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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6778456 No.6778456 [Reply] [Original]

where are you in the cycle?

>> No.6778547
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the one after the last one

>> No.6778803 [DELETED] 


I literally follow signals on this discord blindly and I've been 300% in profits since late december

>> No.6778936

BTC will outlast everything

yes it goes up and down

just get in and keep buying when it dips

this is the only path.

>> No.6778955
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i'll let you guess

>> No.6778989

glad to have an adult in the room

>> No.6779011

>the slow coin with no uses will outlast everything
yeah okay

>> No.6779039


>no use

It's fast and fees are 1 dollar and dropping to about 10 cents in a month. What's your issue?

>> No.6779040
File: 26 KB, 680x419, 1516102716337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he still doesn't get it

>> No.6779048

There should be another one on the end that illustrates using shitcoins to gain more BTC.

>> No.6779100

>hurr he doesn't get that my """""""""""""currency replacement""""""""""""" coin won't die
give me an actual use for Bitcoin, ANY use for it that actually has any sort of relevancy in the real world. All it can do right now is buy other coins and some companies online accept it

>> No.6779145

>still a BTC maximalist
At this point we just consider BTC holders as nocoiners

>> No.6779154

Sending $50,000,000 across the world for $10.

>> No.6779194


>dood wat do betcoin do idk wtf dood this too complekx for me

You're missing the entire point of cryptocurrencies.

>> No.6779214

that's phase 2. feel free to skip to phase 4.

>> No.6779223

>still not giving me an answer
so it has no use then? alright

>> No.6779235

i bet you actually believe blockchain is for more than crypto currencies. the entire tech was developed specifically to solve the double spending problem.

>> No.6779239

Plebians still don't understand.
Think of it as classical music.
Please, do yourselves a favor, be reasonable, don't buy into this "muh electricity ancient dinosaur" meme.

>> No.6779272


Irreversible transactions.
Global by design. You can move around any quantity of monetary value across any border with just your brain wallet.

>> No.6779304

why use Bitcoin for that though?
Why not use Monero?

>> No.6779355

No, phase two is using shitcoins to gain more USD.

I always consider my position in BTC only, regardless If I'm holding shitcoins for a day or two.

>> No.6779409

because our lizard brains have more faith and trust in the first mover. no, it's not logical, but that's the way non-autistic people work

>> No.6779415

Why not both? Monero used for privacy, bitcoin used for whatever the fuck.

>> No.6779449

cause Monero is better

>> No.6779505

My dad is better than your dad.

>> No.6779510

yeah well brand X of facial issue is better than Kleenex, but Kleenex isn't going anywhere anytime soon. Capiche?

>> No.6779528


If you need to use Monero you use it. If you don't need to, you don't use it. Simple as that.
Monero doesn't scale all that good and couldn't really function in a reasonable way if it suddenly became the top coin. It's better for Monero that it's a niche coin.


Also because there's an infinite supply of altcoins with new ones released every single way, making the altcoin market almost exponentially inflationary.

>> No.6779567
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>> No.6779575

>separating altcoins and bitcoin
its all crypto, Bitcoin isn't some magic coin that isn't apart of the larger market

>> No.6779605

Every crypto can do it.

>> No.6779652
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This is actually the last stage

>> No.6779676
File: 85 KB, 1278x551, screenshot-bitinfocharts.com-2018-01-21-15-46-33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fees are 1 dollar
>and dropping to about 10 cents in a month
xD mkay. i hope you mean LN xD

>> No.6779687

Well, bitcoin is bitcoin and saying that it is all crypto is like saying everyone on the planet is equal. I hope you know where that thinking led in the 20th century.

>> No.6779704

so the only argument is that bitcoin was first? Google Search, Facebook, Amazon... none of these were first, yet they destroyed competition. The glory days of bitcoin are gone fellas, don't be silly

>> No.6779724

but normies think all crypto is Bitcoin
you'll never see a news story talking about XLM on CNBC

>> No.6779754

Things take time, man.
We've not reached a stage of proper education yet.

>> No.6779779

plenty on ETH and xrp and 2018 will increase awareness further

>> No.6779784

>Internet was the first thing that came out.
>glory days of the internet are over

>> No.6779797


It makes the market. Without it, we have infinite inflation through tens of thousands of shitcoins.

