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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6769520 No.6769520[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Spent three years on reddit discussing crypto but didn't really bother visiting this site too much. Apart from the racism, you guys are too fucking funny.

>> No.6769545

fuck you nigger lover

>> No.6769547

Inb4 "Now stfu and go back to where you belong"

>> No.6769549

fuck off pajeet

>> No.6769554


>> No.6769575

>apart from the racism

fucking cuck faggot

>> No.6769577

Nice blog homo

>> No.6769594

>apart from the racism
Unironically you need to kill yourself. If you aren't racist, it implies you have a low IQ. Get the fuck off our board, nigger.

>> No.6769613


Fuck off my board you stupid nigger

100% srs

>> No.6769616


>> No.6769622


fuck off u poobitch

>> No.6769624

no one gives a shit about your blog shitskin

>> No.6769626

You're missing a lot of /b/ course credits. You can't come to /biz/

>> No.6769631

I said that on purpose my friends. Just wanted to see your responses to the racism line haha

>> No.6769635

>Apart from the racism,
Fuck off kike

>> No.6769650

you have to go back faggit

>> No.6769680
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Show bobs bitch lasagna

>> No.6769687

Welcome to /biz/! Have fun talking with all your new friends and posting those wojacks! haha!

>> No.6769690

Please kill yourself

>> No.6769702
File: 90 KB, 400x300, IMG_9813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this entire thread

>> No.6769706

How to invalidate anything you have to say:
Lesson 1
>hi I'm from reddit

Welcome and goodbye.

>> No.6769719


reddit tier bait. i can smell the cuck that u are miles away

go back

>> No.6769723
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he's in. dump it all.

>> No.6769729

Still here after all of this?
You have passed the first test.
Your next task: How would you unlock the price of a coin on a hardware wallet without rebooting the blockchain from bios?

>> No.6769744

Fuck off you crybaby kike

>> No.6769760
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>Apart from the racism

back to plebbit you fucking subhuman

>> No.6769782
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>> No.6769815


>> No.6769825

You guys are literally making my day lol. Fuck I love this place.

>> No.6769828

nice bait

>> No.6769829

>Apart from the racism
>hurr racism is bad because TV said so

Could you be any more of a cookie cutter, whatever way the wind is blowing, basic bitch faggot? Go back to le Plebbit.

>> No.6769839
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Look at this discipline. If white people today were this unified, """white""" countries would still be white.

>> No.6769879

Is this a thread about why third world rapists should all be deported/aborted immediate?

>> No.6769881

I'm a moral nihilist so nothing is intrinsically good or bad. I dislike racism but I know it's just an arbitrary feeling.

>> No.6769900


>> No.6769911

>Apart from the racism
Get used to it or fuck off

>> No.6769913


>> No.6769947
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>> No.6769980

Welcome to 4chan. There is great wisdom here hidden underneath the bullshit. Your job is to find it.

>> No.6770006
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>apart from the racism

Go back to fucking reddit right fucking now you pathetic faggot.

>> No.6770044
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>> No.6770053

I know bud. I literally put the racism line on purpose to see the reactions lol.

>> No.6770061

Anyone who is not a natsoc racist in 2018 is actively bringing about the destruction of the white race. Be gone kike

>> No.6770063

Bait. It's bait guys. No one here is this much of a faggot

>> No.6770071
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>nothing is intrinsically good or bad
>moral nihilist
Philosophy for the most arrogant plebs out there. Continue to watch John Oliver and strut around as if you're the smartest man walking the earth.

>> No.6770074

pajeet cuckboy

>> No.6770093
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>> No.6770099
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>> No.6770102

That's what moral nihilism is you dumbass. Nice try though.

Still love the rest of you though.

>> No.6770106

>I'm a moral nihilist
>Immediately signals his moral "superiority" in the next sentence

Good job and get used to it because pattern recognition is human instinct, retard.

>> No.6770128 [DELETED] 


Do NOT hack bitcoin.

>> No.6770168

I didn't convey any form of moral superiority, so you're the real retard. You're the Dunning Kruger effect in action.

>> No.6770178

Turn 360 and gb2 reddit immediately
>too many people taking the bait
>the absolute state of /biz/
Seriously 10/10 post well done OP

>> No.6770190

Why do /pol/ still shill this debunked cancer? lmao go get laid you sad fucking rejects

>> No.6770197

Nice projection mate. Don't watch John Oliver

>> No.6770204


This. I've been on 4chan since 2006. You deserve nothing if you don't have years of /b/ experience.

Words of advice, OP. I too am not racist. But I spread the nigger, pajeet, chink, muslim, etc. etc. hate on here, even if I have no problems with them. You have to do what you have to do to fit in, or you aren't gonna make it.

>> No.6770219

>doesn't post evidence
Prove it faggot

>> No.6770220

What the fuck does John Oliver have to do with moral nihilism? I don't think you understand the words you're using

>> No.6770244

I'd wager most of the people are aren't actually racist, atleast on an individual basis. What do you think?

>> No.6770279

My point is you tried pointing out a contradiction, but there was no contradiction, Mr. wannabe smartass. The John Oliver reply was to the other post.

