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6779722 No.6779722 [Reply] [Original]

I think I'm smarter than average. My IQ should be somewhere around 120-130. I have a degree in computer science and I'm decent at programming. Still I absolutely suck at this shit. Really. I'm the worst trader. The only thing I'm sort of okay at is seeing potential in projects. But knowing when and how much they go up is extremely hard. The interplay between BTC and the alts is also extremely hard. When BTC when rapidly from 5k to 20k I was NOT in BTC. And this time I am sure I will make the same mistake because I hope my alts will go up and I am greedy, but they will probably bleed as they did the last time when BTC goes to 40k. I really suck and I need some help.

Can someone who is actually good at this shit, who makes consistent gains tell me what someone like me could do to get somewhere in this markets besides just holding a few coins for a few years? Can I train myself to make better decisions somehow?

>> No.6779743

Hey me, it's you.

Same shit here, I just value invest and hold now.

>> No.6779761

if you have really good alts, which you believe in, stay in alts. otherwise sell alts for btc, because it will go to 25k in a month. not kidding.

>> No.6779772

You are not smart as you think, OP.

>> No.6779773

>i think i'm smarter than average
I think I'm very mature for my age

>> No.6779780

Too emotional to trade

>> No.6779789

>What is emotional & social intelligence

>> No.6779809
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>posts nujack
>expects tips on how to trade better


>> No.6779817

It’s easy, be a shark.

>> No.6779835

>But knowing when and how much they go up is extremely hard.
It's not just hard, it's impossible (obviously) unless you have insider knowledge/are actively manipulating it yourself.

>> No.6779883

1- You are not smart

2- Even if you were that doesnt affect your skill in this, crypto is gambling.

>> No.6779894

you're an idiot, a tool-man, you are a mirror and you reflect the entire world as it is, you get caught up in the wave, you are eaten, chewed and spat out, you get raped in the ass by destiny, you tool-man, you exist to make my life easy and happy

you are part of the army of idiots who exists purely to supply me with resources

thanks to uninformed idiots like you, tool men, pseudo-intellectuals who cede themselves to fate and chance, thanks to you I make money

thank you, I sincerely thank you for existing, thank you! your role in life is beautiful, because it makes my life easier

>> No.6779920

life is gambling, if you want to use that idiot logic

even shitting is gambling, what if you have an aneurysm while you strain to pass the big log?

shut up, tool-man

you dumb piggot

>> No.6779977

Can someone please find the source of these fake as s wojacks and burn this cancer to the ground? Seriously... why do you keep bombarding our site with retarded slide threads just to post your stupid pics that everyone hates?? It makes me physically ill every time I look at one...

>> No.6779980

>hopes alts will go up
doesn't that sound something like religion?
>believe in alts
totally missed the point

you both are sub-humans, troglodytes, piggots (pig + faggot)

I hate you, you vile, putrid fucking retards

you are trash, you are fucking idiots

it's not about that, you handicapped retards

you are treating bitcoin like christians treat jesus


>> No.6780000

trade the sentiment (90%), fundamentals (8%) and TA (2%)

or get good in TA and trade that in like 35%

Try swingtrading but I dont do it personally

Understand when you are wrong and act accordingly.

Also trade trends

>> No.6780060

>what if you have an aneurysm while you strain to pass the big log?
Don't push so hard you mong, you're constipated get some fiber in your diet.

>> No.6780084


you have to be a little bit retarded to take the sort of risks that result in 1000% payoffs in this market, anon

I sincerely believe that to make it big in crypto you need to be at least a little bit of a belligerent dumbfuck who does what they want even when it seems like its a bad idea

They only need to get lucky a couple of times on huge risks.

>> No.6780105

this, it's much easier to catch the sentiment, to guess the central force that will be driving the market up or down, humans are built for those kinds of subtleties, immersing yourself in the cryptocurrency market and reading news, analyzing the situation is much more productive than TA (which is just a tool) or other mathematical tools, which are incredibly difficult to use in order to extract any kind of useful information from such a chaotic signal as the price / volume / etc.

but of course, this kind of idea eludes everyone who isn't smart enough, OP is sadly a few orders of magnitude below the minimum IQ required to fully understand this simple idea

>> No.6780106

Crypto only depends on hype
Nothing else

>> No.6780197

op, be happy, because you made me happy, this is the highlight of your life, this is where you peaked, after this it goes downhill so sit down, relax and surrender yourself to this moment, be happy dear faggot, because you intersected my life, you made me happy after I compared myself to your inferior intellect

you are a subhuman, take this information and BEGONE


>> No.6780230

There aren't many real patterns that you can identify and exploit because the prices are actually all over the place. There is no way to predict anything. SO your I.Q. doesn't matter here. You will have to study trading the hard way with reading lots and lots of books.