Prestige argument is the only one that can stop this. If Ethereum surpassed Bitcoin you better hope the prestige argument for it would be widely accepted and it could stay as a market leader. IIRC Ethereums own inflation problem will be solved this year.


Low sat transactions are going through. Hash power is up and SegWit 2mb blocks have started popping up. This is only the start.

>> No.6779842
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>> No.6779843

we wouldn't have that kind of inflation if people weren't dumb enough to throw money at anything that moves

>> No.6779875

I didn't say nothing that's first wins, I said not everything that is first wins. tech matters and bitcoin doesn't have it. when there's a replacement, tides turn. why do I even engage with you when you can't even read anyway

>> No.6779884

and guess what happens every day? People get burned and lose money. Given enough time, this shit will stop.

>> No.6779907

should I buy Neo and OmiseGO?

>> No.6779931

according to BTC maximalists no
they still think it's 2014

>> No.6779932
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Brain Coin

>> No.6779936

>tech matters and bitcoin doesn't have it.
bitcoin is the tech

>> No.6779962

>tech matters and bitcoin doesn't have it
If that was the case, which to a large extent it is, RaiBlocks would be 100k each. Why isn't this happening? Oh right, because of the dumb dumbs.
The tech is there and it will be improved over the years in bitcoin's case but the tech isn't everything. If it was, refer to my first argument.

>> No.6779974

>1078 minutes
that's really nice that low sat transactions are coming through. after couple of days i guess..
104k unconfirmed transactions in pool, what a speed (better than nearly 300k, i agree:D)

>> No.6780030


That's a pretty ironic thing to say on /biz/.
Without the prospect of 10-10000x gains this board would be close to dead.

>> No.6780089

>BTC maximalists
>they still think it's 2014
sorry I am acoustic I don't get what you are trying to say

>> No.6780130

don't buy anything
invest in some shit stock to get 5% gains in a decade

>> No.6780154

>1000% in a year
>5% in a decade.

>> No.6780218

more like 8665.71%

>> No.6780223


Average is inflated by the mempool still not being cleared and consolidating transactions have to wait the longest.
It's been steadily going down though.

There's about a 3 or 4 day window until difficulty goes up(current hash power is insane). I think that's enough.

>> No.6780711
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>no smartcontracts
>devs working on obscure business
>devs are just artificially holding it at 1 fucking megabyte/block just for selfish reasons
>literally highest fees in cryptomarket
>wastes electricity for no fucking reason (whats the point of finding arbitrary SHA-256????)
>already overprice
>no mass adoption
>no large partnership with industry
>unpractical to use
>no DApps

Yeah, OP, yeah. You're right!!!!! BTC to teh mooonnnnn

>> No.6780741

If LN, rootstock, or counterparty gain traction, BTC could legit hit $10mil.

>> No.6780766

the new ID system is working as planned

>> No.6780830

LN is retarded by design. there are literally 1400 other cryptos fighting to get traction. meanwhile BTC is losing merchants due to fees/times..

>> No.6780834

that would be a $170 trillion market cap, more than world GDP

>> No.6780841

> up 300% in the dippening from a pajeet shitcord

>> No.6780905


There are projects to address all of those issues.

The biggest advantage of BTC is that there is no organization controlling it. Most other crypto has some organization holding a large quantity of the coins or can exercise outsized influence on the network.

That's why most people trust bitcoin, and if platforms can be built on top of bitcoin will ultimately succeed over other platforms.

Think of bitcoin like ethernet, with layers being build on top of it.

Although I think ETH could also be absolute king with some of the insane projects coming out this year. Its really ETH or BTC at this point imo.


World wealth is most likely $300T+

>> No.6781064

>The biggest advantage of BTC is that there is no organization controlling it.
compared to?
blockstream shilling and censoring seems ok to you?

>> No.6781135
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>There are projects to address all of those issues.