>> No.6770282

please fuck off with your reddit spacing and periods you stupid faggot

>> No.6770286
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You're a fucking idiot if you don't realise there are fundamental truths that are beneficial and destructive to the human condition (as a whole to the species and to the individual)
Debate the meaning of good and bad AND want constitutes this all you want, but you're denying the observable reality if you don't understand this.
But don't worry I don't expect anything in the way of an intellectual discussion from some shithouse normie blow-in from the utter cesspool of 'le' internet.

>> No.6770298

(((Racism))) lol. You mean race realisim. For the record, whites are the best subspecies, second is orientals but they lack empathy. Even whites have at least 50% of the subspecies that deserves the gas chambers or at a minimum sterilisation. The more varied the seasons, colder winters, and the ice age all contributed over time to developing forward planning and survival skills, empathy and general intelligence. This is something subspecies closer to the equator or in single season climates lack. They are literally less evolved. Welfare is killing evolution and allowing the weak to survive. Loans are allowing the inferior to consume resources they do not deserve and it also bumps up prices for regular people. But sure (((racism))). It’s basic biology and evolutionary mechanisms dude.

>> No.6770311

nigger lover sjw gtfo

>> No.6770315

I agree. Except why should I or you care about the human condition apart from desires that are predetermined by biology? I'll let you think about that for a second

>> No.6770328

No wonder you fuckers end up buying absolute shitcoins if you get baited this easily

>> No.6770347

/Oldfag here. OP is sitting here baiting your shit you faggots.Fuck this SJW Reddit nigger fag and make money. /End it.

>> No.6770358


>> No.6770377

Because there are limited resources that these subspecies consume.

>> No.6770400

It's the /pol/ posters. They're so easy to bait. People from /v/ and /pol/ are the most gullible and narcissistic people on this website.

>> No.6770405

Maybe. Most of my actual friends are non-white. My best friend whom I've known since I was 5 years old is half Mexican half white. Ironically, he also uses 4chan daily.

I don't usually go on tangents about racial superiority, but I sprinkle racism in at least half of my posts. I was FUDing Telcoin yesterday by saying it has a nigger CEO in a few threads yesterday, even though I have a good black friend.

>> No.6770407

Who? I’m a drunk kitty.

>> No.6770419

Why do you think invading random countries, killing random people for no reason, or fucking as many women as you can without commitment is bad? I'm assuming you atleast think one of these is bad. If so, you are contradicting yourself. These things used to be determined by biology and were prevalent in ancient times.

>> No.6770439

Hey I don't care if he's from reddit, if he enjoys our type of humor here, he is /ourguy/. Just lurk more and post less and you'll soon see that racism and sexism are natural and correct. Resume posting when you've matured from nihilism and all that other faggot shit you said you currently are.

>> No.6770459
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>> No.6770515

It doesn’t matter what colour or culture someone is from as long as they possess fundamental reasoning, logic, empathy and intelligence. It’s just that the law of averages says that certain subspecies of human are inferior in those aspects. It is stereotyping but not without a basis in facts. #NotAll 80% of humanity shouldn’t breed. It just so happens most of that 80% are light skinned white/orientals.

>> No.6770522
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>What the fuck does John Oliver have to do with moral nihilism?
>moral nihilism
>pic related
It's the embedded pseudo philosophy that's laced into most msm shows atm
>why should I or you care about the human condition apart from desires that are predetermined by biology
>why should I engage in things that are beneficial to my own morality and humans as a whole?
Gee man I really don't know.
I can't say this is your "individual" thought due to the widespread adoption of this "pseudo-philosophy" into mass entertainment.

>> No.6770552
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>> No.6770554

It had its place at the time for survival until the tech caught up. If you still have to resort to that in today’s world with the internet at your fingertips then you are an evolutionary throwback and a subhuman.

>> No.6770580

/ourguy/ as in to another redditor? Fuck off from here normans

>> No.6770604

Nice evading the question tactic. The truth is you can't answer the question without simply saying that you want to care about it and that it's an arbitrary desire. You might want to question yourself a bit more before thinking that everyone who disagrees with you is deluded ;)

>> No.6770609
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>haha le lol I'm so edgy and above it all for not engaging the OP but instead proclaiming how much more intelligent I am for simply stating that OP is a troll haha le lol

>> No.6770623

A lot of that was a way of keeping the plebs occupied and the right families in power. The council of 13 is and was running things.

>> No.6770658
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Fuck man, you need to get your associates in /b/ then proceeded to get your doctorate in /pol/ to even be considered a true /biz/raeli.

>> No.6770660


>> No.6770702


>> No.6770724

kill yourself faggot, I've been here since 2004 and you summerfags RUINED /b/ in 06.

>> No.6770734

I think you're a fucking nigger loving cuck. No, we're not pretending to be racist.

>> No.6770750

I'm Jewish and call people kikes on here.

>> No.6770788

I'd wager you're a retarded nigger loving faggot who deserves a bullet in his brain

>> No.6770820

Fuck off nigger, go clean out your dentures

>> No.6770828

>1 post by this ID
This is your first post in the thread and now you're wildly proclaiming that I haven't your question lol

>> No.6770886
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>> No.6770903

niggers tongue MY anus

>> No.6771004
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>Apart from the racism

You will learn.

>> No.6771024
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Fuck off to r9k or soc with your nihilism brad. You are the worst of brainlets.