You can't just become a trader really quick because you think you're smart. My IQ is average and I'm probably going to destroy people like you. High IQ people are some of the worst / greediest scum. They don't know what they are doing just as bad as normies, but they think they're smart. You actually have to do research and put work into it.

The alternative to hard work is buy & hold.

>> No.6780243

Isaac Newton sucked at stocks, he sold too early and FOMO'd in again at the top.

>> No.6780245


>> No.6780250

you vile, putrid sub-human, your life is shit, you are destined to become a pure retard

>> No.6780252

What's your MBTI type?

>> No.6780330


something that was debunked ages ago.

>> No.6780353
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Nobody is a good trader dipshit, it's all a big gamble or have bots with good algos. Either you had a good amount of BTC pre or early 2017, ETH in the early stages or put a ton of money in coins that went parabolic like NEO. Those are the easy gains, everyone else got lucky by putting a ton into some coin that mooned hard.

Realize there's a ton of LARPing here. Anyone can put some huge numbers into blockfolio and then claim it they got it all in a month. 4chan autists love to LARP in order to escape the harsh reality of their shitty lives.

>> No.6780396

>implying algorithmic trading is still not based on chance
if you are too stupid to undestand that everything is life is all a big gamble and that chances are everywhere, and that this is why risk management is important, you are a putrid idiot that is condemned to a life as an idiot

fuck off to your tribe of idiots

>> No.6780407

in/stp i'm always 50/50 between intuition and sensing because I did too much acid as a teenager

has anyone found any correlations between mbti and trading?

>> No.6780421

Normiejak needs to go

>> No.6780436

While i do believe there is some larp, i also believe people here have a shitton of money.

>> No.6780505

20% BNB
20% KCS
60% BIX


>> No.6780525

Thanks. That's some wisdom right there.
Thank you for responding to my thread. I did learn a lot. Actually, I don't just hope my alts will go up, I know it. I have a clear idea of what forces that will drive the price up for certain alts. The problem is that I keep all of the information in my head. And when the markets go up and down, I don't always follow through with what I had originally planned.
I need to write down all of my ideas and clearly define why I think certain things will happen in the future. I need to describe the worst and best scenarios. I need to make 2-3 really effective trades each 6 months. And I need to plan it well beforehand. If I do this I will no longer be, as you say, a tool. I only have to double my money a few times to become a millionaire. I know I can get there. But it is so foolish of me to assume I could without having my shit together.

>> No.6780575


Start following some traders on youtube and see how they operate.

>> No.6780598

dont do these

>> No.6780635

Is this a quote from something cause if not it should be

>> No.6780637

This is wrong though. After the china ban I sold my BTC and had a huge profit.

There are always signs everywhere.

>> No.6780674

kek iq doesn't mean much here, its all about being unemotional with your money and having large gonads

>> No.6780693

You have to be a fucking fool to not be balls deep in non-China based exchange tokens..

>> No.6780695

maybe it is because market is unpredictable unregulated and lot of shady things are happening right now?

there are no regulations!! How can you predict strategy of closed wealthy pnd groups that can hire media to spread FUD

>> No.6780797

XNXP.. not so sure about those X's

>> No.6780811

I came to this thread hoping I'm not the only one sick of seeing this abomination all over the place.

>> No.6780813

for me seeing a good alt is easy as fuck and i have a simple moniker that so far has turned $20 into like 2800-4800 depending on the time of day

i have no degree very minimal schooling and i configure and repair ultrasounds for a fortune 500 company i think school is a scam no government is ever to be trusted and secretly i hate everyone that isnt my partner and even him too sometimes

i want you all to fail but cryptos to succeed

>> No.6780882

he called you a fool, not a tool

>> No.6781002

Yes I read that most succesful traders were *NT*

>> No.6781051

>personalty types and TA

>> No.6781080

3edgy5me, kill urself pls.