Yeah, until the blockstream, i mean, the devs rejects them all for some selfish reason


>The biggest advantage of BTC is that there is no organization controlling it

In one word: BLOCKSTREAM


>That's why most people trust bitcoin, and if platforms can be built on top of bitcoin will ultimately succeed over other platforms.
[citation needed]

ETH already process 4 MORE TIMES transactions than bitcuck, has 2 times the number of nodes and 40% more mining reward lol

And NEO is catching up with ETH while BTC is falling to insignificance

>Think of bitcoin like ethernet, with layers being build on top of it.

>doesn't even scale above 1MB/block

>> No.6781169

There are just too many reasons why bitcoin won't be able to reach mass adoption. LN at its current state won't fix anything.

>> No.6781194

Finally. All these altcoin threads were getting a little annoying. Bitcoin is best of the breed. Especially when you have so much to look forward to - Segwit adoption, Lightning network, Incoming hedge fund money, Regulatory awareness and so much more.

>> No.6781199

thinking on LN as a solution is just like using a bandaid to cure cancer

>> No.6781237

im at the stage where I only own bitcoin in order to short it with leverage. I used to be a bull but its obvious this party is just about over

>> No.6781257
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>> No.6781266

>regulatory awareness
>every ICO now has a legal team since the beginning
>NEO is being built on top of regulations currently in asia

the future feels like bitcoin and monero being banned and other coins being adopted by gvts

if there's one thing regulators are aware about bitcoin is that it will never be compliant

>> No.6781271

That's the thinking I've seen with most bitcoin supporters. I see shit like Lapps which don't even matter if they can't make bitcoin normie friendly.

The only way I can see bitcoin surviving is as a store of value for wealthy people but I doubt that will happen either.

>> No.6781315

fees are one dollar TODAY

not a week ago, or a week from now

just for a few days before difficulty adjustment kicks in

>> No.6781339


To be fair, it's extremely hard for autists to understand the importance of BTC.

>> No.6781354

I don't have "earned income"


>> No.6781359

2nd from the top but I am starting to see why just holding BTC is smart. I've outperformed BTC so far with most of my shitcoins but that's largely due to luck.

I experience a lot of fear not being heavy in BTC, because I know if BTC crashes everything else crashes too, and the time shitcoins do moon is pretty much random or due to specific news and generally only pumps the price temporarily. Can't say for certain but I'm guessing I'll be at least 50-70% in BTC within the next 3-6 months... just seems safer/better overall that way

>> No.6781380

I can see everyone's recognizing it's issues. Sweet, that will help to improve the network further.
Just don't think that somehow you're going to deliver nail into it's coffin. You'd be making a serious, serious mistake.

>> No.6781433

I think BTC has a lot of value but normies don't give a shit about that value so it'll never truly reach mass adoption. Do you think they care about decentralization or security at all? No, they want a centralized bank with an easy user interface. You have to think things from the perspective of the lowest common denominator if you seriously want to consider BTC as currency.

>> No.6781463

The final stage is when you realize none of these shitcoins will ever have any practical use, and sell your bags before the bubble pops.

>> No.6781509

Mods, can we just ban the entire country of India so they would stop with these PnD spam?

>> No.6781534

>more than 9 years old
>still hasn't fixed issues that were obvious since the day one

You have a lot faith, you could even fund a religion

Bitcoin fell from 90%+ market dominance to about 33% now. And it's pluming and nothing is get really fixed

lots of new concepts were introduced by new coins but cucks at blockstream are suffering from some kind of "NOT INVENTED HERE" syndrome

>> No.6781546

Do not overestimate the redpill potential. When normies see that the bitcoin went up from 12k to 20k, they will jump it. Whether they understand it or not, that's not the point.
For the revolution to happen, you only need a handful of determined individuals. 3% population that is determined is usually sufficient. Please, do not underestimate human potential. I know it's hard, I fucking work at retail.

>> No.6781581

> LN in it's experimental pre-alpha state won't fix anything.

Yeah no shit sherlock.

>> No.6781622

Again, don't think that because of this it is going to do. It won't.
No one is saying that there are no important projects which will deliver hard. There are, and many. Moslty in top 50 coins just now.

>> No.6781661

Most cryptos aren't liquid enough to cash in and out $50mil easily, and you never know if the autistic 20-something in charge of the whole project is going to fuck everything up.

