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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 29 KB, 750x500, tether.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6773660 No.6773660 [Reply] [Original]

Bitfinex just ran out of tether. Their wallet is empty.

>tfw the whole thing comes crashing down

>> No.6773673


>> No.6773757


>> No.6773867

Fuck its real

Probably only their hot wallet running out, though. Do you have the cold wallet address?

>> No.6774033

I think we may be headed down for quite some time.

>> No.6774101

It's the daily 1/100 tether FUD campaign threads by paid bitfinexed pajeets.

>> No.6774121

99 threads today are coming. Be ready. They are not interested in a discussion. They get paid per post, so who cares. Next and /thread

>> No.6774152

holy fuck. i never actually thought bitcoin would crash to 5k. this is going to happen. with the recent tether printing, bitcoin is going to back back on a huge downtrend... FUCK

>> No.6774309


This is the stupidest thing I have ever heard.

>> No.6774374


>Bitfinex gets fresh Tether
>Aaaah we're going to crash hard

>Bitfinex doesn't geht fresh Tether
>Aaaah we're going to crash hard

>> No.6774398
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Sad but true

>> No.6774436

LoL 100m printed 3m ago.

>> No.6774498

And you're a blinded by greed retard, if Tether was legit they would proof it, I mean why wouldn't you? Exactly.

>> No.6775146

They are just buying bigger printers

>> No.6775572

Friedman LLP is auditing them. What else do you want? I would never ever let the IRS touch my company.
I just how 99% of you guys are unable to see how easy it is to back tether with USD. But keep repeating after your leader. HEIL BITFINEX HEIL!

>> No.6775635

I don't think the people spreading this tether fud understand exactly why tether gets issued.

>> No.6775641

Why would bitfinex not be able to back up the tether? Look at their daily volume.
>what are trading fees

>> No.6775654

Are you asking doom-and-gloom types to explain their reasoning with logic?

>> No.6775658

They cannot. It is an exit scam. HEIL BITFINEXED! Our lord and savior.

>> No.6775680
File: 569 KB, 800x450, btc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6775707

Fees made on washtrading aren't really fees m8

>> No.6775733

>Bitcoin rises
>Aaaah it's a bubble

>Bitcoin falls
>Aaaah it was a bubble

>> No.6775743

Exactly this. Bitfinex is the ghost exchange in the crypto world. Nobody is really trading over. Only bots and wash trading. HEIL BITFINEXED

>> No.6775752

>Bitfinex just ran out of tether
What will we do? Cant they make some more?

>> No.6775839

I just don t understand the normies. It s about gains satoshis and not dollar! If it would dip i will have the same sats as if btc would rise to 25 k

>> No.6775881

Is being willfully ignorant a white trait?

>> No.6775889

This make no sense, but at least you tried to participate in this very constructive discussion.

>> No.6775920

bitfinex revenue ~100m per day in fees (actually significantly lower, let's be generous)
what are operating expenses
what are taxes

tether printing ~100m per day on average (probably more by now)
hmmm something doesn't add up

>> No.6775927

Bitfinex is the only exchange that has usdt pairs?
Holy fuck you cunts are retarded.

>Their wallet is empty
Theres 160 million usdt available for lending on bitfinex right now

>> No.6775933

This thread is about tether running out of supply. How does this make any sense? I guess you don't even know how to check out the blockchain and search for yourself.
Better keep up the FUD train.

>First the ignore you, then they laugh at you and then they Fight you.

>> No.6775940

A lot of whales are trading there, because it's the best exchange. That's why it has the highest volume.

>> No.6775976

Tethers are printed to keep the price of tether at 1 dollar. When people buy tether it goes up in price. That's why you have to print tethers to keep it down. You brainlets think tethers can pump BTC?

>> No.6776012
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Just print more senpai

>> No.6776027

>tfw this brainletism is what's propping up your market

>> No.6776035

Nobody ever thinks they back it with Fee earnings. Fee earnings are just the 1:1 profit for the whole bitfinex devs / team.

Tether is backed by selling (simultanesouly) the crypto (BTC, ETH or whatever) for fiat which is traded for tether. Now you have 1:1 the fiat to back your tether and you have srly no Profit or Loss.

Now you can live forever in your der earnings. Really hard concept. The shady part? Audit? Wait for Friedman LLP. And now close all Tether threads, Jesus

>> No.6776076

Tether is actually goes up in the long run by 2-3% so it's a good HODL for rich people.

