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File: 511 KB, 750x953, C46574F5-1A63-496B-8C20-3626C9EC4FC1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6779405 No.6779405 [Reply] [Original]

Guys cut out this crypto bubble ponzi mining balony you’re triggering the man babies over at reddit that are too poor to enjoy their games now.

>> No.6779518


Why is Nvidia complaining about making money?

>> No.6779523

Yeah, don't worry. I need these cards for my gaymes;)

>> No.6779542

>hello store nvidia here pls stop making money

>> No.6779552

They're just trying to save face with their main demographic.

>> No.6779572

It’s hilarious watching gainers literally cry and say we’re “ruining their games”

>> No.6779584
File: 248 KB, 1254x836, immersion-cooled-mining.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6779606
File: 64 KB, 736x551, mining-shipping-container.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6779609

Because it's a short-term gain and it will hurt them in the long run.

>> No.6779637

I don't understand them. What game currently requires latest GPU? Why they need instantly buy what's newest, when their current GPUs are (probably) more then enough?

>> No.6779642

They don't want the competition. They run their own mining rigs too.

>> No.6779656

is that glycol or something?how is this possible

>> No.6779666
File: 1.67 MB, 380x261, 1510493446199.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hate ponzi money and want to see it burn
>hate soyboys and videogays even more

Really starting to hope the ponzi bubble doesn't pop.

>> No.6779702

Im using distilled water. It is not
electrically conductive.

>> No.6779728
File: 76 KB, 300x131, 1516423779667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6779730

Anyone else shorting nvidia in the long?

>> No.6779736

because they are consumerist wage slave sheep. theyre fucking pathetic. probably the same people that sat outside mcdonalds for the rick and morty ketchup packet, we’re talking low iq button pushers here that get satisfaction like mice

>> No.6779767

if there is a crypto crash like all the normies are talking about imagine how fucking cheap gpus will sell for after that. it makes sense gpu manufacturers wouldn't pump up production because they might be left will loads of undervalued product.

but still, finding an rx 480 these days is like finding a fucking unicorn holy fuck

>> No.6779827
File: 87 KB, 292x204, 1513205832096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6779834


>> No.6779836

nvidia can just release a few shill pieces telling people cards used for mining are no good

>> No.6779893


This is only true if all of the parts were handled and assembled in a clean room.

>> No.6779933

there are no ions in it...it is an isoloator

>> No.6779956

normies would actually believe this
>gpu on full load while gaming good
>gpu on full load while mining bad

>> No.6779959

Its like 250 euros in the nearest store nigga

>> No.6780061

That's seriously awesome, can asic miners be reconfigured to mine things other than btc core?

Is it viable? What's the average temperature of your water?

>> No.6780085

Well you're right but I hope you're keeping all that in a clean room

>> No.6780118

because once the bubble pops gpus from these mining rigs will be sold for pennies on ebay

>> No.6780192

wasting valuable resources to mine is one of the most retarded things about crypto though. Most of your coins inflated price comes from all those pajeets and chinks running the mines, you are literally paying money to pajeets to mine, fucking retards

>> No.6780369

At the moment, the shares of Nvidia are priced as if the firm will grow at a CAGR of 8.75% in perpetuity. It may be the case that revenue grows from the current $6.9 billion to $15.9 billion, and then on to $37 billion in 20 years, but it’s not likely. It is a very rare company indeed that maintains its technical and market lead for that long a stretch. The methodology demonstrated by Penman is not great at determining what price to pay for a stock. Its power lies in its ability to actively question the market’s assumptions to the point where we can profitably take bets against ludicrous assumptions, or avoid likely capital loss.

>> No.6780622

Gee why would Nvidia want to avoid alienating their long term core customer base and driving them away from pc hardware. Gee, why would Nvidia want to sell their cards to people who buy things like gsync panels along with them. Think we need Sherlock Holmes in for this one.

>> No.6780667


>gaming for 24 hours a day while overclocked

>> No.6780817

Its most likely mineral oil; but whoever rigged this up just did for kicks because mineral oil only increases your heat bubble, it does nothing to actually dissipate that heat.

>> No.6780829

there's 3 places that sell it for 550$ CAD where I live. the worst part is they are always sold out even at that price

>> No.6780925

its most likely PR

gamers will feel supported and the miners won't care anyway, or masquerade as gamers

>> No.6781074

This. They're making ridiculous amounts of cash right now. This is the easiest PR move ever because crypto miners could care less what Nvidia thinks and gaymers are faggy manchildren who think empty statements like that matter.

>> No.6781138

>6 probably top-notch graphics cards
>one monitor is vga with adaptor
cant make this shit up