shorting BTC with 10x leverage is fucking suicidal, even in a bear market, it's too manipulated and you will get squeezed,

>> No.6782363

delete this

>> No.6782518

Good. Everyone sells all their shit, prices plummet, and then you fly in to grab coins for the serious low. Crypto isn't going anywhere. Lots of legit projects behind a good number of coins.

Hodling forever.

>> No.6782571


Of course crypto isn't dying. There's just no reason for it to be the money making machine it is right now. Prices will just be stagnant when the technology seriously gets adopted into the mainstream.

>> No.6782616

Bear market? How so?

I'm only holding vechain and making money. Kek.

>> No.6782625

no, it was obvious the price was going down to me, so i shorted. Worst case you stop loss like 10 or 15%

>> No.6782677

>Worst case you stop loss like 10 or 15%
Stop losses should be tighter than your anus. 15% stop loss sounds insane with big leverage, or even without leverage.

>> No.6782717


You just got lucky. Seriously. You could have lost so much money right now.

>> No.6782756


Got em

>> No.6782800

im only using 10% of my portfolio anyways so i dont give a fuck. hopefully it will be 20% of my portfolio soon. Ill keep playing with that investment

>> No.6782854

I'm all in tether tho

>> No.6782906


Im buying in small increments every single day. When bearmarket is over I will have gotten in at the average price during bearmarket.
Going to keep it going for 6 months.


>> No.6782936

If markets are going down
sell a quarter of your stash
open margin short positions leverage 5x

if markets are going up
buy for a quarter of your fiat
open margin long positions leverage 5x

do you faggotts even trade?

>> No.6782997

I don't buy anything I'm not comfortable hodling for 3+ years. Who cares about 2018? It's a fraction of the picture.

>> No.6783025
File: 139 KB, 683x1024, 1516237492741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitcoins on the other hand...

>> No.6783053

Ma’am, is your granddaughter home?

>> No.6783069
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3 days.

>> No.6783099

Sounds like cost averaging. You'll either make a slight profit, come out even, or lose everything.

>> No.6783347

Yea its DCA but ultra long term.
If bearmarket lasts longer than 150 days Ill be out of fiat to put in.
why would I lose everything when betting on bluechips? Ill lose way less than hodlers is for sure unless this thing goes parabolic in the next 150 days and I wasnt able to accumulate enough beforehand.

Only buying ETH, BCH and BTC for long term holding.

>> No.6783381
File: 68 KB, 423x439, mommy bear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6783794
File: 35 KB, 800x444, ghostdog.015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]