>> No.6776101

try retyping that in english please.
>Tether is backed by selling (simultanesouly) the crypto (BTC, ETH or whatever) for fiat which is traded for tether.
....how do they buy the 'BTC, ETH or whatever'? what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.6776106

Usd inflates each year...
Every big btc raise last year was preceded by massive tether printings

>> No.6776158

Stop redpilling the normies about Tether. The longer this goes on, the longer we can profit from it and the retards who don't notice what's going on will pay for it.

>> No.6776164

And what about all the BTC dumps while tether wasn't printed? Historical data never lies and you cannot just cherry pick the events or results you'd like to. This debunks your pathetic assumption

You are right, made some typos on the fucking smartphone. Now my arguments are invalid. HEIL BITFINEXED. EXIT SCAM INC. Ahhhh

>> No.6776186

That's the only address of Tether that's why they printed out 200 million yesterday because they run out that day and they run out today too if they don't print out at least 200 million we are fucked

>> No.6776188

And what about all the BTC dumps while tether wasn't printed? Historical data never lies and you cannot just cherry pick the events or results you'd like to. This debunks your pathetic assumption

You are right, made some typos on the fucking smartphone. Now my arguments are invalid. HEIL BITFINEXED. EXIT SCAM INC. Ahhhh

>> No.6776242

Someone buys XY value of tether with a random crypto. This random crypto with XY value is now getting sold at exchanges with a fiat gate to back the new tether which is getting in circulation. Are people really that idiotic.

Bitfinexed needs a min. limit to participate in his paid FUD campagn.

>> No.6776333


>> No.6776504

>running out of supply
So you're saying that tether is in high demand?

>> No.6776510

yeah good luck with that

>> No.6776512

Did it work?

>> No.6776519

getting error uploading files too?

>> No.6776534

Yes, 4chan is running out of Tether.

>> No.6776541

How should something that can have infinite supply, run out of supply? Worst case there is a fucking short time shortage of supply because they need to "meme" print more.

>> No.6776576

How do you know the reason Tether is issuing new USDT isn't because the exchanges (namely bitfinex) are making deposits into Tether's bank accounts and receiving USDT in turn?

You don't.

>> No.6776655

this guy gets it. If people don't want to listen, then they only have themselves to blame for not even fucking looking into it

>> No.6776774

Tell us, since you have looked into it. What have extraordinary found have you made?

>> No.6776799

Nothing. It's all FUD my dude

>> No.6776810

The amount of new bitcoins created each day is worth approximately $18 million. Miners need to sell most of these coins to cover their utility costs. This means that $18 million of new money needs to enter the markets daily just to maintain current prices. Given that $400 million of tethers has been issued over the past four days, and yet the price of BTC has remained sluggish, this is alarming. If it wasn’t for tether’s torrent of newly created cash, this week’s dip would have cut deeper still.

>> No.6776811

Where is Tether getting large USD funds from if they don't allow Americans to use it? Is there any proof they have $1.6 billion in the bank backing the tokens?

>Furthermore, residents of certain U.S. states are not permitted to be customers of Tether; are not permitted to cause Tethers to be issued or redeemed; and, are not permitted to hold Tether Tokens.

>Beginning on January 1, 2018, Tether Tokens will no longer be issued to U.S. Persons.

>> No.6776837

>Where is Tether getting large USD funds from if they don't allow Americans to use it
From the exchanges, senpai.

Go look at the tether rich list

>> No.6776844


Bitmains AntPool trades a lot of their freshly mined BTC for their BCH coin to keep the price at a certain fixed ratio.

>> No.6776904

1 USDT = 0 USD

>> No.6777584
File: 96 KB, 549x640, Justice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be me, pioneer in a market where product value is almost entirely speculative
>Make a product that I say is worth 1 dollar per unit
>When the market goes up I just add more units so price doesn't raise above a dollar
>When market drops investors dump their cash in my product so the value doesn't fall below a dollar
>I can now print imaginary money which people buy from me when the market dips
>Literally printing millions of dollars a day
>People don't mind that the only reason my product is worth $1 per unit is because they think it's worth that - after all that's how all other products in a speculative market get their "value"
>If my product crashes the ensuing panic will cause the entire bubble to pop

The jew that created this was a visionary who deserves all the dirty money he's going to get from the greedy and delusional. Assuming he's not found and crucified upside down when all this is over.

>> No.6777699

No it isn't you FUD faggot

>> No.6777829


>> No.6777952 [DELETED] 

Anon, do you hate easy money? If not then join-'

https://discord dot gg/6ddqFHd