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6769981 No.6769981 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that if you haven't bought into crypto you'll be poor forever.
You have 5 words to prove me wrong.

>> No.6770164

Crypto is a Ponzi scheme.

>> No.6770225

Having kids is a ponzi scheme. Go fuck yourself you normie faggot.

>> No.6770398

>Not starting a family
>Not having a lovely wife who cooks and cleans your house

What's it like being a degenerate?

>> No.6771364
File: 59 KB, 600x747, perfection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Join my discord you faggots
discord dot gg/MpnhQY2

>> No.6771379

literal evolutionary failure

>> No.6771395

I have a trust fund.

>> No.6771415

it is already too late

>> No.6771434

What if your wife doesn't cook or clean and can barely keep the baby fed by breast feeding?
I think I made a big mistake.

>> No.6771465

There is always another opportunity.

>> No.6771476

>trading freedom for a maid with benefits

>> No.6771648

You literally can't cash out

>> No.6771829

if you live like a third worlder
i have kids not so they take care of me when i'm old, made enough money to pay an army of nurses to wipe my ass if it ever comes to that
the point of life is to attain immortality through transmitting your genes
attain generational wealth through crypto, land, real estate, brick and mortar companies
then raise your children to be better than you are on every level
life's good

>> No.6771865


>> No.6771999

You sound so fucking old. Don't you gotta collect a social security check or something grandpa?

>> No.6772322

Money = power

"Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws!"

Everything where money or power is involved is a Ponzi/pyramid scheme. Those who started the institution are the ones who get the most power/money.

Crypto is a chance for millenials and NEETs to make it, because boomers and other grandpas don't understand it.

You can't prove me wrong.

>> No.6772332

I could always sell drugs.

>> No.6772378

>Crypto is a chance for millenials and NEETs to make it

literally why I'm in
feels like it's my chance to make/do something. I was far too young for the dotcom bubble etc

hopefully something I can tell my grandkids about after it all goes to shit kek

>> No.6772503


you married a ho?

>> No.6772720
File: 1.33 MB, 1723x1074, get a job nigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get a job nigger.