>> No.6781197

The biggest gain in 2017 was verge and if you bought you would be laughed off the board and dissapointed by missed milestones.

Crypto doesn't make sense. My best bet is to buy coins not shilled by biz, lots of baggies here.

>> No.6781223
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You can try TA, some guy yesterday predicted there would be a crash and that a minor dip now would portend a major crash in a week or two

>> No.6781234
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You guys are a bunch of fucking losers. How are you not making +10,000% gains yearly? This is the easiest money making opportunity you'll ever have in your life.

>> No.6781440
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Well I can tell you Anon I have my degree also in Computer Science but I've been programming for a long time. I started early when I was a child though my family knew my IQ was very high because I could multiple 3 digit numbers in my head in the 2nd grade.

My advice to you ? You have to create a coin that is more innovative to the next and has applications that can help society

Pic Related
Its me

>> No.6781595

>I think I'm smarter than average.
That's what most average people think.

>> No.6782244


This OP. I only started making real money in crypto when I turned off my brain. All you have to do is let yourself be fooled by the hype. Of course all of this is a scam, but scams can make you money.

>> No.6782436

>I have high IQ meme
You have to be mentally tough and see the market dips. High IQ doesn't mean shit if you're a coward and buying at dips and buyer when the market is going up.

>> No.6782652

to be a successful trader you need emotional intelligence which "i program i am smart" people lack. stick to writing code and don't be tempted to be sth you can't be. unironically just bee yourself which happened to be a pathetic piece of shit. tough luck buddy

>> No.6782853

Sign up for tradingview

>> No.6782903

Big time algos were built by 160 iq mathematicians so that's who you are trading against

What's your edge?

>> No.6782922

how long have you been doing this? a lot of people here have several years of experience daytrading crypto. they are the ones you're 'competing' with (to some extent)

>> No.6782960

Instantly hide all redditjack threads


>> No.6782975

Your time will come. Stick around and pick projects you think are good.

With higher IQ that won't be a problem.
I'm on the same boat as you. Just 3 months ago I had 3,8k. Now I have like 130k.

Good luck.

>> No.6782993

Fuck your Wojack

>> No.6783022
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That's why I'm not a trader. I buy things I think have potential and I hold them until I can sell them for a profit. Pretty simple shit really, flighty idiots panic selling and their even dumber counter parts trying to get rich quick complicate things and screw themselves.

I'm quite happy to keep buying XLM, NEO, ETH, and BTC when I can and enjoy my eventual gains. They won't be astronomical but I also won't be flushing all my cash down the drain on some shitcoin /biz/ told me was about to moon.

>> No.6783128

Because you have autism

Just because numbers are involved foesnt mean the market is a STEM system. Its about social psychology and social action - having empathy and human social understanding is everything. So the autists here think they might be good at the market - but its the reverse / they are terrible because they are on the autism spectrum

>> No.6783177

this nigga needs to chill

>> No.6783218

this is why im building a bot to do the trading for me

>> No.6783310

op, im the smarter guy here.. also the richest.. started with nothing... got into crypto 4 months ago.. sounds like larp but it's not.... i'll tell you what i've learned.. this is how to get sick gains..........

put all you're money in INT... everytime it doubles sell some and put in an ico's & sell 90% when it 33x's

sell 90% of int in 2019

>> No.6783394

This anon gets it.
Intelligence by itself is worth jack in crypto if you don't apply it to the right things. Being an average brainlet with programming chops gets you so much further than genius level iq.

>> No.6783445
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I'm a neet who watches too much porn and survives off ramen noodles and beer.

Buy ICOs and sell them for easy x2-5s then buy me some wet wipes and a new piss bottle.

>> No.6783478

fake and gay

>> No.6783509

can you drop a source?

>> No.6783577

Nah, school is a scam. They are indoctrination centres. You only need them if you want to be a DR or something but even then you can find select schools without the gen pop indoctrination.
the only think school is good for is to start you off accepting debt as normal. Debt and loans only drive up prices. We somehow forgot to fear the money lenders after the two world wars, big mistake. Loans and credit are destroying our society.

>> No.6783664


probably because you're autitic op.

This game atm is about knowing human psychology and market psychology. which doesn't compute with autism.

