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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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6766006 No.6766006 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6766053

Stop posting this ugly bitch and no..

>> No.6766071

if you're not paying for the equipment and/or electricity bill yes

>> No.6766099

Uh oh...

>> No.6766108
File: 320 KB, 980x651, FUN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It is at least FUN

>> No.6766120

If you get a decent GPU and don't brick it then yes...considering you could sell it later for a premium as they are harder to get because chinks keep hoarding them.

>> No.6766235

I use mining gains to dump into penny cryptos. Sometimes they pump and it's well worth it

>> No.6766251

no. stop raising my difficulty

>> No.6766290
File: 334 KB, 1080x1621, 1514602403901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would it be stupid to quit my job and buy 10 antminers?

i want to do it really bad...

>> No.6766293

christ she is disgusting

>> No.6766305
File: 75 KB, 570x603, IMG_1231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gross sweaty jewess

>> No.6766347

what is that shit with the rope called? asking for a friend

>> No.6766399

No, fuck off. GPUs are too expensive to mine now.

>> No.6766415

Not unless you have extremely cheap or free electricity.

>> No.6766477


>> No.6766498

do the math u lazy fuck

>how much u would spend in whole rig
>how muck is the kwh where u live
>how long until the rig pays itself
>how much you would be making a day after paying light bill

>> No.6766528


>> No.6766575

so if you're a uni student

>> No.6766605

This ugly bitch again. No filthy kikesses allowed.

>> No.6766701

you can tell that bitch gave up on life and just decided to go full ugly and disgust people, probably gets a thrill out of it now

>> No.6766766


is Groestl pumping again or some shit

>> No.6766963

Jukake bukkake is a thing then.

>> No.6767159

I think he was making a joke by combining the words jew and bukkake

>> No.6767317

Is it even possible to mine shitty new coins and hoping they jump in price?
I remember when dogecoin came out and people were mining on laptops for shits and giggles(Little did I know it would be worth something some day)
But is it actually worth it?
I would mine a shitcoin on my laptop

Also who's the butter face

>> No.6767709

Oh, right.

>> No.6767909


>> No.6768502

Found it. Shibari or kinbaku

>> No.6768606

Absolutely not, the ROI is shit. You can double your money in a week trading/hodling but it will take you MONTHS to just make your money back mining - asssuming your even able to BUY a decent GPU

t. anon who's been mining for a few months

>> No.6768644

.13 cents is still really profitable. The electric Co even fronts you the power. $650/mo to get $3k. Then again, $2400/month profit is chump change to a lot of people. If you get a warehouse or a professional space to house your"data center" rates instantly double. Get residential when you can.

>> No.6769146
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gimme sweaties

>> No.6769199
File: 138 KB, 323x245, boris.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6769211

That poor ugly kike.

>> No.6769274

best fuck you'll ever have in your life.

>> No.6769328

isn't it faster to just buy them?
can someone explain mining to a noob