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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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677854 No.677854 [Reply] [Original]

"For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?"

>Citizen Kane
>There Will Be Blood
>The Social Network
>Countless gangster films worshipped by stupid poor people in the ghetto
>Countless films about business in general (Wolf of Wall Street, Mamet's films/plays like GGR, Wall Street, American Psycho, etc.) worshipped by equally stupid white-collars
They're all about how money and power ultimately corrupt and cannot buy happiness. Is it the true nature of money or is Hollywood just spreading lies? Are there any films about the pursuit of the American dream that actually show the character reaching complete self-actualization and spiritual fulfillment, on top of socio-economical success? Is it even possible for a man to gain the world without losing his soul?

>> No.677860

You should finish high school first, then come here again.

>> No.677861


>> No.677964

>putin waterwark
kekd sensibly

>> No.677981


>> No.677992

no there arent, films are entertainment

what? are you some stupid christfag?

you are an idiot OP, a little insecure bitch looking for validation on 4chan, your whole post is nothing but mental masturbation. Man the fuck up.
You are welcome.

>> No.678007

Okay. Bump.

>> No.678011

Nice bait

Money is a resource, and when you have a lot of it, you can do great things like afford expensive surgeries for your child, donate it to charities,cat art an impactful business and other things. Sure, if you're a fucking faggot who wants money just to drive a supercar and fuck shallow women, and screw over your friends, then you deserve to be a sad piece of shit

>> No.678020

Look up Dan Bilzerian on facebook.

Money can buy happiness.

>> No.678028

Bilzerian's lifestyle is very sad and exactly what >>678011 mentioned.

>> No.678422

Money can buy fun but it can't truly buy love & respect.

>> No.678428

Money exists only to provide for ones family, oneself, and ones society. People who forget that fuck themselves over.

>> No.678451

*tips fedora*

>> No.679554
File: 264 KB, 1438x808, 646461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dan Bilzerian

Dan is a goddamn imbecile.

He's essentially a self-destructing american success story, wrapped into a try-hard package.

>Join Navy Seal program because you're a cocksure fool
>Get admin dropped for fucking barrel sweeping someone like an idiot.
>Goto school, successfully obtain education
>Fucking ace motherfuckers in poker

>Make investments in notable movies, obtain several minor movie roles (building blocks of a successful acting career)
>Pay hustler to let you have a fucking playdate with their T&A Entourage, throw one of them off a fucking roof and break her foot
>Don't even have the decency to pay the 85k to fix her fucking foot.

>Suffer 3 heart attacks before the age of 32 because you can't moderate your upper & downers intake.

Just what the fuck.

>> No.679581


Its a voncept in philosophy (and reality) called "the law of impermenance of all forms" , since your material possesions are forms as are your feelings of joy and contentment they are fleeting.

To really simplify it moderation is a really solid habit.

>> No.679607

Its the modern reinterpretation of the ancient Judeo-Christian idea that money is the root of all evil and the meek shall inherit the Earth. Don't allow it to make you into a pleb OP.

>> No.679608

Warren Buffet drinks five 12oz cans of regular Coca-cola every day.

You're a loser, learn about the winners.

>> No.679611

It's relative. I feel as if money itself isn't to blame at all for these people's misery, but rather is just a catalyst to make some sort of lacking they have come to the surface.

>> No.679616

Dan Bilzerian is what's wrong with America: he has no fucking shame.

The only reason the proles don't revolt when confronted with this shit-for-brains idiot and his antics is because of the great job your forefathers did with conditioning over the 60s and 70s.

>> No.679785

You ignored my post and are only seeking information that confirms your original post.

I was the one who posted the video of Bill Gates drinking shit water. I didn't even need to think hard, mother fucking Bill Gates, the mother fucking philanthropist. There are many people who get rich and celebrate humanity.

I can think of sooo many more examples. For example, pro athletes are always doing shit with kids.

Your examples are all fictional Hollywood movies. Stories need a conflict to be compelling. A story about a person who gets rich and helps society doesn't make a very entertaining narrative.

>> No.679786

a group of people will always be judged by their worst examples.

>> No.679787

>A story about a person who gets rich and helps society doesn't make a very entertaining narrative.

unless he goes crazy at the end

>> No.679859

>fucking ace motherfuckers in poker
He sucks at it and only plays for fun. Inherited his fortune.

>hustler girl
It was staged and she wouldn't have been harmed if she didn't grab onto him at the last second. Entirely her own fault, why the fuck would HE pay for her medical bills?

>> No.679860

>Dan Bilzerian is what's wrong with America: he has no fucking shame.
Why should he have "shame"?

>The only reason the proles don't revolt when confronted with this shit-for-brains idiot and his antics is because of the great job your forefathers did with conditioning over the 60s and 70s.
No. The reason why proles don't revolt is that their standard of living is continually rising, thanks to businessmen and scientists. Bilzerian probably doesn't contribute as much, but he can still (and has) invested in renewable energy companies and other companies which indirectly makes him part of the crowd that makes the proles life livable.

>> No.679883

I'd rather be rich and unhappy with my life than be how I am no poor and depressed and unhappy with my life

>> No.679996

A) Nobody cares about standard of living. People will find fault with it, say it's "empty improvements" or any other such nonsense.

B) Nobody cares about that side charity project you have and brag about non-stop. It's another reason why Europeans make fun of you retarded yanks, thinking you're the second coming of your fake Protestant Jesus just because you donate 5% of your earnings to Solyndra or some such nonsense.

C) Excessive wealth is obscene, which is why it should be concealed. Another lesson you silly yanks never bothered to learn.