Its got fuck all to do with the projects themselves tech wise. While a few with great tech and ability to penetrate the markets will survive (think all the fags who went all in on BETA MAX because it was superior to VHS in tech lol) they arr long term holds, and even then, the human factor and practical side has to be considered.

>> No.6783733

whe nyou day trade, you absolutely dont do it with consideration of the project or potential of the news lmao. thats stupid af. in day trading its all about the markets reactio nto such news, etc. 100% playing with peoples emotions which takes social intelligence.

>> No.6783762

Why? All you have to do is speak to your average roastie. They are herd animals with little grasp on reality or the concept of the future. Some are cool but the majority are overgrown children. Try going on tinder and moving your location, you will notice that in any given area/state you will have roasties all dressing the same. Mine, for instance, has every second girl wiht a tattoo and nose ring whereas my friends who lives 100miles away has very little of that but more peroxide blonds with fake eyebrows. They are generally all following the leader or their friends with little mind of their own. It is why propaganda works so well on them and why they have to have these activist groups to protect them from men as we are persuasive and they are weak. Like I said, some are ok but most are worthless.They should stay out of politics and be creative with their families and homes than the community at large once they have practised their skills. We have lost our mothers in society because everybody is trying to be men. It has gotten so bad that guys are now trying to be women to makeup or the lack of real ones in the world. instead, they infect government and politics which is for protection and not as they manipulate it for helping others (welfare). Sad.

>> No.6783894

You don't understand autism if you think that. Autism is in fact an overload of understanding that stuff to the point in many cases where your brain shuts down in processing it so you cant interact with the world properly. I, for instance, have to wear earplug when I go outside due to hearing so many choices and oversensitive hearing and I cant wear wool because my sense of touch is so extreme. Some have so much of this extra stimulus that they completely shut down and cant interacts with the world on a 'normal' level. That's why its a spectrum, some are lucky and can function or even excel in life but others turn into pretty much vegetables. The low IQ ones become combative and awful.

>> No.6783954

>buy pump and dumps


>> No.6784103

I have a simple strategy. It‘s a working strategy, cross-industry:

I do the research to figure out who is the best. „The best“ who dominates or will dominate 80% of the market as per Paretto.

„The best“ includes a shitload of factors. But it always returns something like Google, Microsoft or Mercedes. Includes History, Future Potential, Tech, and ONLY solid data that is backed up. I do my research and then get rid of all the Bullshit others want to sell me. I figure out who is the Champ that is here to stay.

I decide to buy the Champ.
I pay the price and for the Champ its usually a high price.
I don‘t ever fucking touch that position again and simply wait till it spits out its gains for years to come.

This works reliably and is what BershireHathaway does in a nutshell. With non-champs you always need to have an eye open on when to sell, it‘s not possible to „set them and forget them.“

Buy BTC, it‘s the champ of crypto.

>> No.6784152


Whatever makes his social inteligence low then. be taht autism or whatever you want to call it. I was always under the impression autism gives people low social intelligence and my experience from interacting with autistic people confirms this. At best they "compute" it all like a fucking computer, way too literally. There isn't an underlying subconscious understanding of it and application of it. Which is why OP is probably unsuccessful in trading. trading is almost 100% about psychology.

After BTC dipped on Monday, i tethered up at about 13k. once it hit bttom i got TRX. Why would i buy such a shit scam coin you might ask? because the normies and bagolders were obviously going to pump this shit out of it when market went back up. It doubled. good decision there. at no point was the project considered.

>> No.6784257

>i'm smart
>but look how stupid i am
What? did you just compare IQ and actually making money? You're just a typical drooling retard.

Here's the strategy that anyone in crypto uses: buy and hold. very few people have made any realized gains. Also, if you don't have the mentality that anything could happen - because this is real life and not a video game - then you already lost you brainlet. Crypto is not about evaluating products and services or even the managers behind them. Crypto is all about collective bullshitting and hype. If you see a lot of news, price goes up and you can sell off before the inevitable correction. Other than that, crypto always grows every year until now, but ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN

>> No.6784825

It depends. Some autists ewxhibit anti-social behaviour. Mostly that is due to low IQ or being unable to compute the world around you and process the information. I was a very good salesman for 10 years due to my ability to read faces and pick up inflexions in a person's voice. It depends on how it exhibits I suppose. A lot of it is just a different way of seeing the world instead of not understanding what is going on. I still have no idea how 'smart' a person is when I speak to them but I can virtually read their thoughts emotionally. I have never been very clear on malicious intent and I am far too trusting though. Probably why I was a good salesman, I assumed trust and spoke to the person like they were my closest confidant. I can spot patterns in behaviour on /biz/ and usually I can pick out the shills form the normies. It is more of a pattern based computer analysis than real understanding though.I know if person A does X then that usually leads to Y because it has done 90% of the time in the past. I make far to many assumptions and its gotten to the point that I isolate myself from people because I can't have normal conversations where I actually listen and relate to that person. It is all a series of pre-defined patterns to me. I have heard most conversations before in one way or another. If OP is looking at the world in the same way then he can still use the patterns to work out whats going on on a mass psychological level but it will consume his mind to the point where he will do/think of little else. It is pointless getting into it if he has other things to do in life.
I understand the TRX thing. I notice these things too, acting on them is a different matter. I find that difficult for some reason. I mostly advise friends what to do in crypto now, they are getting rich while I just have long-term Holds. I can't really deal with my own emotions when it comes to making decisions. It eats away at me even if I am 90% sure it is the right one.

>> No.6785427

Your IQ doesn't mean shit you fucking retard. Why the fuck are you guys so obsessed with the IQ?! The only thing it measures is how less stupid you are, not how intelligent. Fucking loser. The only way you gonna make it is by holding on to your shit and stop daytrading, you cunt

>> No.6785521

>tfw too intelligent to hodl

thats what you sound like

>> No.6785594
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if you only knew how little you knew

>> No.6786168

Pajeet's mad because his scam exchange got shut down the other day

>> No.6786430

My IQ is 145 and I can see patterns in the candle, but not during heavy pumps/dumps. During such time I would just hodl.
I gained 10x by trading these past 10 months.

>> No.6786468

I meant 10x these past 5 months. Started September 2017

>> No.6786816
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>> No.6786912

>IQ bragging retard
You are actually very dumb, anon. Your brain might be good calculating things, but you are as dumb as dirt otherwise.

I'm really sorry you had to learn it that way.

>> No.6786949

I gained x5 in 3 days.
My I.Q. must be around average

>> No.6786973

Remove your emotions

>> No.6787049
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My IQ is well over 200. Some of the top scientists in the country put it at around 257. Others put it higher.
I've learned that the only thing of any substantial value in crypto is BCC.
Buy BCC while it's low. Within the decade we'll be millionaires. Within the century, we'll be billionaires.
Sincerely, the Geneus.

>> No.6787092

How is south Africa captain?

>> No.6787093
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>tfw to inteligent to make money

>> No.6787127


>> No.6787768
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>> No.6788014

did I say I was brilliant? No, I said I was above average which is true. Not by much but if I'm in a room with 10 people there is a good chance I have the highest IQ. If I was in a room with 10 crypto traders I would probably be the one with the least inclination for trading, so in that sense I am probably below average.

>> No.6788169

You need to take a break from the computer.

>> No.6788193

you need to take a break from being so stupid, dear subhuman

t. not a retard

>> No.6788442

They have a point. You do seem to have gone beyond the point of no return. Toomuch4chanitus. I realised maybe it was time I stopped and took a little break when I started sending Jeremy Corbin death threats :D

>> No.6788503

did you really do that, man?

>> No.6788690

Yeah, I was having a long drunken shit posting evening on Twitter. My go-to for drinking binge harassment at the time. I got progressively worse then at about the 36th hour I kept tweeting him and commenting on his posts that Iw s going to hunt him down with a shotgun and how I was going to learn bomb-making to blow up some mosques. I deleted those in the morning. Whoops. I had Jullian Assange following me for a few weeks until I started losing it and went full blown /pol/ instead of my OG conspiracy theorist lol. I am probably on a list now, oh well.

