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6775225 No.6775225 [Reply] [Original]

> came to crypto for the money
> stayed in crypto for the revolution that is the blockchain (and the money)

data that can't be changed, does not need to be maintained, administered, stored or backuped. It is there and it is always true...

i already see smart contracts changing the way we interact with each other very soon, this shit is genius, removes the middle man completely.

for example is see many start-ups using it to raise money for their ideas, be it blockchain related or totally unrelated. Stock markets or venture capital sharks will have a hard time selling their high fees to them, when start-ups can just give out shares in form of tokens.

so other than money, where do you see the blockchain tech soon being used regularly?

>> No.6775307

Blockchain technology can be a whole new world just like IT engineering, programming or AI engineering are. Altough it will most likely never be used for anything not IT related like education or medicine.

>> No.6775410

The technology is the least interesting part, decentralized dbs are a complete meme and because of the technicalities a complete bloat (contrary to your assertion the data isnt stored anywhere, its stored everywhere ya nonce)

>> No.6775838
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There are a lot of legal implications that I have no idea how will be solved. Treating tokens as shares without a stocking option doesn't make things clearer, you can still play with assymetries in information. It's a grey area if we treat them as securites or not and there will be a lot of pressure from governements to not treat them as actual currencies. Futures were supposed to add respectability but due to the lack of regulation whales can make a number on the market. And nothing is stopping you from agreeing to a terrible smart contract that you signed without ever asking a lawyer. It's exciting in any case and from affordable decentralised computation to better renegotiation rules, there's a lot of room for exploration. Also, while some of these shitcoins are extremely promising, a lot are serious unnecessary or directly vaporware but in 5 years maybe we'll be looking at something completely different where making your own token is seen as making your own web now.

>> No.6775989

I recently had a stock go bust, the company is in liquidation and it has been de-listed (UKfags will know exactly what company I'm talking about). This just goes to show that eternal hodl doesn't always work in the conventional stock market. But when you own a coin you really do have it forever, you really can hold it forever, there is no way it can go bust and no way you'll never be able to trade it again.

>> No.6776021
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>i came here for the technology

This is what coping shitcoiners actually believe

>> No.6776068

dna is already used in a field closely related to medicine

they already have customers too

>> No.6776752

I'm a shitcoiner but studying CS and thinking about doing my master's degree with some blockchain company. Us shitcoiners buy these coins because we forsee revolution occuring. We end up losing tons of money because we do not go with what the chads like and things we support are vaporware most of the time. Does not matter though, from reading these white papers, from being involved in shitcoiner communities we are the ones who get an edge in the end when these shitcoins becomes the glue that keeps society together, when you have some general A.I. being governed by rules in the blockchain. At that time I could say that I invested heavily in LINK back in 2017 and that I have been working with oracle programming for years and guess what, I will be the one they call. I will be the one who gets to be there when it happens. I might go down in history my friend. While you will end up losing 95% of your money to sustain your heroin addiction.

>> No.6777112

authentication and validation is something i would expect to emerge, transitive trust.
For example, I trust X, and X has engaged in a smart contract (or transaction of some kind) with Y therefore I can trust Y to an extent as well to be a semi-authenticated party.

Along the same lines of how a PGP key can be signed by trusted parties to show a form of validation.

just a thought...

>> No.6777277

eventually blockchains will be used just about everywhere that the internet is used

>> No.6777319

There's a guy at work who think Blockchain technology will change the world, but he isn't invested in crypto

Not even BTC

Is he a brainlet? y/n

>> No.6777359

>not even BTC
but BTC is the worst thing to invest in

>> No.6777365

Blockchain will change the world but not this shitcoin bubble.