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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 107 KB, 1280x720, electro magnetic pulse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6769071 No.6769071 [Reply] [Original]

*makes your investment worthless*

>> No.6769106

wow in the exceedingly rare even of an EMP burst i guess all my coins will be useless

i guess ill just go back to being poor now, thanks OP

>> No.6769105

>all bitcoin miners are located in the north america
No! I'm fucked!

>> No.6769109

>Implying this would be the case for people holding stocks and bonds too

>> No.6769122

>makes 4chin worthless
>still posts shitty meme

Good work

>> No.6769132

cant you just wrap usb drive wallets in aluminum foil? faraday cage amirite?

>> No.6769145

>living in muttymerica
My grand grandmother was a polish woman and therefore I'm white ;)

>> No.6769170

You really think the bitcoins are stored in the usb drives bro?

>> No.6769186

I forgot that only america could be affected by EMP attacks

>> No.6769209

there's a node running in space on a satellite. Bitcoins aren't stored on the internet, they exist on the network

>> No.6769219

you can store BTC on usb drives is what im saying. fck having it on a computer harddrive

>> No.6769248

You still need to secure your private keys and never lose them. Encrypted cloud storage is a good backup in addition to your home setup.

You don't store BTC on drives. You store your private keys. Your BTC is on the blockchain.

>> No.6769264

If that ever happened, your meme coins disappearing would be the least of your worries.

>> No.6769322


Ok first of all the entire country is in complete chaos. It isn't just crypto but the entire financial system that goes offline, also supply chain disruption means that grocery stores run out of stock and everyone starts killing each other.

Assuming you dont get killed by raiders, your crypto is safer than your bank account anyway since the blockchain is backed up world wide.

>> No.6769570

given that bitcoin is the most redundant database ever created, no.

>> No.6770042

Cities in the US have been looted and razed for much less

>> No.6770365

ohhh gotcha never needed to store btc myself, too many easier alts

>> No.6770442
File: 25 KB, 600x451, 1514584028862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If that happens, we'll have bigger problems anyway.

>> No.6770465

How would that disrupt a blockchain? I'm a brainlet, but isn't all the data verified through a global network? So the fact that miners and coin owners exist all over the word, those blocks are still being updated elsewhere. If you stored your coins on exchanges, things would be ok right? Maybe if you stored your coins locally on metamask or something it'd be a different story?

>> No.6770481

bitcoin was designed for a scenario like this
fucking brainlets