>> No.6781663
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Skipped stage 2, had a 6 month period of stage 3, now at stage 4.

Honestly, I missed out on some sick gains due to having common sense. If I don't believe in its fundamentals, I just can't muster the courage to make a large bet. Even for Monero which I seriously believe in, I never had more than 15% of my BTC stack in it.

And now its even harder, because the stakes are way higher. Can't imagine betting my yearly salary on shit like Tron or XRP even if I missed out on that 10x.

>> No.6781670
File: 17 KB, 649x60, screenshot-bitcoinfees.earn.com-2018-01-21-17-07-19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fees are 1 dollar TODAY

>> No.6781703
File: 5 KB, 322x57, screenshot-99bitcoins.com-2018-01-21-17-10-05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6781744

I do not see any developments making LN something more user friendly. A scaling solution needs to be implemented in the backend or else it'll stay niche.

>> No.6781759

No wonder with all the high capacity shitcoins like Tron getting pumped

>> No.6782221

I see three futures,
One where crypto is a meme.
One where the entire crypto economy is centralized around bitcoin.
And one with a decentralized crypto ecosystem where the function of a coin dictates its real world use.

>> No.6782233

Really, because I see loads.


>> No.6782245
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Ether has far more applications, it will almost certainly surpass bitcoin one day. This is not just an opinion, many top investors agree.

>> No.6782373

Stage 5, LINK

>> No.6782382

Nigger, did you not watch the 8 minute segment where CNBC fast money shilled XLM a week and a half ago? Literally was on CNBC.


Here is a CNBC article from 3 weeks ago about Steller being the hottest coin of the new year.


>> No.6782387

its still just an opinion

>> No.6782464

Much more comfy holding the real bitcoin, BCH.

>> No.6782490

Is /biz/ aware of the Bitcoin Samson Option?

In the event of a complete crash, it is a method by which bitcoin miners will basically freeze the price of bitcoin and cause Ethereum and other alts with fiat pairs to drop to 0$ by pulling all mining power and causing block time to skyrocket

Yes, people with coins on exchanges can sell but only them. The rest will have their coins frozen in their wallets and unable to be deposited

This is how it works.

>Vast majority of hashing power is owned by a small group of chinese miners
>In the event of a crash, they stop mining BTC and mine something else they want to crash (say BCH)
>Everyone will panic and try to sell - they will see they can't sell their BTC and will trade everything into ETH or Ripple or another coin with a fiat pair and sell that

>Only when the mining power resumes will people be able to move bitcoin
>Sure bitcoin will drop, but it will drop less than it would have if it could be moved

>> No.6782502
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>> No.6782536


>> No.6782743

>>Vast majority of hashing power is owned by a small group of chinese miners
[citation needed]
>pulling *all* mining power
not going to happen. miners all over the world would be jumping happy because of the profits
also, what is difficulty adjustment
>this is how it works
it's don't
you are either a retard or an retards

>> No.6782874

>ban Monero
Kek and how would they do that? Can't take down the network, atomic swaps incoming, it'll be the new Swiss bank more than anything imo

>> No.6782927

>also, what is difficulty adjustment
every 2016 blocks

>> No.6783039
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>> No.6783123

>this is not just an opinion but a "top investor" opinion
lel, even though I agree that Ethereum will overtake BTC that was funny

>> No.6783430

XMR will outlast everything

yes it goes up and down

just get in and keep buying when it dips

this is the only path.

>> No.6783524

so it won't take 2 weeks but 6, still, ~30% of global hashrate is outside of china and china began to stomp the miners anyways...

>> No.6783584

RaiBlocks has shit tech though

>> No.6783652

Gold will outlast everything

yes it goes up and down

just get in and keep buying when it dips

this is the only path.

t. retard

>> No.6783842
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>> No.6783852

No idea

>> No.6783907

BTC and altcoins have a usage as a hedge. If BTC is to succeed and remain top dog big players would have to take interest in it as THE hedge of crypto. I am still expecting that ethereum and NEO become larger then BTC though. But I see BTC being the biggest pure crypto currency. If Monero does not fuck it over that is

>> No.6784077

but that is true

gold will always exist, always have real world uses and always be coveted

holding a small gold position is common fucking sense