>> No.6789169

Don’t fucking day trade. Buy and hold. Doesn’t matter how smart you are, you don’t know everything, we’re in a market where losing is laughable and ridiculous, any idiot who picked 10 of the top 100 cryptos out of a hat 2 months ago could easily have seen 100% gains. You’re coming at this from the wrong angle, treat it as the market that it is and learn at least the most rudimentary basics and fundamentals of investing. Understand that due to the speculative and unregulated nature of the market, it is extremely volatile, unpredictable, and irrational. But, you can start with identifying good projects, understand why market cap, token distribution and the team are important, do they have a working product, a working website for fuckssake, and read the whitepaper. Don’t try and time the market or you’ll get burned, also understand it’s more about your mental constitution to detach yourself emotionally from your trades, this will keep you from panick selling, revenge trading, FOMO etc. As ridiculous as it sounds, try to invest, not speculate, this will allow you to win in the long term, that is the only way to do this. Even the people who got into bitcoin at what was considered a good time had to wait months or even years before they saw the insane profit everyone else thinks they can just get overnight. If you want to make money overnight go rob a bank. Also buy high sell low

>> No.6790115

>I just value invest
kek in crypto

>> No.6790152

Invest in a promising ICO. I was having the same problem until I did this

>> No.6790182

> 99% of trades done by bots
> muh humans emotions

>> No.6790378

Above average on a linear IQ test? Meaningless. If you are really above average, then you should know why.

People have specific, specialized skills, which make them good at certain jobs. Someone with lower IQ can easily beat you at trading, because they control their emotions better or are better at predicting stuff (which is a subset of intelligence, specialized skill, which you can only partially learn).

Read a book "Superforecasting: The Art and Science of Prediction". It won't help you trade, but at least you will gain some understanding why you are not above average at this.

>> No.6790508

so that's why big events like brexit, chinese closing exchanges, fiat currency crashes, etc. had absolutely no impact on the prices, right?

because it's all about signal processing?

hahahaha holy fucking shit, what a sub-human

>> No.6790681

Play to your strength. Buy VEN and hold. Or whatever your coin is. I have cost myself millions by dickin around. Finally hit the million just buying good shit and holding.

>> No.6790696

Its because there is no real way to be good at this.
It's all pretty much gambling and out of your hands.

The losers piss off and kill themselves or atleast rarely post while the ones that got lucky keep making threads about how easy it is.

>> No.6790851

have you realized that every fucking coin here is fuckin pump and dump? and yes, even bitcoin

how long have you been in crypto

>> No.6790877

delete this fucking nujak

>> No.6790950

It's only dumb fucks who earn money in this market. Just take a look of how shitty coins like Tron, Verge, PACcoin, Dentacoin bla bla bla exploded. Smart guys would never invest in shit like that.

>> No.6791022

You know alogs dont just feed through data for TA right? Social media feeds are scanned for negative keywords and related news stories sentiment on topics are also taken into account; test your indicators and figure out their historical correlation to price movement and anything with high p scores can be used. If you really think a bot cant discern between China closing exchanges as good or bad signal i've got news for you Forest

>> No.6791068

Did you btw know that 75% consider themselves smarter than average you poor pajeet

>> No.6791077

>You know alogs dont just feed through data for TA right? Social media feeds are scanned for negative keywords and related news stories sentiment on topics are also taken into account; test your indicators and figure out their historical correlation to price movement and anything with high p scores can be used. If you really think a bot cant discern between China closing exchanges as good or bad signal i've got news for you Forest

>> No.6791166
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>smarter than average
>120 iq points

You're just a dumb child with internet.

>> No.6791255

smarter money and investors entered in 2017, and even more will come in 2018 when coins will be scrutinized for value.. normies will still make sharks richer, but we are going to see more sophisticated buyers enter the market. signs are there such sad Breyer advising Vechain (cmon this will attract investors) or CNBC highlighting and recommending XLM. The herds are coming. Novogratz was right.

>> No.6791321

You can be only "smarter than average" if you live in india or africa where the average iq is about 80. In the civilised world, the average IQ is 130.

>> No.6791323

>I study computer science
>Can see potential in projects

Hey idiot anon, use your technical background to your advantage.

Listen here.

You’re able to recognize technical potential and projects earlier and easier than the vast majority of money in the crypto space. Use your talents, identify solid projects and things that a decentralized computing industry would need built, get in early and hold them.

Coming from a fellow CS anon, you’ll make it, just leverage your education to rekt normies

>> No.6791365

OP if you hold a cs degree I'm assuming your math is at least on some working level. Try your hand at algo trading, its extremely easy to make consistent returns right now while the market is as inefficient as it is. No machine learning, etc required.

>> No.6791391

OP you need to delete this nujak abomination RIGHT FUCKING NOW